

Failure at Living, Failure at Dying
Mar 20, 2018
"Suicide is just the easy way out."

I have a huge issue with this saying, and I was wondering what other people's thoughts were on this as well, as everyone has had different experiences.

Here is my opinion on this:
I feel that suicide is singlehandedly one of the hardest actions that a person can ever take. It goes against instincts and everything I was taught. And, frankly, I still do have some attachments to life. As much as I hate my emotions (I feel that they are illogical), it's hard to ignore them. I feel sad thinking about the people I would leave behind, the pain they would have to go through. Last time I attempted, I found out that one of my best friends had cried for 4 hours thinking I had succeeded.
Suicide, for me at least, is not easy at all. It's so much easier to just sit there every day and take what life throws at me.
Besides, what is saying, "oh, that's the easy way out" supposed to do anyways? I don't really give a shit whether I take the easiest way out or the hardest way through. I wouldn't care if it's "cheating." This saying is so stupid on so many levels that whenever I hear it, I want to go on a long rant.

I'm not sure how much of what I've said rings true with other members, but I'd like to know your thoughts.
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Apr 1, 2018
Issues such as depression, existentialism and life itself are not very well understood by the majority. From this endless misunderstanding arises the erroneous judgment that 'suicide would be easy compared to other alternatives'. But saying goodbye forever to our existence is no joke. It isn't.
Then again, the less you know about life, the less you know about death. I do my part simply by avoiding judgements and platitudes that could hurt even more who's already hurting.
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Mar 31, 2018
From my perspective, it is a lot easier to stay alive, functioning like a cog in the messed up machinery that is our society or living as vegetable in your home if you have the means (lots of money or someone willing to sustain you) than actually killing yourself.

Of course, people in general will try to demonize suicide in every way possible. It goes against their default programming. They are programmed in order to grow up, study, work, have sex (it is almost a norm, how dare someone not enjoy it), reproduce, pay thousands to the government during that time, get old and die of random crippling diseases.

Then comes a person who is unhappy with their life and/or with the way society works, with all the vile stuff that happens everyday or simply understands the futility of life and now meaningless the life of one person is in the great scheme of things. Why live then? All of this pretty much glitches the default programming of humankind, therefore they try to paint suicide in the worst light possible.

And that includes calling it an "act of cowardice", "the easy way out", etc.

But it is not true. It is so hard to defeat your survival instinct even if only for a couple of seconds. It takes so much of you, even if you are 100% set on dying. It is not an act of cowardice at all. Whether it is an act of courage is up to debate, though.
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Failure at Living, Failure at Dying
Mar 20, 2018
And that includes calling it an "act of cowardice", "the easy way out", etc.

But it is not true. It is so hard to defeat your survival instinct even if only for a couple of seconds. It takes so much of you, even if you are 100% set on dying. It is not an act of cowardice at all. Whether it is an act of courage is up to debate, though.
I honestly feel like a coward for having been unable to do it yet, haha.
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Mar 28, 2018
Besides, what is saying, "oh, that's the easy way out" supposed to do anyways? I don't really give a shit whether I take the easiest way out or the hardest way through. I wouldn't care if it's "cheating." This saying is so stupid on so many levels that whenever I hear it, I want to go on a long rant.

2 guys are stranded on an island.
First guy says: Cool, my cellphone works, I'm calling the coast guard.
Second guy: Oh that's the easy way out!! I'm going to sit here for 50 years making a raft out of coconuts!!

lol That said, I think suicide is the most direct way, but it's pretty damn hard. What are the stats... only 16 people out of 100,000 do it? When I look at those numbers I realize I probably don't have what it takes... yet. We'll see how I feel tomorrow... But yeah anyone who succeeds should be honored.
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Mar 31, 2018
The worldwide yearly suicide statistics make it sound like it is super easy and that every other person kills themselves, but in the big picture, only a select few have the guts (and/or enough despair) to commit the act. It is not easy; Not only survival instinct is extremely powerful, but a lot of people come from religious background or have enough knowledge to know "what happens" to people who commit the act after death.

Well, not trying to start a religious debate, but for me it is something that scared me a lot, though I am coming to a point where I just don't give a damn anymore. We already live in hell anyways.
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Failure at Living, Failure at Dying
Mar 20, 2018
The worldwide yearly suicide statistics make it sound like it is super easy and that every other person kills themselves, but in the big picture, only a select few have the guts (and/or enough despair) to commit the act. It is not easy; Not only survival instinct is extremely powerful, but a lot of people come from religious background or have enough knowledge to know "what happens" to people who commit the act after death.

Well, not trying to start a religious debate, but for me it is something that scared me a lot, though I am coming to a point where I just don't give a damn anymore. We already live in hell anyways.
I hope my consciousness just ceases to exist when I die, as that's what I want. If I die and there's an afterlife, regardless of whether it's good or not, I guess I'll be in despair for all of eternity.


Mar 31, 2018
I hope my consciousness just ceases to exist when I die, as that's what I want. If I die and there's an afterlife, regardless of whether it's good or not, I guess I'll be in despair for all of eternity.
I would personally love to reincarnate under my own terms (so, choosing where I would be born/live, my appearance and stuff). Otherwise, give me nothingness instead. Not interested in a future life that is decided by karma or the roll of a dice.
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Failure at Living, Failure at Dying
Mar 20, 2018
I would personally love to reincarnate under my own terms (so, choosing where I would be born/live, my appearance and stuff). Otherwise, give me nothingness instead. Not interested in a future life that is decided by karma or the roll of a dice.
Interesting. If your wish to be reincarnated under your own terms was granted, what would you want out of that life?


Mar 31, 2018
Interesting. If your wish to be reincarnated under your own terms was granted, what would you want out of that life?
Note: I have a belief that something such as reincarnation might exist, but of course I can't nor do I have any desire to prove it.

With that said, I wish I could "go back" to a particular place that often appears in my dreams and in weird flashes that I have. It could be just some weird delusion, perhaps there is something wrong with my brain, I don't know. It is a possibility. All that I know is that it would make sense given some personal traits I have and some stuff that happened in my life. Not to mention I feel like an alien where I live; It is like I was raised in a place with a particular culture and moved here, but of course that isn't the case. Also, a funny thing: My mother says I hated this country when I was a kid, to the point I would speak poorly of it and refuse to sing the hymn at school. Go figure?

Also, I would like to have a rather particular physical appearance. I am so tired of this body and I will easily take nonexistence over another body like this.
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Apr 6, 2018
Even if it was the easy way out (its not and its pretty hard too do) I'd still take it, idgaf...and you shouldnt either. You have nothing to prove or lose at this point. The only thing giving me pause is the void. This really might be it for us and that saddens me.
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Mar 31, 2018
Even if it was the easy way out (its not and its pretty hard too do) I'd still take it, idgaf...and you shouldnt either. You have nothing to prove or lose at this point. The only thing giving me pause is the void. This really might be it for us and that saddens me.
Nothingness is not particular scary for me. If I don't exist, there is nothing to fear. There is nothing. What is scary are the other possibilities and yes, there are possibilities.


Apr 6, 2018
Nothingness is not particular scary for me. If I don't exist, there is nothing to fear. There is nothing. What is scary are the other possibilities and yes, there are possibilities.
Well your lucky then because nothingness is most likely going to be the outcome. I cant say with 100% certainty that this is what happens because there is no proof but so far we have no reason to believe anything else does. To not be able to experience EVER again kind of saddens me but your right in that its really not that scary.


Failure at Living, Failure at Dying
Mar 20, 2018
Well your lucky then because nothingness is most likely going to be the outcome. I cant say with 100% certainty that this is what happens because there is no proof but so far we have no reason to believe anything else does. To not be able to experience EVER again kind of saddens me but your right in that its really not that scary.
Nothingness is what I hope happens after death. That's really what I want afterall.
I suppose it's kind of a hard concept to grasp... just... not existing anymore as yourself? It can be seen as scary because our whole life, we are conscious and aware.
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Mar 28, 2018
I see nothingness as darkness. Peaceful perfect sleep. All your worries gone and if they never existed. Every mistake and embarassing moment gone. Every trace of evil gone. All pain gone. All discomfort gone. All stress gone. All tirednes gone. A place you can rest...I feel tired. I want to rest.

So that thought is not bad. But I don't believe in the common scientific theory of universe and physicalism...etc
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A human

A human

New Member
May 12, 2018
I agree with most of what you guys have said. About the easy way out, I would call it a shortcut. The end is the same, right? Your goal is the grave. However, precisely because of that, the important thing is the way, how you manage it, how you enjoy what you can. Suicide means giving up on all the possibilities of palliating death, so cutting through to the end is a big, enormous resignation of your chances. That's not easy at all. You have to be pretty aware of the consequencies or the polar opposite, unconscious of what you are renouncing to. I myself wouldn't commit suicide, simply because it doesn't go with the way I am as of today, but I highly comprehend it.
Now that you brought up the subject of existencialism, something I ask myself sometimes is, who asked to be born? None would do it, who would prefer to live here than the peaceful and pitch-black perfect plain of non-existence? I don't want to get into religion, touchy matter, beliefs are personal and non-transferable, but being myself an atheist, I sometimes like to imagine for a second that god exists. Some form of superior being that deliberately created the world. If I would believe that, I would fucking hate him. Why would he put us through all this non-asked nonsense? And we have to love him for it? Go fuck your flying supernatural ass.
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