
Mar 22, 2020
During the last two years, I became a NEET. I was just fed up with the world and I knew my parents wouldn't allow me to become a homeless person.
Thus, I spent that time living with my parents' money and some savings I had.

I had great days. I mean, just doing nothing and not leaving my apartment felt awesome.

However, I remembered those days in which I was a normal guy and it hurt. It hurt a lot.

Thus, my suicidal thoughts got much worse and I ended up trying to ctb last August.
Then, I didn't know that failing was a synonym of going to hell! I had lost all my freedom and was forced either to go to a psych ward or live with my parents for some months (at least).

Half a year went by and I was finally free but this time, I decided to be a 50% NEET. I would work and study but wouldn't date girls or have friends. Also, I would try to live as normally as I could.

And well, here I am! I have either fantastic or terrible days because of my bipolar disorder but I don't want to go to the "NEET zone" never ever again. My parents are getting way older and they will need me. I just can't take any more money from them. It's embarassing.

So, my plans are quite simple: try to live until my parents leave this world and then get out of this simulation!

Can anyone relate? Any NEET experiences? Have you stopped being one or you weren't able to?
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Jan 14, 2021
Dropped out of college at 19 thinking I would kill myself, failed at it became a NEET, it went on for a year but I realised It's not easy to kill myself and I can't live like this so decided to go back to college, completed my engineering, got a job had happy moments, but with pandemic and work from home again stuck at home, and my depression got worse and have lost all the motivation and back to being suicidal again. Luckily I'm still able to hold on to this job, let's see how long I could push through.
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Narcissist Gay NEET-cel
Mar 4, 2020
Still a NEET, will die a NEET.
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Apr 5, 2018
I haven't yet imagined what could possibly motivate me to stop being neet (start working for money, or studying to work for money) without motivating me to kill myself.
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Nov 18, 2020
Been a NEET for just over a month but cant seem to get a job again. All the old folks around me complain about how millenials dont want to work and I'm like??? Just give me a job??? I want to work?? Like bitch why you making this so hard with your 3-5 years work experience for an entry level min wage position???
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Mar 6, 2021
Are you able to apply for benefits for your mental health?

I am not working currently due to my mental health. In the majority of my jobs I have ended up with a worsening mental health and increased suicidal ideation.

I just haven't coped well in my jobs and I have limited capability for work.

I am on benefits and have been for a few years now, NEET life really isn't that bad. I guess it depends on circumstances though and if your country supports people with mental health.

If mental or physical health issues make it not possible to work then there's no shame in going on benefits.

Some idiots might judge but forget them and do what is right for you.

Anyway if you are better being 50% NEET then stick with that, do what works for you :D
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Mar 22, 2020
Are you able to apply for benefits for your mental health?

I've tried to apply for some but it didn't work. I need to have a more severe mental illness such as schizophrenia.
People think that individuals like me, who have bipolar disorder, are just "in a bad mood" with "some depression" and we can be normal people if we really try to lol.

The truth is I loved being a NEET and wasting my time but at the same time I felt kinda guilty for being such a useless human being! I guess the 50% is the key. I'll just work for a few hours and then be a happy lazy guy lol
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Dec 15, 2020
Been living the NEET life for two years now.
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Feb 9, 2020
Ive made degree for few years then tear it up and burned. I can count this as an introduction to being neet.
I've been a neet few years.
Now get minimum vage job only to buy my cbt stuff, lol.
We don't need no education...
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Hold your head high, and your middle finger higher
Dec 25, 2020
(start working for money, or studying to work for money)
The former is instant regret. I shouldn't have come out of the cocoon of NEETdom. There is nothing to look forward to besides slogging through a 9-5 job (even that's for the lucky ones) for the next few decades just to pay the bills. Then spend my twilight years languishing in a nursing home when my health becomes too deteriorated for me to wipe my own *ss. The cons of life outweigh the pros—all the the pleasure you can get will not compensate for the pain and suffering each and every one of us has to go through. I'm not convinced of how life is worth living, and I don't believe there is an afterlife because no one has ever come back to tell the tale.

All the old folks around me complain about how millenials dont want to work and I'm like???
The post below started a flame war on Reddit. I regret nothing.
Some boomers should get it that tough love doesn't work for everyone.

We get it. We're weak. We, the 'strawberry generation', are not as resilient. And we need to toughen up.

But wait, why even bother? That corpse can do the explaining.

Just give me a job??? I want to work?? Like bitch why you making this so hard with your 3-5 years work experience for an entry level min wage position???
My response to a similar post on Reddit:

"Why should we hire you?"
"Sir/Madam, I'm just trying to earn a living. Bills need to be paid. Someone needs to buy the groceries.

Ive made degree for few years then tear it up and burned.
I will burn my certificates before ctb. Maybe upload a video for shits and giggles. My college degree might as well be toilet paper now—I've long lost interest in my area of research, and what I'm doing now has got nothing to do with my qualifications.
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fred farkle

fred farkle

Dec 17, 2020
Ive made degree for few years then tear it up and burned. I can count this as an introduction to being neet.
I've been a neet few years.
Now get minimum vage job only to buy my cbt stuff, lol.
We don't need no education...
we dont need no thought control!
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Apr 5, 2018
I shouldn't have come out of the cocoon of NEETdom.
I don't know really, but I'd like to think that most animal cubs are getting gradually introduced to survival, with those who can't handle the challenge being devoured. Humans create the conditions very different from the "natural" course, the difficulty of which can skyrocket or slide down in bizarre ways. Maybe leaving the cocoon was too much, too soon? Are there any ways to ease the emergence? If you never led that kind of life, then maybe you were never truly tested. Who knows what you're capable of?
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Dec 8, 2019
What the difference between NEET by choice or likeeee is being NEET always by some kinda choice? From the Japanese description and my understanding I think its a mix of both plua being a NEET looks dif country to country.

Anyway I kinda did a few years ago and I honestly would'nt havw minded it if not for the fact that I was abused and stuck.

Now I just try to take observation and such for my social limitations and wants. What i want in life and how to get there and if I cam do the steps to get there *shrugs*

I mean technically I still am a NEET so tryna change that a lil? But only to get the things I want outta life.
(and I guess also the thinga I need but but I need to want the things I need)


Autistic loser
Jan 26, 2021
I've failed at many educations and jobs due to my loneliness beating the shit out of me. I don't get stressed or anxious but slowly my loneliness starts to burn like hell during work or college. At my last work attempt last winter people were even holding each-other's hands and shit to and from work and obviously starting to date. I'd do better in a 100% male-dominated workplace.

Still trying to leave the NEET life but the motivation is non-existent. Move out of mom's basement to live completely alone? Sure, I can get a shotgun instead of full suspension but is it really worth all those years of work to spare me ten seconds of agony? Today I can't really get done those things I could do a couple of days ago since my chalice of loneliness is overflowing, it's like I can get shutdown at any moment, like my old laptop. All it takes is one of those and a year of education will get dropped or I'll quit a job and I'll resume the NEET life.

TL;DR: Without gf will most likely remain NEET until I hang myself.
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Feb 6, 2021
I used to be a NEET for like one year (I think, my memory is trash) and was the kind that never goes out except for in the night or when I was sure there was nobody around since I used to be scared of people. Unfortunately it's not an option for me anymore. It's better now that I quit the job that I hated and if I'm lucky will get to do something I enjoy more, but I would still go back to being a NEET if I could. My social anxiety also got a bit better overall and I can talk to people okay-ish, but sometimes it's still bad.

I don't really mind the loneliness that comes with it tbh, though maybe it's also because I live with my family, so I was almost never completely alone (unfortunately). When I make acquaintances after some time I start to get kinda annyoed by it anyways, it's really exhausting having to deal with people, especially the constant texting, awkward conversations if you don't know what to say, not sure if they even like you or think you're weird etc.
I always crave solitude again after being around people and usually regret meeting them because it never ends well for me.

The biggest downside to being a NEET is the uncomfortable conversations with people when they ask what you do for a living, what you studied, what your education level is,... or when you apply for a job and you have a huge hole in your CV. That never looks good...and it also adds to the anxiety a lot. It's like a cycle where having anxiety can lead one to become a NEET and being a NEET also contributes to your anxiety.
The other thing is that there is a constant pressure of how long you will be able to live like this, what comes after, that you're wasting your "best years" when you're still young and so on.

If you're an idiot like me, you planned to kill yourself ages ago, but never actually did it, but you still lived as if you would (e.g. throwing school and not caring, not bothering with jobs) but then that comes back to hit you hard.
I still want to ctb, but it feesl so bad as long as I have my family, but it would be ages until I outlive them to end myself. I just kinda decided to see if I can push though a bit longer, so unfortunately I can't exactly be a NEET anymore. It sucks.
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Trans Magus

Mar 8, 2021
I've been a NEET ever since high school. Being depressed and extremely autistic meant I couldn't do much else. I qualify for disability, though it's basically a pittance.

Honestly, I would like to engage in some form of labor, but my mental issues prevent me from doing any of the things capitalism finds worthwhile while everything I *am* good at is denigrated and despised.
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Mar 6, 2021
I used to be a NEET for like one year (I think, my memory is trash) and was the kind that never goes out except for in the night or when I was sure there was nobody around since I used to be scared of people. Unfortunately it's not an option for me anymore. It's better now that I quit the job that I hated and if I'm lucky will get to do something I enjoy more, but I would still go back to being a NEET if I could. My social anxiety also got a bit better overall and I can talk to people okay-ish, but sometimes it's still bad.

I don't really mind the loneliness that comes with it tbh, though maybe it's also because I live with my family, so I was almost never completely alone (unfortunately). When I make acquaintances after some time I start to get kinda annyoed by it anyways, it's really exhausting having to deal with people, especially the constant texting, awkward conversations if you don't know what to say, not sure if they even like you or think you're weird etc.
I always crave solitude again after being around people and usually regret meeting them because it never ends well for me.

The biggest downside to being a NEET is the uncomfortable conversations with people when they ask what you do for a living, what you studied, what your education level is,... or when you apply for a job and you have a huge hole in your CV. That never looks good...and it also adds to the anxiety a lot. It's like a cycle where having anxiety can lead one to become a NEET and being a NEET also contributes to your anxiety.
The other thing is that there is a constant pressure of how long you will be able to live like this, what comes after, that you're wasting your "best years" when you're still young and so on.

If you're an idiot like me, you planned to kill yourself ages ago, but never actually did it, but you still lived as if you would (e.g. throwing school and not caring, not bothering with jobs) but then that comes back to hit you hard.
I still want to ctb, but it feesl so bad as long as I have my family, but it would be ages until I outlive them to end myself. I just kinda decided to see if I can push though a bit longer, so unfortunately I can't exactly be a NEET anymore. It sucks.

Hey, I can relate a lot to this. I also hate texting and the constant need to be in touch with people 24/7 amnd expectations to reply to messages and stuff.

I don't want to be constantly in touch with everyone I've ever met so I have come off Facebook and Instagram. My Facebook is also just deactivated so I can still activate it again if I need to in the future.

I do like being off of it though.

Also, in social situations, I get similar sort of thoughts to what you are saying like not knowing what to say and not knowing if people like me or think I'm weird.

Although with covid none of that stuff matters anymore as I am not in those situations anymore.

I ABSOLUTELY HATE when people ask me what I do for a living, that is one of my biggest hates with the NEET life.

I have already wasted my best years as I am nearly 30, it's another reaosn I want to ctb as I don't want to go on, I've got to the point where I don't want to make a life for myself, I'd rather just be dead.
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F Up
Apr 9, 2020
Can someone please tell me what NEET is/means?
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Part Time NEET - Full Time Suicidal
Mar 29, 2020
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Jun 27, 2020
i totally get that. i like how you're self aware and i apologize for you getting to that point where you have to consider CTB, however, i wish you luck in whatever you think is best! i empathize with the kinda neet because i. am one ! i pay rent and live with my parents and i work at asian grocery stores (because i am....asian?) and take my classes as a fancy college nearby while being in navy training but i literally. don't go outside. or...have friends. like i have acquaintances, we use each other for benefits, but not actual friends. well... actually i guess i'm not a neet–however i am a shut in. but still, i empathize a great deal
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Mar 22, 2020
i totally get that. i like how you're self aware and i apologize for you getting to that point where you have to consider CTB, however, i wish you luck in whatever you think is best! i empathize with the kinda neet because i. am one ! i pay rent and live with my parents and i work at asian grocery stores (because i am....asian?) and take my classes as a fancy college nearby while being in navy training but i literally. don't go outside. or...have friends. like i have acquaintances, we use each other for benefits, but not actual friends. well... actually i guess i'm not a neet–however i am a shut in. but still, i empathize a great deal

I'm glad we can understand each other. I totally understand how you feel too.
I even tried to quit SS to see if something changed in my life and I became a normal human being and guess what? Things only got worse. Nobody exceptt people here understands me.
Anyway, I'm happy to know there's a place for shut-ins/NEETS like us to be at peace lol.
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Jun 14, 2020
I used to be a NEET from 2013-2014 and entire year of 2016. I regret nothing but no longer doing it and I have a job now. It was a great time that I had when I was one but I'm never going back to being a NEET.
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Mar 22, 2020
I used to be a NEET from 2013-2014 and entire year of 2016. I regret nothing but no longer doing it and I have a job now. It was a great time that I had when I was one but I'm never going back to being a NEET.

I'm glad you have a job now! I really know what you mean.
It's so strange. I mean, on the one hand, you love being a NEET and wasting all of your time on videogames, tv shows and sleeping but then you're like: "damn, what a useless human I am" haha.

I hope not to be a NEET again however, I will always be a shut-in or "kinda NEET" I guess. I just love being lonely, reading manga, watching anime, movies, series, etc lol.
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Jun 14, 2020
I'm glad you have a job now! I really know what you mean.
It's so strange. I mean, on the one hand, you love being a NEET and wasting all of your time on videogames, tv shows and sleeping but then you're like: "damn, what a useless human I am" haha.

I hope not to be a NEET again however, I will always be a shut-in or "kinda NEET" I guess. I just love being lonely, reading manga, watching anime, movies, series, etc lol.
I'm still like that too on being a shut-in. I guess you can call me a homebody or an introvert. It's why I haven't had a girlfriend and I'm 27 currently.
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end me
Mar 13, 2021
I finished my education nearly 1 month ago, this workplace fucked me up and my ex screwed me over pretty badly (did a thread describing what happened), that's why I withdrew to my shell and I'm living of what I saved up (it's a good amount so I'm not worried yet) in a flat with 3 other people (which are very nice to have around in these tough times). I'm so scared of getting into the 9-5 hell again that I'm unwilling to move in any direction at the moment, plus I don't have plans for my future, really. I'm stuck at home without friends or any motivation to move forward but honestly I don't even care at this point. When I'll run out of money I'm forced to take action and I'll put some led into my non-working brain.
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Feb 15, 2020
Heh, NEET is such a funny word. I am also a NEET and didn't know I was until today.

I don't care anymore. I don't want a new job or to do much of anything.
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Mar 22, 2020
Heh, NEET is such a funny word. I am also a NEET and didn't know I was until today.

I don't care anymore. I don't want a new job or to do much of anything.

Haha I agree with you. I really like the term NEET. It even sounds cute to me lol.
I like the NEET life but having no money sucked. Let's say I'm a 50% NEET now and I love it!
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Circling the drain
May 13, 2020
I f'ed up my life and lost my job because of pretty bad stuff, so I was NEET. I guess I was going to run out of bills money so I've hid in HE for a while running up those student loans. May be I'll get lucky and carry on in HE some more, but I know when I finish the student life it'll be back to NEET because I'm unemployable these days.

I'm not sure I like it but there it is, I have to lie in the bed I made. My CTB plans can reboot after the end of June so who knows what this idiot will do.

Happy Easter everyone
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Suicide is self expression
Dec 31, 2018
NEET since 16 and now in early 20s. On disability pension.
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