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Tamazi 123

Jan 13, 2020
I have limited options other than train and I'm going tonight. I can't stand one more day. But I'm scared and worried I won't be able to do it. How do I just do it?
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Dec 27, 2019
All you need is just to overcome SI and be brave. I would never choose this method, I'm too scared.

Cave Johnson

Feb 6, 2020
If you're sure you're going to do it via train there are a few options I can think of that may assist you.
1. Know in advance which way the train will be coming and face the opposite direction.
2. Headphones with excessively loud music to try to drown it out as it's incoming
3 Obtain heavy objects and tie your feet to them.

This is an option I've considered myself hence why these come to mind with little thought.
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Useless piece of trash
Dec 5, 2019
It's hard to give advice on that. It's your own mental barrier that blocks you. I guess you'd just have to not think about it and work up the "courage" to step out. Are you absolutely sure you want to die? Please just make sure you are of sound mind and it's not a spur of the moment thing. I'm not trying to be insensitive. Trust me,I get suicide. I myself am looking to die ASAP. I just want to make sure it's In your best interest.

But keep in mind there are other much more peaceful methods than jumping in front of the train.
The driver would also be upset I'm sure.

Do you want to talk about what has you feeling so down? Is there anyone in your life you can confide in that would help you?

If you need to talk at all,I'm here. We all are here for you.
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lost among the stars
Jan 26, 2020
I have limited options other than train and I'm going tonight. I can't stand one more day. But I'm scared and worried I won't be able to do it. How do I just do it?
I don't want to convince you not to do that, but simply letting you know that you may harm another people if it is a passengers' train and may cause a permanent mental damage to a person who will be in front of you in the train.
If you fail and the train crashes you may get a life sentence
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Tamazi 123

Jan 13, 2020
I've foot severe anxiety and if I don't do it I've got another day of desperately wanting to kill myself but I have to wait till night when my husband is asleep. I can't think of anyone else I just want out
I could try short drop hanging but freak out


lost among the stars
Jan 26, 2020
I've foot severe anxiety and if I don't do it I've got another day of desperately wanting to kill myself but I have to wait till night when my husband is asleep. I can't think of anyone else I just want out
I could try short drop hanging but freak out
Yes, just be careful. Nobody deserves to suffer. I would choose a train with goods in this way. And sorry you are experiencing this in your life...
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Dec 7, 2019
I'm sorry things are this bad for you. Please think carefully before you decide. You don't want to end up worse than you are right now.
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Jan 30, 2020
if you choose train , you put your neck in the railtrack , the loud headphones someone mentioned. But if you are scared try long drop hanging . still requires some courage but better. If none of those work for you and you are really afraid your last shots are gunshot to the head , heroin overdose , carbon monoxide poisoning or some nitrogen gas with a mask ....i dont know its just about keeping yourself determined and busy while waiting for the train to come.....dont jump like stupid in front of it you might end up vegetable just lay your head in the tracks where the train wheels pass its less scary and a fast method almost painless
Yes, just be careful. Nobody deserves to suffer. I would choose a train with goods in this way. And sorry you are experiencing this in your life...
i would choose a train with goods in this way . LOOOOOOOOOOOOL
man you really think the train alone wouldnt smash your head and the whole country just by standing in front of it when its really fast?
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Sep 1, 2019
This is a dangerous method. You could end up maimed or paralyzed and harming others, as well. Please don't try it.
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Tamazi 123

Jan 13, 2020
Can I not just jump in front of it at 90km/he?
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Useless piece of trash
Dec 5, 2019
I've foot severe anxiety and if I don't do it I've got another day of desperately wanting to kill myself but I have to wait till night when my husband is asleep. I can't think of anyone else I just want out
I could try short drop hanging but freak out

Have you talked to your husband about your depression? Is he or would he be there for you?

Please be sure about suicide. I know how tempting it is to end the pain. I'm suicidal too. My post isn't an attempt to guilt you or piss you off. It's an attempt to be there for you. However, some people do regret attempting(they live to tell the tale),and they end up trying meds to increase serotonin. Some are helped by this. I wasn't personally,but who knows if you'd be helped? Sometimes you can find some kind of meaning in life. I personally hate life. But everyone is different.

I truly don't want you to suffer.
Please don't rush into rash methods. The train should be fast. But it's scary. Just know you're not alone and there's support on this site for more peaceful methods.

Good luck with whatever you decide. May you find peace.
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lost among the stars
Jan 26, 2020
if you choose train , you put your neck in the railtrack , the loud headphones someone mentioned. But if you are scared try long drop hanging . still requires some courage but better. If none of those work for you and you are really afraid your last shots are gunshot to the head , heroin overdose , carbon monoxide poisoning or some nitrogen gas with a mask ....i dont know its just about keeping yourself determined and busy while waiting for the train to come.....dont jump like stupid in front of it you might end up vegetable just lay your head in the tracks where the train wheels pass its less scary and a fast method almost painless

i would choose a train with goods in this way . LOOOOOOOOOOOOL
man you really think the train alone wouldnt smash your head and the whole country just by standing in front of it when its really fast?
No, probably we did not understand each other. When we say a train we do not mention what it is designed for. If we use a passengers' train, we don't care about well-being of people. You might have heard people are sometimes late for work because of such cases. We are choosing a train designed for carrying goods. And does not matter whether it is empty or not
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Nov 4, 2019
I understand how you feel, but I beg you to reconsider your method - not only because my advice is to always make sure you have exhausted all other options to get better in life, but also because jumping in front of a train could have terrible consequences for the driver and also the passengers.
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Nov 4, 2019
I'm sorry you're in such distress and pain, but as other people already have pointed out, please consider using another method. It sounds like an exaggeration, but it's not unusual that train drivers suffer PTSD from this. In the worst-case scenario, you'll send a completely innocent train driver to this forum. It's also possible to survive an attempt and be maimed in nightmarish ways. There are plenty of other methods to choose from so please consider using one of them instead.
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Jan 30, 2020
No, probably we did not understand each other. When we say a train we do not mention what it is designed for. If we use a passengers' train, we don't care about well-being of people. You might have heard people are sometimes late for work because of such cases. We are choosing a train designed for carrying goods. And does not matter whether it is empty or not
what you mean? the train will get thrown of it tracks? Ive seen a youtube video of huge trees that have fallen into the train track and the train snapped those trees in half the human neck you think will derail a train? i dont understand. i wish i had that video to show you the snap sound it made while cutting those trees in half


Useless piece of trash
Dec 5, 2019
what you mean? the train will get thrown of it tracks? Ive seen a youtube video of huge trees that have fallen into the train track and the train snapped those trees in half the human neck you think will derail a train? i dont understand. i wish i had that video to show you the snap sound it made while cutting those trees in half

Hey. The way he worded it make have been a bit confusing. I think he's basically saying that if they choose a passenger train,it would be a traumatic experience for the passengers. Faust was trying to say that it's best to choose a supplies train since less people(just the driver probably) compared to a passenger train would deal with any sort of trauma from seeing someone get hit with a train. He also meant that it could cause people in the train a delay if the train stops before its designated stop to alert the police.
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Tamazi 123

Jan 13, 2020
What about a truck at 90km deserted motorway at night


lost among the stars
Jan 26, 2020
The train will have to stop and paralize the railway. This may result in long time of waiting which can potentially cause troubles to passengers. Somebody can miss the flight, somebody will be late to appointment. The neck won't derail a train, even the full body won't. But a car can: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2005_Glendale_train_crash
what you mean? the train will get thrown of it tracks? Ive seen a youtube video of huge trees that have fallen into the train track and the train snapped those trees in half the human neck you think will derail a train? i dont understand. i wish i had that video to show you the snap sound it made while cutting those trees in half


Just waiting....
Jan 21, 2020
I understand the desperation love but I would find another way. There is no guarantee that u won't survive n end up way worse than ur situation is now..I think the only thing worse than a failed suicide is ending up maimed from the attempt n NOW not even being able to successfully ctb due to paralysis..That would b the ultimate nightmare..
What about a truck at 90km deserted motorway at night
Like someone asked, have u spoken to ur hubby about how u feel? I ask because when I told my husband last wk that I was gonna take my life (due to finding out he cheated last yr), he begged me n said he was a POS n not worth it.. I agree, tho still a very painful situation, among other things..
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By a thread
Jan 28, 2020
I have limited options other than train and I'm going tonight. I can't stand one more day. But I'm scared and worried I won't be able to do it. How do I just do it?
As cave Johnson says... good tips if this is your choice.


Useless piece of trash
Dec 5, 2019
I understand the desperation love but I would find another way. There is no guarantee that u won't survive n end up way worse than ur situation is now..I think the only thing worse than a failed suicide is ending up maimed from the attempt n NOW not even being able to successfully ctb due to paralysis..That would b the ultimate nightmare..

Like someone asked, have u spoken to ur hubby about how u feel? I ask because when I told my husband last wk that I was gonna take my life (due to finding out he cheated last yr), he begged me n said he was a POS n not worth it.. I agree, tho still a very painful situation, among other things..

I'm so sorry he did that to you. It's amazing you have the courage and ability to continue living despite the way you felt and how bad it hurt you. You're awesome giving good advice based on your own hurt.

Hopefully you find true happiness :)
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Just waiting....
Jan 21, 2020
I'm so sorry he did that to you. It's amazing you have the courage and ability to continue living despite the way you felt and how bad it hurt you. You're awesome giving good advice based on your own hurt.

Hopefully you find true happiness :)
Ty babe for ur very kind words:heart:..it hurts like hell n I struggle with it EVERYDAY..Heartbreak is a dumb bitch..
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Feb 6, 2020
What about a truck at 90km deserted motorway at night

The Truck has a greater chance of crashing due to your actions, a Train is on rails and the weight of a human is unlikely to derail it, and it can't swerve. Whereas someone driving a truck is likely to swerve on instinct, they may well still kill you, but they also have a higher chance of being injured or killed themselves, or indeed crashing into another road user.
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Tamazi 123

Jan 13, 2020
I fucked it up and woke my husband up instead. I'll regret it tomorrow when my anxiety is so high it's screaming at me to kill myself
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Oct 13, 2019
That might be for the best. My friend did the truck method and copped an awful lot of flack for it post-humously at the funeral. I suspect the train would be the same. Most people will view it as selfish - not considering the wellbeing of the driver. Might be something to think carefully about before acting - I'm not sure what options are available to you with similar probabilities of success that won't make an innocent person feel like they've killed you.
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Don't you dare go hollow...
Nov 25, 2019
Like someone asked, have u spoken to ur hubby about how u feel? I ask because when I told my husband last wk that I was gonna take my life (due to finding out he cheated last yr), he begged me n said he was a POS n not worth it.. I agree, tho still a very painful situation, among other things..

Hehe, love it. You know fwiw, if that's your main problem I'd hate to see you go through with it. I do feel it would be a waste. Don't get me wrong, I understand, my father did the same thing and it led to divorce, but he really is a POS, you know, and I do feel neither he nor your hubby are worth it. But that's your choice ofc and I suppose there's more, hm. Sorry about that.

Ok, I agree, if this was the method, it's probably best to use a freight train. As mentioned because of the passengers, but I honestly don't see a human stopping a train. A locomotive weighs 100-225 tons (thats more than a tank, possibly thrice that), factor in the wagons and momentum and it seems impossible.

As for delays, no one likes them, but I just don't feel it's a factor when we consider someone's life being destroyed (possibly more, depending on the driver). I live near some train tracks and we've had some suicides over the years, but I've also heard people on the train complaining and joking about the "idiots" who'd done it on another day of all days because it was a nuisance to them. Fuck those people. Sorry.
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Taking it day by day
Jan 11, 2020
No one can tell you how to overcome your fear. That is something you will need to figure out on your own.


Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
I've foot severe anxiety and if I don't do it I've got another day of desperately wanting to kill myself but I have to wait till night when my husband is asleep. I can't think of anyone else I just want out
I could try short drop hanging but freak out

I'm going to be direct, and use my reason to speak to yours.

You limit your options to only two: freak out because one method is against your will, or choose the other method that forces a fellow human to murder you against their will, and subsequently freak out.

There are other methods. Finding and choosing one takes time. It's desirable to limit all freaking out, yeah?

Anxiety sucks, and finding an even remotely acceptable method is hard damn work -- for these things I have, and offer you, compassion. I am sorry you are suffering.
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