Pro-life people have not realized that they have a permanent disease:
Being told "life is beautiful", "smile", "make your dreams come true" is almost like being told that they have a better life than you.
Many people supposedly care about CTB, but they don't even lift a finger.
And there you have the evidence, thousands and thousands of cases of CTB.
They just want to distract you from your thoughts to keep you in this hell.
I remember when I was in college, I had a classmate who always posted on Facebook about CTB prevention and she was always supposedly worried about people with depression, saying CTB won't solve your problems.
And you know, I've had depression and thoughts of CTB.
And do you know what she did with me?
Basically, nothing.
She regarded herself as an "inclusive" person and openly supported the LGBTQ+ community.
But she never noticed my depression and loneliness. And she didn't even say anything when I dropped out of college.
And there are thousands of cases and unfortunately those people are the ones who add fuel to the fire that keeps this hell alive...
Oh, your example reminds me of this frustrating experience of mine from years back with a former classmate of mine - at the time a current one - to whom I explained that I'm not sure if I can be friends with them and their friends because the people who they associate with have harassed me and laughed at my expense, but all they could say - despite being the passive on-lookers was:
"well, I
didn't harrass you". That still doesn't mean, especially given you gave me no reason to trust you, especially given whom you associate with, that I owe you my friendship. And you know what the really rich part was? I accept their friend request and since then they have
NEVER tried to communicate with me. They had every chance. In fact, I have
tried striking up a conversation. Why do people insist on merely filling up their friends list with meaningless contacts as if it were a popularity contest?
Sorry for going off-topic, but your comment reminded me of this, so I felt like getting it off my chest.
Anyway, sorry that happened to you. That person clearly had no frickin' clue what they were talking about. Clout and popularity chasers act so righteous but do nothing but shame and ignore people who could use the support and validation annoys me to no end. And they often happen to be pro-lifers. It's really fucking sad that people supposedly so obsessed with life don't give a shit about the quality of other people's lives. They're just talk. Their only real obsession is controlling other people's lives to fit their standards and to give them what they want/need.