I feel like a horrible person too a lot of the time. Mostly bc I'm not a well-functioning adult and can barely work. But I'd also say I'm very compassionate, and I could do more if the world was more accommodating of my autism, or if I didn't have autism in the first place. My point is, we all have good and bad traits.
I don't know what you did/ are doing that makes you feel like a bad person, but I can tell you no matter how bad it is/was, there's likely something contributing to your action(s) that wasn't your fault. One of the most comforting things I've ever heard, after I did make a truly awful mistake (unrelated to what I discussed above) and felt horrible about it, was that it was good that I could at least recognize that what I did to the other person was wrong and wanted to learn from it. I hope you can look at it as a chance to learn also.