

Jul 14, 2022
though I hate humans I was thinking about how interesting they are, is it not amazing we all just have free thought unlike anything else on this planet? every human I can think of has or had something they wanted to do in the future (like children wanting to go into space and such.) and every human wants or thinks of it as something different or in a different way, it's quite remarkable to me.

though many on this site most likely no longer have any desire to be anything or have no more hope for the future you might have before. Or just have an idea such as "if I were to live further I think __ would be cool" what are those thoughts of yours? Please explain it in as much detail as you see fit, even if it's a little incoherent I'd love to hear your thoughts about such a topic.

the most I see people talk about the future on this site is killing themselves so I think it would be an interesting thing to see the future in a different light for once. Even if you have no future or have none in mind I think anyone can make up a future in their head so this question shouldn't be entirely useless to ask. If I'm not clear enough or the text above is somewhat confusing please allow me to give an example: something like "I would've liked to go to college for __" or "I would have liked to work __ job" "I would've liked to have a relationship like __ and do __ with __ person I knew" something roughly like that.

I deeply apologize if my wording is incorrect or simply just oddly formal.
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Jul 15, 2022
Just a broken dream
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Oct 3, 2022
I want to write and record at least one song, maybe heavy or like a soft song. An album might be too ambitious, but I'll go for as many as I can but making sure they're all quality songs. Then I'll pull the plug feeling somewhat achieved and see the mystery of the great beyond. I want to jump into mount mihara like kiyoko matsumoto. I think I have given up on trying to find someone to love because most people are just awful human beings.
Just a broken dream
RIP, maybe you could record stuff like what I plan to do, fame is a little farfetched and that is why its not my goal haha.

Also I like your post bubo, people like you are nice to talk to. Anything you want to do in the future?
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Sep 30, 2022
When I was a kid I wanted to become an astronomer. Didn't take long to realise I am incapable of becoming one.
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Oct 4, 2022
I wanted to be a writer. My backup plan for university was an editor or librarian but that feels worse than settling.
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Do what's best for you 🕯️ Sometimes I'm stressed
Jul 1, 2020
in middle school (junior high) i wanted to open a few different "hobby based" businesses. only 1 stuck around and thats my bakery. but...even if i dont kms im losing the confidence that i can do it and am thinking about giving up...
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Jul 14, 2022
I want to write and record at least one song, maybe heavy or like a soft song. An album might be too ambitious, but I'll go for as many as I can but making sure they're all quality songs. Then I'll pull the plug feeling somewhat achieved and see the mystery of the great beyond. I want to jump into mount mihara like kiyoko matsumoto. I think I have given up on trying to find someone to love because most people are just awful human beings.

RIP, maybe you could record stuff like what I plan to do, fame is a little farfetched and that is why its not my goal haha.

Also I like your post bubo, people like you are nice to talk to. Anything you want to do in the future?
I appreciate your compliment, thank you.
music is pretty difficult to make on your own i heard but if it's what one wishes to do i'm sure it'll be a really fun thing to do before you go out. It's best to do what you want if nothing else matters after all.

as for the question you directed towards me: i wanted to be a nurse when i grew up cuz' i really liked biology and wanted to help people, i thought if i became a nurse it would make my parents happy as well so i looked forward to such an ideal a lot. As for now, i don't really have anything i wanna do. I'm translating a book currently so i guess i'd like to finish translating it before i die, that's all though.
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Dead Ghost

Dead Ghost

Mestre del Temps
May 6, 2022
As a child I wanted to be an inventor, in high school I wanted to make video games and therefore study computer science, later I wanted to be a physicist, when I grew up I wanted to be an illustrator... over the years I realized that what I most I liked video games were the graphics and I was interested in physics because of all the sci-fi movies/novels I saw/read.

I have always been very imaginative and I discovered too late that my innate talent was in the visual arts, I should have devoted myself to it from a young age. I mistook a fondness for video games and Hubble images and the like for a penchant for the sciences, which I'm not cut out for.

I'm definitely a failed illustrator, but an illustrator at last (although I no longer draw or paint due to health issues).


Jo de ben petit volia ser inventor, a l'institut volía fer videojocs i per tant estudiar informática, més tard volía ser físic, ja de gran volía ser ilustrador... amb el pas dels anys em vaig adonar que el que més m'agradaven dels videojocs eren el gráfics i m'interesava la física per totes les películes/noveles que veia/llegia de ciència-ficció.

Sempre he estat molt fantasiós i vaig descubrir massa tard que el meu talent innat estava en les arts visuals, m'hi hauría d'haver dedicat desde ben petit. Vaig confondre l'afició als videojocs i les imatges del Hubble i d'altres coses semblants amb una inclinació cap a les ciéncies, per a les quals no sóc pas apte.

Sens dubte sóc un il·lustrador fracassat, pero per fi un il·lustrador (encara que ja no dibuixo ni pinto per problemes de salut).
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Jun 22, 2022
I would have liked to have become a Forensic Psychologist.
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Aug 29, 2022
I had so many plans for the future, enjoy my work, build something with the person I loved, who knows even maybe finally making some friends. Now it is all outside my reach and I am too tired to start all over again.
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Reactions: S like suicide, Tiny Little Tree, Dead Ghost and 1 other person


Unlovable 💔 Rest in peace CommitSudoku 🤍
Mar 11, 2022
I wish I could be somebody else.
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Reactions: JAlexa, S like suicide, Tiny Little Tree and 4 others


Nov 26, 2020
Artist/writer, the advances in AI make this seem pointless. Anything I could think to make could and will be replicated by a machine in time to come.
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Reactions: ColorlessTrees, S like suicide, Tiny Little Tree and 1 other person


I like people... I said it
May 23, 2022
Play civilization 6, hook up with a woman with a bubble but and have some taboo sex, watch over House M. D.
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Dead Ghost

Dead Ghost

Mestre del Temps
May 6, 2022
Artist/writer, the advances in AI make this seem pointless. Anything I could think to make could and will be replicated by a machine in time to come.
It doesn't matter, it's not about competing with the machines but about expressing in writing what you carry deep inside and everyone's experiences are so unique that this is impossible to replicate... besides thinking machines will not try to replicate others but express themselves.
Don't worry and write if you feel like it, your personality will do the rest.


Dona igual, no es tracta de competir amb les màquines sino d'expressar per escrit el que portes ben endins i les experiències de cadascú són tan úniques que això és impossible de replicar.. a més que les màquines pensants no intentaràn pas replicar els altres, sino expressar-se per si mateixes.
No pateixis i escriu si et ve de gust, la teva personalitat farà la resta.
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Jan 27, 2021
Yeah another writer here. Except I lost the ability to write fiction at 14 and never got it back. I'd still like to write my life story but have no ambitions to reach a wide audience. Apart from that I was notably unambitious from an early age and had no idea what I wanted to do or any plans for the future. Never saw myself marrying or having kids, nothing like that. Most of the time I was fully occupied with just trying to survive from one day to the next.
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Aug 23, 2022
I would have liked to maybe be an engineer.
Or an artist. Just one of those generic boring anime artists who draws shit about dumb things like genshin impact or vtubers or whatever the current trend is, and being able to draw it perfectly accurate to what it should look like.

I wanted to be able to create something, since it only ever seems like I'm able to break things. But I guess it's not in my nature. So here I am.
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Oct 25, 2021
I wanted to be a father and husband by 26. I wanted well paying job and a hobby ranch.

Now I'm 32, unmarried, childless person with a well paying job, no ranch and nobody to love.
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Reactions: BrokenJesus, S like suicide, Install-Gentoo and 1 other person


Sep 19, 2022
I'm not sure what career I would have chosen. All I know is that I wanted my life to be fulfilling and fun like it was before ten years ago. I wanted to have a fun youth and spend it with friends. Obviously that didn't happen. I also wanted to have a significant other and a family of my own but I'm too mentally ill for that. I definitely would have moved away to a better country.
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Reactions: toasterbath, S like suicide and Tiny Little Tree


only you can stop the evil
Sep 18, 2020
I don't have many good plans for my future but I hope I don't end up in a psychiatric hospital for the rest of life.
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Reactions: toasterbath, S like suicide and Install-Gentoo


novelist, sanskritist, Canadian living in India
Nov 13, 2021
Live in various cities around the world, writing, learn various languages, love various soulmate women and hopefully find the one who'll stay forever.
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Nov 26, 2020
It doesn't matter, it's not about competing with the machines but about expressing in writing what you carry deep inside and everyone's experiences are so unique that this is impossible to replicate... besides thinking machines will not try to replicate others but express themselves.
Don't worry and write if you feel like it, your personality will do the rest.

I'm reconsidering some things lately.
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Reactions: Dead Ghost


Sep 16, 2022
What I want to do in the future........DIE!😋
though I hate humans I was thinking about how interesting they are, is it not amazing we all just have free thought unlike anything else on this planet? every human I can think of has or had something they wanted to do in the future (like children wanting to go into space and such.) and every human wants or thinks of it as something different or in a different way, it's quite remarkable to me.

though many on this site most likely no longer have any desire to be anything or have no more hope for the future you might have before. Or just have an idea such as "if I were to live further I think __ would be cool" what are those thoughts of yours? Please explain it in as much detail as you see fit, even if it's a little incoherent I'd love to hear your thoughts about such a topic.

the most I see people talk about the future on this site is killing themselves so I think it would be an interesting thing to see the future in a different light for once. Even if you have no future or have none in mind I think anyone can make up a future in their head so this question shouldn't be entirely useless to ask. If I'm not clear enough or the text above is somewhat confusing please allow me to give an example: something like "I would've liked to go to college for __" or "I would have liked to work __ job" "I would've liked to have a relationship like __ and do __ with __ person I knew" something roughly like that.

I deeply apologize if my wording is incorrect or simply just oddly formal.
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Sep 21, 2021
I've always had a lot of trouble deciding what I want to do with my life, and that's part of the reason I ended up getting burned. I had a phase where I planned on being...

A "Hotshot" Forest Firefighter
A union warehouse worker
An electrician
A geologist
A chemist
A historian
A dog musher
A biochemist/ Doctor
An economist
A miner
A civil engineer
An industrial engineer
A lawyer

All of these I have made steps towards at some point (since graduating high school). I am now a senior in college and I'm on the lawyer phase. I've dropped out of school, re joined, transferred, changed my major four times. I still have no idea what I want to do. I have nearly 300 college credits in a hodge podge of crap. I don't enjoy anything. But it's laughable how many different futures I've toyed with, just to jump at the next idea that excites me. I'm impulsive. I have no sense of identity. It changes faster than I can keep track. I hate math, I love math, I hate school, I love school, etc.

No matter what I am going to get burned. But by the end I'll be able to say I've tried and considered every possibility.
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Just a random person
Aug 5, 2022
though I hate humans I was thinking about how interesting they are, is it not amazing we all just have free thought unlike anything else on this planet? every human I can think of has or had something they wanted to do in the future (like children wanting to go into space and such.) and every human wants or thinks of it as something different or in a different way, it's quite remarkable to me.

though many on this site most likely no longer have any desire to be anything or have no more hope for the future you might have before. Or just have an idea such as "if I were to live further I think __ would be cool" what are those thoughts of yours? Please explain it in as much detail as you see fit, even if it's a little incoherent I'd love to hear your thoughts about such a topic.

the most I see people talk about the future on this site is killing themselves so I think it would be an interesting thing to see the future in a different light for once. Even if you have no future or have none in mind I think anyone can make up a future in their head so this question shouldn't be entirely useless to ask. If I'm not clear enough or the text above is somewhat confusing please allow me to give an example: something like "I would've liked to go to college for __" or "I would have liked to work __ job" "I would've liked to have a relationship like __ and do __ with __ person I knew" something roughly like that.

I deeply apologize if my wording is incorrect or simply just oddly formal.
I was supposed to get married and have kids by now, but yeah that didn't go according to plan. Instead I got abused and gaslit by my partner and then by every other partner after that. People are cruel.
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Reactions: S like suicide, Dead Ghost and Tiny Little Tree

Tiny Little Tree

Jan 25, 2021
For a lot of my life I kind of just did what other people told me to do, expected me to do, or were impressed by. Got really good at them too. Of course, sometimes there'd be things I wanted to do but they'd always be fanciful and fleeting, always losing to the other things I felt I had to do. I was also, in a word, idealistic, had to do things for "good" reasons, always upfront. Unsurprisingly, when it came down to it, I didn't truly have a passion for anything and it was very obvious to anyone.

I guess I always liked doing my own thing, could never picture myself working for someone else forever. Always liked making stuff too so making fun stuff like games (any kind), toys, maybe even shows in a small group sounds nice. But yeah, fanciful.
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Aug 23, 2022
I've always had a lot of trouble deciding what I want to do with my life, and that's part of the reason I ended up getting burned. I had a phase where I planned on being...

A "Hotshot" Forest Firefighter
A union warehouse worker
An electrician
A geologist
A chemist
A historian
A dog musher
A biochemist/ Doctor
An economist
A miner
A civil engineer
An industrial engineer
A lawyer

All of these I have made steps towards at some point (since graduating high school). I am now a senior in college and I'm on the lawyer phase. I've dropped out of school, re joined, transferred, changed my major four times. I still have no idea what I want to do. I have nearly 300 college credits in a hodge podge of crap. I don't enjoy anything. But it's laughable how many different futures I've toyed with, just to jump at the next idea that excites me. I'm impulsive. I have no sense of identity. It changes faster than I can keep track. I hate math, I love math, I hate school, I love school, etc.

No matter what I am going to get burned. But by the end I'll be able to say I've tried and considered every possibility.
Very impressive! It's unfortunate you couldn't find something to land on, but good for you for trying everything.
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𖣴 nadia 𖣴

𖣴 nadia 𖣴

Dec 15, 2021
Didn't have a clue about what I wanted to do, but now I think I would've liked to work in animal conservation, a job where I could travel and be outdoors.
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Reactions: Dead Ghost
Alcoholic Teletubby

Alcoholic Teletubby

Rip in piss
Jan 10, 2022
Get better/be happy and improve on my art.
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S like suicide

S like suicide

Apr 29, 2021
For a lot of my life I kind of just did what other people told me to do, expected me to do, or were impressed by. Got really good at them too. Of course, sometimes there'd be things I wanted to do but they'd always be fanciful and fleeting, always losing to the other things I felt I had to do. I was also, in a word, idealistic, had to do things for "good" reasons, always upfront. Unsurprisingly, when it came down to it, I didn't truly have a passion for anything and it was very obvious to anyone.
I relate to this for all my teeneger years and early 20s...
Just since some years ago i found out that i always loved Cinema and art and theater and if i think to a future i would try this path...do theather courses and becoming an actress because it's the only thing that really brings me joy and enthusiasm,it makes me feel alive...if i die...not having tried this path would be the only thing I would regret
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Reactions: Dead Ghost and Tiny Little Tree

Dying Failure

Oct 9, 2022
My future always consisted of me being a model. From a young age I was always put into fashion shows and local modeling. My mother soon crushed those dreams, as I was bitten by a dog and had to have surgery on my face which lead me to have a disgusting scar on my face those dreams were soon demolished. She never thought I was pretty enough to be a model, especially with this scar I have. She would brag to her friends how gorgeous I was and how I could be a model but only when said friends brought it up. My mother was always in competition with me which shouldn't have been. My next dream was to be a mother, unlike my narcissistic mother, which soon demolished due to unforeseen circumstances. So now because my life has diminished to nothing that's what I want to be is diminished into nothing. I'd rather leave this horrific world than to be a part of it. Soon enough I will only be a memory to anyone and everyone who knew me. And for those who I love I hope they can understand the theory behind why I made the choice I made.
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Reactions: rainbowbright, Sakura94, ColorlessTrees and 2 others

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