Hello Grey! Thanks for your patience on your reading! I've been offline for a few days but have returned :)
Here's your full card spread!
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For your spread I decided to stick with a very classic traditional set of cards. Excluding the use of additional oracle cards. I'm not sure why but I felt like the message would be more clear this way nice and simple!
The chart is arranged as follows.
The pillar in the center is both about advice and some career aptitude. The higher on the pillar, the better the career move, the lower, the worse the career move. It can also double as this: higher up on the pillar is what you are/could be doing correctly, and lower is what you are/could be doing incorrectly.
The top and bottom of the pillar have additional cards for additional insight and advice into the best and worst aspects of the situation.
The single cards to the left and right of the pillar are meant to be the strongest bits of advice you should take away.
Onto the cards themselves!
The Empress
Up on the top left, This card is something that you are either doing correctly, or a positive indicator/ bit of advise that will make things more positive. The empress is a card of feminine wisdom, opposite to the emperor who takes things by a by force, the empress lets things happen organically. Showing that one of the best things you could do is to be less hasty, and this is a repeating theme throughout the rest of your cards, and in fact will show up later at the bottom of the pillar. This card also urges one to appreciate beautiful things, creation, and nature especially! If you are working somewhere that doesn't allow for the appreciation of little things, then that kind of work will produce a lot of suffering. I think you need to put more effort into recognizing beauty and its effect on people! I think a job where your efforts and creations directly help people in a way that you can see it would be perfect for you and that you would find that sight fulfilling.
This empress is mostly though, in my opinion, giving you advice on the second card and how to handle it.
The Six of Swords
In the upper right is the six of swords, this card shows moving on. A woman and her child are fleeing from danger or their homeland into the unknown. I think that if you have recently
Left a job or if your most recent past job is weighing heavy on your heart that you should know that it is a good decision to not be in that kind of work. I think that there are some strong feelings here on one or the other side, either you quit because you hated your last job, or you HAD to quit because of external circumstances, or you were fired or suspended. Oh! Another thing is that you could be stressed from a transition, this could be school related, like thinking about what comes after graduation, not sure what it is but it seems like whatever your career history may be, it's
stressful for you and
not pleasant. There's alot of
insecurity going on here. I could have gathered that a bit from your request of course, but the cards in this instance happen to agree. You are unhappy with your career and are moving into the unknown, and aren't sure what to expect! But that's exactly where you ought to be, when your heart isn't settled on something, it can land anywhere! Your current mindset of abandon has a lot of opportunity for growth and
discovery. And
the empress is the absolute best way you could handle it. She says to go with the flow! And not to put more weight on it than you need to. If you've been putting an unnecessary and excessive amount of moral value into your career then you should let it progress naturally. The six of swords can also be saying that you should allow yourself to change jobs as needed, and let yourself find footing as you move around and learn about yourself! It naturally hurts to leave behind something you've tried hard at, but don't let a
sunk cost fallacy be holding you back! Explore your options at a natural pace.
This is nailing the point even further! Judgement sounds scary, but this is the secondary good thing to note in this spread. This card is about
new beginnings! An angel rings down from heaven to call all the dead to a new life. What seems like death is just a new beginning. This card means revival, new life! It seems like the six of swords, that much needed abandon of the old will lead to a new life, a new calling, and it will come naturally! Altogether these top three cards are exactly what I would have expected for a career reading! Moving on is the correct thing to do, try something new! If you've been working in the same field for the past forever, if you're in a strange stage of transition, or if you've been hesitant to get out there because it feels so final, remember that it's not final! And that trial and error is more than ok!
I'm also getting the idea right now that if you have been holding onto a specific idea for yourself that your heart isn't actually happy with, that it's ok and advised to let go and try something else! Just for example, maybe you went to school for something practical but you won't be happy in that field, just go out there into the unknown and try something that you feel more comfortable with even if it's just for a little break! You need something that will make you want to get out of bed in the morning!! I see this angel like an alarm clock and you like a zombie waking up.
You will find something that makes you feel like awakening is a gift not a punishment. And you will find this again, naturally if you focus on what truly matters.
The Ten of Pentacles
This is the first negative card to take a look at, something you are advised against. This is a card of great material satisfaction, abundance and pleasure in the company of others! Usually a wonderful card to receive, but in the context of the spread I take it that you may be too focused on material gain. I feel like you want to have others see your success, you might care excessively about being flashy or being wealthy in general. If this isn't about plain materialism, another outcome could be that this is advice to not take the higher paying job over a lower paying job that would make you happier! Or in the future you should not accept the raise if you aren't eager to take on the additional labor. Either way, as hard as it can be sometimes, try not to focus too much on the money as much as possible and you will be able to find a job that you are eager to work.
This, like the empress on the top, is advice but for this bottom section. Temperance is similar to the empress in a few ways! This card also asks for patience, moderation, being grounded!
With a foot in the water and a foot on the ground, the angel reminds you to keep yourself both hopeful and grounded in reality. Dreams can only come true when you make a practical plan! Otherwise they only stay dreams. I will also mention that there are two angels in this reading, of the three major arcana to show an angel, two of them popped up! I'm not sure what that could mean, but I did notice it! Make of it what you will! :)
The Eight of Swords
This card is showing you what not to do or what you're doing wrong. This person in the artwork feels trapped, blindfolded and bound, surrounded by swords stabbed in the ground. But nobody wields them, and if they realized it, they would be able to walk away with their legs free to wander. Nobody stands guard, nobody chains them in place, but they feel and stay trapped. You might have made a bit of a mental prison for yourself here, I think that you feel trapped by your circumstances or feel powerless and confused. Or maybe you simply feel safer to stand in place than to risk what might happen if you step away. Either way, fear is holding you captive, and temperance might be guiding you to allow your fear to exist, but to rein it in, and realize that you are in no danger.
Now the two advice cards.
On the left:
The Two of Pentacles
This card totally reaffirms everything from earlier in the reading! The two of pentacles like all twos can represent a choice. A choice in the material world, two boats go to different destinations, and this man in the image juggles these choices, an infinity sign woven in. Hard choices that affect the future of your life in powerful ways will always be present, and you are here right now, struggling with what to do next, what should you do about it?
On the right:
Page of Swords
The swords represent intelligence, the pages represent youthfulness and curiosity. Be smart but all the while keep your sense of adventure! This Is cliche but it's just what the cards say haha, you have to be smart to get what you want, you have to think carefully on your many choices ahead, just keep the spirit of fun in mind and it will help you to not get jaded by the world.
Overall allow yourself to explore different options, and to not dig a hole for yourself to get stuck in! More so, don't let yourself get trapped in your own head, and don't focus on the material aspect more than the adventure of it all. Though I see abandonment and loss and feeling lost in this reading, I see a lot of curiosity, adventure, and opportunity ahead! Just go with the flow!
I hope this wasn't too boring, all of this is definitely on par with typical career advice but the cards will say what they want to say. Despite it not being spicy or dramatic, I hope that this reading will contain some good bits of info to contemplate :)
Thank you for letting me read for you! Again I'm sorry for the delay, it's been tricky catching up and I appreciate your patience

best of luck with your career pursuits and I hope you find something really cool!