

Schizophrenic and desperate to end this pain
Mar 19, 2024
Would taking SN with soda/juice compromise the method entirely? I am asking because I just tried ctbing with plain water and SN and I vomited almost all of the SN out.

Are there any cases of people being successful when taking SN with a soda/juice or even milk?
I'd assume you would have to up the dose of SN when doing so?

Any help is deeply appreciated.
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Jul 12, 2024
Hi I read the SN guid on here. It is not recommended to take SN with juice . I can't remember why . I can send you the SN guid if you're interested. I heard people on here say that drinking it with a straw makes it better
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Aug 27, 2024
I'm not sure how to post links I'm a bit of a boomer but please look up the SN megathread as I've read it isn't advised.
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Apr 9, 2024
did you follow an method for taking the SN? or did you just drink it?
it's strange how many people are now saying they have taken SN and threw it all up. three posts in last 24 hours saying this. doesn't seem right somehow. maybe share the initials of the SN source in case. people also prepare multiple glasses in case of vomiting. it's best to follow one of the protocols listed in the link posted in a comment above.
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Mori praestat, quam haec pati!
May 21, 2023
You should use AEs (meto) but if you have a very sensitive stomach you may still vomit immediately.
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My own worst enemy🌹💔
Aug 10, 2024
Would taking SN with soda/juice compromise the method entirely? I am asking because I just tried ctbing with plain water and SN and I vomited almost all of the SN out.

Are there any cases of people being successful when taking SN with a soda/juice or even milk?
I'd assume you would have to up the dose of SN when doing so?

Any help is deeply appreciated.
I'm no expert but I think milk could slow down the process by coating your stomach & soda could increase the chance of vomiting due to carbonation & the pressure it would put in the stomach.
Im glad you're looking at the finer details & hope you find what you're searching for🌹💔
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Jul 8, 2024
did you follow an method for taking the SN? or did you just drink it?
it's strange how many people are now saying they have taken SN and threw it all up. three posts in last 24 hours saying this. doesn't seem right somehow. maybe share the initials of the SN source in case. people also prepare multiple glasses in case of vomiting. it's best to follow one of the protocols listed in the link posted in a comment above.
This is concerning for sure. Its also frustrating that there is a lack of mention of the protocol in basically all of these posts. Fasting? AE? Whats the source inititals and purity? All of this matters on why OP is throwing up.
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Jul 3, 2022
Would taking SN with soda/juice compromise the method entirely? I am asking because I just tried ctbing with plain water and SN and I vomited almost all of the SN out.

Are there any cases of people being successful when taking SN with a soda/juice or even milk?
I'd assume you would have to up the dose of SN when doing so?

Any help is deeply appreciated.
Apparently juice or carbonated drinks will turn the nitrite into nitrate, which is undesirable. I don't know what milk would do, though, but I assume that water is digested faster than anything else, which is what you want.
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Mar 29, 2024
did you follow an method for taking the SN? or did you just drink it?
it's strange how many people are now saying they have taken SN and threw it all up. three posts in last 24 hours saying this. doesn't seem right somehow. maybe share the initials of the SN source in case. people also prepare multiple glasses in case of vomiting. it's best to follow one of the protocols listed in the link posted in a comment above.
What I don't understand is, OP asked for a SN source 3 times just a week ago, all 3 on Friday. How do they suddenly have SN after less than a week? Also they were online about 20 hrs after they posted about the ingestion, but didn't post anything, after opening 2 separate threads earlier with questions that got replies. And I'm not sure, but the writing style of the posts inbetween seems much too composed for someone who feels sick after ingesting SN, even if it was a small amount. Someone died after ingesting a single gram.
Maybe OP can offer an explanation sometime, I'm curious and I know there always is one. Stuff made me become more cautious though. Sometimes I feel paranoia on the horizon and have to make myself sit back. So apologies if this is unwarranted.
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May 8, 2024
What I don't understand is, OP asked for a SN source 3 times just a week ago, all 3 on Friday. How do they suddenly have SN after less than a week? Also they were online about 20 hrs after they posted about the ingestion, but didn't post anything, after opening 2 separate threads earlier with questions that got replies. And I'm not sure, but the writing style of the posts inbetween seems much too composed for someone who feels sick after ingesting SN, even if it was a small amount. Someone died after ingesting a single gram.
Maybe OP can offer an explanation sometime, I'm curious and I know there always is one. Stuff made me become more cautious though. Sometimes I feel paranoia on the horizon and have to make myself sit back. So apologies if this is unwarranted.
Yes but you can get it on the A site with a business account and some are saying that it's not difficult to open a business account. Now, as for the purity, protocols, etc, etc.....I don't think it's unbelievable for the person to have drank a small amount (they only took about 1/10 of a lethal dose), regret it and throw up, have headache, etc as they have said they did.
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Mar 29, 2024
Yes but you can get it on the A site with a business account and some are saying that it's not difficult to open a business account. Now, as for the purity, protocols, etc, etc.....I don't think it's unbelievable for the person to have drank a small amount (they only took about 1/10 of a lethal dose), regret it and throw up, have headache, etc as they have said they did.
That would have been really fast shipping, to the US, no less. And sure, it's believable, but the way the messages are composed doesn't reflect the distress of the situation. I say that with several SN GBTs and crisis posts in the back of my mind. It just looks strange to me personally, but it's most probably nothing at all. Just ignore me, lol, today I talk too much.
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Hypomania go brrr
Apr 5, 2023
As mentioned by others, avoid taking with juice/soda, unless u just want tasty SN or salty juice
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May 8, 2024
That would have been really fast shipping, to the US, no less. And sure, it's believable, but the way the messages are composed doesn't reflect the distress of the situation. I say that with several SN GBTs and crisis posts in the back of my mind. It just looks strange to me personally, but it's most probably nothing at all. Just ignore me, lol, today I talk too much.
Yes but from the A store, I get stuff delivered in 1-2 days. I understand the skepticism but when I have read SN posts where the person gives an account contrary to what people want to believe, then the person is accused of lying, not following protocols, not having pure enough SN, etc. I don't think we really know a whole lot about SN...the reaction seems to vary, though there are some more common complaints....nausea, vomiting for some, stomach/throat pain, headaches, tachycardia, difficulty breathing, dizziness, weakness. Unfortunately, I am also having to consider this shitty method myself, despite my stomach and chemical sensitivities and CNS damage....however, all these things and the fact that we don't truly know the success rate of it is concerning for someone like me, especially given my issues. Young, healthy people....I would never recommend risking this or any method really.
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Mar 29, 2024
Yes but from the A store, I get stuff delivered in 1-2 days. I understand the skepticism but when I have read SN posts where the person gives an account contrary to what people want to believe, then the person is accused of lying, not following protocols, not having pure enough SN, etc. I don't think we really know a whole lot about SN...the reaction seems to vary, though there are some more common complaints....nausea, vomiting for some, stomach/throat pain, headaches, tachycardia, difficulty breathing, dizziness, weakness. Unfortunately, I am also having to consider this shitty method myself, despite my stomach and chemical sensitivities and CNS damage....however, all these things and the fact that we don't truly know the success rate of it is concerning for someone like me, especially given my issues. Young, healthy people....I would never recommend risking this or any method really.
1-2 days is really fast!
I'm with you, it's not ideal, and I have a backup method in mind, but we make do with what we can get. As for the success rate, we can only work with the limited data we got, but if you look at the successful/unsuccessful compilations, those who drink it and come back usually are alive because they were either found or called for help. We can't know what really happened to the others, it could be the worst, but I'm pretty confident that it will most likely be lethal if there is no intervention and you keep down enough of it. Short of using a guillotine, any method could have some flaw. Wait, the guillotine could get stuck ... You can never be sure to eliminate every risk. We decide if it's worth the risk.
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