- Aug 4, 2022
- 1,892
You didnt answer my question. Should we allow people under the influence of drugs or mania or psychosis to commit ctb if they wanted to? Your human rights question is incredibly useless. Of course I would allow human rights to folks with low iq. Whats your point? Answer my question. I have asked you this 3 times alreadyDrugs? Should of course be taken responsibly, just listen to Joe Rogan. Whereas mental issues? People use those terms now complacently, rendering it useless. Would you deny human rights to folks with IQs lower than 100, too? They might be considered disabled by some metrics!
Thats actually rational suicide and not impulsive.Would premediated suicide count as impulsive if a person kills himself upon reaching a certain state? For example, learning that the Russians are 500m away from the Bunker?
Um, no? Child can want to die for any reason lmao. Maybe they are bullied at school. Should we allow them to do so if they are getting bullied? And in case they are being abused, should we allow them to kill themselves instead of seeing whether they can actually get help and improve their living situation?If a child wants to die, chances are it's getting raped, what else can there be? Ah, also getting beaten, starved and imprisoned, but that's par for the course.
This is actually insane. Now I undersstand why @Moonymoon ignored you. You cant follow the conversation. You dont have any reasonable prescriptions for how society should operate. You sound like a literal psychopath and I hope none of the parents kids are anywhere near you because with these views it looks like you have severe genocidal tendencies. Holy shitAnd if I were to go further (I vaguely expect it to sound offensive), I might say that suicidal children ought to be killed off because it's easier for them to leave this world behind, having far less live experience to anchor them.
oh wow. 90% of normies beat and torture children? Imprison them as well? Holy shit I didnt know that. Care to share a source on that? Not just on how many children are punished for their misbehavior but how many are actually tortured by their parents. Id love to see it. You are legitimately insane I have been on sasu for 2 years and I have never met anyone with these views. Holy shitNo single moniker designates my views. Incels are actually incredibly traditional and pro-life, normie-like. I'm merely trying to get on @FuneralCry's side, because if not me, then who? I have to balance my yearning for immortality with some unironic pro-mortalism, after all.
How is it cruel to kill a willing child if 90% of normies beat and torture and shout and imprison their kids, with nobody batting an eyelid? LMAO kek