Me too. To me non-existence forever is the ultimate bliss. I didn't have any problems for 13.8 billion years before I was born . It will be like that again after i die. As long as consciousness and sentience exist there is a very good chance of repeatedly suffering extreme pain , sufffering , unmet needs, terrible memories, boredom etc.
I can't imagine how horrible an unembodied consciousness would be so i'm glad I know there is no afterlife nor reincarnation. It's very horrible having a consciousness trapped inside the body of animal a decaying meatbag that i've had to lug around for decades against the forces of gravity and Entropy constantly feeding it , horrific
It's almost like going back in time to any year of the past 13.8 billion years. Say the year 1900 I was not alive and so had no problems then . I had no problem with not existing either.
The only solace I have is that some day after I die then I'll go back immediately to not existing forever. however the only thing is I don't want to suffer extreme long lasting pain to get to non-existence as I will anyway . I want to ctb very soon and not have to suffer anymore. Cause as long as I exist i will suffer.
In 130 years all humans including me will be dead .
In 1000 years nothing of their lives will remain , no memories nothing
We all want to know our future. But what will life look like in the next 1000 years? Have you ever thought about it, and contemplate what could happen
I wish time travel were possible but it's not . But if It were I'd go back in time and prevent some ancestor from meeting a mate or something so that I would never have been born.