Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
- large doses if vitamin C , I take 2,5g x 4 times a day. 10g a day totally.

Is it lyme disease? May I ask how the infection was diagnosed? I'm interested due to my horrible ongoing health problems which mostly haven't been diagnosed in spite of multiple doctors and tests. I am on usually at least a couple of different antibiotics each year for most of my life.

I was taking 500 mg of vitamin C a day for about six months and got a kidney stone that required surgery and horrible pain for days from it. So be aware that large doses of vitamin C can cause kidney stones.

I also read that taking large doses of B vitamins can cause nerve damage and I have that and used to take large doses.
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Oct 20, 2019
Is it lyme disease? I am on usually at least a couple of different antibiotics each year for most of my life.

I was taking 500 mg a day for about six months and got a kidney stone that required surgery and horrible pain for days from it. So be aware that large doses of vitamin C can cause kidney stones.

Yeah Im aware of that. I drink a lot of water to clean up my kidneys.

I also started doing Joe Dispenza meditations. I did it for 2 months and it actually helped! But last week my condition worsened. Im still doing the meditations. Hope it helps
Is it lyme disease? I am on usually at least a couple of different antibiotics each year for most of my life.

I was taking 500 mg a day for about six months and got a kidney stone that required surgery and horrible pain for days from it. So be aware that large doses of vitamin C can cause kidney stones.

Yeah Im aware of that. I drink a lot of water to clean up my kidneys.

I also started doing Joe Dispenza meditations. I did it for 2 months and it actually helped! But last week my condition worsened. Im still doing the meditations. Hope it helps
Is it lyme disease? May I ask how the infection was diagnosed? I'm interested due to my horrible ongoing health problems which mostly haven't been diagnosed in spite of multiple doctors and tests. I am on usually at least a couple of different antibiotics each year for most of my life.

It's Chlamydia. I was finally diagnosed after 3 years of suffering.
I knew it was the infection.
The best lab to do the tests is Arminlabs. You can DHL your blood samles so they run the tests. (For lyme, chlamydia, mycoplasma and other pathogens) .

Here's the link:

Also check your symptoms. If you have any of those then it worth looking into: was started by educated patients who are themselves undergoing combination antibiotic treatment of diseases where Cpn has been implicated, including:

Multiple sclerosis, Chronic fatigue, Cardiac disease, Interstitial cystitis, Prostatitis, Crohn's disease, Inflammatory bowel disease, Alzheimer's disease, Asthma, Arthritis, Fibromyalgia, Chronic refractory sinusitis, Macular Degeneration, and others.
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Jan 2, 2019
Yes I did. A year ago. It didn't help. I almost went deaf, since it has some nasty side effects.

Ive tried all antibiotic available. Ive spent last 6 months on 5 antibiotics protocol. It helped and I felt like a human being again, buy then slowly the resistance built up and antibiotics stopped working.

Those of you who suffer from severe neurological pain I recommend to try following:
- large doses of B vitamins: B2, B6, B12
- quercetin 500mg x 2 times a day
- large doses if vitamin C , I take 2,5g x 4 times a day. 10g a day totally.
- mexidol

Those are all antioxidants and can be obtained OTC on iherb.

If you have any tips how to deal with the pain please do share .
Ozone is supposed to be really good for infections. You can go to a doctor and have them draw blood , ozonate i and then reinject it into your blood stream for a systemic effect. Or you can buy an ozone machine for $700 and an industrial oxygen tank for about $100 and do insufflations at home. Have you ever tried ozone?


Oct 20, 2019
Ozone is supposed to be really good for infections. You can go to a doctor and have them draw blood , ozonate i and then reinject it into your blood stream for a systemic effect. Or you can buy an ozone machine for $700 and an industrial oxygen tank for about $100 and do insufflations at home. Have you ever tried ozone?

Yeah I've tried ozone. Didn't help.
Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
Yeah I've tried ozone. Didn't help.
Ozone is a atmospheric pollutant that it's best to avoid. Sorry you fell victim to this quackery.
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Jul 30, 2020
Is anyone here planning to commit suicide due to chronic pain? I have chronic pain and am looking forward to the pain going away after dying but am also really sad that I can't live a long and normal life. I'm 29 and feel like my life was really just getting started before being injured. If I didn't have this pain, I would not be suicidal. It makes me really sad because I feel like I'm missing out on life and helping other people and making the world be a better place. I also feel really bad for my family because I know they will be so sad to learn of my suicide. But I also can't continue to live in so much pain. Does anyone else relate?
Yep im here for that kind of problem too... I'm 20 yo and the last 2 years have been just pain, pure pain, everyday, everynight, everytime.
That life is just a pure nightmare, i just want one thing : the pain to stop.
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Jun 28, 2019
I'm so sad reading all the stories here... Sending you lots of love and peace. Nobody should have to suffer like this. :aw:
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Apr 2, 2019
Completely. I went from fairly healthy to DISABLED very quickly and they haven't managed to diagnose me properly yet! For four years I've been living a quasi-existence... I had endometriosis for 20 years and they only got to it 3 years ago. I'm pretty sure it's on my sciatic nerve but am having a hard time getting them to listen. I wake up soaked in sweat, my palpable lymph nodes are growing in size and number, there's an unknown lesion inside my spinal cord that I assume they won't remove until my legs stop working...
I've got a fiancé and child to stick around for but am battered back by constant pain and fatigue every day, guilty that I can't perform my duties as a wife and mother.
Sure I'm causing distress by living but obviously would cause distress if I took my own life, so stuck in a crappy limbo where I can never win lol I'm either no doing enough or doing too much!

You never mentioned what pain you suffer from, may I ask? Out of genuine interest and willingness to understand, for this is what we unfortunately lack from those close by during chronic pain...:heart:

I know this post is a few months old but I wanted to reply to it because I also had (technically, still have) endometriosis too. In retrospect I can see that I started suffering symptoms of it at around 15, but just didn't realize. Got REALLY bad when I was 27 and then finally diagnosed with it officially at 28/29 after my first surgery (later had a total hyst at 32). Endometriosis can be completely, totally disabling and steal so much from life. My heart goes out to you still dealing with likely pain from it on your sciatic nerve AND with doctors who just refuse to listen or investigate - I've been there, so I get it. I too will have abdominal pain and other issues due to the years of damage the endo caused, and because my disease was so advanced it was simply impossible to remove it from everywhere in my pelvic region/abdomen.

I hope in the months since you wrote your post that some doctor has finally listened and done SOMETHING to help you find relief from your pain and other symptoms, or give you answers to what's happening.

Sending you strength and support :heart:
I was taking 500 mg of vitamin C a day for about six months and got a kidney stone that required surgery and horrible pain for days from it. So be aware that large doses of vitamin C can cause kidney stones.

I also read that taking large doses of B vitamins can cause nerve damage and I have that and used to take large doses.

I'd heard that about Vitamin C potentially causing kidney stones and I've been taking large doses of C for years and I have (what they think is) a quite large kidney stone but it hasn't moved or caused pain or anything in years so now they aren't sure if it's a stone IN my kidney that will eventually move, which if it does, it's large enough I'll likely need to have it broken up with laser (I think...) so I'm dreading the day that might happen.

I didn't know that about B vitamins though, so thank you for posting that information. I have been taking a high dose B complex for YEARS. :-/ Seems like no matter what I try to improve my health or alleviate certain symptoms I suffer from, there are negative consequences. Frustrating.
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Apr 10, 2019
I know this post is a few months old but I wanted to reply to it because I also had (technically, still have) endometriosis too. In retrospect I can see that I started suffering symptoms of it at around 15, but just didn't realize. Got REALLY bad when I was 27 and then finally diagnosed with it officially at 28/29 after my first surgery (later had a total hyst at 32). Endometriosis can be completely, totally disabling and steal so much from life. My heart goes out to you still dealing with likely pain from it on your sciatic nerve AND with doctors who just refuse to listen or investigate - I've been there, so I get it. I too will have abdominal pain and other issues due to the years of damage the endo caused, and because my disease was so advanced it was simply impossible to remove it from everywhere in my pelvic region/abdomen.

I hope in the months since you wrote your post that some doctor has finally listened and done SOMETHING to help you find relief from your pain and other symptoms, or give you answers to what's happening.

Sending you strength and support :heart:

Thank you, so nice to have that level of sympathy from somebody who knows how awful it is! Still pinging about between specialists as there's definitely something systemic going on - under endocrinologist and haematologist right now but going is slow and doctor's interests are minimal at best. Had a particularly bad bout of late and just want an end to it all, one way or another!

Thank you for your kind words and I hope that you're not suffering too badly ❤️
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Apr 2, 2019
Chronic pain and multiple physical illnesses and conditions over the course of my life (I'm 52) is the main driving reason I want to ctb.

I started suffering stomach issues when I was around 6. I had other weird ailments as a child that I look back on now and wonder if they were all a part of some condition or disease that still remains undiagnosed (for example, a few years ago I started having heart issues and the cardiologist I saw asked if I had Mafan's syndrome, which I'd not heard of ever before but when I looked up about it, I had a number of the criteria for it including being born with flat feet, so I don't know...). Otherwise, I have: endometriosis, which caused decades of pain and bleeding and took away my fertility; osteoporosis either from the drugs used to "treat" the endometriosis, or possibly from another condition (this was told to me by a couple doctors. no one checked my baseline bone density so it's possible my osteoporosis was there before the endo drugs were prescribed. so again, no real answers, which sucks); lifelong GI issues including chronic nausea (this one thing was horrible enough and has made my life hell for as long as I can remember), IBS, general abdominal pain besides the abdominal pain from the endometriosis); underactive thyroid; an undiagnosed mass in my pelvis; blood disorder that causes low white cells and platelets; eye issues that cause redness, pain, and floaters; severely underweight which comes with a host of miserable issues; rectal bleeding from various reasons going back to when I was a teenager (terrifying AND embarrassing to talk to anybody about, especially when you're so young); and then in the last year and half I have been dealing with a c. difficile infection which is something I'd not wish on my worst enemy. Finally, lifelong anxiety and severe depression that has only worsened over the years from all the health issues and what those health issues have done to my life (the anxiety comes along with a bunch of physical symptoms too and has led to a benzo dependence so getting of them was rough and then I got put back on Klonopin b/c of the added anxiety from the c. diff)

What I hate most besides what all these health issues and pain have stolen from me and how they've ruined my life is HOW HARD I'VE TRIED to life a healthy life, have avoided things that might be detrimental or harmful to my health in an effort to BE more healthy, and how many things I've avoided or turned down because I couldn't trust my own shitty body to be reliable enough TO do certain things, or avail myself of certain opportunities. My poor health and lousy body have ruled my life and I hate it and am so done with it. Especially at my age. Whats the point anymore? I used to hold onto the hope that I still had time to do some things I always wanted to or that I could still create a life if I got healthier...but now I realize that was all a pipe dream and wishful thinking. I'm a 52 year old, sickly non-person who has never done anything with her life and never will, and i'm tired of the useless procedures, doctor appointments, all the ER visits, the empty days full of only pain and fatigue and pointlessness. I'm just DONE. I don't want to feel sick and in pain anymore, or face any MORE health issues and I know that's all that's in store for me in this 'life'. I'm so tired.
Thank you, so nice to have that level of sympathy from somebody who knows how awful it is! Still pinging about between specialists as there's definitely something systemic going on - under endocrinologist and haematologist right now but going is slow and doctor's interests are minimal at best. Had a particularly bad bout of late and just want an end to it all, one way or another!

Thank you for your kind words and I hope that you're not suffering too badly ❤

I hope the specialists will eventually be helpful. I understand about the slow going and how little these doctors seem to care. It's good you are still pursuing finding answers though -- that's a great victory in itself as I know how discouraging the continual doctor visits and tests can become. I will send good thoughts that you will soon get some answers, and relief from your pain.

Always here if you ever need or want someone to talk to who has been through similar experiences. And thank you for YOUR kind words and well wishes :heart:
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Apr 10, 2019
Chronic pain and multiple physical illnesses and conditions over the course of my life (I'm 52) is the main driving reason I want to ctb.

I started suffering stomach issues when I was around 6. I had other weird ailments as a child that I look back on now and wonder if they were all a part of some condition or disease that still remains undiagnosed (for example, a few years ago I started having heart issues and the cardiologist I saw asked if I had Mafan's syndrome, which I'd not heard of ever before but when I looked up about it, I had a number of the criteria for it including being born with flat feet, so I don't know...). Otherwise, I have: endometriosis, which caused decades of pain and bleeding and took away my fertility; osteoporosis either from the drugs used to "treat" the endometriosis, or possibly from another condition (this was told to me by a couple doctors. no one checked my baseline bone density so it's possible my osteoporosis was there before the endo drugs were prescribed. so again, no real answers, which sucks); lifelong GI issues including chronic nausea (this one thing was horrible enough and has made my life hell for as long as I can remember), IBS, general abdominal pain besides the abdominal pain from the endometriosis); underactive thyroid; an undiagnosed mass in my pelvis; blood disorder that causes low white cells and platelets; eye issues that cause redness, pain, and floaters; severely underweight which comes with a host of miserable issues; rectal bleeding from various reasons going back to when I was a teenager (terrifying AND embarrassing to talk to anybody about, especially when you're so young); and then in the last year and half I have been dealing with a c. difficile infection which is something I'd not wish on my worst enemy. Finally, lifelong anxiety and severe depression that has only worsened over the years from all the health issues and what those health issues have done to my life (the anxiety comes along with a bunch of physical symptoms too and has led to a benzo dependence so getting of them was rough and then I got put back on Klonopin b/c of the added anxiety from the c. diff)

What I hate most besides what all these health issues and pain have stolen from me and how they've ruined my life is HOW HARD I'VE TRIED to life a healthy life, have avoided things that might be detrimental or harmful to my health in an effort to BE more healthy, and how many things I've avoided or turned down because I couldn't trust my own shitty body to be reliable enough TO do certain things, or avail myself of certain opportunities. My poor health and lousy body have ruled my life and I hate it and am so done with it. Especially at my age. Whats the point anymore? I used to hold onto the hope that I still had time to do some things I always wanted to or that I could still create a life if I got healthier...but now I realize that was all a pipe dream and wishful thinking. I'm a 52 year old, sickly non-person who has never done anything with her life and never will, and i'm tired of the useless procedures, doctor appointments, all the ER visits, the empty days full of only pain and fatigue and pointlessness. I'm just DONE. I don't want to feel sick and in pain anymore, or face any MORE health issues and I know that's all that's in store for me in this 'life'. I'm so tired.

I hope the specialists will eventually be helpful. I understand about the slow going and how little these doctors seem to care. It's good you are still pursuing finding answers though -- that's a great victory in itself as I know how discouraging the continual doctor visits and tests can become. I will send good thoughts that you will soon get some answers, and relief from your pain.

Always here if you ever need or want someone to talk to who has been through similar experiences. And thank you for YOUR kind words and well wishes :heart:

Oh honey that sounds so awful I'm so sorry:aw: you are a goddamn legend for carrying on as long as you have!! I'm pretty much just going through the rigmarole of doctors and tests for my son and fiancé but hope has pretty much left me as nobody really cares or understands lol

I'll inbox you now so I don't forget later, open the channel of communication early - please don't feel obliged to reply right away, only do so when it's easy! You seem like a shiny soul and connection with another being who understands this completely would be most welcome right now xx
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Oct 20, 2019
Have you tried cannabis, low dose naltrexone?

I did. I got significantly worse on both. I guess both substances interact with the immune system. In my case not in a right way


Jul 14, 2020
I'm so sorry to hear. That pain sounds unbearable. Are you into alternative treatments? If so, maybe you can look into the DNRS program, scenar, quantum touch healing ( I know of a quantum healer who refunds all of your money if it doesn't help), etc. Or maybe hyperbarics or PEMF?

I will definitely research these! I will try anything to see if it helps! Thanks for suggestions. :)
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Oct 11, 2020
I feel you. Spinal stinosis hurts and I'm only 21. If it's that bad right now, I really can't imagine how much worse it'll get. I have no boyfriend or kids and am thankful because I will most definitely CTB.

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