Apr 2, 2021
I'm in East Africa, specifically Kenya. I was thinking about how much I'll need to die in the means I think would be convenient.

Roughly Ksh. 7000 (USD 70) for SN (hopefully; still trying to get a source so hit me up if you know from where)
Ksh. 20000 (USD 200) for my last trip to the coast. I'd really like to die when on the ocean.
Ksh. 70000 (USD 700) Possible boat buying. Just a tiny one. If it has a chance to capsize maybe it'd be best. I don't know.
Ksh 50000 - 100000 (USD 500 - 1000) Miscellaneous activities. Maybe take people out and such.

TOTAL: Ksh. 200000 (USD 2000)
I recently completed a degree in Biomedical Engineering. I wish I could leverage it to get dough but I'm totally uninterested in doing work related to it. For now, just online struggles. Hoping I can earn this much in the next few months or so.

Is there anything special you'd like to do before you die? What would it be? How much would it cost and can you afford it?
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Mar 22, 2020
Damn, I guess dying is not cheap.

Something to do before I die?

Yes, I would like to visit Japan! It's my dream but it's way too expensive. I guess I need at least 10k usd if I want to have fun.
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Autistic loser
Jan 26, 2021
I'd like to hug a woman that's romantically interested in me. It would take getting through an education, getting a job, working for two or so years to be able to move out of my parents' place. Then I'd have to get some friends and buy a nice outfit, hit the gym some more. Not going to happen, obviously, so I'm ready to die anytime, heh.

More about costing time and effort than cold hard cash.


Aug 18, 2020
Never met som,eone from Africa on this website. 2000 USD is a lot of money. How is life in Kenya?


Apr 2, 2021
Damn, I guess dying is not cheap.

Something to do before I die?

Yes, I would like to visit Japan! It's my dream but it's way too expensive. I guess I need at least 10k usd if I want to have fun.
Weird suggestion? Where I am, Japan, through an institution called MEXT, offers scholarships (full including transportation iirc) for things like vocational studies. People don't usually apply so I think chances for the year-long trip especially aren't very low.
I'd like to hug a woman that's romantically interested in me. It would take getting through an education, getting a job, working for two or so years to be able to move out of my parents' place. Then I'd have to get some friends and buy a nice outfit, hit the gym some more. Not going to happen, obviously, so I'm ready to die anytime, heh.

More about costing time and effort than cold hard cash.
I think I know what you mean. Personally it's been a weird path. Got out of high school knowing I'll be a total NEET. Got suicidal but also got to meet some pretty chill people. Right now though I feel guilty though. Like I made people (especially my last girlfriend) invest when I'm going to kill myself. Sometimes I wish I could say that I would have rather never have known them for their sakes but I'm too selfish.

I get about what you're saying about the effort though. Every day feeling like a slog. Maybe you'll be around long enough to get a taste of it. I won't bullshit you saying it'll get better but I can still hope it does.
Never met som,eone from Africa on this website. 2000 USD is a lot of money. How is life in Kenya?
Is it? For some reason I thought that for Americans especially it would sound like it isn't a lot. But yes, it isn't a small sum.

People here go through with hanging but suicide's still a phenomenon. It's ironically illegal though.

I don't know. I don't go out much. I don't do much. I don't see much. But petroleum's expensive af, the public sector is corrupt af, and....we're all so fucking uninformed....
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