I am not 'nice' to women. I am nice period. I make generalisations mostly because I have a couple of eyes so I see what happens around me and I also have freedom to express my opinions, if you think I am some kind of person being part of some anti women organisation of some kind you are out of your mind. I don't feel entitled of a relationship at all, I am just frustrated by my whole social life, not only with women but also with men. I don't fit in that description you sent me. I can still have genuine women friends like I do and at the same time have the opinion that they are not looking for someone who's gonna be a loyal and loving partner that will enrich their lives. Women who acted really interested in me stopped doing that when they found out I wasn't hard to get, when I like a person I just like them I don't like playing games. I've tried to behave differently and it worked, but I am simply not that person, I don't want to play games with a person, I want a relationship based on mutual respect and truthfulness, it seems like if you have this mindset nowadays you are a 'nice guy' or an 'incel' or a 'loser', that's also why I have lost my respect on most women. I've already told you in another occasion about examples that I've observed during my life, I don't really have to repeat myself, when I see most women just looking for a couple of wide shoulders and never looking at values or actual achievements the person managed to reach you get just tired.
I know you don't know me at all and you can only see the person I am on this site of course so obviously I am a bad person (?) in your eyes but I come here to express whatever shit I have in my mind when I get my panic attacks and anxiety attacks. Don't believe for a second that I go around treating people like that or saying that to people. And it's not because I hide who I am or my real thoughts, it's just that sometimes I have to express my frustrations and I don't have a good friend to do so, and I have to do that maybe in an aggressive way and I am really sorry if I may sound disrespectful, I really am not. I have to release my anger in some way or another…
Yea, I go around my town telling people to go fuck themselves…if I am on this site it's not because I was born here my friend, I tried hard to make my social life better than what it is now and for some reason (also my fault sometimes) I couldn't make many friends and I cannot find anyone who's interesting enough for me and who's interested in me. This situation created and it's creating a big amount of frustration in me, culminating in a strong sense of loneliness and hopelessness. That's why I am suicidal. To value me over my comments on SS is pretty unfair. I am not like this, this is my way to NOT be like this in real life. I am tired, I do this or I'll just hang myself and end it right here.
You are completely right: I am a questionable person. In one of your posts you said you were not even in your 20s, well, that means that I am at least 7 years older than you. Let me tell you something: anyone with my kind of life sometimes makes questionable remarks. Especially when it's been so many years since the last time they felt loved or appreciated.
2nd attempt since my response didn't go through the first time :( had to copy and paste it lol but here you go:
hey, i'm half asleep so i apologise if i come across as a tad bit incoherent. first of all, i ask of you to not mention my age with the intent of lecturing me in a seemingly didactic manner. it may come as a surprise to you, but regardless of our age difference, i too have experienced copious amounts of rejection throughout my lifetime, and the emotions you have described strongly resonate with mine, even despite the fact that you're about 7 years my senior. of course, time is an important factor in life and i won't lie to you and say that i know what it feels like to be alive for 26 years dwelling in these emotions — i'm sure it must be unbearable for you, and i'm deeply sorry about that. however, even if i have not lived the exact life you lived, these concepts of feeling isolated or undesirable are still very much comprehensible to me. i'm sorry that the string of events in your life has lead you on here, and down the path of suicide. i hope i don't come across as an enemy to you for this rebuttal, i only intend to give you my thoughts on it.
i do not agree with EvisceratedJester's assumptions of your character, though i understand why she would take that stance as the things you've stated mirror the exact archetype she referred to you as (e.g. the whole niceguy thing); i also don't agree with Inteoop's assessment as it's clear that what you have explained stems from a lot of pent up frustration and thus not indicative of your real life behaviour. i will now also correct myself and say that it was wrong for me to declare you as a questionable person as what i was alluding to was your actions instead of you as a whole — i don't believe that these instances define you.
to me, you have definitely made some questionable comments and actions on this forum. now, just because they don't align with my (and a lot of user's) morals, that doesn't mean you don't have all the freedom in the world to express your thoughts. what i've come to realise is that it's a matter of personal life experiences — if you have repetitive negative experiences with a particular group, subsequently, you're going to feel inclined to internalise hatred towards them. i know for sure that i've had numerous bad experiences with men, and at some point in my life i started to harbour resentment towards them — it's natural. whilst your feelings are perfectly valid, you also have to acknowledge that these are
your personal feelings and don't align with the real world.
unsurprisingly, i hold the belief that you have the freedom to express those thoughts on here, as this is the intended use of this space. however, the difference lies within your ways of doing so; if you were to make your own threads detailing your struggles, i would've had no problem with it, but the thing is, you are actively seeking other people's threads and disregarding their issues entirely for the sake of spotlighting your own.
for example:
in this very thread and your comment in which prompted this whole back and forth in the first place:
Bullshit. There are so many single men around that it's literally impossible for you to not find anyone. You are just imposing yourselves stupidly high standards.
I'm a 26 yo man and I am objectively better than most of them and I cannot find anyone. I just want to die I do not want to live alone for so many years to come. Women are not looking for love or a good partner.
this argument in a thread of a woman voicing her experiences with loneliness and not feeling prioritised:
(i have to resort to copy-pasting, it won't allow me to quote this one)
"Women will decide to stay single then complain about loneliness. Such bullshit posts in this page."
- response from exiled: "listen, the two can co-exist. i'm deciding to stay single right now for a plethora of reasons, but nevertheless, i feel the loneliness of it. your staunch hatred of women is showing"
"I don't hate anyone. I've met a lot of women complaining 24/7 about not being in a relationship then behaving like monkeys at the age of 28+. You are just pathetic and end up your lives living with a couple of cats wondering why you never found anyone."
- another response from exiled: "hmm maybe thats because the world is full of boys and not men" (i personally don't agree with this statement)
"Yea sure… most women I am talking about grade a man over height or muscle instead of anything else. I have a good friend of mine and she is single at 33, we introduced her to a MAN aged 37, with a beautiful daughter and he had a house, he was responsible, he had a job and he was a serious person. She looked at him and just said 'I don't like him', during the whole night she was around the pub looking at 23 yo BOYS to look for sex. Pathetic behaviour. None of you want stability or love. You are just a bunch of monkeys." (this sort of behaviour could've easily been replicated by a man, how is this exclusive to women?)
- response from TheHolySword: "do you want a towel to cover up your misogyny, I would be embarrassed to display that in public"
"Cry about it. Monkey"
this comment in a thread of a man detailing his struggles with his deceitful partner:
Don't even waste your time looking for love. There is no woman in this world capable of loving. They are just looking for personal interests. Try to find something else as a dream and don't even try to have a family or a stable happy relationship. If you don't you will end up just like me, I'll definitely kill myself in a couple of months.
to reiterate, there is quite a remarkable difference between expressing your own views in your own thread and going out of your way to invalidate other's feelings by making it about yourself. not to mention, you seem to be presenting your opinions as facts in these comments (especially the last one), in which isn't the greatest way of going about things. is it wrong to feel the way that you do? no, your feelings are perfectly valid. however, is your behaviour in these instances wrong? personally, i'd say so. this kind of behaviour is uncalled for. i'd suggest that you acknowledge that not everything is centred around you, for the original poster of this thread (FireFox), could've easily made similar remarks as she is a woman (older than you, might i add) who has also faced an immeasurable amount of rejection in her life from men, even despite trying her hardest. now, if she were to go into men's threads and completely disregard and bicker over their issues, would that be wrong? yes, absolutely! but again, would she be in the wrong to simply harbour those thoughts, no.
the point i'm making is quite a simple one, we all have our problems, men and women alike. to disregard anyone's problems on
a suicide forum, is a petty and childish way of presenting yourself, and i'm hoping that from what i have explained, you can see that. then again, these are all my viewpoints on it and you have the freedom to form your own thoughts on it — believe that everyone else is wrong and you're right, if you must. though i must warn you, if you proceed to act this way, people will undoubtedly start to view you as an enemy rather than an equal, in which may lead to them being unsympathetic to you in the future. please try your best to be kind and understanding to everyone on here, as i've stated before, we're all struggling. i do not even wish your current circumstances upon my worst enemy and i hope that you find the love you long for. best of wishes to you <3