New Member
- Mar 10, 2025
- 2
A quick summary of my situation.
I suffer from Catastrophic Reactive Tinnitus (extremely loud, deafening, comes over all other sounds) and severe Hyperacusis (very collapsed tolerance to all sound) too. If you don't know what reactive Tinnitus is, it is the rare horrible kind which spikes (gets much louder) with most sounds. Hyperacusis is a collapsed tolerance of the volume of sounds, so everything sounds "too loud" and it can cause deep pain in the ear. The two conditions are absolute hell and are progressing. The Tinnitus started with a loud concert in 2005, and my symptoms gradually got worse and worse from further concerts with earplugs (ENT advised me to go!), and playing guitar with a friend. The Tinnitus became more and more reactive in in 2018 I developed hyperacusis playing guitar with a friend (wore custom earplugs, was absolutely surprised at how worse I got after).
Sudden unavoidable outdoor loud sounds like sirens, motorbikes, jackhammers, drills, exhausts etc also contributed massively to the decline. I've been housebound with my conditions for one year as my earplugs stopped protecting me as my conditions worsened. I now live in ear defenders, even at home, because I can't tolerate even ordinary sounds any more. I sleep in earplugs and must take meds to sleep, but even that isn't effective anymore and I keep waking up as the Tinnitus sound is now so loud it is simply the sound of death. As you can imagine, I have no quality of life. 4 Years ago, I could have flown to Pegasos in Switzerland and ended my life in a dignified way, but I decided to squeeze a few more years out of life, as I wasn't yet housebound then and I was able to go for short walks in quiet places. Now however, I cannot even tolerate a short car journey let alone a flight, and not even for very long.
The tinnitus is getting so loud I cannot think and giving me headaches. The Hyperacusis is getting even more collapsed so things like brushing my teeth and showering, even with ear protection, is extremely challenging. I have more recently, not been able to use my voice. It wasn't usuable without hearing protection for some years, but now even with hearing protection, the resonance of my normal speaking voice in my head has become too loud for my ears, and my Tinnitus gets much louder, so I have to whisper. I struggle to hear in ear defenders, so communication is now mainly via text.
As you can see my situation is absolutely dire, and I feel it's definitely time to exit this torture, misery and suffering.
Worth mentioning I lived a happy and free life before all these conditions destroyed everything. I was not clinically depressed or anything. I had depression now and then but it was ordinary sadness. I loved life, it is a gift. However, mine has become a nightmare of hellish proportions. No, I do not want to suffer anymore and live a life of isolation.
I want a peaceful method as possible. So far I have narrowed it down to two possible methods, which are:
1. Burn charcoal in a confined space, so die of Carbon Monoxide Poisoning (my only hesitation with this method is that some people who found others by this method said it didn't look very peaceful).
2. Helium Inhalation Method - Probably the most peaceful, but finding a the suicidal version of the exit bag with inlets for the tubing - has proved extremely difficult. I have found a source of Helium that I can purchase via canister legally in my home country. If anyone knows where I can buy the proper exit bags I would be very grateful!
I see the Sodium Nitrate method is gaining popularity but as I consider that method violent (strong convulsions) and it leaves a mess. (I don't want convulsions or to be found with black vomit everywhere!). That's not for me.
My life has become impossibly miserable and I want to end it as "clean" and "peaceful" as possible.
Appreciate any advices, especially on where to get such an exit bag for helium fixation.
Thank you!
A quick summary of my situation.
I suffer from Catastrophic Reactive Tinnitus (extremely loud, deafening, comes over all other sounds) and severe Hyperacusis (very collapsed tolerance to all sound) too. If you don't know what reactive Tinnitus is, it is the rare horrible kind which spikes (gets much louder) with most sounds. Hyperacusis is a collapsed tolerance of the volume of sounds, so everything sounds "too loud" and it can cause deep pain in the ear. The two conditions are absolute hell and are progressing. The Tinnitus started with a loud concert in 2005, and my symptoms gradually got worse and worse from further concerts with earplugs (ENT advised me to go!), and playing guitar with a friend. The Tinnitus became more and more reactive in in 2018 I developed hyperacusis playing guitar with a friend (wore custom earplugs, was absolutely surprised at how worse I got after).
Sudden unavoidable outdoor loud sounds like sirens, motorbikes, jackhammers, drills, exhausts etc also contributed massively to the decline. I've been housebound with my conditions for one year as my earplugs stopped protecting me as my conditions worsened. I now live in ear defenders, even at home, because I can't tolerate even ordinary sounds any more. I sleep in earplugs and must take meds to sleep, but even that isn't effective anymore and I keep waking up as the Tinnitus sound is now so loud it is simply the sound of death. As you can imagine, I have no quality of life. 4 Years ago, I could have flown to Pegasos in Switzerland and ended my life in a dignified way, but I decided to squeeze a few more years out of life, as I wasn't yet housebound then and I was able to go for short walks in quiet places. Now however, I cannot even tolerate a short car journey let alone a flight, and not even for very long.
The tinnitus is getting so loud I cannot think and giving me headaches. The Hyperacusis is getting even more collapsed so things like brushing my teeth and showering, even with ear protection, is extremely challenging. I have more recently, not been able to use my voice. It wasn't usuable without hearing protection for some years, but now even with hearing protection, the resonance of my normal speaking voice in my head has become too loud for my ears, and my Tinnitus gets much louder, so I have to whisper. I struggle to hear in ear defenders, so communication is now mainly via text.
As you can see my situation is absolutely dire, and I feel it's definitely time to exit this torture, misery and suffering.
Worth mentioning I lived a happy and free life before all these conditions destroyed everything. I was not clinically depressed or anything. I had depression now and then but it was ordinary sadness. I loved life, it is a gift. However, mine has become a nightmare of hellish proportions. No, I do not want to suffer anymore and live a life of isolation.
I want a peaceful method as possible. So far I have narrowed it down to two possible methods, which are:
1. Burn charcoal in a confined space, so die of Carbon Monoxide Poisoning (my only hesitation with this method is that some people who found others by this method said it didn't look very peaceful).
2. Helium Inhalation Method - Probably the most peaceful, but finding a the suicidal version of the exit bag with inlets for the tubing - has proved extremely difficult. I have found a source of Helium that I can purchase via canister legally in my home country. If anyone knows where I can buy the proper exit bags I would be very grateful!
I see the Sodium Nitrate method is gaining popularity but as I consider that method violent (strong convulsions) and it leaves a mess. (I don't want convulsions or to be found with black vomit everywhere!). That's not for me.
My life has become impossibly miserable and I want to end it as "clean" and "peaceful" as possible.
Appreciate any advices, especially on where to get such an exit bag for helium fixation.
Thank you!