

long time sunshine
Jun 14, 2024
12:37 AM

Been thinking a bit about my brother.

I'm pretty much his best friend. He's not as much of a "funny guy" as I am by any means; he's often standoffish and cranky and glares at people when in public. I love him to death and he can be funny and sweet but he's not one tenth as good at casual social interaction as I am. And I'm an idiot who just makes dumb jokes.

I don't know how he's gonna make friends after I die. I don't want him to be lonely- I desperately don't want him to be lonely. I want to hug him. But like I said he's rough and can be cold. He wouldn't tell me or dad he was upset in a million years. I can't remember the last time I saw ot heard him cry. Is he like me on the inside? Crumbling? I hope not. He's sixteen, so maybe he just isn't conceptualizing it like I am now. I didn't at his age.

He very well might kill himself after I do. Fall into the mental clusterfuck I have, whatever it is. Anhedonia, disassociation, crying alone at night, anxiety. I'm almost certain he's on the spectrum like me. Probably a lot less on the ADHD side, though.

It's selfish of me to think of pulling the ladder up after me, but I want him to live happily. He's been my best friend since he was like 2-4 (he was kinda boring before that lol), which is over a decade even now. He's been my playmate every day forever and I love him so much.

I hope when he reads my diaries (including this one) he knows how much I wanted him to live and how much I loved him. That I was always impressed by how smart he was, and that he was dear to me in every way that mattered.

For when you read this: I love you. You were my first best friend, gave me my best memories, and you'll always be my brother.


I cried a bit writing that but oddly enough I'm not upset. Yearning, maybe? I'm always dreaming of things that feel close. Maybe when I pull that trigger I'll wake up in an eternal place that really feels like home. As if I'd just gone on a long trek; a great adventure, a wonderful painful exhausting exhilarating journey into another world. A million names, places, thoughts, codes, philosophies, truths, lies; war, death, love, plague, fellowship; an epic. A story.

And at last I walk up to that door, open it up, kick off my shoes, and sleep. Sleep a long, long time; maybe a hundred years.

Then wake up, breathe a sigh of relief, and rest. Be at peace with a still mind. Dodder around an unfamiliarly familiar kitchen, fix a meal, and eat. My grandfather, his dog, and my great-grandparents will come by to see me, and we'll all eat, too.

And some day the rest of my family will come to me. They'll have missed me. Maybe they'll be angry. But we'll hug, and we'll hold one another, and none of it will matter.

That's how I think Heaven must be, anyway.


I suppose what my soul needs is a calling. Prior generations had their great war, great depression- battles of the material. The modern man's struggle is a battle for the soul. I think for me death is fated, but there is a light at the end of the tunnel. I believe in a Heaven on earth for my brother, mother, father, family, friends. I believe in that in this moment, however stupid it is.

Gonna take a breather outside. And pee. Then idk. Drink water ig

1:14 AM
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long time sunshine
Jun 14, 2024
8:51 PM

Things are pretty good. Mostly 😆

I pulled my back weird yesterday messing around with my brother and I couldn't really move without pain for a few hours until I fell asleep. We joked about it and I laughed a lot, hung out with family, it was nice. I also got fanart of a chatbot I made from a friend which was really cool!

I made a new friend today, too. Which was cool

Also yesterday I went on a practice drive with my mom for about 40 minutes, it went well.

Also of note- I'm super ahead on my schoolwork, so I'm really chill. 😭 it's nice. And I did some math and determined I only need about 45% on midterm/final for a 70% in one course and only a 35% in another. Assuming my avg in other classes remains stagnant, anyway. So- I'm actually doing pretty decently well. I have been not paying super close attention in one of those classes though so, uh- might fail regardless. Which would be quite bad.

I'm hoping to buy two new games- SOMA and Space Marine 2. I've heard good things about the latter from a friend. Also, I've been playing Metro 2033 since Control doesn't work at the other house. It's fun, but not perfect. Could've been a lot better with some changes tbh.

Also- the fence at my moms was being replaced and I got to see how the backyard would look if it just opened the into the street. It was surreal and again made me yearn for the plains.

I forgot to finish and post this, thus the time stamp below being weirdly far from the first.

10:22 PM
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long time sunshine
Jun 14, 2024
8:14 PM

Been a few days since my last update; I just haven't felt much need to write here, I guess. What's there to say on a daily basis, really? I have a mood cycle, then- and only sometimes- things happen. Whatcha gonna do.


Things have alternated between good and mediocre for the most part, occasionally getting into "bad" territory, which sucks. Sometimes I sink into anger at the world or self hatred, other times everything's like some strange dream. That's just how it is, I guess.

It'd be cool if I could just think and have things be written just like that, but that's not how it works, unfortunately. I just don't care enough about any of my ideas or characters to really flesh them out or give them life. How can I possibly care about putting time, effort, and passion into creating characters and worlds that make sense and are high quality when there's no benefit and I don't even care about the world I actually inhabit? When I'm not even interested in a future for myself, in LIVING, how can I possibly want to spend a long time perfecting something? I can't. So I just… stew in discontent.

My imagination is just- wrong, insufficient, not enough, and for someone who lives in their own head that's just plain torture. I want so badly for things to be better, to be beyond what I can imagine and impress me! Really impress me. Shock me, even. Intrigue me.

I can't live happily without curiosity, I guess. When the world stopped intriguing me I stopped wanting to be here, and all that was left was the discomfort and misery of it all. I lost the spark of wanting to see tomorrow.


I'm going on a walk now. Gonna do work later.

8:34 PM
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long time sunshine
Jun 14, 2024
3:46 AM

Couldn't sleep. Ended up doing no work, either. I can't fucking do this right now. I hate that my request to withdraw from a class or two was just faux-indulged and then pushed aside by heel dragging until it wasn't an option anymore. That makes me angry. Why is maximum efficiency and pushing me as far as I can probably go without breaking down always the go-to? Why can't I just get some slack instead of being pulled as tight as I can possibly go with every fucking time?

I understand the thought process but come on. I'm already half a year into my 4 years from my concurrent classes last year, dropping one class wouldn't have been the end of the world at all. I'm almost definitely going to bomb this midterm in two weeks. Rghh.

I'm tired and feel like crap but can't sleep. My teeth feel weird in my mouth. I don't want to get braces again. I refuse to get braces again.


I hate feeling like a loser and a weirdo. I wish I could divorce myself from social expectations and exist without this pervasive sense of "ugh". I'm developing a fear of others, maybe a hatred. When I was walking (after dark) two people came up behind me a few yards away and I jumped. I felt like a wild animal. What causes this? There's this massive, massive divide between me and everyone else. Everything's cold, cold.

I've begun to realize- I could never publish writing, or poems, or music with lyrics by me, etc. I am afraid of being seen, understood, and then rejected as perverse or evil.

I'm gonna try to sleep again. Gn

4;09 AM
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long time sunshine
Jun 14, 2024
1:51 AM

Been working. It's gonna be a busy week since I'm trying to cram all of this week and the next's work into one week. Then next week I'll just study, study, study for those midterms because I've been skimping a lot on actually reading the material for the last eight weeks. I'm extremely depressed, aimless, and suicidal so it's not exactly surprising that I'm just limping through my classes heavily using chatgpt. I wanted to back out of one of the stupid classes for a reason and now it's too late.

I've been doing it for all of them but out of my 4 classes in accounting and stats I actually have proper midterms/finals and I've been skimping especially hard in stats. Why would I read the material when I really don't care? I just want to do well enough my parents don't notice I'm suicidal and do something annoying or inconvenience me with a school counselor or a tutor. Or worse, drop out and have to get a job. I really really don't want to get a job. If my license takes longer than expected I'd be stuck in purgatory. I wouldn't even have the buffer of education

Today marks 130 days since I first thought about skipping to the end of my life and 102 days since I joined this site; 130 days is a bit over a third of a year, or roughly 4.4 months. And I've been at least subconsciously suicidal since I was 17 (or maybe it was 18) when I read Darkness Visible and cried about it.

I've been a loner a long time. Always playing with rocks and bugs and sticks away from the other kids. Wandering off. I remember a few years ago I walked five miles in the middle of the night so I didn't have to stay at an overnight camp. As a kid I climbed a neighbor's fence and hid in a furnace to avoid going to school. I loved hide and seek, contorting into little places. So maybe I'm meant to wander off, never to be seen again. To hide away and sink into the earth. It's what I've been doing for so long it just seems natural, I suppose.

Anyway- I'm off to finish some work and have some fun chatting with people on disc. Goodnight, Sasu.

2:50 AM
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long time sunshine
Jun 14, 2024
3:09 AM

The body count's just going to keep going up unless something changes. Law, culture, the world, maybe humanity itself.
Until these become real respected front page issues and not just niche things nobody cares about and/or that people openly mock, things are going to get worse. Because the problems aren't going away. So unless something changes- the body count's going up.


Goodnight. Lots of work tomorrow.

3:18 AM
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long time sunshine
Jun 14, 2024
So have you decided to just kind of stay the course in life for now?
Yeah. There's just not much I can do to speed up getting a gun since I'm pretty dead set on not taking any risks with this and not being in school would make my life harder. And they wouldn't let me, anyway.
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