

I'm a failure. An absolute waste. A LOSEr.
Apr 6, 2021
I'm just gonna write a bunch of stuff that I've been thinking about because I don't know how to put it in the cohesive way. I guess I could write it in a diary but I wanna give myself the impression that someone knows about this, even if no one reads it. I guess I'm attention seeking.

Life has no meaning. People with life don't have meaning. It's scary to think about cause a lot of people say these things platonically but if you really look into it, there's no difference if everyone died today or not. I guess it depends on what you think "meaning" is. In my head, everyone's gonna die. And as more people die, more people are born but eventually the people before them are forgotten; you're forgotten. And the cycle goes on. You could argue people have a legacy or whatever but that won't ever last. And for the most part, there'll always be someone out there that would've done whatever was done.. It just happens to be the original people that did it. The bottom line is that because everything will die or he forgotten eventually, in the grand scheme of things it won't matter. Or maybe it will and its only things that I, or other "common" people do that will never matter.

Since everything will die and stuff, and everything will be forgotten, there technically is no meaning to life. It's what you make it out to be I guess... So I don't understand why giving up life is such a terrible thing. The people you know now, most probably won't be there for you forever. People die regularly. People get hurt regularly. People get over it regularly. We like to think that if so-and-so died, it would be a huge problem but really you'll get over it. And eventually you'd forget about it. Maybe it'll a couple of week, or maybe 8 years. I guess it's an ignorant thing to say though.. Not everyone's capable of that but.. Life goes on with or without you.

It's a bit long, and it doesn't make sense. If you read this, I'm sorry for wasting your time - but thank you for opening your mind a bit..
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Mar 4, 2021
I'll just write a bunch of things that I was thinking about because I don't know how to link them.

Life makes sense when you are happy. More often than not, you just need to love and be loved.

If you are healthy physically and mentally, that's great.

Life is great when you are healthy, in love, and loved. When you have global goals and achieve them.

Everyone will die - that's right. But if you live a happy life, you are glad that you raised your children and they are your continuation. Children are not taboo. Many having children commit - a bus. I mean there are many factors for being happy - if possible.

Life goes on - that's right. But do you want it to go on?

I do not want. I am not happy. I was happy in love and will never be as happy as I was.

I'll be leaving soon on my bus - CTB

But you know ...

Many are happy and life is wonderful for them. And she was once beautiful to me. Don't underestimate life. Okay?

Sorry. My point of view. But I will definitely leave soon - CTB

Life is Beautiful. Okay? But not for everyone. :heart:
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I'm a failure. An absolute waste. A LOSEr.
Apr 6, 2021
I'll just write a bunch of things that I was thinking about because I don't know how to link them.

Life makes sense when you are happy. More often than not, you just need to love and be loved.

If you are healthy physically and mentally, that's great.

Life is great when you are healthy, in love, and loved. When you have global goals and achieve them.

Everyone will die - that's right. But if you live a happy life, you are glad that you raised your children and they are your continuation. Children are not taboo. Many having children commit - a bus. I mean there are many factors for being happy - if possible.

Life goes on - that's right. But do you want it to go on?

I do not want. I am not happy. I was happy in love and will never be as happy as I was.

I'll be leaving soon on my bus - CTB

But you know ...

Many are happy and life is wonderful for them. And she was once beautiful to me. Don't underestimate life. Okay?

Sorry. My point of view. But I will definitely leave soon - CTB

Life is Beautiful. Okay? But not for everyone. :heart:
Not everyone can be loved, or has people that love them. Life isn't beautiful for everyone.

Safe journeys, friend


Mar 22, 2020
Life has no meaning.

And this, my friend, is what's making me go crazy.

I think the same as you, however, how could it possible? Why is there something rather than nothing? Why on Earth do we have to exist? Why will we never get the answers we seek?

I wish I could be just a religious guy and think that whenever I die, a lovely smiling bearded guy will take me to heaven and make me have a eternal nice time together with all the people I've loved throughout my life but... way too fairy tale for me.
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
This is very true. We are born, we suffer and then we die. There is nothing else to it. I think my wanting to ctb is very rational as all my suffering is just for the sake of it.
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I'm a failure. An absolute waste. A LOSEr.
Apr 6, 2021
And this, my friend, is what's making me go crazy.

I think the same as you, however, how could it possible? Why is there something rather than nothing? Why on Earth do we have to exist? Why will we never get the answers we seek?

I wish I could be just a religious guy and think that whenever I die, a lovely smiling bearded guy will take me to heaven and make me have a eternal nice time together with all the people I've loved throughout my life but... way too fairy tale for me.
Ignorance is, truly, bliss
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signifying nothing

signifying nothing

Sep 13, 2020
I've been thinking about why normal people seem to be able to keep going without too many problems. And I wonder: what if normal people's sense of life being meaningful is just a feeling they have? Just another trick of the mind/brain like survival instinct to keep people living rather than give up.

Then there's people like us here who feel that life has no meaning - either we've bypassed that feeling or become numb to it.
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