

dressed for the grave.
Aug 24, 2020
I'm getting to my last nerve with some certain members here.

if someone makes a goodbye thread, please, please read all the information there before asking questions. especially if there are detailed logs about the suicide, and PARTICULARLY if this was from someone who witnessed it.
I have seen this happen so many times; someone goes out of their way to provide a bunch of information about the suicide, either the person CTBing or a friend. yet in the replies, there are people asking question after question, even PMing the friends of the deceased, or those that witnessed, with questions that could be answered CLEARLY if you READ THE FUCKING LOGS.
please just respect the dead, their friends, and people that witness these things, and do your own research, reading and use your own time instead of asking stupid questions only so that you can get instant answers. it is not difficult; yet it is exhausting for those that witnessed a death, ESPECIALLY those that have taken the time to provide detailed logs of the death, to answer them.

rant over. not sorry.
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TW She/Her
Aug 9, 2020
Hey ! Is there a painless method that do not involve anxiety, vomiting, sweating or crying ?
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existence is a nightmare
Aug 25, 2020
I totally agree, there are just so many annoying pm's after every goodbye. Thank you for posting this, I appreciate it.
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Beautiful moon, take me away.
Sep 23, 2020
you go, girl <3
exactly. the information is available, please show respect to the dead, and to the ones working so hard to write those logs when watching a friend CTB before their eyes. pming for questions is incredibly insensitive and rude, since the logs exist.
the logs are written for a reason <3
it doesn't take much brainpower to read it <3
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Oct 13, 2020
hey how to I die like in the movies ?
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Global Mod
Oct 12, 2020
Also if I had answered your question once, and then you come back the next day and ask me again the same question thinking I changed my mind on something, you're gonna get a rude answer right back. Seconded, on the people not reading or asking the same question when it's already been answered had they bothered to look in the same thread.
hi how I commit die this way successful?

Please don't give job1315 another idea to ask in the forum lol.
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Time to fly

Time to fly

TTFN - time to fly now
Nov 3, 2020
I'm getting to my last nerve with some certain members here.

if someone makes a goodbye thread, please, please read all the information there before asking questions. especially if there are detailed logs about the suicide, and PARTICULARLY if this was from someone who witnessed it.
I have seen this happen so many times; someone goes out of their way to provide a bunch of information about the suicide, either the person CTBing or a friend. yet in the replies, there are people asking question after question, even PMing the friends of the deceased, or those that witnessed, with questions that could be answered CLEARLY if you READ THE FUCKING LOGS.
please just respect the dead, their friends, and people that witness these things, and do your own research, reading and use your own time instead of asking stupid questions only so that you can get instant answers. it is not difficult; yet it is exhausting for those that witnessed a death, ESPECIALLY those that have taken the time to provide detailed logs of the death, to answer them.

rant over. not sorry.
There was some terrible questions to the brother of a girl who passed a few days ago one even said he was a bit touchy...ffs he just lost his sister...some people need to learn understanding...
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Beautiful moon, take me away.
Sep 23, 2020
People are too inconsiderate to think about the feelings of others :)
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Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
I get this post.

Sometimes when someone gets firm and raises their voice to say, "BACK OFF," others hear it and the first response is to say, " Whoa there! You're yelling. You're cussing. You need to calm down. You're a problem. Look at how you're acting! You're hurting vulnerable others with this, you're not taking them into consideration." Never mind that the whole point is that the person who is speaking is doing so, and doing it as they are, because they were not heard, not shown consideration, that someone was trying to take more from them than what they'd abundantly offered, that their boundary was being ingored and run over, and it's such an egregious oversight that they need to make quite clear that they're very much not okay with it. It's like the other is sleepwalking -- no, sleepstomping -- right over them, and the weight is heavy, they're about to break bones and damage delicate structures, and it's necessary to yell, "Aaaargh! WAKE THE FUCK UP! Please!!"
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