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Dec 31, 2018
I hope it's ok to make a post...I didn't want to take over anybody elses post and didn't know where to put this...I've been sobbing all morning, went out to get my rent money order and cried the whole time I was out. Interestingly not a single person acknowledged me, which I expected but still made me sad. I wasnt trying to get attention I just couldn't wait til I stopped crying to go out but I was interested that so many could ignore obvious pain (and yes I know nothing they could do really but still it was wierd like walking around behind some see through curtain.....)

I wrote my daughter yesterday to ask if we could maybe start talking again and she said no. I'm not mad I'm simply broken hearted...I tried so hard to be a good mom. And I know she knows this and doesn't question my love for her. But she said when she is around me she worries and it's unhealthy...of course it is. And I'm so fucking angry that I was her burden, that I made her feel like she had to stop interacting with me because it wasn't healthy for her. I told her I was proud that she was strong enough to push me away and told her I would continue to respect her desire for space.
My delima is that it may take her years to get settled and ready for a relationship with me and I know there isn't going to be time for us later....I don't have a few years in me to wait until she grows up and heals enough for us to figure out a healthier way.
I really wanted to ctb by this summer and maybe I still will but I promised myself I would give her the opportunity to say goodbye. I want to say we don't have as much time as you think we do but of course I can't do that. It's not like I can say I'm terminal and have 6 months let's work on our bucket list. I won't use the threat of my death to force any interaction with her, that would be sicker then I already am. So I'm slowly wrapping my head around the fact that we aren't going to get to have a goodbye. I so badly want her to have the chance to talk to me again and I'm still going to fight for enough time that maybe we can visit one more time but this is just more evidence of how I need to be gone. I fucked her up so bad she needs space from me and I can hardly stand knowing that....and even worse is I also look around and see people who treat each other horrible and I think at least they aren't totally alone. That's why she needs space cuz my mentall illness sucks the energy out of everyone around me. And because I hurt her even when I don't mean to.
My suicide is a fact and one she probably knows down deep...I think she knew I was closer then I even realized and by pushing me away she hopes I will hang on and not kill myself right now cuz I would fear she would have guilt or think I did it cuz she wouldn't talk to me....see what a mess??
I realize I will have to just start writing her letters or maybe even get a journal and try to tell her all I can before I go but I'm just so fucking sad that I ended up a statistic. Like I worked so hard to try and get better, I spent so much energy over the years trying to heal the damage that was done to me. I so wanted to be one of the ones who 'made it's'....like I actually had an identy connected with being a survivor. I never wanted to be a victim but I was proud that I had survived such horrible trauma and came out decent, at least I thought. I am one of the strongest people I know but that wasn't enough. Love wasnt enough either...
When I moved a little over a year ago I kind of did a self-imposed isolation, in my mind I said if I'm so messed up that my own daughter wants nothing to do with me then I don't have a right to have any friends or other relationships, like I don't deserve to connect and love/be loved if I can't do right by my kid. She always knew me as fairly outgoing and usually could make friends almost anywhere but not anymore. I know that my thinking is not healthy but it just seems like even if relationships/connecting is so important for us I can't figure it all out. I am ok with being a hermit but I can feel myself loosing whatever ability to interact I may have had prior. And I didn't think the loneliness would be so painful. I mean it's my fault, I made a choice and I still think rationally I need to just stay away from people. But I almost feel like I'm being punished for being sick and that really sucks. I've lost everything that matters and know I cannot fix any of this enough to make life worth fighting for...
I'm sorry this was all over the place....my brain doesn't work well on good days!
I don't know how to hang on any longer when the darkness seems to be getting darker!!
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Jan 1, 2019
I'm sorry I've only just seen this to read. I hope you feel some comfort from writing your thoughts down. How sad that no one offered you comfort while you were out :-( I sometimes wonder if, these days, people are worried of being accused of something that they forget to just be themselves - or they were just caught up in their own affairs and didn't really notice anything else, try not to take it personally, though I know it hurts x

With regard to your daughter, I don't know if she is your only child or if you have other children? She has said how she feels - and fair enough, she is entitled to her opinions. Where you go from here is your decision and yours only. One thing we can't do is second guess other people; you need to do what is right for you but not out of guilt or revenge but out of knowing your own mind and heart and knowing what you want. As a parent I think the greatest gifts you can give you children are: a strong sense of self, unconditional absolute love, independence for themselves and independence from their parents i.e. No clinging or guilt. They should be free to live their lives their way with a happy heart.

Sending you love and a hug
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Jan 1, 2019
Have re-booted brain and just wanted to add:

Your daughter is an adult now. It is her choice and hers alone to forgive and move forward. You are responsible for forgiving yourself and choosing to live or die your way on your own terms. The way you parented your daughter was determined primarily by your upbringing so if you weren't to know it was not right and received help to learn new ways to be then you can only forgive yourself for that and try and find your peace. That time is over and for your own sake and your daughter's you must find a way to move on to build a life or death without her xxx
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Dec 31, 2018
Thank you @JustAboutDone.
I know I'm just going through more pains of cutting off from this life. My daughter's choice actually makes me proud, I just had hoped for opportunity to say goodbye. Your right that the best gifts we can give them are the freedom to make their own lives and I'm ok with her and even agree with her wanting her space from me. Just hurts to know I tried to change and get better but didn't succeed. If I thought this late in the game I might be able to heal and be a person she would want in her life then I would keep fighting. But your also right that I need to decide for myself what I want and it's actually what she has encouraged me to do. This is the bad side of living for your kids, yes she was a good reason for many years and still may be some but.i think now she is simply trying to tell me to do whatever I need to do. The pull is strong because I wanted love and relationship and don't have any besides her. Just because i know rationally that my death is the best option doesn't make it easy. Hard to balance fighting for a life I hate for someone else and then they dont want it. Lol laughs on me that I thought she would need me longer.
I think all this really just helps me realize if I don't have a reason outside of myself to live I don't want to..ok.
Thanks for letting me process all this crap. I am so tempted to delete it cuz I feel stupid now. I was a mess yesterday and my heart still hurts but I think I'm more resolved too. I have a date I'm shooting for and have just have a few things to try and take care of.before I ctb.
Thanks again for being kind and responding. I know it's hard to talk to someone who is actively so disordered in their thinking....sorry but mental illness sure isn't pretty!!
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Jan 1, 2019
Don't apologise, you have no idea how much I ramble and have to cut away my posts - which is why they end up as three lines!

Do you have anything in your life that's just for YOU? That you like doing? I get the impression that your daughter wants you to live your own life and I wonder if you start to do that whether she would change how she feels? (Am I making sense)?

So I mean if she thinks you are doing your own thing, she may want to get to know you as an "independent adult" and not as a mother / daughter

Also, I feel you are punishing yourself too much for what has passed. Be kinder to yourself xx
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Dec 31, 2018
Don't apologise, you have no idea how much I ramble and have to cut away my posts - which is why they end up as three lines!

Do you have anything in your life that's just for YOU? That you like doing? I get the impression that your daughter wants you to live your own life and I wonder if you start to do that whether she would change how she feels? (Am I making sense)?

So I mean if she thinks you are doing your own thing, she may want to get to know you as an "independent adult" and not as a mother / daughter

Also, I feel you are punishing yourself too much for what has passed. Be kinder to yourself xx

It is hard to express your self clearly when your mind is struggling to working correctly isn't it?!! I'm sure people here can understand that better then most....

I used to have other interests and tried to explore those in my you get years. I actually have a "dream" that I thought could be realistic for someone like me so it's not that I couldn't have a life separate from my girlie....the problem is simply why prolong this suffering???
I could find something to focus on and that would probably help if I were trying recovery...I love music and reading and I actually really enjoy cooking, which is new! I have moments of creativity and think maybe I'm an artistic temperament?? I used to love learning and before my brain got so bad I really enjoyed education/school. I also really believe I would be an author someday....the problem isn't finding things I might enjoy or could find some fufillment in, if you cannot build and maintain relationships what I the point?? I know there are some who are content with a hermit lifestyle or having minimal interaction with people but I am not one of those.
I do not believe I can be happy all alone and I cannot fix the problems that make me unable to connect. If I thought I could, I would try that because I'm sure my daughter would absolutely want to have a relationship with me if I was healthy/ier!! It's not like she hates me and wants nothing to do with me, she is simply trying to be healthy and focus on her life which I asked her to do!! I believe at some point she will want more interaction but I cannot imagine how to survive until she might be ready!!
I know its hard to understand someone's problem when you have so little info....so I appreciate you trying to help!! My only issue is trying to soften the blow of loosing a parent from suicide, and my issue is how long to endure the suffering in the hopes she might want/need to say an actual goodbye! I'm processing how to best leave this world not trying to stay.
I know that I could choose to live longer if I had another soul to share it with but that's not possible!! I don't have the capacity to do what I'd like and I'm really fighting the whole acceptance part of this is how it ends...I'm angry there isn't another choice!
So it's simply down to when and how, not if....
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Jan 1, 2019
I think I get what you're saying - you are not someone who can live a lonely isolated life, yet successful relationships elude you and that is why you can't see a future?

It's interesting, you almost come alive from the page describing your interests :-) you obviously do have a lot there in terms of what you can do and would enjoy if only it were possible to have sustained human interactions and relationships. Xx
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