
Sep 23, 2018
strange because the pubchem said that it degrades to the air. I should not worry if the package is closed.
if the container is even closed and the sn only degrades to form the sodium nitrate, then it has a really undefined time, otherwise it disobeys the Proust Law.
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Sep 15, 2018
A user sent me a pm and told me that here they sell most of the antiemetics without any medical restriction, this made me bet totally on the sodium nitrite method, so I made a step by step text for me to follow during ctb and I ended up trying explain each step so it an clear the doubts of other people.
I decided to summarize everything I understood about the method by reading mainly the megathread sn, but I read only half as it is very extensive.
Anything that is wrong or missing, please contribute.

one observation is that I did everything based on the drugs in my region, so it will be a little bit to the Brazilians


7 tablets (10mg) of metoclopramide (Plasil)
800 mg cimetidine (2 tablets of 400mg), regulator of stomach acidity (Tagamet)
2 hydroxyzine tablets (Hixizine)
Sodium Nitrite (NaNO2) P.A (> 97%)
100mL of water

1-2 days before the salt is ingested, I will take one metoclopramide tablet every 8 hours.

This is the antiemetic diet, it will not work if you take only one pill or several 30 min before ingesting sn. Antiemetic is necessary to block substances that cause nausea and vomiting, this may happen during ingestion of Sn. I do not know of other antiemetics, but metoclopramide, the Plasil here in my region, was the most indicated, but the users of the forum often speak Primperan. I even discovered that this antiemetic is sold for about 10 reais without prescription. If you live in Brazil, any pharmacy has this medicine. I do not know how to explain it, but the ANVISA files show that it should not be sold without the prescription, even though it is not what is happening. If you also can buy antiemetics without a prescription in your area, speak below.

2 - 8 hours before the ingestion of sn I will go fasting. as I plan to do at 7 in the morning, I must stop eating already at 11 at night.

The stomach needs to be empty to cause greater absorption of nitrite in the body, accelerating the production of methaemoglobin and causing hypoxia, the death of cells because of lack of oxygenation. Some medications on the list cause constipation, it must be hixizine, so I will clean the bowel first (at worst, I can be rescued, it would be wise not to make it difficult for me to stay in the hospital).

3 - 40 minutes before ingesting sn I will take the 800 mg of the antacid (Tagamet).

Nitrite (NO2 ion) is rapidly converted to nitrate (NO3 ion) under acidity and would be ineffective for the method. The stomach is naturally acidic (2 <pH < 2.8 fasted) and when its pH reaches too high, there are complications. In the sn method it seems that many survivors are left without sequelae, so 800 mg of tagamet should make the stomach less acid in a non-dangerous way.
The pharmacology of cimetidine is advanced so I could not establish how much of the stomach pH is raised from 800 mg of tagamet, if I knew how much, I could calculate the amount of sodium bicarbonate (easily found) used instead of buying tagamet. Another antacid could also be used, but I could not estimate the safe amount. Tagamet works after 30 minutes. I prefer to respect the term of effect because according to pubchem nitrite oxidizes to nitrate very quickly in solutions with the pH close to that of the stomach.
If you know how much bicarbonate they use, speak up. What I know about it and the antacids that have this salt in the composition produce CO2 gas in the stomach during neutralization of acidity, which is a disadvantage because during the sn method it can cause stomach pain. farts and burps will be expected too, so I prefer Tagamet. Burps will bother because I'll be lying while I'm waiting for death.

4 - I will take 2 Hixizine tablets.

Hydroxyzine is an antihistamine that can act as a sedative. sedatives are important in this method because people say that there is a headache and can have stomach pain, I can not remember if it happens always or only in some cases, but the sedative will make you sleep. some have said that the sedative also prevents the person from convulsing, but I think if this is going to happen, it will, but you will not feel it and you will be dead before you wake up (the sedative lasts 8 hours). It's 30 minutes to take effect.
some users recommend benzodiazepines, but here I did not research if they were released without a prescription. Clonazepan (Rivotril) I know it's forbidden, others benzodiapzepines should be too. Hixizine is bought without a prescription and costs 40 reais the tablet. I prefer tablets to syrup.
In fact, I do not know how much hixine to use. I do not know how much i would use if it were benzodiazepines as well, but it would use the same amount. I used two pills because the recommendation in the package insert is 1, but since I want to sleep fast, at least 40 minutes after ingesting sn, I will use 2. I am evaluating if a third would be necessary.

5-30 minutes before ingesting sn, I will take one metoclopramide tablet.

30 minutes is the time the last tablet takes effect, as a final protection againist nauseas

6 - I will open the sodium nitrite package and measure approximately 15 g of solid and make a solution with 100 ml of water in a glass. I can already take it.

Sodium nitrite should be kept in a closed container, if it is in a plastic bag, which is free of air because it slowly oxidizes to nitrate.
to measure 15 g of nitrite without balance I thought of two methods: 1, put the solid to the edge of a 15 ml measuring spoon and then put a little more, since because of the air between the particles, there may be less amount of sn in the measure. this way you guarantee that there are 15 g recommended and a little more. I am afraid of too much and cause seizures (this may happen, but it seems that it is not a rule) and 2, measure approximately 13 mL of water with a measuring instrument (such as the measurement spoon, in which case it will be more accurate for volumes of liquids). After solubility calculations, 13 mL will dissolve 15 g of NaNO2 so you can add and stir a lot with the spoon, when you notice that the solid does not dissolve more even with much agitation, there are 15 g of sn in the liquid. Remove the solid from the bottom of the container if there is too much and then complete the solution formed with water until all the liquid has 100 mL.
On the other hand, I read in the megathread sn that 10 g is the fatal amount of nitrite in the body and that in fact each person owns the amount that will make the body go into bankruptcy for up to 45 minutes. Some people used little sn and died after 8 hours, others used too much and had seizures, so 15g is a general nitrite base to be ingested, it does not have to be the exact measurement.
PPhill recommends between 50 and 100 mL of water, but I will use 100 mL because I have read cases of people who have felt throat burning because of the high concentration of salt in the solution.

7 - I will lie on my back in the center of a double bed, knowing that no one will bother me for hours, in light clothes, maybe shirtless and make sure there's a draft of cool air on me with a mobile fan.

PPhill says that the person sleeps and it is not painful, but that I remember all the reports I read was of people who went wrong and felt some weird pain. maybe this will cause me to increase to 3 the number of hixizine tablets. But anyway, I'll wait for my body to try to expel sodium nitrite and suffer some symptoms like nausea and stomach pain, I'll have to put up with it. the ventilation will help to resist pain if it occurs because it keeps the body cool, usually it is sweating a lot.

8 - Catch the buss.

Notes: According to PPhill, a person falls asleep after 30 minutes after ingesting sn and dies in 45 minutes.

A man ingested 22 g of sn, passed badly and called the ambulance 5 minutes after being rescued, this shows that it must be bad to bear (but nothing says whether or not he did the sn method or just ingested without all the other medications) . Anyway, it was calculated that he had fucking 90% methemoglobin in the blood and after 24 hours that amount was drastically reduced and he is without sequelae but went to the psychiatric wing.

Buying sn by amazon / ebay / mercado livre is dangerous because it can be any salt being titled sodium nitrite and can have any purity. if the purity is too low, it will take hours to die. chemical industry sites sell these products via the Internet and are more reliable.

I hope it will be useful to other people.

Links I quoted:


PPhill but I do not have the link = P

Question! *raises hand* By empty the bowels do you mean douching? Is this just so you dont shit on the nurses.

And lemon naturally reduces acid in the stomach so that might be good too?
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May 6, 2018
I wondered about that as well since it's mentioned it has an indefinite shelf life. I noticed what I ordered has an expiry date of March 2019.
It probably says best before March 2019, rather than use by. If my understanding of chemical shelf life is correct, this only means that it starts to deteriorate around that time, and not necessarily that it's useless by March.
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Sep 23, 2018
Question! *raises hand* By empty the bowels do you mean douching? Is this just so you dont shit on the nurses.

And lemon naturally reduces acid in the stomach so that might be good too?

emptying the stomach is to favor the rapid absorption of sodium nitrite by the body, emptying the intestine is not to shit in the nurses
Why Does Lemon Reduce Acidity If It Is Acid? if you had something to reduce the acidity of your stomach, how would you know how much to take? To calculate you have to know the pH that 800g of tagamet reduces
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Red star

Red star

Sep 15, 2018
emptying the stomach is to favor the rapid absorption of sodium nitrite by the body, emptying the intestine is not to shit in the nurses
Why Does Lemon Reduce Acidity If It Is Acid? if you had something to reduce the acidity of your stomach, how would you know how much to take? To calculate you have to know the pH that 800g of tagamet reduces

You didnt like that response eh lol my bad. Lemon is alkalizing, it neutralizes acid could take both for effectiveness? I dunno I just love lemon
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Sep 23, 2018
You didnt like that response eh lol my bad. Lemon is alkalizing, it neutralizes acid could take both for effectiveness? I dunno I just love lemon

How cool is that about lemon, I did not know!
the ideal is do not use lemon, as it is not known whether it interacts with antiemetic or sodium nitrite. Besides being alkalizing, it is also acidic, do you agree? then it may take time for alkalinization to take effect. It's best to abandon this idea ...
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Oct 6, 2018
Thank you for this thread

is the sedative really necessary? Also people say hixizine is weak, what else should we use?
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Sep 23, 2018
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Aug 11, 2018
Hi can't get tagamet in UK. Does anyone know right dose of ranitidine / Zantac to use instead. Won't be able to get benzos legitimately so are they necessary. Got herbal sedatives. Hate the idea of them too, harmed so many people by addiction. Thanks
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Aug 14, 2018
Hi can't get tagamet in UK. Does anyone know right dose of ranitidine / Zantac to use instead. Won't be able to get benzos legitimately so are they necessary. Got herbal sedatives. Hate the idea of them too, harmed so many people by addiction. Thanks

Ranitidine is around three times as potent from my understanding than Tagamet (Cimetidine), so you'd only need about 250-300mg instead of 800mg I think.
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Aug 11, 2018
Ranitidine is around three times as potent from my understanding than Tagamet (Cimetidine), so you'd only need about 250-300mg instead of 800mg I think.
Thanks v much
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Sep 10, 2018
Thank u for taking the time to do all this! It is greatly appreciated!
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May 26, 2018
Ranitidine is around three times as potent from my understanding than Tagamet (Cimetidine), so you'd only need about 250-300mg instead of 800mg I think.
Ranitidine may be more potent than cimetidine as a antacid, but that's not the purpose of its use here, i suppose. If the purpose is inhibiting liver enzymes, you better use cimetidine instead.
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Sep 10, 2018
First dose of meto taken!
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Sep 21, 2018
@intr0naut , me posting a bit all over the place ...

I purchased ranitidine because it was easy to get. It's recommended for the stomach acid ? But it's also a H2 antagonist for nausea ? Or does it cause nausea ? I'm a bit confused, and as a H2 antagonist is can have CNS effects I guess.
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Aug 11, 2018
Ranitidine may be more potent than cimetidine as a antacid, but that's not the purpose of its use here, i suppose. If the purpose is inhibiting liver enzymes, you better use cimetidine instead.
Can't get it in UK.
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Lost and always will be.
Jul 22, 2018
I got tagamet in the UK a few weeks back from ebay and the meta too along with the SN.
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Aug 11, 2018
I got tagamet in the UK a few weeks back from ebay and the meta too along with the SN.
Ok thanks I'll have a look. How long did it take? Must come from US. Sn was ok in UK. Metro prescription only here. X
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Dani Paradox

Dani Paradox

Permanently Banned
Aug 17, 2018
I'm nervous about the quality/purity of the SN I ordered.. =(
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Oct 6, 2018
How can I be guaranteed of SN purity on ebay Amazon etc?
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Resident Slime
Oct 18, 2018
How can I be guaranteed of SN purity on ebay Amazon etc?

It's not easy to tell 100% you have to trust the label and reviews. You can also buy directly from chemical suppliers. I purchased from Amazon and believe the sample I received was of good purity but cannot test it.
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Sep 10, 2018
What day are you planning for SN? I got banned from shoutbox for three days =(
Lol oh boy. I'm going for Saturday I think. I'll let u kno for sure tho!!
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Suicide doesn't kill people. Sadness kills them.
Nov 3, 2018
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Lost and always will be.
Jul 22, 2018
Ok thanks I'll have a look. How long did it take? Must come from US. Sn was ok in UK. Metro prescription only here. X

I think like 8-9 days. It said estimated a month so i was quite surprised when it came earlier.
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Dani Paradox

Dani Paradox

Permanently Banned
Aug 17, 2018
Lol oh boy. I'm going for Saturday I think. I'll let u kno for sure tho!!
Dude, wtf.. Of all times for this to happen and I can't even be in shoutbox on Saturday.... wow.. I really don't want to see you go =( Idk if you were planning on making a thread or anything, but yeah definitely let me know.. And if you need anyone to talk to you can always pm me too..
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Dani Paradox

Dani Paradox

Permanently Banned
Aug 17, 2018
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Suicide doesn't kill people. Sadness kills them.
Nov 3, 2018
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