I think read somewhere that SA is more uncomfortable/painful. Idk if that's true though. I've never heard of anyone on SaSu attempting with SA, so we don't really have many data points, whereas with SN many people have attempted with it.
It loses points compared to sn due to safety protocol and it being so combustible and also producing toxins when exposed to acid or water, but its rating for peacefulness is the same, I think.
"Symptoms of sa ingestion, prior to loss of consciousness, include: nausea, gastric irritation, and the development of moderate to severe headache from rapid drop in bloodpressure. A large study of 172 people using sa in 2024 by GGD Amsterdam describes a number of difficult deaths where people became 'hot, short of breath, dizzy and with significant vomiting."
Loss of Consciousness in 30 minutes.
Death occurred within 1-2 hours.
Looks like it takes longer than SN too.
Reports of symptoms experienced vary widely, from
none, to
severe vomiting, fecal incotinance, confusion, agitation, and dizziness.
Difficult deaths. Eeeeeeeee. My understanding was it was relatively the same. The chart they used in PPH shows peacefulness as a 6/10 for sn and a 5/10 for SA. So still not that bad. Looks like any time you try to off yourself, there's going to be some risks. Roll of the dice, just like life.
https://www.exitinternational.net/d...cide-powder-middel-x-leads-to-a-humane-death/ This shows some pretty concerning details with SA, not at all peaceful. Screaming for help, one person tries to get a knife to kill themselves faster. They definitely need sedatives with it....
But there are substantial difficulties in storing the chemical, disposing of the chemical, and dangers to any first responders, as well. I like that it doesn't have an antidote, though. I don't want to be brought back and have to die all over again.