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I Have the Light Inside, Surrounded by Darkness
Sep 22, 2019
Think you have a 'mental disorder'? Probably NOT... and here's Why...

The so-called "mental health" system has Failed with HUGE amounts of people trying all their formulas of nonsense, then if after years of giving their system a fair and genuine chance, and the person is still depressed, anxious, etc they have the AUDACITY to rudely BLAME the VICTIM of not getting 'better' and tell them 'well you should just try again / work even harder' at getting 'better'.

The whole time these brainwashed people who cannot face truth and reality, are so UNREALISTIC that they continue to blame the VICTIM for having a NORMAL REACTION to a TOXIC ENVIRONMENT & BRUTAL SOCIETY / ABUSE that puts nearly continuous pressure on so many people, not only with never-ending financial issues & sky rocketing rents, but also exponentially increasing VIOLENCE, bullying by coworkers, SHOCKING LEVELS of absolute rudeness & SELFISHNESS, people utterly DISRESPECTFUL of your minimum SAFETY on the roads more than ever before, people being USED & ABANDONED, children being kidnapped by the ever increasing rise of child molestors /SEXUAL ASSAULTS that permanently TRAUMATIZE both adults & children... with a constantly UNPREDICTABLE ENVIRONMENT for most people, every time they step outside their front door.

Especially in the USA, the levels of cruelty in so many SURVIVAL areas of life are more OUT of CONTROL than EVER. Too many people have become either so traumatized or so aggressive that many just finally snap and either lash out exploding or begin to fall apart into severe depression and isolation out of NATURAL DESIGN... which is NOT a "MENTAL DISORDER".

With very few exceptions (like organic brain schizophrenia with hallucinations) do most people who are just receiving a LABEL put on their REACTION to these UNNATURAL and EXHAUSTING CIRCUMSTANCES, with all levels of ABUSE by both individuals and society, actually have a so-called 'mental problem'.

One of my university degrees that I got early on was psychology, and while at first I partially bought into their ideology at 19 years old back then, as I learned more, I realized how subjective their psychology 'science' is, their fluctuating definitions of what a disorder is becomes outrageously ridiculous.

For example, if you don't believe in their disorder system, that itself is supposedly a 'disorder' too. (*eyes rolling*) This is a system made up by humans who decided what is 'a mental' disorder.

Some decent people are in that field with good intentions, but still they are required to 'obey' what the DSM book of 'disorders' dictates, and there are so many that just are in it for easy money $100 plus per hour), telling people to "journal and do deep breathing exercises" and take these legal drugs that alter your brain chemistry. It's like an experiment with synthetic chemicals but they call it "medical care" or "medication".

I'm all for simply supportive counseling or peer group support to help victims understand that it is not their fault what a violent abuser did to them, etc.

What I am referring to is this idea of labeling people's natural reactions as so-called mental problems, when in fact people's behaviors in these circumstances are typically just NATURAL REFLEXES, literally DESIGNED by NATURE ITSELF.

These reactions/responses of sadness, anxiety, frustration, rage & emotional numbing to survive the toxic environment are certainly not mental 'disorders' and it's extremely disrespectful and insulting to label them as such imaginative nonsense.

If a person feels pushed past their limit or breaking point, then they are. Only each individual knows that point, and with so many variables factoring in, that cannot simply be 'formulated'.

When the person, including myself over the years, tries all different sorts of pills, whatever they called 'medicine', which does all sorts of physically damaging things over time to the liver, kidneys, and often the brain itself, and their pills don't 'cure' our response to horrific stress & damage, somehow that's our 'fault'.

People are also told that this is a potential 'medical' solution (like lobotomy was once considered 'medical' surgical removal of part of your brain until the 'doctors' later learned that oops, actually destroyed patients' lives) and that their "solution" to your 'disorder', is to keep taking / trying out different chemical pills made by humans, and they can just keep trying different medications to experiment / see how each one works but maybe this one will work better, etc. and I've taken all different kinds of meds over the years and, sure some of them would help me just relax or become sedated like a half zombie, like amitriptyline or Valium, but then it would also tell the brain to stop making its own natural supply, which creates withdrawals, because It's not natural. It temporarily provides some relief but at a cost to your health & brain chemistry over time. Of course some find relief in pot, opium, heroin, etc but with the same effect of waking up the next day with no cure.

That's because the circumstances need to change and get 'cured', not the victim of those circumstances.

The victim's response shows there is something wrong in their ENVIRONMENT and after effects from abuse, trauma, and too much stress / pressures hurting that person's already over-burdened, exhausted system begging for relief.

Like with PTSD, which i and many on here have, these shrinks and naive people who blindly believe/accept this dangerous idea of LABELING NATURAL REACTIONS, you're told that you just have a 'mental disorder' when in fact that's equivalent in reality to telling you that your automatic reflex in your knee is a 'disorder', or when you sneeze (as your body is trying to get out dust or a virus) that it's a 'disorder', all of these natural reactions that we were born with somehow become a so-called disorder that they need to 'treat'.

What they really need to treat is this damn horrifyingly cruel environment, nearly impossible financial system with credit scores bullsh*t that seriously harm innocent people struggling with low pay, and the increasingly growing population of violent scum roaming around that attacks people to get their 'way', not for self-defense, but instead to dominate, rob, rape, abuse, and use like parasites. If this is the 'new normal'?... COUNT ME OUT & GONE FROM THIS SOCIETY/WORLD.

Have there always been these types of people? Of course there has, But the problem now is that giant percentages of the population around us are constantly unpredictable, many other people are being victimized MORE than ever on MULTIPLE LEVELS, and then society is told the insulting line "that's just the way it is"... Well, the 'way it is' is slowly torturing us!!

These psychology 'providers' and the naïve people that are brainwashed completely by them, act like if you're not perfectly happy or "just think positive" then you must have a disorder.

They never take into REALISTIC consideration what you have experienced cumulatively that is different from what they have experienced, or maybe you don't have the same supportive family they have, or your neighborhood has gangsters and robbery unlike theirs so you have to be on constant alert, or maybe you are a victim of abuse and domestic violence, or that your financial reality is completely different than theirs, so when you have REACTIONS to TRAUMATIC EVENTS, but since they don't have a similar experience, they treat you like you need help, or 'why don't you just go get counseling'? Who's really 'nuts'?! They are for trying to dictate to others an entire fallacious system that tells innocent human beings that there own natural reflex to stress, traumas, and on-going pressure is 'mental' or 'just see the bright side'... What bright side?! That it "could be even worse", etc. Is that our newly defined standard of living now? ( like someone saying to you or your daughter/son etc that "instead of just being raped is once, oh you could have been kidnapped for weeks instead of a couple days, so just be grateful it wasn't even worse" etc. Seriously?!

For me and it seems so many on here, it's like, yes I've already had counseling! or this is WITH/AFTER counseling, and it DOES NOT WORK or HELP. The VICTIM is NOT the PROBLEM, the DAMAGING ENVIRONMENT is the PROBLEM.

FIX the ENVIRONMENT and people won't have all of this depression and anxiety, in the first place. Stop people who are allowed to get away with endangering your basic financial survival, end abuse of children & spouses, STOP the growing threat of homelessness with actual supportive safety nets, RAISE the minimum STANDARD of acceptable public behavior, DISALLOW BULLYING as 'just the way it is', hold our government ACCOUNTABLE for their impacts on innocent people, actually ARREST sexual predators the FIRST time, not later... & CHANGE the SYSTEM THAT is CLEARLY NOT CREATING A HEALTHY SOCIETY Instead of BLAMING the VICTIM and trying to SILENCE US.

Hell, if anything, it's the ABUSERS who should get freaking 'counseling' if anyone does.

I was always the skeptic in my first undergraduate (psychology) degree, and remember my professors sometimes making comments like you shouldn't question the system of 'care' already established, or "why are you always questioning the legitimacy of the DSM book" of disorders? I started reading even more than class assignments, studying more, researching more, THINKING BEYOND what they presented as 'fact'. You can also start Noticing underlying patterns, common denominators, and the true WHY.

I pretty much got straight A's in all of my psychology classes, but I started to see through the VEIL of ILLUSION very early on. I still sincerely tried all their counseling, medications, and truly gave the most genuine effort, but it still did not 'cure' me or all of the other people/patients/customers whatever you want to call them.

Whatever you do, unless you're having physical hallucinations, please don't let these other humans that created a system of profit and social 'control' called 'psychology' that makes you feel bad about yourself, win over your natural INSTINCTS.

Please don't let their labels thrown on you make you doubt yourself, or your worth, or question what your own body & emotions or reactions, that there's just 'something wrong with you.

They are NOT 'experts' any more than the so-called 'doctors' in the 1800's who did Blood-Letting (lancing you then bleeding out) to 'cure' people according to their faulty BELIEF that it would 'help'. (many died instead from their 'medical treatment)

Chances are in all likelihood, you don't even have a so-called disorder, you're EXPERIENCING NATURE'S DESIGN under STRESS, natural reactions under huge amount of PRESSURE & DAMAGE... which is NOT "MENTAL".

EMOTIONS are designed by nature, emotions/feelings are what we are BORN WITH ... they tell us something is wrong in our environment and/or the abusive person around us is not safe to be around.

Please step back pro-lifers, and actually make a REAL EFFORT to STOP, THINK, and MOST IMPORTANTLY... LISTEN TO US.

The same theme i have noticed in probably around 90% of people on here have similar undertones of "i cannot do this ANYMORE" or "we CANNOT SURVIVE this level of cruelty/stress"... that's NOT a 'mental problem' AT ALL!! It's a CLEAR SYMPTOM of INTOLERABLE LEVELS of STRESS CREATED by TOXIC & DAMAGING circumstances!

People cannot just keep living with never-ending pressures on top of previous damage with almost no support, no relief, no escape without the nervous system breaking down.

It's like Driving a car when its engine has become depleted of oil, on top of driving uphill, (metaphorically) and finally just breaks down, without what it needs it cannot run properly. But there's NOT something INHERENTLY DEFECTIVE with the car, it just was not treated properly.

Deprive people of their basic needs of feeling safe, relaxed, valued / respected, and watch them either fall apart or explode from the pressure.

So if you or I, are the next person, wants to catch the bus and basically make the PROFOUND STATEMENT of I'm NOT going to TAKE THIS ANYMORE, I REFUSE to accept these INTOLERABLE CONDITIONS in SOCIETY, in our HOME, Our physical PAIN, whatever has pushed you to a FINAL EDGE, with CTB making even a REVOLUTIONARY statement & message DECLARED through SUICIDE, INSISTING that a BETTER SOCIETY must be created, or WE will LEAVE it on our OWN terms, and they don't get to DICTATE to YOU or me what we will tolerate or ENDURE, NOT anymore...

People NEED to be more decent and kind to each other, people NEED to feel generally safe, people NEED to know they won't become homeless in terrifying situations just because of unexpected job loss, people NEED their own government they pay taxes to actually be there in return in a financial emergency, people NEED real friends and loving spouses they can trust.

ALL of these NEEDS are NOT "MENTAL DISORDERS" my friends...

& please be kinder to yourself knowing there isn't something 'wrong' with you if/when you react to the Loss or deprivation of any of these basic needs being met.

Your tears, your rage, your panic, your exhaustion, your suffering is YOUR NATURAL RIGHT expressing that this life is hurting you & YOU DESERVE BETTER...


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Nov 30, 2019
I don't believe in mental illness except for a few genetic disorders like some forms of Schizophrenia. I consider the labels extremely inhumane and it creates stigma that people are irrational or crazy when they aren't. The "symptoms" are a very real thing but they are a product of adversity and a broken society that values all of the wrong things.

Medication merely suppresses symptoms, it doesn't fix the root cause of the problem which often lies with our circumstances and environment like you said.

Yes, most therapists must receive post-graduate education and certification. The education they receive is functionally like that of a priest; e.g. they are taught to view things through a very particular scope - whereas the priest is taught the lens of their particular religion, the therapist-to-be is taught the lens of contemporary psychology and its endless pathologies. Therapy in-and-of itself, is like a confessional in a church, the therapist is the priest and the patient the confessor. The patient confesses their worries and problems much like a would-be blasphemer would confess their "sins".

The sad thing is, "just put your head in the sand" is probably a pretty common response to the OPs concerns not only at mental health resources across the world, but from peers and colleagues; the patient lives in a world where being open about such things in the dehumanized, hyperindividualized public sphere typically only invites scrutiny and further alienation (likely from individuals who are just as alienated and scared as them), which increases their reliance on the therapist as much as it increases their sense of cognitive dissonance, as though they are caught between two realities in a depersonalized limbo. Of course, there's only the one reality as far as we know, but to this patient their inner world has become an enigma and its workings thoroughly mystified by an industry that portends one must go through many years of schooling and certification before they can make sense of the human mind; which is as absurd and circular claim to make as "God works in mysterious ways." - as if that explains why your toaster catching on fire this morning and the delay that caused made you miss your train commute derailing, killing everyone on board. Likewise, it is just as circular to tell someone they have a disease called "depression", which can only be treated by "trained professionals" - trained, of course, in "psychology", an invention of the human mind as much as the phrase "mental illness" with all it's implicit meanings. But the backbone of the entire practice is to be a truthclaim, much like any religion - they suppose "mental illness" to be as sacrosanct as religions hold their Gods; that is, as self-evident and infallible as a physicist would consider thermodynamics.

Perhaps it would be too radical to admit "depression" is an entirely normal reaction to a world in which one exists as a dehumanized, chronically hollowed-out wage slave whose life has been reduced to a series of empty, mindless labor and emptier consumption rituals, comforted only by addictive drugs pushed on them at every turn, and vacuous social ties of similarly hollowed out wageslaves who only know how to monologue and compete; who breathes, eats and shits microplastic, pollution and pesticides, and can't remember the last time they felt somebody actually cared if they lived or died. It'd be far too radical to admit we're living through the slow-motion collapse of the living super organism we call 'civilization' and every case of "depression" is like one little support column showing signs of giving out under the weight of a monstrosity that has become too bloated and labyrinthine for its own good. Then we'd be engaging in reality, giving the "illness" the scope it deserves, and psychology cares not for this.

The reality is, contemporary psychology functions much like a religion or a cult does, in that what one receives from it depends very much on what one puts into it - the power wielded by such organizations are directly correlate to belief of their followers. This is the power of placebo, confirmation bias, and magical thinking. If one considers their reaction to, say, climate change to be "abnormal", they merely have to walk into a therapist's office and their belief will be confirmed - their conscious experience will become a list of "symptoms" of "illness", for which they'll receive "medication". The words, the labels, the pills, they're all momentarily comforting, but none actually deal with the original problem any more than popping an Aspirin cures a raging influenza infection. That's because the entire "mental health industry" is palliative at best - worse yet, it serves at the behest of the state, which benefits massively from an industry that teaches individuals to view their life's problems through a scope that is not only decidedly apolitical but atomized as well.

Take an issue like climate change and this scope fails almost entirely - its sufficiently large-scale enough that the therapist's individualizing lens has no real answer to it. One who is trained in end-of-life therapy may have some more substantial answers that verge into decidedly philosophical territory, but most "by the book" therapists will preach willful ignorance; their role is not to create independent-thinking individuals, community leaders, politically-minded citizens or would-be revolutionaries, because they don't operate in this paradigm; an office vending machine is more communalistic than a therapist's office could ever claim to be. No, their role is to keep people complicit and complacent in the consume/work false dichotomy lifestyle for they are part of the very same paradigm, this being their work as much as preaching is a priests'. The "mental health" industry is obliged to meet the absurdity of the world it exists in and profits off of, and so existential terror becomes "eco-anxiety", another cutesy label which can be "treated" with the right combination of benzodiazepines and willful ignorance, just as a village witch doctor may have once treated "spiritual possession" with a concoction of ayahuasca and a ceremony. Now this ceremony only takes 45 minutes and $200 a week and a monthly trip to the pharmacy. Who ever said capitalism wasn't efficient?!

Edit: Thought I'd mention it but I often like what you post.
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Nov 11, 2018
Seriously spot on points made here. People get traumatised then gaslit into believing its their own fault or their reaction to the situation is mental illness because they no longer fit into the mold of what is deemed normal. The fact that so called professionals or other family can't see the obvious is totally aggrivating.


Dec 1, 2019
I agree, with a few exceptions, this mental illness talk is bullshit. That's why I always refused being called depressed. I have a shitty life and yet I'm supposed to enjoy it no matter how shitty it is and if I don't I'm sick? No, I'm not depressed, my desire for it to end is a natural response to my long-lasting suffering and unfulfilled needs. Everything pills do is numbing your mind so you can face one more hellish day, never solves your problems.


I Have the Light Inside, Surrounded by Darkness
Sep 22, 2019
Seriously spot on points made here. People get traumatised then gaslit into believing its their own fault or their reaction to the situation is mental illness because they no longer fit into the mold of what is deemed normal. The fact that so called professionals or other family can't see the obvious is totally aggrivating.


Even when my own father punched me & choked me because i asked him nicely if we could please just wait 20 minutes for the pouring rain to ease up before carrying moving boxes, he started becoming violent instantly and yelled that i was not appreciative when i said i'm afraid of slipping on the wet sidewalk & stairway (back then with no roof) and he then mocked me by saying that i have a 'chemical imbalance'. Umm, if someone cries or gets upset AFTER they are punched, Last time I checked, that's not a 'chemical imbalance' or 'disorder'.

i just shake my head now sometimes remembering how he acted Like it was OK that he became violent and hit me, my sister, my mother, etc. throughout our lives, but if we reacted and cried or just even try to ask politely for something, somehow we were the ones who were wrong, somehow we were the ones that were annoying him.

Well, my father got annoyed at the drop of a hat. After he would physically assault someone in the family, he would PUNISH THEIR/MY REACTION because it was inconvenient or unpleasant for him to see that reaction. Selfish.

If you think of it on a larger scale, it's similar to the thinking of a typical abuser. Only they have rights, but you don't.

Their selfish, cretinous attitude of "You're the one who needs to walk on their egg shells carefully", AS IF only their needs matter, only their opinion matters, not yours.

God forbid if we dare to ask for minimal respect of our dignity.
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velle non discitur
Nov 17, 2019
I agree, with a few exceptions, this mental illness talk is bullshit. That's why I always refused being called depressed. I have a shitty life and yet I'm supposed to enjoy it no matter how shitty it is and if I don't I'm sick? No, I'm not depressed, my desire for it to end is a natural response to my long-lasting suffering and unfulfilled needs. Everything pills do is numbing your mind so you can face one more hellish day, never solves your problems.
Problem with the shitty-life-explanation is often experts or activists claim depression to be non discriminatory; but they look at the wrong metrics, like money, career success, looks, etc ... while, in reality, the risk factors of a person becoming "mentally ill", i.e. a "maladaptive" way of coping with a traumatizing society/ family, are incredibly complex, status just being one of them; but yeah, it's always a subtle game of shifting the blame to the victims instead of looking at society and their immediate surroundings.


I Have the Light Inside, Surrounded by Darkness
Sep 22, 2019
Problem with the shitty-life-explanation is often experts or activists claim depression to be non discriminatory; but they look at the wrong metrics, like money, career success, looks, etc ... while, in reality, the risk factors of a person becoming "mentally ill", i.e. a "maladaptive" way of coping with a traumatizing society/ family, are incredibly complex, status just being one of them; but yeah, it's always a subtle game of shifting the blame to the victims instead of looking at society and their immediate surroundings.

You absolutely wrote the ENTIRE TRUTH!

& WHY / HOW are they actually expecting people who are not freaking robots to just CONTINUE ENDURING the most stressful, never-before in human history non-stop FAST PACE with never-ending to-do / must-do to survive lists, with NOT ENOUGH DOWN TIME FOR ANY ENJOYMENT of even being alive, constant struggling through MASSIVE populations of PREDATORS & BULLIES out of control all around us, non-stop financial pressures with ZERO RELIEF, and just expect giant portions of us to simply grin and bear it?!

To ask us to continue 'toughing it out' is COMPLETELY UNREALISTIC and ignores our PAIN. We are NOT MACHINES, and it's ridiculous to demand people sustain and endure impossible stress, pressures, and continuing damage on TOP of previous damage on TOP of THAT with their basic needs not even being met too much of the time. Or another excuse "well, nothing's perfect so... Okay, SO if you're SUFFERING IMMENSELY begging/wishing for relief via death, hey, nothing's perfect, why bother trying to promote changing the system in place, Just simply snap your fingers (hey it's just so easy, just 'decide' and think 'positive') & let it all go because hey, "nothing is perfect" right?!

or the "That's Life" lazy response... AS IF WE AGREED to being born or something?!
To hell with this "life" of suffering?!

So this is 'life'?!
Not mine for much longer...

This Life is absolutely UNACCEPTABLE, & i REFUSE to be just another SLAVE to their cruelty.

IF ONLY i had my own military / militia...this is exactly how i feel...


i'm just on a rampage today, fed up... so i'm including this on my main thread, what do you all think?...

It is VERY SAD what we are going through...
it IS TRAGIC, it is Awful...

So WHY is it that the PEOPLE with POWER and AUTHORITY DON'T do anything to make SOCIETY BETTER? They SAY they will... Then NEVER DO what they promised...


They can come up with trillions of dollars of funding within ONE DAY from Congress to make more bombs, weapons, and war... BUT they can't come up with even 1/20th of that amount for their own suffering citizens?

Where the hell are their PRIORITIES?!? Certainly not for us...

They have the POWER to CHANGE laws, to create actual safety nets that support people and lift them up, instead of tear them down... but they CHOOSE NOT TO HELP, Just spew more lies... more distractions, to maintain the innocent masses working until they perish into despair or become so crippled we cannot fight back, cannot unite together to stand up against oppression, it's almost diabolically inspired.

I don't know about you, but that's one of the biggest questions I've had all of my life.

WHY, WHY, WHY are they NOT doing what they COULD DO to HELP make LIFE decent / BETTER for EVERYONE??... not just a few...

It's like ARE WE a SOCIETY or NOT?!?

If we are supposedly a collective COMMUNITY...

Then WHY is it that there's so much SUFFERING?!?

Lies, lies, and more lies… Illusions.
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Nov 11, 2018

Even when my own father punched me & choked me because i asked him nicely if we could please just wait 20 minutes for the pouring rain to ease up before carrying moving boxes, he started becoming violent instantly and yelled that i was not appreciative when i said i'm afraid of slipping on the wet sidewalk & stairway (back then with no roof) and he then mocked me by saying that i have a 'chemical imbalance'. Umm, if someone cries or gets upset AFTER they are punched, Last time I checked, that's not a 'chemical imbalance' or 'disorder'.

i just shake my head now sometimes remembering how he acted Like it was OK that he became violent and hit me, my sister, my mother, etc. throughout our lives, but if we reacted and cried or just even try to ask politely for something, somehow we were the ones who were wrong, somehow we were the ones that were annoying him.

Well, my father got annoyed at the drop of a hat. After he would physically assault someone in the family, he would PUNISH THEIR/MY REACTION because it was inconvenient or unpleasant for him to see that reaction. Selfish.

If you think of it on a larger scale, it's similar to the thinking of a typical abuser. Only they have rights, but you don't.

Their selfish, cretinous attitude of "You're the one who needs to walk on their egg shells carefully", AS IF only their needs matter, only their opinion matters, not yours.

God forbid if we dare to ask for minimal respect of our dignity.
So sorry you experienced that and so much more. Its so sickening and angering. The only solution to get the f away from such people be it family or whoever else but of course thats often not possible especially when younger or for financial reasons later on. Unfortunately this gaslighting exists in mental health institutions too like you described and yet people are expected to go to them and rely on them for help. I have so much more to say really but I don't know what to say, society is so flawed and backwards on purpose. I know I cant rely on anyone else.
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Dec 17, 2019
SO TRUE ! :heart:

Just to note that some people did not experience toxic brutal environment , and still suicidal .That doesn't change your point of course .

claim depression to be non discriminatory

It's like taking 90 apples and 10 oranges , and then saying "hey all apples and oranges have that problem". Depression, anxiety, and suicide rates are much higher for those that hit rock bottom.

I always feel that taking the few that are well off (loving family, no hardshipping etc) is AN EXCUSE to sweep out systematic problems . If it's common -- just take a pill .

There are several serious psychiatry research papers stating exactly that, and calling for society to change. Not out of "good will" but understanding pills are not a solution, and damningly hurt the mental & healthcare (well the little credit that's left of it).
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Dec 27, 2019
The whole time these brainwashed people who cannot face truth and reality, are so UNREALISTIC that they continue to blame the VICTIM for having a NORMAL REACTION to a TOXIC ENVIRONMENT & BRUTAL SOCIETY / ABUSE that puts nearly continuous pressure on so many people, not only with never-ending financial issues & sky rocketing rents, but also exponentially increasing VIOLENCE, bullying by coworkers, SHOCKING LEVELS of absolute rudeness & SELFISHNESS, people utterly DISRESPECTFUL of your minimum SAFETY on the roads more than ever before, people being USED & ABANDONED, children being kidnapped by the ever increasing rise of child molestors /SEXUAL ASSAULTS that permanently TRAUMATIZE both adults & children... with a constantly UNPREDICTABLE ENVIRONMENT for most people, every time they step outside their front door.

I'd point you to the work of dr. Vincent felitti, whose Adverse Childhood Experience (ACE - defined here) study uses exactly this viewpoint to demonstrate quantifiable results pertaining to a variety of life outcomes, including physical health conditions, mental health, being in prison, drug use, etc. Here is an excerpt from the original study:

When we looked at self-defined current depression, we found that a person with ACE score ≥4 [backwood_tilt: meaning they were exposed to a higher number of "Adverse Childhood Experiences"] was 460% more likely to be depressed than a person with ACE score of 0. Confirming the reliability of this conclusion, we found a 1220% historical increase in attempted suicide between these two groups. For groups with higher ACE scores, incidence of attempted suicide increases thirtyfold to fifty-one fold! Using the analytic technique of population attributable risk, we found that more than two thirds of suicide attempts could be attributed to adverse childhood experiences. <Source>

I'd also point you to the work of Dr. Bessel Van Der Kolk, who has spent decades internally lobbying the American Psychiatric Association, who maintain the US diagnostic manual - the DSM - to include a concept he coins Chronic Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, noting that:

However, over the years, it has become clear that in clinical settings the majority of traumatized treatment seeking patients suffer from a variety of psychological problems that are not included in the diagnosis of PTSD. These include depression and self-hatred, dissociation and depersonalization, aggressive behavior against self and others, problems with intimacy, and impairment in the capacity to experience pleasure, satisfaction and 'fun'. Many of these problems that are not categorized under the rubric of PTSD are often classified as "co-morbid conditions", rather than being recognized as part of a spectrum of trauma- related problems that occur as a function of the developmental level at which the trauma occurred, the relationship between the victim and the agent responsible for the trauma, the duration of the traumatic experience(s) and the availability of social support. <Source>

The inclusion of CPTSD is meant to define that broad spectrum of trauma-related problems, as well as help identify precise means of addressing it via treatments.

My point is that while conventional psychiatry may seem very hegemonic, there are definitely people in the field working from this angle. As i mentioned in another post about CPTSD, California's first state Surgeon General (Nadine Burke Harris) has at least talked about introducing trauma screening for young children at a school level to help address these problems. She incidentally has a TED talk where she discusses the ACE study and its results, and what we as a society should do to address this.

Finally, i definitely feel your frustration. The world does seem like a very harsh place at times, and the more you learn about the sickness that pervades our societies and our collective psyches, the more difficult it becomes to accept that this is what we must learn to adapt to, in order to survive. It is definitely something that has haunted me regularly in the past, and when you start to peer more into the cracks of this facade it can become really depressing and discouraging.

Some of the things you described in your post are consequences of the socioeconomic systems that we live in. The conditions vary from place to place but overall there is a very harsh tone to how things are ordered. A historical materialist would make the point that history and social phenomena generally, are the result of contemporaneous material conditions. I think from that perspective, society can and must do something to improve those base conditions.
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I Have the Light Inside, Surrounded by Darkness
Sep 22, 2019
I'd point you to the work of dr. Vincent felitti, whose Adverse Childhood Experience (ACE - defined here) study uses exactly this viewpoint to demonstrate quantifiable results pertaining to a variety of life outcomes, including physical health conditions, mental health, being in prison, drug use, etc. Here is an excerpt from the original study:

I'd also point you to the work of Dr. Bessel Van Der Kolk, who has spent decades internally lobbying the American Psychiatric Association, who maintain the US diagnostic manual - the DSM - to include a concept he coins Chronic Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, noting that:

The inclusion of CPTSD is meant to define that broad spectrum of trauma-related problems, as well as help identify precise means of addressing it via treatments.

My point is that while conventional psychiatry may seem very hegemonic, there are definitely people in the field working from this angle. As i mentioned in another post about CPTSD, California's first state Surgeon General (Nadine Burke Harris) has at least talked about introducing trauma screening for young children at a school level to help address these problems. She incidentally has a TED talk where she discusses the ACE study and its results, and what we as a society should do to address this.

Finally, i definitely feel your frustration. The world does seem like a very harsh place at times, and the more you learn about the sickness that pervades our societies and our collective psyches, the more difficult it becomes to accept that this is what we must learn to adapt to, in order to survive. It is definitely something that has haunted me regularly in the past, and when you start to peer more into the cracks of this facade it can become really depressing and discouraging.

Some of the things you described in your post are consequences of the socioeconomic systems that we live in. The conditions vary from place to place but overall there is a very harsh tone to how things are ordered. A historical materialist would make the point that history and social phenomena generally, are the result of contemporaneous material conditions. I think from that perspective, society can and must do something to improve those base conditions.

I very much appreciate your effort and clarifying your thoughts as well on the subject, and certainly the excellent references to review.

I can see the points that they made, although I'm sure there are many exceptions for those with PTSD, including me. I certainly do Not hate myself at all, actually quite the opposite. I respect and care for myself, as well as for many others in this world.

I have too much self-respect to let anyone destroy my dignity, and I would rather follow the whole death before dishonor philosophy.

It's refreshing and at the same time concerning... because it's an indicator, in my humble opinion, that it is an arduous uphill battle that very few are waging (or even ABLE to wage) against a powerfully insidious Ruling elite, with their trickle down, under-the-table payoffs to those in the lower echelons of law making, and their unscrupulous dictation to society as a whole.

Unlike in much of human history, those that are now guilty are very hard to reach, and even unknown by name. How do you overcome such a sweeping predicament? Truly they are the untouchables it seems.

The only solution is one that I have the potential to assist in, but not able to access the resources needed to topple the monsters, so to speak. I can rally the metaphorical troops but then fall into the trap of not wanting to choose the lesser of two evils, and rather simply choose an all-encompassing exit instead...

taking the potential with me, rather than rightfully unleashing its original energy. I'm phrasing this evasively and cryptically for a reason, since this is still technically publicized. Those that can read between the lines know why, those that don't can just shrug it off pleasantly. No matter.

I would rather go down with this ship, than to put my flag up & surrender, as the song goes...

I am not a person of politics, but of universal principles. People like me may emerge in emergency situations, but alas, we are just as easily succumbing to the physical pressures and exhaustion like the rest.

So, here's that song my friends... :heart:

(but for me, it's not about a mere relationship, for me it's about breaking up with this society, refusing to surrender to its terms of compromising my (or yours) right to freedom & happiness, i will always be in Love with all that is Just, Good, & Honorable...
& that based on timeless principles, I will Never negotiate my dignity and would rather throw off this mortal coil, never to fully surrender...

& another Symbolic song... to express my absolute disdain for all of the Lies & Illusions I once believed long ago, and for the sake of those who are destroyed and devastated by such Lies, deceiving Us into working harder for that carrot on a stick that was a fallacy the entire time...

& these for Good Measure while we are all Reflecting...

Dedicated to All the Good Souls past, present, & future... For the Innocent Souls Especially...

& For All those who reach for Love & Goodness in this realm, who are already gone, & those of us Yet to be...

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Dec 27, 2019
I am not a person of politics, but of universal principles.


& another Symbolic song... to express my absolute disdain for all of the Lies & Illusions I once believed long ago, and for the sake of those who are destroyed and devastated by such Lies, deceiving Us into working harder for that carrot on a stick that was a fallacy the entire time...

I mean corporate media megacompanies are definitely part of the ruling elite you claim to decry, and objectively you are helping raise their revenue by providing them more views lol. Just a thought!


I Have the Light Inside, Surrounded by Darkness
Sep 22, 2019

I mean corporate media megacompanies are definitely part of the ruling elite you claim to decry, and objectively you are helping raise their revenue by providing them more views lol. Just a thought!
I can appreciate that, though I am just expressing my feelings in song, and the only available avenue is via youtube. They will get revenue regardless, and if these are my last weeks on earth possibly, I'm not going to worry about it, if that makes sense hopefully.

It's not about their revenue during these moments, it's about expressing thoughts & feelings. It's also about trying to help others sense that they are not alone in their most profound despair & inclination to choose their own path, not the one dictated or carved out by those that are insensitive to their plight.

Thank you just the same.
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Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
Amazing, excellent post @purplemoon. :hug: :heart: There are lots of points that I agree with and I will address all the major ones that I find really important (based on my opinion).

The so-called "mental health" system has Failed with HUGE amounts of people trying all their formulas of nonsense, then if after years of giving their system a fair and genuine chance, and the person is still depressed, anxious, etc they have the AUDACITY to rudely BLAME the VICTIM of not getting 'better' and tell them 'well you should just try again / work even harder' at getting 'better'.
Really well said, I feel like this is really swept under the rug a lot as most people who direct depressed, upset people (the victims who are simply reacting to their horrible environment) to seek "help" simply ignore the fact that society sucks and it's not the victim fault. Even worse, are the people who keep saying that they should find another mental health professional or other people. This is because they have this 'failed' logic and intellectual fault that "there is a cure" and that it exists and that one should and can find it. Absolutely presumptuous and arrogant of people to think that way.

With very few exceptions (like organic brain schizophrenia with hallucinations) do most people who are just receiving a LABEL put on their REACTION to these UNNATURAL and EXHAUSTING CIRCUMSTANCES, with all levels of ABUSE by both individuals and society, actually have a so-called 'mental problem'.
Yes fully agree, I believe that while there are people who are "truly" mentally ill, the vast majority of people are just reacting towards the toxic, shitty environment.

Some decent people are in that field with good intentions, but still they are required to 'obey' what the DSM book of 'disorders' dictates, and there are so many that just are in it for easy money $100 plus per hour), telling people to "journal and do deep breathing exercises" and take these legal drugs that alter your brain chemistry. It's like an experiment with synthetic chemicals but they call it "medical care" or "medication".
Yeah, sadly they are there to earn a quick buck, at the expense of very vulnerable people and also enjoy exerting control over vulnerable people. Absolutely disgusting. :hmph: I'd like to think that the DSM book is like the Bible that the Roman Catholic Church (as well as the Inquisition) uses to control the masses and what not. It's almost no different than religious persecution in the past but just in a different time era.

They never take into REALISTIC consideration what you have experienced cumulatively that is different from what they have experienced, or maybe you don't have the same supportive family they have, or your neighborhood has gangsters and robbery unlike theirs so you have to be on constant alert, or maybe you are a victim of abuse and domestic violence, or that your financial reality is completely different than theirs, so when you have REACTIONS to TRAUMATIC EVENTS, but since they don't have a similar experience, they treat you like you need help, or 'why don't you just go get counseling'? Who's really 'nuts'?! They are for trying to dictate to others an entire fallacious system that tells innocent human beings that there own natural reflex to stress, traumas, and on-going pressure is 'mental' or 'just see the bright side'... What bright side?! That it "could be even worse", etc.
Exactly, well said. I also hate such platitudes and such general willful ignorance of them. They seem to ignore reality and instead push their own perception of what should be done instead of just listening and addressing things in such a way.

FIX the ENVIRONMENT and people won't have all of this depression and anxiety, in the first place. Stop people who are allowed to get away with endangering your basic financial survival, end abuse of children & spouses, STOP the growing threat of homelessness with actual supportive safety nets, RAISE the minimum STANDARD of acceptable public behavior, DISALLOW BULLYING as 'just the way it is', hold our government ACCOUNTABLE for their impacts on innocent people, actually ARREST sexual predators the FIRST time, not later... & CHANGE the SYSTEM THAT is CLEARLY NOT CREATING A HEALTHY SOCIETY Instead of BLAMING the VICTIM and trying to SILENCE US.
This is exactly what needs to happen, but society and people refuse to acknowledge it, let alone 'fix' it. Instead, they go about it the easy way, which is to claim that the system is not the problem, but the victim is. Absolutely disgusting of society to think that way.

Whatever you do, unless you're having physical hallucinations, please don't let these other humans that created a system of profit and social 'control' called 'psychology' that makes you feel bad about yourself, win over your natural INSTINCTS.

Please don't let their labels thrown on you make you doubt yourself, or your worth, or question what your own body & emotions or reactions, that there's just 'something wrong with you.
Yes, I agree with you here. I feel like while there are legitimate mental illnesses out there, most of them are over-diagnosed and/or exaggerated by the mental health system in an attempt to siphon as much money from their patients.

These reactions/responses of sadness, anxiety, frustration, rage & emotional numbing to survive the toxic environment are certainly not mental 'disorders' and it's extremely disrespectful and insulting to label them as such imaginative nonsense.

If a person feels pushed past their limit or breaking point, then they are. Only each individual knows that point, and with so many variables factoring in, that cannot simply be 'formulated'.
I can really relate to this as I have been at my limits or even near there too throughout my whole life. I experienced great rage when I was in my adolescence and teens, even more than suicide, but suicide was also in the back of my mind too, though rage superseded it most of the time. Society sucks and people IRL all make the environment shitty, but I digress a bit.

So if you or I, are the next person, wants to catch the bus and basically make the PROFOUND STATEMENT of I'm NOT going to TAKE THIS ANYMORE, I REFUSE to accept these INTOLERABLE CONDITIONS in SOCIETY, in our HOME, Our physical PAIN, whatever has pushed you to a FINAL EDGE, with CTB making even a REVOLUTIONARY statement & message DECLARED through SUICIDE, INSISTING that a BETTER SOCIETY must be created, or WE will LEAVE it on our OWN terms, and they don't get to DICTATE to YOU or me what we will tolerate or ENDURE, NOT anymore...
Agreed and I like this statement, it sums up the last FU/middle finger given to a sick society, toxic environment as well as the people who are responsible for it.

People NEED to be more decent and kind to each other, people NEED to feel generally safe, people NEED to know they won't become homeless in terrifying situations just because of unexpected job loss, people NEED their own government they pay taxes to actually be there in return in a financial emergency, people NEED real friends and loving spouses they can trust.

ALL of these NEEDS are NOT "MENTAL DISORDERS" my friends...
Well said and especially the last sentence is spot on.


I Have the Light Inside, Surrounded by Darkness
Sep 22, 2019
Amazing, excellent post @purplemoon. :hug: :heart: There are lots of points that I agree with and I will address all the major ones that I find really important (based on my opinion).

Really well said, I feel like this is really swept under the rug a lot as most people who direct depressed, upset people (the victims who are simply reacting to their horrible environment) to seek "help" simply ignore the fact that society sucks and it's not the victim fault. Even worse, are the people who keep saying that they should find another mental health professional or other people. This is because they have this 'failed' logic and intellectual fault that "there is a cure" and that it exists and that one should and can find it. Absolutely presumptuous and arrogant of people to think that way.

Yes fully agree, I believe that while there are people who are "truly" mentally ill, the vast majority of people are just reacting towards the toxic, shitty environment.

Yeah, sadly they are there to earn a quick buck, at the expense of very vulnerable people and also enjoy exerting control over vulnerable people. Absolutely disgusting. :hmph: I'd like to think that the DSM book is like the Bible that the Roman Catholic Church (as well as the Inquisition) uses to control the masses and what not. It's almost no different than religious persecution in the past but just in a different time era.

Exactly, well said. I also hate such platitudes and such general willful ignorance of them. They seem to ignore reality and instead push their own perception of what should be done instead of just listening and addressing things in such a way.

This is exactly what needs to happen, but society and people refuse to acknowledge it, let alone 'fix' it. Instead, they go about it the easy way, which is to claim that the system is not the problem, but the victim is. Absolutely disgusting of society to think that way.

Yes, I agree with you here. I feel like while there are legitimate mental illnesses out there, most of them are over-diagnosed and/or exaggerated by the mental health system in an attempt to siphon as much money from their patients.

I can really relate to this as I have been at my limits or even near there too throughout my whole life. I experienced great rage when I was in my adolescence and teens, even more than suicide, but suicide was also in the back of my mind too, though rage superseded it most of the time. Society sucks and people IRL all make the environment shitty, but I digress a bit.

Agreed and I like this statement, it sums up the last FU/middle finger given to a sick society, toxic environment as well as the people who are responsible for it.

Well said and especially the last sentence is spot on.

Thank you, and I really appreciate your candor and you have very good points as well. I hope to respond a little more in length later, but I have to get ready for work now. Have a good day, as much as you can anyway.


Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
Np, take your time and have a good day as well. :heart:

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