

Apr 15, 2022
As an Australian the gun violence over there shocks me. I have never seen a gun in real life with two exceptions: on police officers and in the USA while on vacation. Hell, the police here rarely even use the gun. They use a taser 99% of the time. While on vacation we were super close to like two shootings (not mass shootings) and it freaked my family out. There was a shooting here when 6 people died I believe and it was all over the news and extremely shocking. Gun violence is exceptionally rare and it's super hard to get a gun. It's technically possible if you get a ton of permits and have a reason but your average person will never touch one. The fact people can open carry over there freaks me the hell out. I don't think it's everywhere but goddamn... The lax attitude to guns is crazy. I have two online friends and one keeps a gun for self defence and the other has a family who collects them. They have both used them before. We have very different cultures. I can't say the lack of freedom here is great but I love the fact I never have to worry about guns. I can't even imagine what it's like for you guys. Sending your kids to school with warnings about shootings and drills and the risk there will be a school shooting, never mind that it could also happen anywhere in public...
The right to bear arms is enshrined in the Constitution here. It's been that way since this country was formed. Actually, if you think about it, this country was "formed" with the use of guns. Because this right is enshrined in the Constitution, removing it, dramatically changing it, or even meaningfully hindering it, requires a Constitutional Amendment, which itself requires 3/4 (75%) of the 50 states to ratify the change. With the increased polarization being experienced now in this country, I highly doubt that will ever happen. The best the lawmakers can do is "tinker" around the edges - ban a certain type of gun, raise the age when someone can buy a gun, etc and this "tinkering" can only happen when one party or the other has enough votes in Congress to pass a law. If the other party happens to win control of Congress the next election cycle, they can undo the laws made by the prior Congress. It just goes back and forth. There used to be a ban on those AR15 type rifles. By the time the law that was banning their sale came up for renewal (no laws can be made permanent), the other party was in control and the law banning them was allowed to expire.

Now, in full disclosure, I own 3 guns myself and all are for self-defense. I do not carry a gun, either open or concealed, and never will. But, if someone breaks into my home at night, and I can get to one of my guns, they will be met with a big surprise. I can understand how this may contradict my desire for CTB - why not just let someone who breaks into my home kill me and be done with it? All I can say is it's just not the way I want to go out - by another person's hand. When I leave, I want it to be by my own hand.

Actually, I'm in process right now of trying to get rid of my guns because I don't want them ending up in the "wrong" hands after I CTB. I don't have anyone to handle my estate and will have to have someone "professional" appointed by the court. I figure I can just get rid of them myself before I CTB. Actually, I took 2 of them to a local gun store, but their $ offer was absolutely ridiculous, so I need to figure out something else.
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May 4, 2023
The right to bear arms is enshrined in the Constitution here. It's been that way since this country was formed. Actually, if you think about it, this country was "formed" with the use of guns. Because this right is enshrined in the Constitution, removing it, dramatically changing it, or even meaningfully hindering it, requires a Constitutional Amendment, which itself requires 3/4 (75%) of the 50 states to ratify the change. With the increased polarization being experienced now in this country, I highly doubt that will ever happen. The best the lawmakers can do is "tinker" around the edges - ban a certain type of gun, raise the age when someone can buy a gun, etc and this "tinkering" can only happen when one party or the other has enough votes in Congress to pass a law. If the other party happens to win control of Congress the next election cycle, they can undo the laws made by the prior Congress. It just goes back and forth. There used to be a ban on those AR15 type rifles. By the time the law that was banning their sale came up for renewal (no laws can be made permanent), the other party was in control and the law banning them was allowed to expire.

Now, in full disclosure, I own 3 guns myself and all are for self-defense. I do not carry a gun, either open or concealed, and never will. But, if someone breaks into my home at night, and I can get to one of my guns, they will be met with a big surprise. I can understand how this may contradict my desire for CTB - why not just let someone who breaks into my home kill me and be done with it? All I can say is it's just not the way I want to go out - by another person's hand. When I leave, I want it to be by my own hand.
I never knew about the 75% requirement for a Constitutional Amendment, thank you for educating me. The laws trying to somewhat restrict types of guns and ages seem like a good idea. Kind of like a compromise. Obviously your country will always have guns but something needs to change imo. I have no idea what and honestly there might not even be a solution but the mass shootings are ridiculous. Preaching to the choir at this point so I'll stop. It's a very tricky situation.

Btw it's not contradicting your desire to ctb by defending your home. Nobody should be forced to die.


Apr 15, 2022
I never knew about the 75% requirement for a Constitutional Amendment, thank you for educating me. The laws trying to somewhat restrict types of guns and ages seem like a good idea. Kind of like a compromise. Obviously your country will always have guns but something needs to change imo. I have no idea what and honestly there might not even be a solution but the mass shootings are ridiculous. Preaching to the choir at this point so I'll stop. It's a very tricky situation.

Btw it's not contradicting your desire to ctb by defending your home. Nobody should be forced to die.
Restricting gun usage by law works for a while, like I said, until the other party gets power, and then removes those laws. It's a freaking merry-go-round, really, I don't think anything is going to change. America has reached the point where the sides on that issue, and many others btw, are cast in stone and lines in the sand have been drawn. Honestly, I think what you're really looking at in America is a failed experiment. It was an experiment in total freedom, or near total freedom, and it was destined to fail. It becomes impossible for consensus when everyone has their own mindset and their own beliefs, and it's become even more so in the past couple decades. There's nowhere else for America to go. I'm sure that at some point in time, there will be another civil war, certainly not in my lifetime, but eventually. Probably then only real solution is to start over and fix the mistakes that were made at the beginning.
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May 29, 2023

When I was first admitted, the psychiatrist said I would be there for a week. I had an appointment yesterday but it was cancelled. Today I had a huge meeting with like 5 different people and I was able to bullshit my way out. We completed a safety and care plan, I answered all the questions correctly, I agreed to have the acute team come to my house for a week or two, and I have an appointment with my psychologist and psychiatrist very soon. Thank fucking god I'm out of that hellhole I think I was going crazy. I made sure to say the environment was making me worse and the overstimulation was too much. I wasn't even lying. Holy fuck that was terrible the constant alarms and doors shutting and screaming and someone was singing in the hallway for hours and my roommate was always on the phone talking and the lights were so fucking bright and I just felt isolated because no staff would even talk to you and there was no therapy or groups and there was a literal fight between two patients but they were in the male part of the ward so I didn't see it. The distress alarm is so bloody loud and it kept going off.
This makes me so mad . It sounds like a horrid place to stay and on top you get your dignity stripped by answering personal questions in a front of nobodies.
safety and care plan, I answered all the questions correctly, I agreed to have the acute team come to my house
This is legalized forceful entry . A bunch of intruders . How is this allowed . What about our dignity and private space ?

Did you tell that panel that you are suicidal or did you bs on that too ?
Glad you are out of that place now 🤞🤞
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May 4, 2023
This makes me so mad . It sounds like a horrid place to stay and on top you get your dignity stripped by answering personal questions in a front of nobodies.

This is legalized forceful entry . A bunch of intruders . How is this allowed . What about our dignity and private space ?

Did you tell that panel that you are suicidal or did you bs on that too ?
Glad you are out of that place now 🤞🤞
Definitely not a great place. I've been admitted twice and no joke they've swiped over $100 worth of my things. You have to give certain items to the staff and they put it in a locker and then a bag when you leave. They didn't give me a few things, mostly chargers. But they can be expensive af

Yep, it's allowed because I was under an involuntary treatment order. I mean I guess I could call and cancel now as they removed it but I'll just do it to prove I'm working with them. I didn't want to refuse because I wanted to go home. They needed to be sure I'd be safe. The acute team was a compromise. I didn't say I wasn't suicidal, they'd see through that straight away. I just told them a half truth - I'm not imminently suicidal, I don't have a plan, I just have occasional thoughts.

Thank you, I'm glad too :heart:
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May 19, 2023
Definitely not a great place. I've been admitted twice and no joke they've swiped over $100 worth of my things. You have to give certain items to the staff and they put it in a locker and then a bag when you leave. They didn't give me a few things, mostly chargers. But they can be expensive af

Yep, it's allowed because I was under an involuntary treatment order. I mean I guess I could call and cancel now as they removed it but I'll just do it to prove I'm working with them. I didn't want to refuse because I wanted to go home. They needed to be sure I'd be safe. The acute team was a compromise. I didn't say I wasn't suicidal, they'd see through that straight away. I just told them a half truth - I'm not imminently suicidal, I don't have a plan, I just have occasional thoughts.

Thank you, I'm glad too :heart:

I think you played it the right way, they are more following 'legal protocol' about suicidal prevention, than actually giving a shit. the half truth stuff is probably what I would do too, you may come off like they might know you are lying, but not too blatant
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May 26, 2023
It's been held at customs for a few days now…. 😣 I hope things are going ok and you get out of there soon. So sorry this happened to you.

im at 3 weeks. i dont think itll make it through
It's been held at customs for a few days now…. 😣 I hope things are going ok and you get out of there soon. So sorry this happened to you.

psych wards are pretty crazy hey. its a shame you got forced in there..... and so rude they disnt give you the item you purchased.
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The Bloody Unknown

The Bloody Unknown

You’ve met with a terrible fate , haven’t you?
Feb 14, 2023

When I was first admitted, the psychiatrist said I would be there for a week. I had an appointment yesterday but it was cancelled. Today I had a huge meeting with like 5 different people and I was able to bullshit my way out. We completed a safety and care plan, I answered all the questions correctly, I agreed to have the acute team come to my house for a week or two, and I have an appointment with my psychologist and psychiatrist very soon. Thank fucking god I'm out of that hellhole I think I was going crazy. I made sure to say the environment was making me worse and the overstimulation was too much. I wasn't even lying. Holy fuck that was terrible the constant alarms and doors shutting and screaming and someone was singing in the hallway for hours and my roommate was always on the phone talking and the lights were so fucking bright and I just felt isolated because no staff would even talk to you and there was no therapy or groups and there was a literal fight between two patients but they were in the male part of the ward so I didn't see it. The distress alarm is so bloody loud and it kept going off.

I'm home, I'm with my dog, and I'm grateful to be out of there. The freedom I felt in the car on the way home cannot be topped. I never want to go back, holy fuck.

It's so messed up. Maybe I would appreciate the offer of help if it was... you know... actual help

Right ! I genuinely considered organising a flight and passport and doing it overseas. My executive function is fucked though so I don't think it will happen. Even inert gas is too much work for me. I don't know. I'll probably have to try and work that out though I realllllly don't want to go with partial. It's just hard because I live with family and pets and I don't want to fuck up the gas somehow plus all the supplies. Ugh


Honestly I'm still shaken up by the whole thing. And yep, if you're Australian any source of sn is now monitored.

BAHAHAHAAHA. You're right though, I saw a video from the USA I think. A guy was wanting to kill himself in his car and the police started shooting through the window. The mother was screaming and telling them to stop. It's ridiculous

It was 100% tig. Basically I ordered from them first and everything was going okay until the customs clearance. It was there for over a month. The border force seized it and contacted the ambulance for a welfare check. The second source I tried did not even ship. It was definitely not the border force. They cancelled the order and refunded my money as I am not with a company. The third source has not started the shipping process yet. It was definitely not the border force. We will see what happens with that, if it causes another welfare check I'm going to laugh because the alternative is crying. Fingers crossed they just don't check it but honestly I'm probably flagged on the system somehow.

I hate to say it but if they seized your SN you will probably get a welfare check. If it clears okay you should be fine. Depending on your history you might be able to bullshit that it's for meat curing but yeah... You might be fucked.

Amen. I don't know what could really improve the system but it needs to be overhauled completely.

Yep :/

The reason I had a welfare check is because the border force found it. If you have it in your hands, you should be in the clear.

A few days can be normal, I wouldn't panic yet. If it's over two weeks I'd start to worry. You might get lucky, it's the fact they caught my SN. Sometimes it's just let through because the system isn't perfect.

Yep :I It's so messed up.
fucking oath mate. Sounds like such a nightmare. I hope one day Australia can be a little better about "treating" suicidal patients.
I've been well traumatised by my experiences in psych wards here when I was a teen and I'm terrified if I ordered SN they'd lock me up.

There are very many dangerous people in the wards (wards that aren't well staffed). dangerous people like the ones from our pasts that caused so much childhood trauma.
Yeah put the suicidal patients in with them! Great idea Australia!

I wish they'd just let us fucking ctb already.
Life, at this point, is torture and it's being forced on us by mindless government employees who don't consider the patients needs above protecting their own reputation.
And I get it, why they are anti-suicide, because they haven't needed to consider the other side personally, so the years of "suicide is never an option" rhetoric has then convinced. But being anti-suicide is a narrow-minded view when people are genuinely suffering, have been for a long time, and have no feasible way of "recovering".
I'm so tired of this shit ay
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May 8, 2023
Fuck me. I'm so annoyed right now you have no idea. You might have seen one of my threads about my SN order being held up in customs.

Turns out the fucking border force called an ambulance to show up at my house for a welfare check !!

They put me under an act to get assessed by a psychiatrist within 24 hours. They then decided to extend it into a treatment order. I'm stuck here for at least a week.

I hate the psych ward so fucking much. It's making me feel worse. Honestly it's increasing my suicidal ideation if anything. I just wanted a somewhat peaceful way out, or at least better than the alternatives, and now I don't even have that. They seized my SN.

Thank god I'm allowed my phone. If they knew I was posting here they'd probably take it away though.

Oh, one of the mental health staff said something weird. They said SN is a super painful way to go. Honestly I think she's full of shit but regardless it's better than my plan B of partial hanging in my fucking shower with the disability handle.

Good job Australia, you're making my death be as uncomfortable as possible.

Anyway, heads up to anyone in Australia. Apparently SN has been put on alert and welfare checks will be sent out if detected. I purchased from TIG. It's not just IC or whoever it was that had their list investigated.

God my legs were shaking so fucking bad when the paramedics showed up at my door. My anxiety is so high I just want to go home. I'm tired of the mental health system and life and just everything it includes. I'm so fucking done.
I've been trying to get my hands on SN for awhile now and living in Australia makes that impossible. I'll never get a comfortable death and it hurts so much to know this...my only option seems to be partial hanging as it's as close to "peaceful/ comfortable" as I'll get. It's so ridiculous and frustrating. I hate that the human race has more care for animals then humans themselves but I also completely understand how they feel because I care about animals more then worthless humans. Aaaa it's just so fucked. Honestly I hope for future people that then don't have to go through this and that they can rest easy. Until then I'll fight to make that happen.
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Sweet Tart

Sweet Tart

May 10, 2023
I saw that video, too. That was so effed up. That's life here in the good 'ole USA. We're up to somethin' like 360 mass killings already this year. Not sure how many ppl have been gunned down by LE so far. Ya know, we're the moral superior fucks of the world, right?
It is truly a dystopian society, in my experience. The culture has been shifting this way for many years and it's taken a long time for the world to really see it.

@loyalskateboard , I'm so sorry you went thru this and relieved that they didn't keep you as long as they threatened to. So glad you are home with your dog. Animals can be so much more empathetic than people.
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May 4, 2023

I've been trying to get my hands on SN for awhile now and living in Australia makes that impossible. I'll never get a comfortable death and it hurts so much to know this...my only option seems to be partial hanging as it's as close to "peaceful/ comfortable" as I'll get. It's so ridiculous and frustrating. I hate that the human race has more care for animals then humans themselves but I also completely understand how they feel because I care about animals more then worthless humans. Aaaa it's just so fucked. Honestly I hope for future people that then don't have to go through this and that they can rest easy. Until then I'll fight to make that happen.
It sucks that they give animals a peaceful, calm, and painless death but restrict any method that could possibly be only slightly uncomfortable for humans. They can't 100% prevent suicide and they're just leaving the worst options. People will still do it, and restricting sodium nitrite or whatever other method just makes people desperate. They jump in front of trains, hang themselves, jump off buildings. Some of those will harm other people. It won't stop it from happening, they're just making it as painful as possible 😔 It's not like they help suicidal people anyway. Sure, there might be a mental health awareness session at work with mindfulness brochures given out but it's essentially useless. Animals are often better off than humans. At least they aren't forced to suffer (abusive owners excluded)
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Sep 6, 2022
Sorry to hear about your experience @loyalskateboard. I know what it's like to be detained and forced to justify a perfectly reasonable desire to a bunch of entitled apes who firmly believe that their personal beliefs and values have objective validity.

The fact that TIG is putting false information on the label in order to avoid raising suspicion makes me think they'll end up like IC. I hastily ordered believing that it was some obscure chemical company that has no affiliation with this website and now I regret my choices.
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Extreme Pain is much worse than people know
Aug 12, 2019
Sorry to hear about your experience @loyalskateboard. I know what it's like to be detained and forced to justify a perfectly reasonable desire to a bunch of entitled apes who firmly believe that their personal beliefs and values have objective validity.

The fact that TIG is putting false information on the label in order to avoid raising suspicion makes me think they'll end up like IC. I hastily ordered believing that it was some obscure chemical company that has no affiliation with this website and now I regret my choices.
Imo this site is crawling with police and prolifers. Imo many more police , news orgs, prolifers brought here by that prolife video that will remain nameless so that people don't click on it. Clicking on a youtube video increase it's score in the youtbe algorithm. The algorithm then suggests it to more people. Don't click on it nor post about it.

But imo a lot of damage already done . Imo we should act like we are posting in front of a large number of police and prolifers because we are. They are only looking to take down sources
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Sep 6, 2022
Imo this site is crawling with police and prolifers. Imo many more police , news orgs, prolifers brought here by that prolife video that will remain nameless so that people don't click it. Clicking on a youtube video increase s it's score in the algorithm. The algorithm then suggests it to more people. Don't click on it nor post about it.
I know what video you're talking about and I agree that it shouldn't be shared. Unfortunately the forum has already gained notoriety and I'm afraid there's no going back given how fanatical pro-lifers have gotten on platforms like twitter.

I'm also concerned about the eagerness with which some people here share sources with new members who barely have enough posts to receive DMs. No measures are taken to prevent sources from going down. Though, to be fair, it only takes one cunning pro-lifer in disguise to expose a new source so it all seems hopeless anyway.
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Jun 19, 2023
Forget even worrying/fearing whether this will clear customs or having to deal with a welfare check (and/or forcefully being committed to a psych ward). It took them 8 business days just to mark my order fulfilled and create a shipping label. Another 2 business days has passed with FedEx still showing they haven't received the package after label creation. I don't think this is going to turn out well one way or another.
  • Aww..
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failed life

failed life

Apr 10, 2023

When I was first admitted, the psychiatrist said I would be there for a week. I had an appointment yesterday but it was cancelled. Today I had a huge meeting with like 5 different people and I was able to bullshit my way out. We completed a safety and care plan, I answered all the questions correctly, I agreed to have the acute team come to my house for a week or two, and I have an appointment with my psychologist and psychiatrist very soon. Thank fucking god I'm out of that hellhole I think I was going crazy. I made sure to say the environment was making me worse and the overstimulation was too much. I wasn't even lying. Holy fuck that was terrible the constant alarms and doors shutting and screaming and someone was singing in the hallway for hours and my roommate was always on the phone talking and the lights were so fucking bright and I just felt isolated because no staff would even talk to you and there was no therapy or groups and there was a literal fight between two patients but they were in the male part of the ward so I didn't see it. The distress alarm is so bloody loud and it kept going off.

I'm home, I'm with my dog, and I'm grateful to be out of there. The freedom I felt in the car on the way home cannot be topped. I never want to go back, holy fuck.

It's so messed up. Maybe I would appreciate the offer of help if it was... you know... actual help

Right ! I genuinely considered organising a flight and passport and doing it overseas. My executive function is fucked though so I don't think it will happen. Even inert gas is too much work for me. I don't know. I'll probably have to try and work that out though I realllllly don't want to go with partial. It's just hard because I live with family and pets and I don't want to fuck up the gas somehow plus all the supplies. Ugh


Honestly I'm still shaken up by the whole thing. And yep, if you're Australian any source of sn is now monitored.

BAHAHAHAAHA. You're right though, I saw a video from the USA I think. A guy was wanting to kill himself in his car and the police started shooting through the window. The mother was screaming and telling them to stop. It's ridiculous

It was 100% tig. Basically I ordered from them first and everything was going okay until the customs clearance. It was there for over a month. The border force seized it and contacted the ambulance for a welfare check. The second source I tried did not even ship. It was definitely not the border force. They cancelled the order and refunded my money as I am not with a company. The third source has not started the shipping process yet. It was definitely not the border force. We will see what happens with that, if it causes another welfare check I'm going to laugh because the alternative is crying. Fingers crossed they just don't check it but honestly I'm probably flagged on the system somehow.

I hate to say it but if they seized your SN you will probably get a welfare check. If it clears okay you should be fine. Depending on your history you might be able to bullshit that it's for meat curing but yeah... You might be fucked.

Amen. I don't know what could really improve the system but it needs to be overhauled completely.

Yep :/

The reason I had a welfare check is because the border force found it. If you have it in your hands, you should be in the clear.

A few days can be normal, I wouldn't panic yet. If it's over two weeks I'd start to worry. You might get lucky, it's the fact they caught my SN. Sometimes it's just let through because the system isn't perfect.

Yep :I It's so messed up.
So sorry you had to go through that shit. Your experience sounds like total hell on earth. We have a fucked up nanny system here where the ambos/police etc have far too much power. Really appreciate you letting us know though - god help me if I had to go through that. I'm wondering why you were told it was a painful way to go - do you think that was based on anything real or is it just something they're told to say so you won't try it?
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Jun 3, 2023
So sorry you had to go through that shit. Your experience sounds like total hell on earth. We have a fucked up nanny system here where the ambos/police etc have far too much power. Really appreciate you letting us know though - god help me if I had to go through that. I'm wondering why you were told it was a painful way to go - do you think that was based on anything real or is it just something they're told to say so you won't try it?
I live in Australia and it's probably just their way of dissuading them from not trying it this country is to conservative and shit it is a big nanny state
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failed life

failed life

Apr 10, 2023
I live in Australia and it's probably just their way of dissuading them from not trying it this country is to conservative and shit it is a big nanny state
Sure is. I'm in Australia too and have lived here long enough to see it getting steadily worse. I've got dual citizenship and mostly prefer not to call myself an Aussie.
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Jun 3, 2023
Sure is. I'm in Australia too and have lived here long enough to see it getting steadily worse. I've got dual citizenship and mostly prefer not to call myself an Aussie.
you are lucky I hope to be able to leave australia one day I hate it here. I hate the rough rude bogans and how conservative our country is and how we aren't aloud assisted dying and how controlled it is it sucks
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failed life

failed life

Apr 10, 2023
you are lucky I hope to be able to leave australia one day I hate it here. I hate the rough rude bogans and how conservative our country is and how we aren't aloud assisted dying and how controlled it is it sucks
I often think about leaving the country. I hate my accent being mocked. I hate the misogyny, the racism, the police harassment, the health system that fucks over the low income earners and the laws that allow us to be held against our will, just on the ignorant assessment of mental health morons. I'm just over everything.. sick to death of being told my problems can be fixed. They can't. It's not for lack of trying but it's now just asking too much for me to stick around. I'm sad beyond words that I can't have my two loved ones with me at the end.

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