Hi! This is the packaging you'll expect (if you're worried about anyone finding out) if you're ordering Церукал (Cerucal) on eBay. Reminder this is the Russian variant and not the Greek variant. I will confirm in the next couple days what packaging the Greek sellers use.
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And if you purchased Sodium Nitrite from the suggested North America vendor in the wiki, you'll get a box that looks something like this! What I whited out is just his advertisement where you can buy more chemicals. What isn't mentioned is the back of the box contains a warning that says:
WARNING! If this package appears to be leaking or the contents within appear damaged make sure to handle with gloves and goggles in a well ventilated area. WWW.<WEBSITE FOR SUPPLIER>.com©
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What isn't mentioned in the wiki is you can get Sodium Nitrite through Loudwolf if for some reason you can't get it through the recommended supplier. I can't remember the shipping box it came in but it was something generic like you'd get for any package. The bottle was wrapped around in plastic wrap and the top is also wrapped.
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