I have been searching for SN sources in the U.K. or sources that ship to the U.K. for a while and I haven't been able to find anything. Has anyone managed to get some SN recently to the U.K.? I think I might have to give up on this method.
There's a bbc article from earlier this year about a SN source "selling a poison thought to be linked to at least 130 UK deaths" the article provides a full name and their location. Since they are "thought to be linked to at least 130 UK deaths." it sounds likely that their business is supplying customers with exactly what they wanted.
i personally placed a order with the source around the time of the article. i did receive what i ordered, however due to a rebrand of their company and SN being temporarily removed (which i didn't realise at the time) i accidentally purchased Nitrite salt. i wrongly assumed that the description was explaining how and why it is used to cure meats as a way to distance the product from unwanted attention and it was purely E250.
i've recently ordered the correct product, however i haven't received it yet since it takes approximately two weeks. At the moment i'm unsure if it will get past customs and if i'll receive a welfare check from authorities.