Apr 30, 2024
Yes you can get SN in Australia from overseas in 2024.
You can, you can, you can.
WITHOUT welfare checks or border forces or any dramas whatsoever.
I am Australian. I ordered from DMC this year & received it. It sat at customs a long time but with hindsight, the docks were probably busy - I stacked panic attack on top of panic attack at the time though.
I emailed back & forth with B from Poland who also said they have zero problems delivering to Australia. As did the labs I spoke to.
I am writing this post for a specific reason that isn't up for debate.
I put Australia into the search bar here yesterday, I do this every now & then.
I saw a post from someone claiming they ordered SN into Australia & got stopped by border forces etc. Which may well be their experience & is none of my business.
BUT, their post made wild statements such as "do not ship SN into Australia from anywhere!!!"
Which is bullshit.
And we're a country that excels at calling bullshit.
So I'm calling bullshit.
I'm actually quite mad about it TBH.
Anyone can recount their own experience, this is a bloody forum after all, but you don't get to extrapolate your experiences to be everybody's experiences. We shouldn't be spreading fear & outright ignorance. Or just fakery. I really hope it's just ignorance…
But the bottom line is, you can get it delivered to AU.
Fact, not opinion.
So I'll tell you what I have to offer & what I don't.
This is basically a public service announcement combined with a call to action.
I'm Australian, I ordered from DMC, this year, no dramas (except all the ones in my head). I have posted about it extensively on this forum, everything from anxiety to payment methods to testing. I've tried to pay it forward - all the lovely, beautiful help I've received here. It's been overwhelming & I'm grateful beyond words.
But, and again, there's a but - I won't be giving out the source to anyone at all for any reason. I'm also not particularly open to answering messages from new people here after recent experiences. Please respect that. No source, no answering.
If you search my posts, there's a bunch.
I am posting this because it makes me sick to the stomach that someone who really needs it could have a source or a method denied to them, at a time they really need it, just by believing some random stranger on the internet. I am aware that I am also a random stranger on the internet. I am also very aware that all my posts are pro-DMC but that is because that is who I used.
If anyone reads this, & I hope they do, please at the least, bump. And if you're Australian & received SN, please jump in & say if you had successful deliveries, I guess especially if not DMC, so it doesn't just look like a pro DMC thread. And if you know any Aussie's on here that have received, please reach out to them & ask them to post here as well. It can be as little as "received July 2024" or "B from Poland". Anything.
If I had joined SaSu in the last few weeks, I wouldn't have pursued SN & I don't have a backup plan & I cannot even begin to think what I would have done. Except been desperate & alone, instead of supported by a brilliant community. Please don't take options away from people that already don't have options - if we had options, most of us wouldn't be here.
I hope this thread jumps to the top of the pile, so that if someone searches Australia, they're going to feel less alone & anxious & more confident & find all the reassurance they need instead of lies or ignorance or propaganda or reporters or any of the shit that's been popping up lately.
Again, I'm just here to start the thread / convo. I won't give out my source. I won't answer new messages. Please respect that. Please use the search bar for me for anything Australia & DMC related. Other Australians or people that know Australians - please help the community in my country by adding POSITIVE, SUCCESS stories only. The border force stories are welcome to pile on to that thread, you're not required here & I do feel for you if any of that happened. But put that on the right thread, the negative thread, not this one. Thank you for respecting that too. I apologise for how very frustrated I sound, but I really am. I don't have the time or resources to be doing this, but it kept me up last night, & I knew I had to see something, say something.
Best of luck to you all.
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Mar 8, 2024
Hello from one Aussie to another! I like this post and I can kind of relate to it. I have experience of both successful importation and unsuccessful importation of N back in 2018. My first attempt at importing N got intercepted by customs and I subsequently got a lovely visit by 2 cops at 4am!! They spoke to me and also called the ambulance to get the medics to see if I was ok! Not to mention having to explain myself to my father about was going on !
My second attempt was successful . It didn't even get delayed at customs. The difference was payment method . So maybe the guy who got his SN intercepted used a different payment than you? Not saying this IS the case, but MIGHT be the case? Either case I'm happy for you, I understand the relief of having a method on hand for whenever you choose to ctb.
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Sep 1, 2024
I'm from Australia and I've ordered from DMC. Really feeling optimistic and hope that it gets delivered soon.
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Apr 30, 2024
Hello from one Aussie to another! I like this post and I can kind of relate to it. I have experience of both successful importation and unsuccessful importation of N back in 2018. My first attempt at importing N got intercepted by customs and I subsequently got a lovely visit by 2 cops at 4am!! They spoke to me and also called the ambulance to get the medics to see if I was ok! Not to mention having to explain myself to my father about was going on !
My second attempt was successful . It didn't even get delayed at customs. The difference was payment method . So maybe the guy who got his SN intercepted used a different payment than you? Not saying this IS the case, but MIGHT be the case? Either case I'm happy for you, I understand the relief of having a method on hand for whenever you choose to ctb.
Thanks for reading & responding. It's appreciated. And hello to a fellow Aussie!!
For clarity though, you use the acronym N at the top & SN at the bottom.
Do you mean N & SN? Or SN for all?
I wouldn't have the balls to attempt obtaining N.
Payment methods could be a contributing factor, I have no idea. So for clarity, even though I've talked about it a bunch elsewhere, I used the Paysend app on an iPhone. It showed up on my bank statement as Paysend London.
I have no doubt there are horror stories to be had, & I legitimately feel for people that weren't as lucky as me. But the point of this thread, I guess, is to help people BE as lucky as me. We're the lucky country. We developed SN as a peaceful way to die for animals, we also stole it to be peaceful for humans.
So if there's anything you can add at all, that you're comfortable with, and please don't feel pressured to share anything that you're not but if you can - did you mean SN in all of the above? Can you share the successful payment method? The unsuccessful method? If both orders were from the same source? The same country? When the successful attempt was? For customs to intercept it - did the packaging indicate what was inside in any way? DMC lie, labs tend to have labs written on it, marketplaces just the name of the market (that sell a million other things). Or did they open it randomly? And if so, & it's not an illegal substance, what would trigger an out of hours police visit? Please don't feel that this is an interrogation in any way. I apologise that it may appear that way. I don't doubt your experience. I empathise with your experience. But if there's anything further that you can add to help other Australians, please do. And if you choose not to, I completely 100 percent respect that & appreciate what you have contributed. I only want people to share what they're comfortable sharing. Truly. We're an isolated country, this is an isolated community. We all need help. Any tiny little detail may be the difference between success & failure for someone else & while I don't encourage CTB'ing in general, I accept that some of us are here because we need to be. Best of luck to you, whether you choose to respond or not.
I'm from Australia and I've ordered from DMC. Really feeling optimistic and hope that it gets delivered soon.
Thank you so much. Please, if you can, report back if or when you successfully receive. Mine took longer than quoted & sat at customs for a long time & then again at the local postal sorting place. I was an anxious wreck at every single delay so if yours takes longer than you thought, it may not mean anything at all, it may still be coming, just slower than you hoped. The docks too busy, Australia post too slow. Anything at all. I hope that's of some reassurance, but tbh, absolutely nothing would've reassured me until it was in my hand. Best of luck.
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Maybe I am the problem
Dec 2, 2023
Thank you for preparing this. It's not of much use to me but I know it will help others. There have been a few misinformation and fear mongering surrounding sn, I don't understand why people even get out of their way to do that here but anyways such posts will help to straighten out those claims.
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Mori praestat, quam haec pati!
May 21, 2023
Lucky you!

The fact is SN isn't an illegal substance (unlike certain kinds of drugs). Chances that parcels r checked in depth in comparison to the whole amount of parcels going through customs every day is pretty low - for legal substances. Although to my knowledge possession of pure SN is restricted to private individuals in AU it's still a legal substance.

Fact: Customs cannot check every parcel in depth that is entering a country. A low risk remains everywhere with international orders.
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Apr 30, 2024
Thank you for preparing this. It's not of much use to me but I know it will help others. There have been a few misinformation and fear mongering surrounding sn, I don't understand why people even get out of their way to do that here but anyways such posts will help to straighten out those claims.
Thanks for the bump though, I appreciate it. I was planning to completely pull back from participating here on SaSu, all those off posts recently, I thought maybe I was too invested. And I am. But when I read a post saying you can't get SN from any source into my country, I just saw red & had to say something. I thought about it overnight & only got more mad. That's not my style. I'm always anxious & occasionally funny, not a rage machine. There's such a difference between one person's experience with one source (assuming the post was true to begin with & I gotta say, I'm not sure…) & an entire country with every source. I'm not out here guaranteeing everyone success - I'm just calling BS on BS & it was BS to say we can't get it. But my experience is also limited to mine - I purchased from one source only, I have emailed back & forth with a few others, & have zero experience altogether with India. I only used one payment method. I'm not an expert. At all. I just want people to contribute their successes to fight the ignorance or propaganda. I know I need to step back, I just want people to get the same support I got here. And if you think of any Aussies on here, please reach out. Every bit helps. We're all trying to catch the same goddamn bus - we should be saving seats for each other in a good way, not denying anyone else their spot. Still mad, sorry. Thanks again.
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Mar 8, 2024
Thanks for reading & responding. It's appreciated. And hello to a fellow Aussie!!
For clarity though, you use the acronym N at the top & SN at the bottom.
Do you mean N & SN? Or SN for all?
I wouldn't have the balls to attempt obtaining N.
Payment methods could be a contributing factor, I have no idea. So for clarity, even though I've talked about it a bunch elsewhere, I used the Paysend app on an iPhone. It showed up on my bank statement as Paysend London.
I have no doubt there are horror stories to be had, & I legitimately feel for people that weren't as lucky as me. But the point of this thread, I guess, is to help people BE as lucky as me. We're the lucky country. We developed SN as a peaceful way to die for animals, we also stole it to be peaceful for humans.
So if there's anything you can add at all, that you're comfortable with, and please don't feel pressured to share anything that you're not but if you can - did you mean SN in all of the above? Can you share the successful payment method? The unsuccessful method? If both orders were from the same source? The same country? When the successful attempt was? For customs to intercept it - did the packaging indicate what was inside in any way? DMC lie, labs tend to have labs written on it, marketplaces just the name of the market (that sell a million other things). Or did they open it randomly? And if so, & it's not an illegal substance, what would trigger an out of hours police visit? Please don't feel that this is an interrogation in any way. I apologise that it may appear that way. I don't doubt your experience. I empathise with your experience. But if there's anything further that you can add to help other Australians, please do. And if you choose not to, I completely 100 percent respect that & appreciate what you have contributed. I only want people to share what they're comfortable sharing. Truly. We're an isolated country, this is an isolated community. We all need help. Any tiny little detail may be the difference between success & failure for someone else & while I don't encourage CTB'ing in general, I accept that some of us are here because we need to be. Best of luck to you, whether you choose to respond or not.

Thank you so much. Please, if you can, report back if or when you successfully receive. Mine took longer than quoted & sat at customs for a long time & then again at the local postal sorting place. I was an anxious wreck at every single delay so if yours takes longer than you thought, it may not mean anything at all, it may still be coming, just slower than you hoped. The docks too busy, Australia post too slow. Anything at all. I hope that's of some reassurance, but tbh, absolutely nothing would've reassured me until it was in my hand. Best of luck.
The imported substance was N not SN. First time i got intercepted I used Western union for payment and second time i used bitcoin and the N came through with no issues .
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Apr 30, 2024
Lucky you!

The fact is SN isn't an illegal substance (unlike certain kinds of drugs). Chances that parcels r checked in depth in comparison to the whole amount of parcels going through customs every day is pretty low - for legal substances. Although to my knowledge possession of pure SN is restricted to private individuals in AU it's still a legal substance.

Fact: Customs cannot check every parcel in depth that is entering a country. A low risk remains everywhere with international orders.
Yes, lucky me! In a lucky country!
(In a wholly unlucky life, but that's a different story).
I agree with you - chances are pretty low, customs definitely do not check every parcel in depth, risk remains.
So what can we do to lower that risk?
Share our success stories as much as we can to improve other people's chances of success.
With discretion where needed.
As I said, I successfully received from DMC this year - it would be great if anyone else can share any tiny sliver of other successes - did anyone receive from Poland, from India? Or just say they successfully received from a different source to mine, even if they're uncomfortable sharing a name or country - just say "I got in May, not from DMC". Even that little could change how someone else's story plays out here. This support matters.
The imported substance was N not SN. First time i got intercepted I used Western union for payment and second time i used bitcoin and the N came through with no issues .
Oh wow! Good on you I guess. I'm too scared, even though it's the dream. I didn't use bitcoin but there was a company claiming to be DMC that I dealt with who said they only accepted bitcoin which wasn't true of the real DMC. Thanks for sharing. Every bit helps.
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Apr 3, 2023
I'm in the UK, so your post isn't of direct relevance to me, however I wanted to say thanks for taking the trouble to put up a constructive and encouraging post based on your own personal experience.
Nice one m8.
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Apr 30, 2024
I'm in the UK, so your post isn't of direct relevance to me, however I wanted to say thanks for taking the trouble to put up a constructive and encouraging post based on your own personal experience.
Nice one m8.
Thank you for the bump. It is very much a post I never intended to make, but felt absolutely compelled after reading a post saying you can't get any source here. Australia started the whole SN peaceful euthanasia for animals, we had the first legal doc administered voluntary, lethal injection, by the founder of Exit, who is Australian. And yet, fuck me, I had a hard time getting the bloody stuff & I managed it with a lot of helping hands - all either here or from DMC.
I want other people to have that support too but I can only share my experience. I'm really hoping for some other Aussies to jump on with their own successes. And I'm going to keep self-bumping to get positive stories at the top when you search SN in Australia 🤞🏻. Thanks again for the support & the bump.
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Jul 11, 2024
I remember seeing that post, I thought they must have ordered it from the place that someone else said put a warning label on the package that said "sodium compound". I imagine this would make customs investigate the package because it sounds like it could be something dangerous.

I've just checked to see if maybe they'd mentioned the same seller. There was nothing indicating it was from the same source, although one of their previous posts was from last year stating they'd asked border patrol about SN before ordering it into Australia and they got a visit from the police.

They most likely got themselves put on a watchlist by asking border patrol if they can order SN into their country. I don't think they would've had any problems if they never asked about it.
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Sleep is good, death is better.
Sep 2, 2024
I remember seeing that post, I thought they must have ordered it from the place that someone else said put a warning label on the package that said "sodium compound". I imagine this would make customs investigate the package because it sounds like it could be something dangerous.
That may be it. DMC falsely labels the package, so this in turn likely prevents customs from taking a peek inside. I reside within the US, so things may be different here than in Australia, but my SN absolutely flew through customs, so I don't even think they bothered to take a look. And it appears that only the customs in Kyiv took a peek, since it had a stamp from them on the shipping label. So if that individual ordered from somewhere else, it very well could have been what the package was labelled as.

I definitely think that this, coupled with the fact that customs in pretty much any country can't check every package that comes through, means you're likely to receive your package without any welfare checks or seizing of your shipment by customs. But of course, there's always exceptions and unlucky cases.

bumping the thread
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Aug 22, 2024
If i am on the right DMC it states Paypal only?!? Not the paysend?!? This is why am concerned if have correct DMC . Anyways once i somehow confirm this i will be attempting to buy and get it into UK not Australia but think its an important message u put out as when we are feeling fragile we need not have more taken from us like a preferred method and aource. Thank u
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“All life is a near death experience.”
Dec 27, 2022
Yes you can get SN in Australia from overseas in 2024.
You can, you can, you can.
WITHOUT welfare checks or border forces or any dramas whatsoever.
I am Australian. I ordered from DMC this year & received it. It sat at customs a long time but with hindsight, the docks were probably busy - I stacked panic attack on top of panic attack at the time though.
I emailed back & forth with B from Poland who also said they have zero problems delivering to Australia. As did the labs I spoke to.
I am writing this post for a specific reason that isn't up for debate.
I put Australia into the search bar here yesterday, I do this every now & then.
I saw a post from someone claiming they ordered SN into Australia & got stopped by border forces etc. Which may well be their experience & is none of my business.
BUT, their post made wild statements such as "do not ship SN into Australia from anywhere!!!"
Which is bullshit.
And we're a country that excels at calling bullshit.
So I'm calling bullshit.
I'm actually quite mad about it TBH.
Anyone can recount their own experience, this is a bloody forum after all, but you don't get to extrapolate your experiences to be everybody's experiences. We shouldn't be spreading fear & outright ignorance. Or just fakery. I really hope it's just ignorance…
But the bottom line is, you can get it delivered to AU.
Fact, not opinion.
So I'll tell you what I have to offer & what I don't.
This is basically a public service announcement combined with a call to action.
I'm Australian, I ordered from DMC, this year, no dramas (except all the ones in my head). I have posted about it extensively on this forum, everything from anxiety to payment methods to testing. I've tried to pay it forward - all the lovely, beautiful help I've received here. It's been overwhelming & I'm grateful beyond words.
But, and again, there's a but - I won't be giving out the source to anyone at all for any reason. I'm also not particularly open to answering messages from new people here after recent experiences. Please respect that. No source, no answering.
If you search my posts, there's a bunch.
I am posting this because it makes me sick to the stomach that someone who really needs it could have a source or a method denied to them, at a time they really need it, just by believing some random stranger on the internet. I am aware that I am also a random stranger on the internet. I am also very aware that all my posts are pro-DMC but that is because that is who I used.
If anyone reads this, & I hope they do, please at the least, bump. And if you're Australian & received SN, please jump in & say if you had successful deliveries, I guess especially if not DMC, so it doesn't just look like a pro DMC thread. And if you know any Aussie's on here that have received, please reach out to them & ask them to post here as well. It can be as little as "received July 2024" or "B from Poland". Anything.
If I had joined SaSu in the last few weeks, I wouldn't have pursued SN & I don't have a backup plan & I cannot even begin to think what I would have done. Except been desperate & alone, instead of supported by a brilliant community. Please don't take options away from people that already don't have options - if we had options, most of us wouldn't be here.
I hope this thread jumps to the top of the pile, so that if someone searches Australia, they're going to feel less alone & anxious & more confident & find all the reassurance they need instead of lies or ignorance or propaganda or reporters or any of the shit that's been popping up lately.
Again, I'm just here to start the thread / convo. I won't give out my source. I won't answer new messages. Please respect that. Please use the search bar for me for anything Australia & DMC related. Other Australians or people that know Australians - please help the community in my country by adding POSITIVE, SUCCESS stories only. The border force stories are welcome to pile on to that thread, you're not required here & I do feel for you if any of that happened. But put that on the right thread, the negative thread, not this one. Thank you for respecting that too. I apologise for how very frustrated I sound, but I really am. I don't have the time or resources to be doing this, but it kept me up last night, & I knew I had to see something, say something.
Best of luck to you all

May I ask how long it took to be delivered to you altogether I only have to nov the 14th


Apr 30, 2024
I remember seeing that post, I thought they must have ordered it from the place that someone else said put a warning label on the package that said "sodium compound". I imagine this would make customs investigate the package because it sounds like it could be something dangerous.

I've just checked to see if maybe they'd mentioned the same seller. There was nothing indicating it was from the same source, although one of their previous posts was from last year stating they'd asked border patrol about SN before ordering it into Australia and they got a visit from the police.

They most likely got themselves put on a watchlist by asking border patrol if they can order SN into their country. I don't think they would've had any problems if they never asked about it.
They didn't name their alleged source or anything else that could have been of use to anyone else.
They just made blanket statements:

"You also can NOT order SN to Australia."


"When it arrives in Australia it will be flagged and stopped at the border"


And on & on - Cops, welfare check, SN remains with border forces etc & so on & so on & so on.


They did say they called border forces beforehand & I posted on their thread that that "may" have triggered their incident, I really don't know.

But the bit that made me furious was this:

"if you do not want cops knocking on your door; do not ship SN into Australia from anywhere!!!"

I cannot speak for their experience, I empathise if that was a legitimate experience. It sounds awful.
But that doesn't mean you get to post that you can't ship it into a whole country from any source. Because that's just bullshit.
I can't make any guarantees to anyone about anything. My experience is just mine. Other people might well be getting welfare checks.
Bur then shouldn't the point be, here on SaSu, how to increase other people's success???
Not deny an entire method into an entire country???
I believe we're here to support each other & share our very hard earned knowledge with people who need it. Like the knowledge that was so graciously & bountifully rained down on me when I asked, & for the guidance I hope to receive the next time I ask.
So maybe an appropriate post in this instance could be:
"This happened to me & it's shit & I don't want anyone else to have to go through this so my advice is don't call ABF in advance because that might trigger a welfare check, don't order from source XYZ as they label it as…." etc
And then:
"Does anyone have any suggestion of who I can try next time for a better outcome, specifically recently & into my country, thank you"

I also posted on their thread to ask for more information to help other Australian's - who their source was etc. They are yet to respond.

I don't want to look like I'm cutting someone down, I'm really not. I don't know their truth. It's not a personal attack at them. I'm targeting my attack on spreading misinformation or propaganda or ignorance or trolling or just unnecessary negativity without a point that could deny someone their spot on the bus.
Because fuck that.
But of course, there's always exceptions and unlucky cases.
Always a distinct possibility, just trying to reduce the probability for anyone else.
bumping the thread

May I ask how long it took to be delivered to you altogether I only have to nov the 14th
I paid express shipping. I was quoted a week, it took about 4 weeks I think. I posted on here about it a fair bit. I think about a week Ukraine, about a week nowhere, a week Sydney, a week at the local sorting facility. And then all of a sudden, here! Highly stressful at the time. Best of luck.
If i am on the right DMC it states Paypal only?!? Not the paysend?!? This is why am concerned if have correct DMC . Anyways once i somehow confirm this i will be attempting to buy and get it into UK not Australia but think its an important message u put out as when we are feeling fragile we need not have more taken from us like a preferred method and aource. Thank u
- deleted to much information -

Ok. Shameless self-bump here. And then I might opt out. I appreciate everyone's input & bumps from other countries & all the general support. When I logged on & saw the sheer amount of notifications I'd received since my last login across a few threads, I braced myself for trolls & pro-lifers & just general being an asshole because you can kinda stuff. And I should've had more faith in the community - every single one was positive. So that's great. But what's bugging me & the reason I'm bumping is that there's still no other Aussies jumping on with success stories. So I still look like a fluke or pro-DMC propaganda. There has to be more Aussies, more successes, more sources, more resources that we can add to the communal pot to help our fellow Aussies. I've done as much as I can, but in isolation, my experience is simply isolated. Please reach out to any Aussies & ask them to jump on. They don't need to participate in any big debate or give more details than they're comfortable with - as I said above, feel free to just post "I got in May, not from DMC". That's enough to help an entire country so I wouldn't ask for more. Thank you all & please Australia, just bloody step up - we're a competitive nation, surely we're just as suicidal as everywhere else? Surely we're just as resourceful ? Do we want every other country to think we fail at this?! Or don't try? C'mon!!!!!
PS that took a turn at the end 😳 it's been a long day, I'm unwell, apologies….
PPS I can't stop these stupid responses from joining together, it's not on purpose, I have no tech skills & I am actually really unwell. Apologies
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flower, water
Jun 20, 2024
Can you move this to private or something? The source is too easy to identify and authorities are watching like hawks
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Apr 30, 2024
Can you move this to private or something? The source is too easy to identify and authorities are watching like hawks
I do not know how to do that. I just sent a message to mods asking if they can move to private, or delete my answer to one of the messages, the one with the most identifying details. I've also said that if they wish to review & would rather delete the whole thread, to absolutely do so. I have written freely & honestly about my experiences because I wanted other people to receive the support I received. I do not give out source details.
I am completely overwhelmed by the influx of new anti-SN posts, whether it be from ignorance or pro-lifers or reporters. I wanted to combat that in some way, rather than contribute to any downfall of this site or source or method. It came from a good place, good intent, possibly poor execution (gallows humour, sorry).
But my apologies. I'll leave to mods for now as I have to go for now. Feel free to report the message or thread if there's no immediate action - I mean that sincerely, not as a weird antagonising hostile bullshit maneouvre - I just don't think I have the right words to express myself right now. I'm so very tired. So just apologies & I'll look into it again tomorrow.
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enjoy the unknown
Sep 20, 2023
thank you so much. i saw that post too, saying not to buy sn if you're from australia and it deterred me from doing so.


Apr 30, 2024
thank you so much. i saw that post too, saying not to buy sn if you're from australia and it deterred me from doing so.
Thank you. I'm not here to encourage anyone to CTB or to steer them to a method or a source.
It broke my heart that if I'd joined this forum more recently, all I would have seen was negativity or misinformation on every level for no reason. I wouldn't have had anywhere else to go. I haven't yet CTB'd, that's fairly obvious, but until the first P in PPH changes from Peaceful, there's not a lot people can say that I'd believe over Exit. We should be providing more options to each other, INCLUDING recovery or supporting change of mind when mid-GBT. I don't know why SN is getting the tall poppy syndrome treatment but it's shit. Best of luck to you with your method or your recovery.

And as per above, I don't know how to move to private, I'll wait until tomorrow to pursue if mods don't act in due course, I've volunteered to have the whole lot removed. Anyone that wants to report any of the posts or the whole thread, go nuts. Not being sarcastic, just struggling with words.
I wish this thread had gone another way, I guess more heartbreak for me, more isolation for Australia - a whole goddamn continent!!!!
But I'm so so so grateful for the generous support it received from the lovely members who did support it. Peace & out ♥️
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flower, water
Jun 20, 2024
Mods have deleted the explicit bit & left the rest. Are you ok with that?
Thank you for caring and addressing this. I'm mostly concerned with some people replying about the particulars of these packages. I didn't mean to criticise, appreciate you sharing your experience and I hope everyone stay safe!


Apr 30, 2024
Thank you for caring and addressing this. I'm mostly concerned with some people replying about the particulars of these packages. I didn't mean to criticise, appreciate you sharing your experience and I hope everyone stay safe!
I'm always up for criticism!!!
I didn't take it personally at all.
I want what's best for the site, the method, the source, my country, all of it.
But top of the list always has to be to listen & be respectful of other people on this site & their wishes & concerns - I don't want the last voice I hear on Earth (more accurately, last words I read) to be some asshole, so I don't want to be someone else's last asshole words either.
It's a fine line between fighting for other people's right to choose & promoting access in an isolated country / continent & counteracting negativity / sheer bullshit & doing something that can jeopardise the whole damn lot. I don't want to take away any option for any person.
So please, if anything else bothers you or anyone else in any way, report to mods or let me know & I'll happily self-report.
Thank you right back for caring & addressing & also, for not being an asshole. 🤣
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Jul 7, 2024
I found the SN site. only thing I'm worried about is mines from Ukraine and not Poland. is this okay?

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