

Jan 1, 2024
How reliable are those test strips from Bartovation?
This is what I've got - it's closer to 5 ppm, than 10. (nitrite is the upper square on the strip)
Followed the testing protocol from SN bible with distilled water.
IMG 9344

The SN from DMC was sealed, some parts were rock hard. Couldn't crush them with my fingers.
"SN 99.6%" hand written on sachet.
Room temp for a month was high, around 28-33 Celsius.
Not sure if those aspects matter in terms of purity preservation.

Found this post with 2 people that had the same problem as myself:

I keep reading on this forum that DMC is reliable. But wasn't able to find posts of people that used / tested it.
Can't browse much because of eye sensitivity to screens.

So I'm not sure if SN isn't pure or the strips are faulty :(
This is pretty distressing and would appreciate any input.

Thank you.
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Aug 13, 2024
Hey. I think @DOHARDTHINGS24 tested it. And I think Mi Mi, a appreciated member here CTB with SN from DMC.
Correct me if I am wrong.
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Sleep is good, death is better.
Sep 2, 2024
bumping. this is worrying, especially considering that the people in the post you linked also had the same result. hopefully it's just an issue with the strips.
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Apr 30, 2024
As @maynoname said, I tested mine from DMC.
I followed the Bible / Vizzy instructions for distilled water & did the 1 litre method. I used API strips because that was available locally. I dipped one strip & got the darkest colour match that looked identical to what it should (the 10 end of the spectrum on API packaging & the pics on SaSu) & dipped another in plain water to compare. I did 2 blood tests at the same time, I know not accurate but just for peace of mind, & they turned the blood into chocolate sludge immediately. I haven't actually used the SN yet…
I really really really hope it's the strips not the SN, for all of us.
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Oct 9, 2022
Does this mean DMC might be scamming people?? If so then we have to warn people not to buy from there anymore. This is especially distressing because I just bought from them less than a month ago
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Sleep is good, death is better.
Sep 2, 2024
Does this mean DMC might be scamming people?? If so then we have to warn people not to buy from there anymore. This is especially distressing because I just bought from them less than a month ago
if he is, then it seems to be a more recent thing, as people tested his SN earlier this year and it was accurate to its claimed purity. man, if this SN isn't pure then I don't know what I'm gonna do. it'll have been an absolute waste of time and $100...
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Oct 9, 2022
if he is, then it seems to be a more recent thing, as people tested his SN earlier this year and it was accurate to its claimed purity. man, if this SN isn't pure then I don't know what I'm gonna do. it'll have been an absolute waste of time and $100...
I would offer to test mine but it was so expensive. I don't know what I'll do if it isn't pure either. It really throws a wrench into my plan

Honestly it wouldn't surprise me if he's taking advantage of the fact that sources are scarce to scam people desperate to die by selling overpriced fake product

My next best guess is he stopped testing his own product and genuinely doesn't know it's impure
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Sleep is good, death is better.
Sep 2, 2024
I would offer to test mine but it was so expensive. I don't know what I'll do if it isn't pure either. It really throws a wrench into my plan

Honestly it wouldn't surprise me if he's taking advantage of the fact that sources are scarce to scam people desperate to die by selling overpriced fake product
that is not an implausible theory. I'm quite the cynic, so that would make sense. but the part of me that's hoping this'll finally be my bus ticket just doesn't want to believe it.

i mean, considering he has such a good reputation he'd be losing money if he was found out to be shipping shoddy SN, as I'm betting his only customers are SS forum members. but then again, perhaps that reputation is now the perfect bait to lure in customers to get scammed. I don't know what to believe... I suppose I'll have to spend more money to get tests of my own. do you know if the storage medium that DMC uses is resealable? if not, I'll have to get some mylar bags to seal up the leftover SN after testing; yet another $50 thrown into this hail mary of a method...
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Oct 9, 2022
that is not an implausible theory. I'm quite the cynic, so that would make sense. but the part of me that's hoping this'll finally be my bus ticket just doesn't want to believe it.
I hear you 🫂
i mean, considering he has such a good reputation he'd be losing money if he was found out to be shipping shoddy SN, as I'm betting his only customers are SS forum members. but then again, perhaps that reputation is now the perfect bait to lure in customers to get scammed. I don't know what to believe... I suppose I'll have to spend more money to get tests of my own. do you know if the storage medium that DMC uses is resealable? if not, I'll have to get some mylar bags to seal up the leftover SN after testing; yet another $50 thrown into this hail mary of a method...
I really hope that's not the case. If it is he's a real piece of shit

I have no idea if DMC is resealable. Maybe store it in the bags you mentioned if you think they'll be effective. Better to be safe than sorry
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Aug 31, 2024
If it's clumped hard out of packaging that might point to it being exposed to moisture (left out in open air) for a period. It could be that you got the last of an old batch. I'm no expert though!

I found a thread where someone used DMC recently. (I looked through their posts, they ordered from there). They haven't posted since.

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Sleep is good, death is better.
Sep 2, 2024
If it's clumped hard out of packaging that might point to it being exposed to moisture (left out in open air) for a period. It could be that you got the last of an old batch. I'm no expert though!

I found a thread where someone used DMC recently. (I looked through their posts, they ordered from there). They haven't posted since.

do we know when they got their SN?
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Apr 30, 2024
This thread is freaking me out a bit. I spoke to a bunch of people during this process, on here, at labs, all kinds. And people definitely 100% tried to take advantage or lie or scam & it disgusted me - who does that knowing the position we're all in??? I had a bunch of interactions with L, like A LOT & I could be wrong, but I believe that he is legit & DMC is legit. That said, I guess there can be faulty batches but I assume they test that. I don't know. Are all the failed tests from the same brand of aquarium tests? Are they all strip? Maybe there's another common denominator. Maybe if people still have easy access to their DMC because they've just tested,, maybe they can try a drop test or whatever it is? Or just another brand? I need my SN to be legit, I don't have a backup plan, I can't keep moving my date forward - my bus has to come. I was an anxious mess before testing & now seem to be circling back to that, at a time I can't afford to. I genuinely believe L & DMC to be legit - I've made bad life choices & trusted the wrong people in the past, made mistakes like everyone else. But if L & DMC are scamming people, I won't need the SN, because the last tiny little piece of my heart left unbroken, would be broken. I have very much sung their praises here publicly & privately. If anyone has success with testing, I would love to be told - I need this to to be real - I need the SN to CTB, I need to know I wasn't scammed but also, a big one, I hate the idea I've misled people to DMC if it's been a waste of their time, money & hope. I started to reread this & can see the anxiety is or was winning - but I believed in my gut they are legit so I'm going to try my hardest to stick to that until I have any other evidence. I can't retest mine until the bus is actually on its way. I will be watching for updates. Best of luck to everyone.
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Sleep is good, death is better.
Sep 2, 2024
This thread is freaking me out a bit. I spoke to a bunch of people during this process, on here, at labs, all kinds. And people definitely 100% tried to take advantage or lie or scam & it disgusted me - who does that knowing the position we're all in??? I had a bunch of interactions with L, like A LOT & I could be wrong, but I believe that he is legit & DMC is legit. That said, I guess there can be faulty batches but I assume they test that. I don't know. Are all the failed tests from the same brand of aquarium tests? Are they all strip? Maybe there's another common denominator. Maybe if people still have easy access to their DMC because they've just tested,, maybe they can try a drop test or whatever it is? Or just another brand? I need my SN to be legit, I don't have a backup plan, I can't keep moving my date forward - my bus has to come. I was an anxious mess before testing & now seem to be circling back to that, at a time I can't afford to. I genuinely believe L & DMC to be legit - I've made bad life choices & trusted the wrong people in the past, made mistakes like everyone else. But if L & DMC are scamming people, I won't need the SN, because the last tiny little piece of my heart left unbroken, would be broken. I have very much sung their praises here publicly & privately. If anyone has success with testing, I would love to be told - I need this to to be real - I need the SN to CTB, I need to know I wasn't scammed but also, a big one, I hate the idea I've misled people to DMC if it's been a waste of their time, money & hope. I started to reread this & can see the anxiety is or was winning - but I believed in my gut they are legit so I'm going to try my hardest to stick to that until I have any other evidence. I can't retest mine until the bus is actually on its way. I will be watching for updates. Best of luck to everyone.
It's freaking me out too.

I think the prudent thing to do would be to have anyone who has DMC SN right now to test it. They should also include when they ordered the SN so we can know if this is a recent trend from DMC or if it's just a few bad batches here and there. This thread has thoroughly convinced me to test the SN when I get it, so when I do that I'll make a post so I can add to the information pile.

If DMC is ripping people off, that is not only dangerous but incredibly scummy. he's already profiteering off the fact that there's practically no other sources that ship to everyday people. but if he's trying to make a quick buck by shipping sub-par SN as well, then he should be avoided at all costs. I'm not gonna jump to any conclusions yet, but more testing needs to be done.
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Apr 30, 2024
Honestly it wouldn't surprise me if he's taking advantage of the fact that sources are scarce to scam people desperate to die by selling overpriced fake product
Hey I've posted below as well. If it's fake & people are being scammed, of course it should be looked into & reported & everyone should be protected from that. I personally bought from them, so if fake, then I've been scammed too, so I wouldn't defend that. But right now, it doesn't seem like there's enough info on this thread to prove that & I am a cynic (bordering on pessimist) & I still want to believe. And if they're still legit, I don't want people steered away from an easy & reliable source when I struggled so much to get SN. So, one side of the coin, if it's a scam, I want everyone informed & protected. Completely. On the other side, I hate the idea of a person or a source getting such negativity here when they may still be legit - what if it's only source available to some people & they get put off by the not nice comments here?? No one needs sources taken away. Definitely not defending if it's a scam, just want more evidence. Other people testing. Other types of tests. Maybe the people with the failed tests could all share amongst themselves the exact site they purchased from & get a mod or someone to confirm?? I had other people claiming to be DMC that weren't. I really really really hope this is just a batch of bad tests……
L was by far the kindest person I interacted with these past few months, just so overwhelmingly lovely & helpful, right at the worst time of my life & I'd be devastated to my core if that wasn't real.
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Sleep is good, death is better.
Sep 2, 2024
Hey I've posted below as well. If it's fake & people are being scammed, of course it should be looked into & reported & everyone should be protected from that. I personally bought from them, so if fake, then I've been scammed too, so I wouldn't defend that. But right now, it doesn't seem like there's enough info on this thread to prove that & I am a cynic (bordering on pessimist) & I still want to believe. And if they're still legit, I don't want people steered away from an easy & reliable source when I struggled so much to get SN. So, one side of the coin, if it's a scam, I want everyone informed & protected. Completely. On the other side, I hate the idea of a person or a source getting such negativity here when they may still be legit - what if it's only source available to some people & they get put off by the not nice comments here?? No one needs sources taken away. Definitely not defending if it's a scam, just want more evidence. Other people testing. Other types of tests. Maybe the people with the failed tests could all share amongst themselves the exact site they purchased from & get a mod or someone to confirm?? I had other people claiming to be DMC that weren't. I really really really hope this is just a batch of bad tests……
L was by far the kindest person I interacted with these past few months, just so overwhelmingly lovely & helpful, right at the worst time of my life & I'd be devastated to my core if that wasn't real.
that's fair. as I said, I'm not gonna jump to any conclusions just yet. we simply need more data before we can say one way or another.
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Apr 30, 2024
If DMC is ripping people off, that is not only dangerous but incredibly scummy. he's already profiteering off the fact that there's practically no other sources that ship to everyday people. but if he's trying to make a quick buck by shipping sub-par SN as well, then he should be avoided at all costs. I'm not gonna jump to any conclusions yet, but more testing needs to be done.
I just don't want to believe any of that, at all, but if there's proof, there's proof. So not yet. I think people need to confirm they purchased from the correct website. That the people with the failed tests should compare notes on who they ordered from & what the package looked like etc plus also the tests they use. And for you personally, @Plato'sCaveDweller, if you haven't already purchased your aquarium test, look into what others have used - I know Exit recommend the B brand in this thread that I can't spell. I used API strips, they make a few, I think mine were 10 in 1 or something. I know B is shipped a lot from Amazon so people all over the world could have the same batch. But maybe try another brand other than that one & the one I used. I remember people talking about drop tests or something too. Maybe get one of those?? Try to rule out the variables??? I've run out of time right now & can't look into it anymore. I really hope you test & it tests well but I guess we have to be prepared for the alternative. I'm just going to try & push down the anxiety, ignore the negativity, send positive thoughts your way & believe what I was believing before I read this thread….. Sincere best of luck to you.
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Sleep is good, death is better.
Sep 2, 2024
June at the latest from looking at their posts.

Reading through posts on here, DMC does appear to be genuine SN. As said before could be a storage issue.
ah gotcha. fairly recent.

and that's been my experience as well, which is why these few recent instances of low purity results are both strange and freaky. i guess we'll have to wait and find out how @Andrews stored their SN prior to testing
I just don't want to believe any of that, at all, but if there's proof, there's proof. So not yet. I think people need to confirm they purchased from the correct website. That the people with the failed tests should compare notes on who they ordered from & what the package looked like etc plus also the tests they use. And for you personally, @Plato'sCaveDweller, if you haven't already purchased your aquarium test, look into what others have used - I know Exit recommend the B brand in this thread that I can't spell. I used API strips, they make a few, I think mine were 10 in 1 or something. I know B is shipped a lot from Amazon so people all over the world could have the same batch. But maybe try another brand other than that one & the one I used. I remember people talking about drop tests or something too. Maybe get one of those?? Try to rule out the variables??? I've run out of time right now & can't look into it anymore. I really hope you test & it tests well but I guess we have to be prepared for the alternative. I'm just going to try & push down the anxiety, ignore the negativity, send positive thoughts your way & believe what I was believing before I read this thread….. Sincere best of luck to you.
I don't want to believe it either. And there's no definitive proof yet either, except a few test results.

I'll look into getting a different brand of test, as that is actually a good idea. it'd be great if it was simply faulty test strips.
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Sep 11, 2024
like someone already said, it might be faulty strips or sn wasnt stored properly or maybe just bad batch (maybe he got it exposed to air when packing)
theres few recent ctb goodbye threads where people bought from dmc, so i think its still a good source
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Oct 9, 2022
I made a warning post about this. Hopefully it will encourage people to test before using it just in case. I'm considering testing because I'm paranoid



Apr 30, 2024
I'll look into getting a different brand of test, as that is actually a good idea. it'd be great if it was simply faulty test strips.
That would be awesome & a huge relief & on a personal level (apart from being able to CTB with it), I NEED to be able to trust my gut right now, my instincts. I don't have any access to distilled water at the moment or the time to research using other types of water - but what I do have is a very small quantity of my SN from DMC that has been stored really poorly - it's secure & can't be accidentally found, but not stored in the best way - it was leftover from my first test when I had to abandon abruptly from someone coming home unexpectedly. I hadn't planned to use it but never disposed of it, it was to be put in a third cup. If someone knows how to test using plain bottled water, without complex instructions or math, I'm willing to test these leftovers. Because if they've been stored in poor conditions & haven't degraded & still come up legit, then maybe a bit of relief for everyone. I just don't have any physical or digital privacy to research how to adjust testing to normal water. And I don't have the memory or health or anything to work out formulas. So I guess it's only a very small & conditional offer - if anyone wants me to test & sends me instructions, I will happily do, but won't be doing of my own accord. Please no math, no links to click, nothing difficult. I just can't & I'm sorry. I can only do what I've offered above & if no one is interested, that's completely fine. I just know how hard the anxiety is, especially in the waiting process, so if my limited offer of help is helpful, great. If not, I'll be watching here to see what develops. And test mine as the bus is coming. Sorry for the big ramble, I try not to, it just happens. Maybe @Plato'sCaveDweller you can message me the outcome of your test in case I miss it on here??? I have all my fingers & toes crossed for you & us all.
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I use google translate
Aug 21, 2023
Let's all remember that test strips are not 100% reliable.
Sometimes the result may be higher, sometimes lower (according to my knowledge).

In my opinion, we should not panic yet and more information is needed.
DMC is a relatively popular source, so I think there are people who have had success using SN from this source (I am not sure, I have not analyzed it)

Maybe it is just a fault of the strips.
Maybe some SN from this company is of poor quality (this would be a bad option, because it may mean that the company has a tendency to make mistakes).
Maybe the OP made some mistake at some stage of testing (this can happen).
We do not know and need more information.
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Apr 30, 2024
We do not know and need more information.
Agree totally. The more people that can test, the more help available to everyone.
So anyone that can, please do. I know it's not an option for everyone, but anyone that can?? It would help this community & this community is the only community I have right now. Like a lot of others.
I didn't use the Bartrovitan (I can't spell that sorry). But maybe if all the faulty ones are from that brand, new testers could use another brand?? And maybe the B…. test has a batch number on the packaging & the people who used that brand could compare batch numbers???
Treat this like a science experiment. Ask for help from people with better pharmacy knowledge than people like me - I just followed Vizzy & did the bloods, I'm no scientist.
I don't want to endorse a source if they're dodgy, but I just can't believe it yet, & I hate the idea of the easiest source being taken away from people that really need it. Like me.
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Aug 13, 2024
The man behind DMC has been linked by news with people death. I don't think this is a scam.
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Apr 30, 2024
I made a warning post about this. Hopefully it will encourage people to test before using it just in case. I'm considering testing because I'm paranoid

Can you post your results & which brand & type of test you used please?
The man behind DMC has been linked by news with people death. I don't think this is a scam.
Me neither.
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Mar 18, 2024
I read posts where people thought they ordered from DMC and the website they described seemed nothing like the one I ordered from, so I think there is lots of confusion out there? Mine arrived from Ukraine. I'm not gonna test it because I want to keep the package sealed until use. At which time I'm just gonna risk it and hope for the best (never again waking up). Imho
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Oct 29, 2023
I've ordered today, from which i "think" is the legitimate DMC source. I found out through deducing from threads, through Y, proper keywords, weird payment, 85$ total for 100g + shipment (regular). I will also acquire strips, when (if) it arrives, ill post my findings. If this doesnt work im jumping, but i would really prefer not to.
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Aug 13, 2024
I read posts where people thought they ordered from DMC and the website they described seemed nothing like the one I ordered from, so I think there is lots of confusion out there? Mine arrived from Ukraine. I'm not gonna test it because I want to keep the package sealed until use. At which time I'm just gonna risk it and hope for the best (never again waking up). Imho
I read posts where people thought they ordered from DMC and the website they described seemed nothing like the one I ordered from, so I think there is lots of confusion out there? Mine arrived from Ukraine. I'm not gonna test it because I want to keep the package sealed until use. At which time I'm just gonna risk it and hope for the best (never again waking up). Imho
I wasn't even aware of that.
Do we agree that the DMC site wouldn't really appeal to a vegan?
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center and blind
Aug 17, 2024
Aquarium tests are still not a great way to test purity from what I have read. Only a lab will be able to tell you it is indeed +95%


Oct 9, 2022
Can you post your results & which brand & type of test you used please?
If I decide to test I'll make a post. It won't be until closer to my ctb date just in case the sn is pure enough to use
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