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A Joke
Apr 17, 2018
I think I'm going to ctb by slitting both my wrists, but I don't know exactly what the risks can be. Not that risks matter if I'm dead. If I fail I still would like to use my hands with no permanent damage other than the scars. Does anyone know more about this? I would Prefer pills and alcohol and maybe other drugs and stuff, sadly that is not an option for given my age and lack of money. I'm kinda scared but I'm also done living.
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Mar 31, 2018
Neither pills/alcohol and slitting writs are reliable methods. Only a very small % of people who try such methods succeed.

For the pills/alcohol method, you are more likely to end up in a hospital suffering for a good while rather than dying or you will just wake up in a pool of vomit feeling like shit and still alive. Depending on what you ingest it could also cause damage to your organs, but I can't make any claims without knowing what pills you are/were planning to ingest.

As for slitting wrists, I don't know a lot about the method, but what I know is that takes a lot of effort to actually pull it off, because your body naturally will try to avoid the pain. Even if you can cut deep enough, it is not a guarantee that you will die and if you do, it is not going to be super fast or painless either. Also, depending on how you cut, you might permanently damage your arms/hands.

By the way, the wrists method is very graphic, with all the blood... If a method being graphic and shocking isn't a concern, and you want something of easy access, then hanging is a better choice.
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May 9, 2018
A friend once told me that trying to cut your wrist and die, was to spend an hour listening to your heart beat out of your wrist saying "I'm an idiot, I want to live. "
He was a good friend, met him in a pysch ward.

I also dont condone suicide until youre atleast 18. But if you do it, at your age, be sure and be clean. Everyone will fall apart due to a grisly scene.
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A Joke
Apr 17, 2018
Neither pills/alcohol and slitting writs are reliable methods. Only a very small % of people who try such methods succeed.

For the pills/alcohol method, you are more likely to end up in a hospital suffering for a good while rather than dying or you will just wake up in a pool of vomit feeling like shit and still alive. Depending on what you ingest it could also cause damage to your organs, but I can't make any claims without knowing what pills you are/were planning to ingest.

As for slitting wrists, I don't know a lot about the method, but what I know is that takes a lot of effort to actually pull it off, because your body naturally will try to avoid the pain. Even if you can cut deep enough, it is not a guarantee that you will die and if you do, it is not going to be super fast or painless either. Also, depending on how you cut, you might permanently damage your arms/hands.

By the way, the wrists method is very graphic, with all the blood... If a method being graphic and shocking isn't a concern, and you want something of easy access, then hanging is a better choice.

It being graphic is a concern for me. I don't want to traumatise anyone but I don't really know what else to do, I'm too much of a coward to hang myself, slitting my wrists seems saver and easier because I'm used to cutting myself, I would only have to push harder and deeper. Jumping of a a building was another idea but that is traumatising for other people and so is jumping in front of a train. I don't really know what to do.


May 5, 2018
ive thought on that, maybe it would work if you took a good amount of pain pills and slit them in the shower(would wash away a good amount or all of the blood. but idk i know its not a reliable source but running a bath, taking pain pills and sleeping pills slitting your wrists and then once you fall asleep i assume you would drown. i wonder i know its a crude thing but if you sit in a tube of water and drop a electrical device in (toaster for example) does it really end you?


Mar 31, 2018
It being graphic is a concern for me. I don't want to traumatise anyone but I don't really know what else to do, I'm too much of a coward to hang myself, slitting my wrists seems saver and easier because I'm used to cutting myself, I would only have to push harder and deeper. Jumping of a a building was another idea but that is traumatising for other people and so is jumping in front of a train. I don't really know what to do.
Slitting wrists is not that simple. Every method, even just taking something like Nembutal takes a lot from the person, but I would say slitting wrists is one of the hardest methods to pull off, on top of being painful and not being a fast death (if you die at all).

At your age (14), there aren't really any methods that aren't graphic in a way or another, I think.
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Mar 31, 2018
ive thought on that, maybe it would work if you took a good amount of pain pills and slit them in the shower(would wash away a good amount or all of the blood. but idk i know its not a reliable source but running a bath, taking pain pills and sleeping pills slitting your wrists and then once you fall asleep i assume you would drown. i wonder i know its a crude thing but if you sit in a tube of water and drop a electrical device in (toaster for example) does it really end you?
I think I read somewhere that electric devices these days turn off automatically should you drop them in a body of water, so for such method, you would need an older device, perhaps.
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Rest is best
Apr 30, 2018
At your age unless you have a terminal illness I can't condone suicide.

Cutting is pretty unreliable and traumatizing for the people that find you even if you don't die. You could risk cutting a tendon which would mean loss of certain hand/wrist movements. You can also run the risk of serious infections like flesh eating disease if you fail after cutting in a bath tub because of all the bacteria. If you survive severe blood loss it can also lead to brain and/or organ damage.
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Caustic Cardinals

Caustic Cardinals

Sep 1, 2018
cutting is so messy I failed a few times,
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A hopeless hope junkie
Sep 17, 2018
If you don't succeed, which you likely will NOT, as it's tremendously hard to pull off, you could possibly have permanent damage to tendons and nerves. There are better methods that are less painful as well. "You're in pain now, why die in pain?" is my motto.
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Caustic Cardinals

Caustic Cardinals

Sep 1, 2018
my scars are obvious
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Aug 8, 2018
You all are wrong (well, sort of)... I tried it some time in the past.

You don't need a knife or some big blade and you don't have to "hack" left and right.
I've done it with a shaving razor - the one you get if you take Gilette Mach apart.

They are _incredibly_ thin and sharp. If you take a sheet of paper and just gently press the razor over the edge, it will cut the paper in half, you dont even need to slide it... I just pressed it to my skin. Almost zero mass, and it gone through.

Well I was stupid back then. If I had enough alco, or downers, and did it in a bath tub - I'd be long gone.
There is no physical pain when you're in water. A coral reef or stepping on a sea urchin is worse than that.
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Jul 13, 2018
Chances are you will just be left with plenty of scars and regret.
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Aug 8, 2018
I'm not advising this method too.... Too easy to freak out and abort. If I'd be doing it again, I would get out of reach of people... In a sea, or lake, getting offshore by boat. In the water your blood will *not* clot. Think of it as been bitten by shark....

But it's too complicated for most of people.
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Aug 31, 2018
lethal rate of wrist slitting is less than 10%

if you want to kill yourself choose another method

if you want to cry for help choose another method
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Still here?
Sep 13, 2018
I have researched this method very well but I have since reconsidered and changed my method. To hit both the radial and ulnar arteries in your wrist you need to go through the all tendons and nerves. You will most likely survive with permanent disabilities. Bleeding out is very slow and painful and is actually really hard to do...

"Several studies demonstrated that most of the wrist-cutting suicide attempts, especially for women, are not "real" suicide attempts. Even with those that cut correctly, THE MORTALITY RATE IS LESS THAN 1% (in all the studies).

Please read this study before you do anything! And check out the referenced studies in it too: note there are GRAPHIC PHOTOS IN IT.


If this is really a 'cry for help', please don't do this and just talk to someone instead... I'm all for CTB if that's what you want, but trust me as I've researched this method very extensively, there are better, faster, less painful and more effective methods out there...

Edited to add graphic photo warning.

Last edited:
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Seul contre tous
Jul 23, 2018
That Swedish DJ Aviici would have disagreed. He cut himself with some glass shards and bled to death.
Lucky one.
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Obliged to do it

Sep 16, 2018
Yeah i guess he didnt do his research...
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Sep 5, 2018
Honestly cutting your wrists sounds pretty painful, like I cut myself but I don't cut my wrists..
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Sep 12, 2018
if you are intent on this method cut up the road , not across the street.the method ihas a very low success rate( less than 10 percent)

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