

May 30, 2023
It always seemed kinda really stupid to me how there are so many laws and regulations and hurdles when it comes to an individual`s decision to end their own life, yet anyone can wake up one day and decide to have a baby.

No rules needed, no thinking required, no laws, nothing. Literally any 2 individuals can just decide they want to have a baby, anytime, anywhere.
It doesnt matter if they can afford it, it doesnt matter if its selfish, it doesnt matter if they are well adjusted, it doesnt matter if they have illnesses that are genetically transmittable, it doesnt matter what the current society can offer or in what environment that baby will live in and so on.

Nothing beyond the desire to have sex and to have a kid matters. Isnt it absolutely wild and baffling?

A poor soul is forcefully brought into this world that offers nothing but suffering, while everyone seems to celebrate this decision because life is a gift to most people (despite them never taking 2 seconds to truthfully think about how stupid that sounds).

I dont know... I keep thinking about how utterly cruel and dumb this whole ordeal is. And if you mention it, people get really upset and angry about how you have no right to limit people in spawning kids into this hellhole. Those same people that have no trouble limiting others decision to have control over their lives, even when it comes to ending it.

What are you thoughts about this? Should it be this easy and accessible to EVERYONE no matter what, to have kids?
Not even some training or something to prepare future parents or to at least give them an idea about what it entails before having the kid...
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
Nobody should ever procreate into this hellish reality, I see procreation as being a tragic, terrible crime. I think that this species should realistically go voluntarily extinct, procreation is something so harmful as after all, all our suffering was caused by the fact that we exist in the first place. I wish people were compassionate enough to leave the non-existent alone in peace.
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Apr 15, 2022
China had rules for years about procreating regarding the number of children someone could have. No doubt other countries do, too. In "free" countries, trying to limit how many babies someone can have gets into "Constitutional" rights, especially in a country like the US for example, so it's really not possible.
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i don’t know who i am
May 8, 2023
i could never understand how two people would want to bring an innocent soul into this terrible world, just for it to eventually become corrupted. it truly does blow my mind that the laws around procreation are so loose, even though we are fully aware that our growing population is destroying our habitat too. anti-abortionists especially make me angry.
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Apr 16, 2023
ig it's because of the slippery slope argument and how regulations that restrict procreation and / or assist in suicide could be used to discard people who are deemed as "less than", people are scared of how this kind of power could be abused (I've heard this while arguing with pro-lifers). and probably they don't force parenting classes because there's no clear consensus on the perfect parenting style, everyone wants to parent their own way
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Just “hanging around”
Oct 10, 2022
im drunk but my opinion is that the more kids people create means is that when they are older then they can be taxed on everything in which case the government makes more income to waste. but what gets me is people have kids who have no money. its up to the father to provide. if the father has no money and is pestered enough then more likely to CTB. i dunno im wasted
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Jun 27, 2023
I know it's controversial in a lot of online spaces, but I'm a supporter of antinatalism. I feel like many parents don't consider the full extent of what it means to bring a life into this world.
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God may judge, but his sins outnumber your own.
Nov 19, 2022
I have a really mixed opinion on this because on one hand? Yeah.

Honestly, not just on the individual level, but humans forget we're literally an animal like any other and do have a population carrying capacity. We're at constant risk of using up key resources and space is just not infinite.

On the other hand?
I damn well know that should certain regulations be introduced it's likely to be abused in more ways at every level. Corruption is ever-present in this species's dominance hierarchy. Laws don't magically halt crime.
China implemented the one child policy but that didn't stop people from making babies anyways and throwing them over when they found out it wasn't a boy. People were still having babies and still doing awful things, albeit at a reduced scale than before, and it did work to meet their goal in the end.
Can't probe the human mind to check for people who want kids for financial/"practical" reasons (getting them to marry/work to bring family up/keep other parent around/backup for retirement, so they pressure them into high careers) or straight up messed up crap like selling babies into slavery/etc.

The best thing we can do is to make it so that becoming independent and building your own life away from your nuclear one properly feasible for anyone. As time goes on I see more abuse in the form of crippling academic debt for the poor people trying to get better lives, the US has no good health care nets so you build up chronic debilitating disease jeopardizing your income, rent pricing is allowed to do whatever it wants while wages remain stagnant and the hiring market is always in the ever favor of whoever has the connections more than the qualified (usually not the poor people trying to get better lives).

We are once again entering another medieval-style serfdom power structure because most people cannot afford a house within their lifetime. I don't think there's enough space, anyways.
We're fundamentally flawed and I wish humanity would hurry up and evolve into a far better form of itself.

im drunk but my opinion is that the more kids people create means is that when they are older then they can be taxed on everything in which case the government makes more income to waste. but what gets me is people have kids who have no money. its up to the father to provide. if the father has no money and is pestered enough then more likely to CTB. i dunno im wasted
Literally what happened to me and why I'm screwed now LMAO UUUUGH YOU'RE DRUNK BUT YOU'RE RIIIIIIIGHT
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Jun 21, 2023
i think birth control has too many side effects to be forced on someone but i wish there was less propaganda pushing people to have a baby or feel guilty for not wanting them. i feel like it's never enough for me to just tell people i dont want kids they always have to question my decision or try to make me feel like i'm missing out on some wonderful experience.. as if giving birth and being torn open is something to look forward to.

my boyfriend's friend had a baby last year and she has the same autoimmune condition that i do which makes it harder to carry a child and its also hereditary.. which is another reason i'd never have a kid. but she and her husband really wanted the experience and didn't want to foster or adopt so they were trying for a baby for years and kept having miscarriages. she finally got pregnant and it was a really difficult one ofc because of her health issue. She had the kid and it was fine for like a year but now it's developing all these health conditions which is just so infuriating because they knew she had a genetic autoimmune condition so of course the kid was going to develop some issues! I just dont understand especially when so many kids are in unsafe living situations in foster care why you would want to create all this suffering when you could actually help someone. the kid isnt even 2 but now has their whole life ahead of them that they will have to deal with this.
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Jun 13, 2021
What are you thoughts about this? Should it be this easy and accessible to EVERYONE no matter what, to have kids?
Breeding is treated as a human right, no one thinks about it from the perspective of the unborn, but it's a crime and we must start holding bio parents to account when their child ends up suffering.
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Mar 12, 2023
I've known many, many people who should have been sterylized. We all have. But who would make those choices? The government. And the gov would only want more docile, more stupid babies, and that would rule their discretion in this. A psych evaluation would be a part of approving the allowance of procreation, and no one here would pass that. Now you might all not want kids, but surely you want the right to have kids. That distinction is a human right, and I think if you lost it, you'd be some pissed about it. Maybe I'm wrong. Then a medical examination, which I have to agree with. And that's eugenics. A Big Evil in the course of history. Idk.
But it really is too much power for a couple of dumb drunk teenagers to have.
I've always said it should just be an iq test. Can you in fact work a toaster? Do you know the effects of not changing its diaper? What are those twinkling lights in the sky? But my bars are admittedly low. Cuz I know a lotta morons!
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Sep 8, 2022
Kids are great if you can afford them. Like billionaires.


Defective Personel
Jan 20, 2023
In an ideal world there would be many regulations and etc. abt spawning in another human.

But we live in the real, Crap-world.

It's important enough to be regulated, but too important for anyone to compromise AT ALL about what those regulations should.

It's also a big problem letting gov' ultimately make the decision on that. Eugenics, but also more-likely to utterly retard and impede certain beliefs, ideas, etc, by stopping the parents from passing "truth" to their kids so the gov' has no competition for "truth". Sterilization becoming a common punishment for minor crimes, or whatever the gov' doesn't want you to think/do? Not to mention they prob won't try to breed a better population but more docile and stupid worker drones!

Not to mention the practical problems of such regulations. Make all sex illegal? Forced birth-control? Sterilizations? tmp.sterilization until baby license? What will the punishments be for breaking the law? What about the illegal children?
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“All life is a near death experience.”
Dec 27, 2022
im drunk but my opinion is that the more kids people create means is that when they are older then they can be taxed on everything in which case the government makes more income to waste. but what gets me is people have kids who have no money. its up to the father to provide. if the father has no money and is pestered enough then more likely to CTB. i dunno im wasted
yeh legit they want people to procreate were slaves to the government they make money of us
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New Member
Jun 19, 2023
It always seemed kinda really stupid to me how there are so many laws and regulations and hurdles when it comes to an individual`s decision to end their own life, yet anyone can wake up one day and decide to have a baby.

No rules needed, no thinking required, no laws, nothing. Literally any 2 individuals can just decide they want to have a baby, anytime, anywhere.
It doesnt matter if they can afford it, it doesnt matter if its selfish, it doesnt matter if they are well adjusted, it doesnt matter if they have illnesses that are genetically transmittable, it doesnt matter what the current society can offer or in what environment that baby will live in and so on.

Nothing beyond the desire to have sex and to have a kid matters. Isnt it absolutely wild and baffling?

A poor soul is forcefully brought into this world that offers nothing but suffering, while everyone seems to celebrate this decision because life is a gift to most people (despite them never taking 2 seconds to truthfully think about how stupid that sounds).

I dont know... I keep thinking about how utterly cruel and dumb this whole ordeal is. And if you mention it, people get really upset and angry about how you have no right to limit people in spawning kids into this hellhole. Those same people that have no trouble limiting others decision to have control over their lives, even when it comes to ending it.

What are you thoughts about this? Should it be this easy and accessible to EVERYONE no matter what, to have kids?
Not even some training or something to prepare future parents or to at least give them an idea about what it entails before having the kid...
Yeah, it's cruel tbh. I also absolutely can't wrap my head around it. Why life is seen as "sacred"? Wouldn't be it more humane to actually let adults decide what they want and more humane to provide an option to exit the unbearable pain once everything fails? Also, I can't fathom why the whole world still tries to save people that are stuck in dire conditions, (like someone stranded while mountain climbing) especially when their life quality after "rescuing" them could be significantly worse for them. I can't really understand how living with brain damage or being paralyzed is still considered a better and more "humane" option.

And the same with parents in general, we really didn't ask to be here and not every parent will treat their kids as they should, so what's the point of being here and only suffering? It's obviously extremely hard to live when even your own parents can't be there to support you and then there's still the rest of the world and its hardships and yet people are still forced to suffer even more. I absolutely agree that it's really stupid that everyone can just procreate like that without even thinking about the living conditions they are bringing more kids to.
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Sep 21, 2020
There used to be racial hygiene laws in certain parts of the world and they were well-intended and responsible compared to what we now have instead. They are still practiced in certain social circles, sometimes consciously, often unconsciously. Those who promote irresponsible breeding - who are sometimes the same who claim to support anti-natalism - are indeed criminals and filth of the worst sort.


Feb 25, 2023
Idc how fucked up it sounds but yes, there should be. Idk how it would be regulated and idk how it'd even happen. It's merely a fantasy. My parents should have never been parents and I wish someone would've stopped them because they had children without thinking it through and now I carry the burden of disease and extreme internal anguish. Theyre not even the worst parents out there. Theyre just people who didn't realize what it meant to create a human being like most parents lol
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
Ideally- yes. It's tricky though. Rich, 'privelaged' kids from ok families can still end up suicidal. Some people with extremely impoverished and hard lives go on to have very good lives. So- it's not a certainty that a good background will mean you'll be ok in life and vice versa.

The main difficulty I imagine would be enforcing it though. Do you force mother's who have become pregnant 'illegally' to abort? At what stage? What if they slip under the radar and have the child? Do you support killing that child? What if there are complications and the mother dies as well as the child because she was forced to have the operation?

Culturally, it would likely be difficult too. Some countries and religions encourage their citizens to have lots of children. I used to feel so sorry seeing children starving in Africa. Of course- I still do. It would be heartless not to. But- you have to think- why on earth would you bring a child into this world if the likelihood is it would starve? Their thinking must be entirely different.

I imagine if climate change keeps getting worse. The economy keeps getting worse and people become more secular- more and more may simply choose not to bring children into this... Let's hope so. Especially if reincarnation is a thing!
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Jul 23, 2022
Their thinking must be entirely different.
Their thinking is the same as it was in all "developed" countries before development (and indeed among most animals, insofar as there is "thinking"): in the presence of high juvenile mortality and adverse material conditions, have enough children to ensure that at least some survive to reproductive age.
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so, so tired
Nov 7, 2023
Their thinking is the same as it was in all "developed" countries before development (and indeed among most animals, insofar as there is "thinking"): in the presence of high juvenile mortality and adverse material conditions, have enough children to ensure that at least some survive to reproductive age.
This is definitely why, from what I've learned at least. It's a mix of biological and social impulse.
Personally, I think that having kids isn't entirely ethical (especially in this world as it is) but preventing reproduction would be even more unethical (especially considering how this has played out when tried in the past).
I guess that the large majority of people don't experience as much mental and/or physical pain as people on here, so for a lot of people existence is a net positive. The question is if that's preferable to nothing. That, I don't know.


Sitting in the darkness.
Feb 28, 2023
It really is a tragic reality where suicide is pretty much illegal but procreation is completely unrestricted and worshipped. But sadly, it's human nature to think this way, and most people are too narcissistic to think their nature could be wrong.
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