

Sep 7, 2019
Don't delete mods.
This is a warning to those out there that are ever considering selling their N as I know a user on here did sometime ago to help someone to CTB and they did as they were in so much pain.
I was considering selling mine as my circumstances had changed and the urge to CTB had slowed down and I felt if it was in my house if I had a meltdown I'd use it.
I was approached by someone on here who knew I'd ordered from B. They wanted to buy it. I had brought the powder and liquid from B and liquid from another supplier. I considered as I knew I wanted it away from me but foolishly wanted to recoup what I had paid for it. Away from SS I got talking to a member who wanted it. I now believe this person to be the police as lots of things didn't ring true.
This was all done on proton and away from SS so I hope they don't ban me as this place right now is my lifeline. Don't worry I'm not pro life!
Now this person was suffering and had no one and didn't want to die alone. As a stupid fool I offered to be with this person when they took N so they didn't die alone. Luckily my partner found out and said what a stupid cunt I was as I'd be had for murder for assisting a suicide.
All this as made me really fragile and now I want to CTB as I feel so betrayed.
Be careful who you talk to on here.
A very upset fragile Rachel ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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The Temporary Problem is Life
Oct 24, 2019
Thankfully you may be able to save others from this.
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Sep 7, 2019
I hope so ❤️
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The Queen of Meme
Aug 11, 2019
Awwww Hun. Your not stupid. Your kindness betrayed you. Hugs xx
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Factoid Hunter
Aug 29, 2019
I am practically obsessive about my privacy. Don't do anything that would reveal your real identity and don't get fooled into some honeypot trap scheme.
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Drs suck mega ass!
Sep 3, 2018
That sucks and sorry to hear, at least nothing happened. There was a scammer on here from Quebec Canada and they might still be on here but they fucked over a few people. Anyone that screws with anyone on here that is dealing with a personal hell should be drawn and quartered
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May 31, 2019
Don't delete mods.
This is a warning to those out there that are ever considering selling their N as I know a user on here did sometime ago to help someone to CTB and they did as they were in so much pain.
I was considering selling mine as my circumstances had changed and the urge to CTB had slowed down and I felt if it was in my house if I had a meltdown I'd use it.
I was approached by someone on here who knew I'd ordered from B. They wanted to buy it. I had brought the powder and liquid from B and liquid from another supplier. I considered as I knew I wanted it away from me but foolishly wanted to recoup what I had paid for it. Away from SS I got talking to a member who wanted it. I now believe this person to be the police as lots of things didn't ring true.
This was all done on proton and away from SS so I hope they don't ban me as this place right now is my lifeline. Don't worry I'm not pro life!
Now this person was suffering and had no one and didn't want to die alone. As a stupid fool I offered to be with this person when they took N so they didn't die alone. Luckily my partner found out and said what a stupid cunt I was as I'd be had for murder for assisting a suicide.
All this as made me really fragile and now I want to CTB as I feel so betrayed.
Be careful who you talk to on here.
A very upset fragile Rachel ❤❤❤❤❤

I don't understand how you feel the police were involved? I'm not really sure if they are interested in setting up people in this kind of way.


Sep 7, 2019
I don't understand how you feel the police were involved? I'm not really sure if they are interested in setting up people in this kind of way.
It's probably me being ultra paranoid x


Sep 19, 2019
Sorry this shook you up so bad, Rach.

I've been having a lot of people asking me about Meto sources lately and even that's enough to make one a bit paranoid...
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May 31, 2019
Sorry this shook you up so bad, Rach.

I've been having a lot of people asking me about Meto sources lately and even that's enough to make one a bit paranoid...

It's not illegal to buy meto though.
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Sep 9, 2019
I wouldnt even try a ctb partner. Imagine he/she dies and you survive. They will charge you.
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Nov 22, 2018
I'm sorry to hear this, but please don't think your stupid for wanting to be compassionate. But I've enough problems, I don't need legal problems. So I agree with @Rachel74 I would recommend not to share personal information. If one chooses to via pm's or off SS messages...be careful whom you share this information with. There was another thread about would you resell your N (theoretically). I said I wouldn't consider it for any price or anything. I stand by that. Metoclopramide is a prescription only medication in the US. It's says on the label "caution: federal law prohibits the transfer of this drug to any person other than the patient for whom it was prescribed". So, though meto isn't a controlled substance, technically it's still illegal to buy/possess without a valid prescription.
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Sep 22, 2019
Aw Rachel, from what I can see it's your kindness and compassion for people that gets you into bother, plus your complete innocence in offering to help. That's different from stupidity. You weren't aware of the possible consequences because you clearly don't have the mindset of a murderer or scammer, or even the mindset of police wanting to catch up with the murderers and scammers.
Don't let it get you down to this extent.
It's the manipulative f**kers taking advantage of people in despair that should be feeling like shit, not the likes of you offering friendship and support in their final moments.
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Sep 7, 2019
You have all been so lovely and kind. Feeling a lot better today but spent all lastnight throwing up as started lithium on Tuesday.
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Factoid Hunter
Aug 29, 2019
Tomorrow I am going to make a cream tea in your honour
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Aug 18, 2019
Don't delete mods.
This is a warning to those out there that are ever considering selling their N as I know a user on here did sometime ago to help someone to CTB and they did as they were in so much pain.
I was considering selling mine as my circumstances had changed and the urge to CTB had slowed down and I felt if it was in my house if I had a meltdown I'd use it.
I was approached by someone on here who knew I'd ordered from B. They wanted to buy it. I had brought the powder and liquid from B and liquid from another supplier. I considered as I knew I wanted it away from me but foolishly wanted to recoup what I had paid for it. Away from SS I got talking to a member who wanted it. I now believe this person to be the police as lots of things didn't ring true.
This was all done on proton and away from SS so I hope they don't ban me as this place right now is my lifeline. Don't worry I'm not pro life!
Now this person was suffering and had no one and didn't want to die alone. As a stupid fool I offered to be with this person when they took N so they didn't die alone. Luckily my partner found out and said what a stupid cunt I was as I'd be had for murder for assisting a suicide.
All this as made me really fragile and now I want to CTB as I feel so betrayed.
Be careful who you talk to on here.
A very upset fragile Rachel ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Indeed, you can't be too careful. In a way, legally, your partner was right, by doing this you were assisting suicide therefore liable (in the UK) for assisting murder. Be careful, Rachel, I know you wanted to do good, but please be careful.
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I exist without my consent.
Aug 16, 2018
It's not illegal to buy meto though.
Right, its not illegal to buy a rope either. But if there is a suicidal person, and knowing this you bring them a rope, technically that would be "manslaughter" I believe, or another very serious felony. I've never heard of anyone getting in trouble for this kind of activity, unless you really push someone to do it. There have been two college girls in the US convicted for really encouraging/facilitating their boyfriends to commit suicide (more so than most girlfriends). I'm not aware of any legal precedent of people getting in trouble for basic discussion on a forum such as this. You would need to sell them a method or go above and beyond in convincing someone to ctb.
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No ctrl-z when you ctb
Oct 25, 2019
If there's one thing that I've learned during my brief time at SS, it is that there is a lot of empathy here. It's very natural for you to have wanted to help someone. You probably remember what it was like before you had sourced your N. Don't beat yourself up. Good job detecting the inconsistency. Always trust your gut. And good luck with the lithium.
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Drs suck mega ass!
Sep 3, 2018
The laws are screwed. When a person like Chris Cornell dies and it's from benzo use, they don't drag the pharma company through the coals like they should. The law only goes after easy targets
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Sep 7, 2019
I wish I'd never done the post. Everyone now wants to buy my N. I don't mind but can I send it then get paid once it arrives???
Can I just send 1/2 of it and keep the other 1/2 for myself for free.
Can I send N and meto and a unicorn??

Folks need to understand that N is expensive and paying $880 is a huge expense to anyone but would you ask A or B for a discount or to talk on the phone? I bet those guys get it all the time.


Factoid Hunter
Aug 29, 2019
Don't store the unicorn and the N together - just saying.
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Deleted member 1465

Jul 31, 2018
Are you selling unicorns? Start a megathread: getting U from R.
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She was the worlds biggest mistake
Jun 16, 2019
Can't trust those unicorns. They're always looking at me funny. Spies I tell you... they're all spies
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Deleted member 1465

Jul 31, 2018
Well you should never trust a horse when it has the horn.
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Oct 22, 2019
Don't delete mods.
This is a warning to those out there that are ever considering selling their N as I know a user on here did sometime ago to help someone to CTB and they did as they were in so much pain.
I was considering selling mine as my circumstances had changed and the urge to CTB had slowed down and I felt if it was in my house if I had a meltdown I'd use it.
I was approached by someone on here who knew I'd ordered from B. They wanted to buy it. I had brought the powder and liquid from B and liquid from another supplier. I considered as I knew I wanted it away from me but foolishly wanted to recoup what I had paid for it. Away from SS I got talking to a member who wanted it. I now believe this person to be the police as lots of things didn't ring true.
This was all done on proton and away from SS so I hope they don't ban me as this place right now is my lifeline. Don't worry I'm not pro life!
Now this person was suffering and had no one and didn't want to die alone. As a stupid fool I offered to be with this person when they took N so they didn't die alone. Luckily my partner found out and said what a stupid cunt I was as I'd be had for murder for assisting a suicide.
All this as made me really fragile and now I want to CTB as I feel so betrayed.
Be careful who you talk to on here.
A very upset fragile Rachel ❤❤❤❤❤
Probably something of a minority viewpoint here, going to give it anyway, looks like this discussion has morphed into the more general subject of trust.

Rachel, I agree with your partner, not in the choice of words but in the warning to be very cautious in this particular situation. This particular situation! But don't let it stop you from being a caring, helpful, and in general, trusting person.

I was talking to a couple a few years ago. They said that they don't trust anyone, ever, and they are bringing up their child to not trust anyone. This is true, they actually said this. I was a bit taken aback, didn't really know what to say, but the overwhelming feeling I had was one of pity. I pitied them, felt sorry for them, that whatever experiences they've had in this world had brought them to this point.

I trust everyone. I assume that people are good. I don't assume that strangers are evil scammers or predators. In my life, 99% of the time I've been correct. I've has some bad experiences when I was wrong, yes. But that has never and will never change my personal, day-to-day philosophy and conduct of life. Most people are good.
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Jun 12, 2018
Yeah. I agree with you. Reselling N definitely puts you at a risk. And I would never sell my N because even if I wouldn't be in a suicidal state right now, I'd never know if and when that's ever gonna change. And having N just makes me feel safe and protected from the cruel reality of life. And it's such a rare drug, I just couldn't give it away. The sources we have right now seem to dry up because of international law enforcement efforts to crack down on the substance, which really sucks but there is nothing we can do to change that right now. But apparently, N powder seems to make a comeback, according to International Exit at least, and that's definitely easier to get through customs. So if another vendor of N powder pops up, we would definitely be at an advantage and that's all we can hope for now.
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Sep 19, 2019
Probably something of a minority viewpoint here, going to give it anyway, looks like this discussion has morphed into the more general subject of trust.

Rachel, I agree with your partner, not in the choice of words but in the warning to be very cautious in this particular situation. This particular situation! But don't let it stop you from being a caring, helpful, and in general, trusting person.

I was talking to a couple a few years ago. They said that they don't trust anyone, ever, and they are bringing up their child to not trust anyone. This is true, they actually said this. I was a bit taken aback, didn't really know what to say, but the overwhelming feeling I had was one of pity. I pitied them, felt sorry for them, that whatever experiences they've had in this world had brought them to this point.

I trust everyone. I assume that people are good. I don't assume that strangers are evil scammers or predators. In my life, 99% of the time I've been correct. I've has some bad experiences when I was wrong, yes. But that has never and will never change my personal, day-to-day philosophy and conduct of life. Most people are good.

My grandma has the same attitude as you, and frankly it baffles me. It must be a generational difference, she looked at me like I have two heads when I told her I don't trust anyone. I guess the world is just more competitive and cutthroat than it was back then or something.
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Factoid Hunter
Aug 29, 2019
Probably something of a minority viewpoint here, going to give it anyway, looks like this discussion has morphed into the more general subject of trust.

Rachel, I agree with your partner, not in the choice of words but in the warning to be very cautious in this particular situation. This particular situation! But don't let it stop you from being a caring, helpful, and in general, trusting person.

I was talking to a couple a few years ago. They said that they don't trust anyone, ever, and they are bringing up their child to not trust anyone. This is true, they actually said this. I was a bit taken aback, didn't really know what to say, but the overwhelming feeling I had was one of pity. I pitied them, felt sorry for them, that whatever experiences they've had in this world had brought them to this point.

I trust everyone. I assume that people are good. I don't assume that strangers are evil scammers or predators. In my life, 99% of the time I've been correct. I've has some bad experiences when I was wrong, yes. But that has never and will never change my personal, day-to-day philosophy and conduct of life. Most people are good.
I think in the real world I would agree with you to a certain degree.

However, on this forum I would urge people to take a more cautious approach. I would never buy from anyone one on this forum regardless of whether I got on with them or not. Reason: Any sharing of real personal data exposes you and the consequences could be catastrophic. Sometimes some members do dance past the line of legality, especially when they admit they are in possession of a controlled substance to help them cbt.

This site alone is a honeypot for scammers. They know there are desperate and vulnerable people here and I am afraid those two qualities equal gullible. They don't have to spread their net far and wide, they are shooting fish in a barrel here.

I get asked on a regular basis where I live in pm's. I have given nearly every county or city in the UK as an answer bar the actual one I live in. Nobody needs to know where I live, it makes no difference to whether you like what I post or not.

So here you can be as trusting as you want, as long as you don't give your personal details away which by extension means don't buy anything from anyone here.
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