
Oct 19, 2022
Just to be transparent from the beginning, if death is a byproduct of this, I'm okay with that. I've come to terms with the fact that I don't want to live anymore, and if fate should have it that this takes me out, then it was meant to be.
That said, I'm starting to consider self harming by overdosing. I'm tired of trying to hide cuts and scars, at least overdosing would be internal. I don't have access to enough that it will necessarily kill me, but I do have access to enough that it will affect me in some way. Perhaps this is a sneaky way to avoid SI, with the mindset that it won't kill me until it does.
Is there anyone here who has taken overdoses without the intent of dying necessarily? Frankly, I don't see how it's different than overdoing it on alcohol or marijuana.


Jul 27, 2019
I have done this, I had my reasons for it at the time and yes it helped to prevent me doing other harm to myself but I stopped after a very bad experience with it.
Be aware there will be a lot of nausea with many medications and it gets difficult to hide it from people in the same was as many other methods.
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Life too shall pass
May 31, 2020
You may not kill yourself, but you may permanently damage yourself and end up in a worse state.

IMO meds are too unpredictable. There's tolerance build up, there's toxicity build up, there's the ability for your internal organs to filter / metabolise the meds. So many things work together to make overdoses very risky for a wide range of side effects.

I would strongly advise against doing this.
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Apr 14, 2023
I've done it before but really wouldn't recommend. Most of the time you just end up being sick and nauseous. Then it's so much harder to control damage too as you can't see what's happening inside. So you risk organ damage that you may later regret or end up in hospital worse off


|| What Else Could I Be But a Jester ||
Oct 21, 2023
If you have ever read any of posts by @willitpass then you would know that SHing via ODing is a horrible idea.


Don’t try to offer me help, I’ve tried everything
Mar 10, 2020
I spent about 2-3 months overdosing every day on Tylenol, ibuprofen, and aspirin. I was miserable. Yeah, I felt like I deserved it (still do even though I haven't taken any in about a month), but it's truly awful. I was exhausted, I was constantly nauseous, I am normally a very active person and I could hardly stand 5 minutes of walking. I would frequently spend hours so nauseous but unable to throw up, and when I finally did it was just green bile. The nausea would wake me up out of my sleep. My bowel habits were fucked and my poop looked off. The worst was the severe anxiety that bordered on paranoia and hallucinations. I've been fucked in the head my whole life and the rock bottom I experienced, most likely from the aspirin (a secret side effect of aspirin and Tylenol overdoses can be anxiety/paranoia) was hell beyond works. I felt like I was going to implode mentally. I have been through hell and back my whole life but that day was by far the worst I've ever had. I was honestly probably only about 9 months away from death if I kept it up. To be fair, I was doing this in conjunction with severe food restriction and severe dehydration, but I know some of the symptoms were related to the medications alone. If I'm honest, I'll probably start doing it again at some point because my feelings of self worth are beyond abysmal, but I'm warning you it is awful.

It's not like cutting. When you cut you receive instant release and when you are done you stop and clean up and for the most part it's over. Overdosing is slow, you get angry if you don't see the results fast enough because it isn't an intense pain like cutting, it's like a slow boil. It's aches and exhaustion, not stinging and warm blood. And when the intensity hits after hours, days, weeks, you may not even be in the mindset to self harm anymore, but the damage has already been done. There is no stopping when it starts to feel too much, because by that point it's already reached peak serum levels in the blood. If you regret it, you're shit out of luck and have to wait. And when you are anxious to all hell and need immediate release, this is not going to give it to you. Slow self harm does not have the same effect that you're used to. Even in the midst of it I would still crave cutting when I needed immediate release.

Eventually you won't be able to hide it, especially if your liver gets damaged. Once your liver is bad enough, you'll turn yellow (jaundice), your stomach may bloat severely due to fluid buildup in the abdominal cavity, you'll have horrible smelling yellow poop. You'll be in severe abdominal pain. Eventually, end stage liver failure can cause delirium and hallucinations before you slip into a coma, you may not be in control of yourself anymore. If you end up in kidney failure, you will not be producing adequate urine and may begin to swell from fluid retention, I've heard kidney failure can be painful. You may get kidney stones, which are notoriously worse than child birth on the pain scale. This may also cause toxins to build up in the body and lead to neurological symptoms. You may get both liver and kidney damage, then it's double to fun. It's not pretty in the end stages. And even as a self harmer, the pain may be more than you can bear. And because these two organs are what process pain medications, they may not be able to give you adequate pain killers to relieve the symptoms while you die because it wouldn't be safe.

As far as using it as a slow method of CTB to bypass SI, you're in it for the long haul. Severely dehydrated, hardly eating, abusing OTC painkillers, laxatives, and prescription heart meds, and my blood work still came back near normal for all things related to it. The human body is incredibly resilient. By slow CTB, we're talking months to years and it fucking hurts. I had/have the same thought process, so I get it, but don't expect a few weeks and it's over.

I wouldn't recommend this.
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Oct 19, 2022
I spent about 2-3 months overdosing every day on Tylenol, ibuprofen, and aspirin. I was miserable. Yeah, I felt like I deserved it (still do even though I haven't taken any in about a month), but it's truly awful. I was exhausted, I was constantly nauseous, I am normally a very active person and I could hardly stand 5 minutes of walking. I would frequently spend hours so nauseous but unable to throw up, and when I finally did it was just green bile. The nausea would wake me up out of my sleep. My bowel habits were fucked and my poop looked off. The worst was the severe anxiety that bordered on paranoia and hallucinations. I've been fucked in the head my whole life and the rock bottom I experienced, most likely from the aspirin (a secret side effect of aspirin and Tylenol overdoses can be anxiety/paranoia) was hell beyond works. I felt like I was going to implode mentally. I have been through hell and back my whole life but that day was by far the worst I've ever had. I was honestly probably only about 9 months away from death if I kept it up. To be fair, I was doing this in conjunction with severe food restriction and severe dehydration, but I know some of the symptoms were related to the medications alone. If I'm honest, I'll probably start doing it again at some point because my feelings of self worth are beyond abysmal, but I'm warning you it is awful.

It's not like cutting. When you cut you receive instant release and when you are done you stop and clean up and for the most part it's over. Overdosing is slow, you get angry if you don't see the results fast enough because it isn't an intense pain like cutting, it's like a slow boil. It's aches and exhaustion, not stinging and warm blood. And when the intensity hits after hours, days, weeks, you may not even be in the mindset to self harm anymore, but the damage has already been done. There is no stopping when it starts to feel too much, because by that point it's already reached peak serum levels in the blood. If you regret it, you're shit out of luck and have to wait. And when you are anxious to all hell and need immediate release, this is not going to give it to you. Slow self harm does not have the same effect that you're used to. Even in the midst of it I would still crave cutting when I needed immediate release.

Eventually you won't be able to hide it, especially if your liver gets damaged. Once your liver is bad enough, you'll turn yellow (jaundice), your stomach may bloat severely due to fluid buildup in the abdominal cavity, you'll have horrible smelling yellow poop. You'll be in severe abdominal pain. Eventually, end stage liver failure can cause delirium and hallucinations before you slip into a coma, you may not be in control of yourself anymore. If you end up in kidney failure, you will not be producing adequate urine and may begin to swell from fluid retention, I've heard kidney failure can be painful. You may get kidney stones, which are notoriously worse than child birth on the pain scale. This may also cause toxins to build up in the body and lead to neurological symptoms. You may get both liver and kidney damage, then it's double to fun. It's not pretty in the end stages. And even as a self harmer, the pain may be more than you can bear. And because these two organs are what process pain medications, they may not be able to give you adequate pain killers to relieve the symptoms while you die because it wouldn't be safe.

As far as using it as a slow method of CTB to bypass SI, you're in it for the long haul. Severely dehydrated, hardly eating, abusing OTC painkillers, laxatives, and prescription heart meds, and my blood work still came back near normal for all things related to it. The human body is incredibly resilient. By slow CTB, we're talking months to years and it fucking hurts. I had/have the same thought process, so I get it, but don't expect a few weeks and it's over.

I wouldn't recommend this.
Thank you for the informative and descriptive reply. I'm sorry you got to the point that it felt like the answer even though I relate, but I am also grateful that you shared your experience with me.
Was the anxiety and feeling physically unwell the things that caused you to stop overdosing?


Don’t try to offer me help, I’ve tried everything
Mar 10, 2020
Thank you for the informative and descriptive reply. I'm sorry you got to the point that it felt like the answer even though I relate, but I am also grateful that you shared your experience with me.
Was the anxiety and feeling physically unwell the things that caused you to stop overdosing?
No, I honestly just kinda fizzled out with it. I have always gone through phases of self harming and ones of not self harming, so I guess I just got bored of it is the best way to describe it? The rock bottom night I genuinely wished I had never started, but like I said nothing I could do about it in the moment. I think I slowed down on it for a couple of days after but got right back into it. Physically I felt awful but kept myself going with the mentality of "it'll kill me one day", as well as the belief that I deserved it. I truly can't describe how awful it felt though.


Oct 19, 2022
No, I honestly just kinda fizzled out with it. I have always gone through phases of self harming and ones of not self harming, so I guess I just got bored of it is the best way to describe it? The rock bottom night I genuinely wished I had never started, but like I said nothing I could do about it in the moment. I think I slowed down on it for a couple of days after but got right back into it. Physically I felt awful but kept myself going with the mentality of "it'll kill me one day", as well as the belief that I deserved it. I truly can't describe how awful it felt though.
Ah okay, makes sense.
I think I underestimated the intensity of the nausea as a side effect. I hate feeling nauseous and throwing up. However, I am so, so desperate to treat my body the way I think it deserves, which is terribly. I don't know how to get past this feeling without exploring it.
I likely wouldn't have the same persistence as you, but maybe just taking minor overdoses to give myself the illusion I'm doing something about it might help. I'm not sure how else to cope, I truly believe I deserve the worst. The times when I feel physically unwell are the times my mental health is actually better, so maybe it would be beneficial.


Don’t try to offer me help, I’ve tried everything
Mar 10, 2020
Ah okay, makes sense.
I think I underestimated the intensity of the nausea as a side effect. I hate feeling nauseous and throwing up. However, I am so, so desperate to treat my body the way I think it deserves, which is terribly. I don't know how to get past this feeling without exploring it.
I likely wouldn't have the same persistence as you, but maybe just taking minor overdoses to give myself the illusion I'm doing something about it might help. I'm not sure how else to cope, I truly believe I deserve the worst. The times when I feel physically unwell are the times my mental health is actually better, so maybe it would be beneficial.
All of this was with micro-overdoses, hardly above the daily max. It increased over time as I wasn't satisfied with the results, but it started with just a couple extra pills over the daily recommended maximum dosage. Honestly the nausea is the worst part of it all. Because I was starving and dehydrating myself I was often on an empty stomach which worsened things, but even when I had food in my stomach it was terrible. It was hours of intense nausea before I would finally throw up and then only get relief for about an hour before the nausea returned. It is incredibly intense. It would wake me from my sleep. Some nights I fell asleep holding a trash bag because I was too tired and weak to want to venture to the bathroom every time, and would fall asleep with it in my hand.

I'm sorry you're suffering so much, and I know that my words will only do so much to deter you, but from one severe self harmer to another, I truly would not wish this on my worst enemy. I hope you're able to talk yourself out of it.


Oct 19, 2022
All of this was with micro-overdoses, hardly above the daily max. It increased over time as I wasn't satisfied with the results, but it started with just a couple extra pills over the daily recommended maximum dosage. Honestly the nausea is the worst part of it all. Because I was starving and dehydrating myself I was often on an empty stomach which worsened things, but even when I had food in my stomach it was terrible. It was hours of intense nausea before I would finally throw up and then only get relief for about an hour before the nausea returned. It is incredibly intense. It would wake me from my sleep. Some nights I fell asleep holding a trash bag because I was too tired and weak to want to venture to the bathroom every time, and would fall asleep with it in my hand.

I'm sorry you're suffering so much, and I know that my words will only do so much to deter you, but from one severe self harmer to another, I truly would not wish this on my worst enemy. I hope you're able to talk yourself out of it.
I'm sorry that sounds really awful...
I'll take what you said into consideration and think more about my decision. I'm just starting to reach a level of desperation I've never experienced before and it's overwhelming me.
Thank you again for your perspective, it's eye opening for sure. I had actually fallen onto one of your posts when I was trying to gather more information here. You're a very eloquent writer and I appreciate being able to hear from you.
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