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Feb 19, 2020
Let me know if this is not allowed on this forum and I'll delete it

I want to try everything I can before resorting to CBT. I have self-harmed in the past through more mild methods (banging my head on hard objects, scratching at my skin, etc). From what I read (and from what friends who have struggled with cutting have told me), cutting makes you feel better. Takes the pain out of your mind and puts it in your body instead, or something.

I have never cut before and am looking for advice on how to do it? As far as I understand it's pretty unlikely or (if you're trying) difficult to die from blood loss by cutting, and I'm obviously suicidal anyway so I don't really care if I accidentally die, not that I''d be lucky enough for that to happen. I am just really nervous about cutting, I don't actively want to be in physical pain I just want to mitigate the mental/emotional pain as much as possible. Does anyone have any advice?
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Aug 5, 2019
I really wouldn't suggest that you self harm. I started by scratching (and using scissors) because I was in so much mental distress that the pain felt better, it's distracting. But like anything that distracts from your problems, it doesn't really help. I still do it though, I bought a crafting even though I don't do arts and crafts lol

When I started doing it I'd be distracted for quite a while but over time it doesn't feel the same. I'm distracted for less time and the need to cut deeper increases.

To die from cutting you really have to put a lot of effort in (depending on the sharpness of blade), I've never thought I'd potentially die from doing it.
There's also the stigma to consider. I have to hide my arms everytime I go outside and wearing shorts is a risk anytime they can ride up.

All I'm saying is please don't feel like you have to resort to self harm on purpose like this. I'm a massive hypocrite of course, I don't care that I do it to myself and I have no intention to stop but I'm just hoping you're not like me. I hope there are other options you can consider first
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tired of tomorrow
Feb 8, 2020
Let me know if this is not allowed on this forum and I'll delete it

I want to try everything I can before resorting to CBT. I have self-harmed in the past through more mild methods (banging my head on hard objects, scratching at my skin, etc). From what I read (and from what friends who have struggled with cutting have told me), cutting makes you feel better. Takes the pain out of your mind and puts it in your body instead, or something.

I have never cut before and am looking for advice on how to do it? As far as I understand it's pretty unlikely or (if you're trying) difficult to die from blood loss by cutting, and I'm obviously suicidal anyway so I don't really care if I accidentally die, not that I''d be lucky enough for that to happen. I am just really nervous about cutting, I don't actively want to be in physical pain I just want to mitigate the mental/emotional pain as much as possible. Does anyone have any advice?
It's not worth it, the relief from pain is only temporary. It's hard to cover up the marks as well.
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Deleted member 20852

It's obviously your choice, but I also wouldn't recommend you start. I started cutting during a panic attack about 3 years ago. Once you start it's hard to stop and you end having to do it more and more to get the same feeling. Its only a temporary relief.

In fact, It's only left me riddled with even more shame. There was a heatwave where I live rather recently and I was walking around very hot, angry and uncomfortable as I can't wear shorts since both my legs are covered in cuts and scars. I've resorted to stealing knives from people as well.

If you can, it would be much better for you to find a healthier coping technique.
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Jan 20, 2020
It doesn't really help. I've gotten those urges too. It gives temporary relief, but then you're back to square one with scars. It's also addictive.
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Aug 20, 2020
You might think this is weird, but instead of cutting I use tweezers to pick out individual hairs on my arm or leg. The little prickly feeling kind of does it for me. It doesn't leave scars and once you focus on it, I find it gives me the temporary relief I got from cutting before.
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Aug 5, 2019
You might think this is weird, but instead of cutting I use tweezers to pick out individual hairs on my arm or leg. The little prickly feeling kind of does it for me. It doesn't leave scars and once you focus on it, I find it gives me the temporary relief I got from cutting before.

I never thought I'd find someone else that does this! It's yet to stop me from then going on to cut but if I'd have started earlier then it might've
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Jun 25, 2020
As others have said, it's only a temporary fix. I've been clean for 5 months (except one fruitless attempt because I didn't have anything sharp enough) not because I'm better per se, but I've done it enough that I realize it no longer has the same effect. It's useless to me now.

One time when I was bladeless, I smacked myself with a wooden spoon. Sounds silly, but it distracts and doesn't leave any permanent marks. Could be a healthier alternative? Or not. I'm not a psychologist. But I hope you can get to a point where you don't feel the need anymore.
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Aug 22, 2020
I'm sorry that you're hurting so much that you want to physically hurt yourself & ultimately Ctb.
I started cutting when I was in my teens purely because I was desperate for attention/ for people to notice how much pain I was in. They were insignificant cuts (mostly scratches really) on my hands & lower arms. Nobody took any notice, I stopped cutting & over time the marks/scars faded away.
Many, many years later I started cutting after being triggered by unhelpful therapy. The cuts are not particularly deep & definitely not life threatening but do leave definite scars which I tend to keep well hidden. Like Darkwolf I also struggled in the recent heatwave.
The thing I really think you need to know is that cutting was instinctive for me, I wouldn't say it was impulsive but somehow it just kinda happened, I didn't have to force myself to do it, & it doesn't help with my suicidality.
My advice to you is this.... if it's not instinctive for you, please don't do it.
Cutting is many different things to different people, it might not help you at all.
I hope you can find a better way to deal with your thoughts, feelings & pain.
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Aug 17, 2020
it's not good but it has helped me in the past. Ive considered picking it up again just to vent some of the anguish. But I have nerve damage in my right leg from a previous depressive episode years ago where i... really was cutting a lot, going over the same spots a lot, going pretty deep, just tons of cuts, and i gave myself nerve damage ever since then (lots of pain and numbness, weakness in that leg, and extremely bad RLS in that leg only) so i'm scared to do that again even tho i wanna ctb anyway. Sometimes it feels like people judge self harm way more harshly and with far more scorn and social stigma than being suicidal. I have never met someone who was kind or understanding about it. Not that ive experienced much kindness or understanding about being suicidal either but yeah, the way people treat self harmers is disgusting.
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Jun 23, 2020
It gives a shot of adrenaline which makes you feel great and then you feel guilt. The guilt lasts longer than the adrenaline. I'd suggest snapping elastic bands on your wrist, they are my main method now I'm (mostly) clean.

If you ever cut, I'd suggest somewhere people wouldn't look. My hip is terribly abused, but the only time you'd see my scars is if I'm in a swim suit. Remember it can be an addiction like alcohol and drugs, so choose wisely.

Please always do it carefully, infections and nerve damage are things that may not kill you, but could make your life more miserable.
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lelouch. any pronouns. pfp is by pixiv id 3217872.
Aug 10, 2020
cutting makes you feel better because of the endorphins released when you do it. it doesn't matter what reason you start for, in the end all you care for is the rush. not to mention, hiding the marks is a pain in the ass.

that being said, if you feel you absolutely have to cut yourself, please do it safely. make sure what you're using is clean - clean it before and after. clean your wounds after you're done and dress them. don't cut too deep, or else there'll be complications, like nerve damage, like softfuzzyman said. if the marks are permanent, use concealer.
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Jan 8, 2020
I wouldn't recommend starting self harming, it becomes very addictive and your body ends up covered in scars and it's difficult to find clothes that cover it. I now have scars on my arm and on both thighs which is very difficult to explain when someone says 'oh my god, what happened?!'. It's also very messy and I have got stained carpets and floors because of blood loss. PLease try not to go down this route, it's not great. Look after yourself x
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Just tired.
Aug 17, 2020
Cutting for me releases stress, though I'd say I'm not the worst out there, mostly superficial stuff that leaves little thin scars. It's your choice, but I'd highly advise you to not to go down that path. The scars can be very permanent, and people will notice unless you do it in less obvious (less convent for you) places.

If you absolutely must then make sure to go to a beauty supply store or the like, and get disposable blades. Clean the area beforehand with antiseptic, and when you're done dispose of the blade and dress the wound.
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Mar 31, 2020
It doesn't help in the long run. It's a maladaptive coping strategy. It provides a temporary sense of relief, but since it doesn't address the root causes of your pain, you essentially end up in the exact same spot you were originally, just with the additional issues cutting brings (infection risk, ugly scars, the societal stigma of self harm, etc).
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Chronic people pleaser
Mar 13, 2019
I've been cutting for years, I have to wear jumpers and cardigans no matter how hot it is. I get comments and wierd looks. I have to ask you not to, it works at 1st distracts you, makes you feel sumfin real. But like others have said, it stops being so effective. I have had to cut deeper and deeper my left arm is messed up so bad, layers and layers of scars. There is also the risk that you could damage yourself to the point where you cannot use that arm anymore. It's a horrible cycle and I guess in a way it becomes addictive, and I rely on it too much.
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May 2, 2020
Kind of a weird topic for me personally but one I have a lot of experience in.
I started cutting 6-7 years ago, when everything started to go downhill.
I'm over 1 month clean now but a fraction away from relapsing because I'm emotionally unstable lately.
People cut for different reasons, I personally started doing it for attention or a cry for help, it continued into me wanting to feel something right into it becoming an addiction that I'm batteling to this day and kinda don't wanna give up.
I have a rather low pain tolerance which is why I don't cut deep, mostly cat scratches, hit styro about 5 times in those years (well, where it was obvious, maybe I hit it more often and just didn't notice lol). It's not about the pain for me, it's like a drug to me where I kinda get a high when I slide the blade over my skin and see the blood coming out. I love the sight of fresh cuts, healing cuts and the scars coming from it, which is another reason why I don't want to stop.
I would never recommend anyone to start self harming but if you're serious about wanting to cut yourself, I'll say this:
Start slow, don't jump into deep cuts with extremely sharp razor blades. I personally started with a piece of glass from a shattered picture frame. Wasn't too sharp, just enough for cat scratches, gave me pain and relieve.

Edit: I personally don't have a problem with hiding my scars. People can know what I'm going through or went through. They can know what other people have done to me. I just hide them from my family while they're not healed yet. But as everything, that's personal preference I guess. I just stopped caring.
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Jul 15, 2020
I don't suggest it, I tried it as a coping mechanism and then fell into a pit and couldn't get out. I was kinda addicted and still not fully recovered. I feel shitty as before and it only helped in that moment for a few minutes as a distraction from my thoughts but don't do it. It's not worth it


Jun 12, 2019
If you really want to try anything please don't try that. Do something positive like working out. That releases endorphins. I cut when I was a kid and it helped nothing. Just gave me ugly scars. I was so numb I wanted to feel something. That's why I cut. It's awful and using it as a coping mechanism is like using drugs or alcohol or any other shitty vice. If you're going to try to get better seek positive coping mechanisms not negative ones.
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Jun 6, 2020
100% fact, I have a back filled with scars from my self-harm. I've been doing it a while now, it's not something you want to rely on. It's very much like a bad high. I use it as an emergency coping mechanism and god I wish I'd been more careful. Trust the people here when they say you should really seek an alternative option. Quite literally anything.
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Sinai Silence

Sinai Silence

I think I'ma die alone inside my room
Jul 6, 2020
I strongly recommend you to not start cutting; its a coping mechanism that only works temporarily but leaves permanent damage on your skin. I get a crushing feeling in my chest anytime I look at my scars and I have to live with them for the rest of my life. Its also really addictive, I was about 6 months clean up until a few months ago. I don't do it as much as I used to, mostly for when I feel really sh*tty and need an escape. Please consider trying something like rubber bands or ice cubes before resorting to cutting for an outlet. If you are going to go ahead with cutting then make sure to have a sterile blade and to treat the cut afterwards. Bandages, something to clean the wound with and a moisturizer or bio oil to help the skin recover. Please be careful :heart:
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Tigeress Lost

Tigeress Lost

Lost Tigeress In A Human Body
Jul 30, 2020
Hi Friend

I don't recommend cutting now I've done it for years on my arms are scars that are difficult to cover and I put a cigarette out on my hand :(

I Thought it helped only after you have done it you feel relieved but within a sort time that relief starts hurting you painful and you are still here to cope with it the wounds and People asking you questions I had to say a cat scratched me

I have harmed myself a lot overdoses of prescription medication which failed I use to self harm every day but I've decided for me enough is enough and I need to ctb using another method bcause only than will this pain forever go away

I don't want scars I want peace a calm departure from here so I've stopped self harming
plus last year I needed a blood transfusion and tbh here some poor person has given me their blood and than next second I self harm it away made me stop it

I do recommend the rubber band method I've used it myself

I Hope You Find Peace My Friend In Whatever Path you choose to go :heart:

Peace & Hugs:hug:
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Sep 14, 2020
People seem to be saying it's temporary so it isn't worth it. Of course it's temporary. So is using alcohol, going for a run, TV, and listening to music. They don't fix your problems but people still do them.

I don't hit styro, never been to the ER, I like the scars I have, and it's working for me.

I would never use a razor again because it's too easy to go too deep.
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Jan 29, 2020
hiya, do you wanna talk about stuff, I am available via pm

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