Apr 5, 2018
I knew it would come back to you. If you had a time machine are you honestly telling me you'd go back and kill yourself? That there wouldn't be a better use for it?
I have told what I have told, but now that you're rephrasing it, I probably wouldn't be able to bypass the primal fear, but I'd appreciate if someone would grant me a merciful death, even if I showed resistance, which would undoubtedly happen.

The utility of hypothetical time machine may far exceed the help can be actually provided to children. Still, I am curious as of how are you going to figure out which use is better.

I think supporting childhood suicide is pretty evil. Call me a moralist if you will. Bullied children need love, support and change of enviroment. Not death.
There is a substantial difference between supporting suicide instead of preserving life, and supporting suicide instead of love, support (whatever you meant) and change of environment, which are not prerequisites for life.
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May 31, 2019
I have told what I have told, but now that you're rephrasing it, I probably wouldn't be able to bypass the primal fear, but I'd appreciate if someone would grant me a merciful death, even if I showed resistance, which would undoubtedly happen.

The utility of hypothetical time machine may far exceed the help can be actually provided to children. Still, I am curious as of how are you going to figure out which use is better.

There is a substantial difference between supporting suicide instead of preserving life, and supporting suicide instead of love, support (whatever you meant) and change of environment, which are not prerequisites for life.

In the case of bullied children it's not about preserving life. When a patient who's become a vegetable due to illness or accident and is hooked up to life support then we are talking about preserving life.
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Apr 5, 2018
In the case of bullied children it's not about preserving life. When a patient who's become a vegetable due to illness or accident and is hooked up to life support then we are talking about preserving life.
How keeping bullied children alive is not about preserving life?

I think that whether you'd prefer to keep both happy and shitty lives coexist, or to quench them all, is up to personal experience. I am failing to see how I am more or less evil/sadistic/psychopatic/whatever for preferring the latter option.


May 31, 2019
How keeping bullied children alive is not about preserving life?

I think that whether you'd prefer to keep both happy and shitty lives coexist, or to quench them all, is up to personal experience. I am failing to see how I am more or less evil/sadistic/psychopatic/whatever for preferring the latter option.

That might be your POV. I do not consider LIVING as preserving life. It's the reality of being alive. It's also the reality of life that we go through adversity. Children of all people have potential of their lives turning out in all sorts of ways. Vegetables or mortally ill people being kept on life support is preserving life. A child's life is not destined to be all suffering because it is hard atm. I consider the POV that living is preserving life is warped, twisted and ill. Perhaps evil is not the right word. But going by the definition that death equals peace, we might as well celebrate Hitler, Stalin and all other people responsible for genocide for bringing "peace" trough death to millions of people.
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Apr 29, 2019
Even though in many ways my childhood probably set me up for adult failure...I'm unsure of how much I'd change it. At least I got to live it not knowing the cruel realities of life and the world. That blissful ignorance was kind of beautiful, and it sucks that these kids had it cut short or never even felt that.

It's the difference between going outside smiling and looking at the sun shining bright and hearing the birds and insects chirp...and going outside dreading another day of regret and shame, deciding whether or not to block yourself from skin cancer from that shiny thing, and seeing the birds and insects all eating and killing each other.
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Don't shoot the messenger, give me the gun
Sep 25, 2018
Some do. They complain about what's wrong with the world whilst also hoping the murder rate goes up so they can die. They are what's wrong with the world
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No life, no problems
Aug 11, 2019
Some do. They complain about what's wrong with the world whilst also hoping the murder rate goes up so they can die. They are what's wrong with the world

Well..... Im actually hoping for an apocalypse. But a really fast one, not a slow one.
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Don't shoot the messenger, give me the gun
Sep 25, 2018
And it's incredibly selfish. There's no two ways about it


Jul 2, 2019
Well..... Im actually hoping for an apocalypse. But a really fast one, not a slow one.
I'd like any sort of apocalypse. At least you could see some humans acting like humans they are.
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Don't shoot the messenger, give me the gun
Sep 25, 2018
You can justify it all you like.
I'd like any sort of apocalypse. At least you could see some humans acting like humans they are.
whilst you sit on your throne all high and mighty no doubt
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Aug 6, 2019
I first tried to CtB at 7. Wish I'd known what I was doing back then, could have saved myself a lot of pain, and my parents a lot of money.

Would have been less tragic in my case than dragging it out another few decades.
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catching the bus
Aug 4, 2018
I think the oldest in this presentation was age 12. Most were around ages 7, 8 and 9.

As an older adult I contemplate methods, weigh out the chances of failure if not done correctly. Yet these youngsters apparently knew what to do and didn't seem to hesitate.

It's still saddening when the very, very young ctb.

i'm so jealous of them
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Aug 5, 2018
I wonder about this to. How do they get it right?
I wonder about that as well. It takes a lot of courage and desperation to do this. There are people here who've spent years attempting to CTB some even decades...yet these kids do it like it's no big deal. I feel kind of fucked up for being here and allowing myself to suffer like this..
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Mar 23, 2018
Sad absolutely but I get it. Born with depression and my only regret is that I didn't ctb sooner
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Don't shoot the messenger, give me the gun
Sep 25, 2018
Are they old enough to drink and drive too?
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Mar 28, 2019
This is very sad indeed but what I am thinking is how they managed to hang themselves so easily maybe it's because they are light compared to the rest of us or their overall size
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Aug 13, 2019
I'm actually a bit torn about this topic.

I remember having my first suicide attempt when I was about 8 years old, I started having thoughts about it when I was 4.
They weren't "suicidal" because I didn't understand what that was at the time exactly, but I did have issues with seeing a point in existing.
Whenever I brought it up, adults would laugh at me trying to be "philosophical" and how "cute" it was to try think outside the box being such a young child - it hurt, as I was dead serious.

I was sent to school eventually, that's where things really took off as I was very different, my grades were way high except mathematics, I was hovering around average or below, this triggered somewhat of a gang mentality you normally see in prison, I stood out, so I had to be beat down.
After a year of this, I was held back a grade as I had gone quiet, I had stopped doing homework entirely, everything I used to enjoy was gone, I wasn't allowed to be me without ridicule or consequence, I hated the teachers for looking at me like a child when I tried to have a serious conversation with them at recess as I found the other kids to not understand the topics I wanted to talk about, I didn't want to play, I ended up just drawing by myself inside, when forced outside I'd spend the entire time speed walking around the school by myself or hide in the bushes to avoid people, I felt like an animal for being herded outside against my will, I hated the adults with their self imposed sense of authority over me as they had not earned my respect.

My mother refused to send me to a school for the gifted because she thought I would fall behind due to my year of bullying and being held back, so did everyone else, they never stopped to think that maybe I wasn't as lazy as it looked like from above, perhaps I has stopped doing homework and learning because of the trauma I had been exposed to, but because I was a child, my words meant nothing, I was cute for using big words.

That's when I became quiet and secretive, I couldn't count on anyone, I started faking stomach pains and headaches so often on top of the stress related ones I already had, that the government started bitching about me having skipped too many classes and my parents were damn near about to face a fine.
Teachers yelled at me each year and glowed with utter joy about being able to call me lazy and how it was a choice to not do homework, and when I finally did do homework and it was up at the quality I used to produce, I was insulted and accused of having my parents do it for me as it was too complex for myself to understand. I still remember that smirk on their faces, they loved calling me out and watching me sink into myself as I knew talking back was futile. My parents were sitting there, nodding, agreeing with them, I stopped talking to them too.

I stopped feeling anything, I became present but non existent if that makes any sense, I'd day dream each day at school and I became so good at it, it overlapped reality to the point it was lucid dreaming looking like augmented reality, I missed out on everything at school but I didn't care, my dream world was more important as it was so much better, when school was over I'd go straight to the computer and play video games until I'd be forced to have dinner.
I honestly think video games kept me alive more than anything, although I was interacting with fake characters up until I discovered online gaming, they were brilliantly put together, their language was wonderful so I taught myself English so I could understand them better. Of course my school took credit for teaching me English and thought I was savant for having such an aptitude for that and that alone, attempts of explaining my knowledge of other languages had people point out how cute and silly I was for thinking you can learn a language by yourself through video games and movies.

When I was 8, I finally had enough, I was disappointed in everything and everyone, I had witnessed so much hate, violence and ignorance, towards me and everything that was deemed different.
I took the old-ass Nilfisk (old wheeled vacuum cleaner) as it was perfect having a flat top and would put me up high enough for a hanging, I tied a rope around the solid wooden stairs we had, it wasn't long enough, so I had to tie 3 together to make the noose I needed to finish the job.
I put my head through and pushed the vacuum away, I felt a big, violent tug on the rope and for a second I couldn't breathe, panic did set in and I wiggled, until my poorly tied knots gave way and I plummeted to the floor, the rope caught something and my face hit one of the wooden steps and sent a baby tooth flying out of my mouth and caused damage to the tooth that was coming up underneath it.
Oh well. I kept that a secret, just like I had kept everything else a secret because nobody listened in the first place or I was dismissed for being so young.

Eventually I was sent to a counseling at school because nobody could get anything out of me, I thought this was stupid, I wasn't quiet until I had gotten tired of getting ignored, so now I was getting blamed for something they did, great.
The lady was nice, I felt like she actually listened so I made the mistake of opening up to her ruse.
She showed me lots of beautiful rorschach pictures, puzzles I had fun with. Later I learned her ways were highly critiqued for being outdated, but the damage was done and believed by everyone who read the outcome, because she's a counselor so she must know everything without question, right?
She ended up saying that I was very delicate, that I needed to be in foster care and everything was my mother's fault, that I'd end up becoming a self harmer and needed to be in a controlled environment or I would eventually snap and hurt myself or someone else.
Cue angry dad, he went up there screaming at the principal for having such an incompetent counselor who pulled answers out her ass after looking at a string of pictures in front of a child with a huge imagination.
The counselor ended up being so terrified of me/my dad that she dropped the other students she was "treating" and called it quits, transferred to another school entirely, stopped responding to communication completely as she was terrified of a lawsuit, my school never got a new counselor after this.
To be fair I missed the tea she made me each session and the fact she pulled me out of the classes I hated.
I was angry at the fact my dad was in arms about the danger of me being removed from my home, but didn't stand up for me anywhere else.

It's just more of the same and my mom kinda loses her mind and starts asking me to kill myself frequently as well as having bullies at school that prey on the fact I'm different, so Imma just fast forward a few years -
One day I made the mistake of leaving my art book open at home, I was 16 at the time, he walked up to me while I was sitting at my computer, gaming, he pointed at my drawing and for the very first time I felt he had actually noticed my art, with excitement I asked if he liked it, and the first thing that came out of his mouth was "Where did you copy that from?" As it was far too complex for someone like me to complete in his mind, I broke, I said I had drawn it myself, but he had already moved on to the TV so I was invisible again. Prior to this, I had been asking him to send me to a 3D graphics school because I wanted to make video game graphics, he had told me I wasn't good enough, so instead he sent me to a terrible art school around 18, that had barely any art classes and functioned more like a boarding school, full of classes I was burnt out of already, I ended up dropping out on my first day from a complete breakdown that had me finally say I just wanted to die. The teacher took me home and made me call a mental clinic, they harassed me for a while after I cancelled it, I eventually said I didn't need it, I had already had my run-in with my school counselor after all, and I felt like I was being forced to live a life that was just not for me, never once did I stray from the mindset I already had when I was 4.

Eventually I met a guy online in a video game and ran away with him, that turned out to be another horrible mistake, but I'm writing half a wall and I hate feeling like I am hijacking this post.
My reasoning is that, not all kids actually have anymore of a chance at life than an adult does, and if they do, sometimes they go completely dismissed because nobody seems to believe they can feel like they do, that's when they shut down and hide, just like us adults do.
My best moments in life as a child was actually when I played online roleplay games because everyone thought I was an adult and talked to me like one.
Everything else was a mess of pain of various types.

And today I feel just like when I was 4, nothing ever changed my mind, there's no reason for my existence, I could've exited a long time ago and have done far less damage to myself from the constant disappointment and pain I face each day.
The only difference is that I'm no longer too cute to feel the way I do.

I'm not saying that kids don't have a higher chance, but some don't, I never did, and I will always have a big chunk of resentment towards having been forced to live just because I was young and "had a life ahead of me" - now I've lived that life, I am not impressed and I wish I could have aborted myself before I was born.

Again, sorry for the wall of text.
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Hungry Ghost
Dec 9, 2018
I find it interesting that almost all these kids knew to hang themselves. I think it is the most natural form of INSTINCTIVE SUICIDE. I am certain that all these kids did NOT research or even had seen a hanging, yet still knew that was the way to go. Why do I believe this? Because when my suicidal ideations began an image of a belt being tightened around my neck came into my mind. I had NEVER thought of or researched hanging myself. I think that when we tell our minds that we want to die, this method is naturally offered by the mind. This is not my preferred method and altough I have experinemnted. I still prefer to go by a portable generator.

I know this is a controversial topic. but for me. I do believe that if these young souls took thier own lives, it was for good reason and who am I to judge them because they are young? In many ways they are saved from the horrors of growing up in a hidoeous world.

While I would never support it, I don't condemn it. My first attempt was at 14.
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No life, no problems
Aug 11, 2019
You can justify it all you like.
I find it interesting that almost all these kids knew to hang themselves. I think it is the most natural form of INSTINCTIVE SUICIDE. I am certain that all these kids researched or even seen a hanging. Why do I believe this? Because when my suicidal ideations began an image of a belt being tightened around my neck came into my mind. I had NEVER thought of or researched hanging myself. I think that when we tell our minds that we want to die, this method is naturally offered by the mind. This is not my preferred method and altough I have experinemnted. I still prefer to go by a portable generator.

I know this is a controversial topic. but for me. I do believe that if these young souls took thier own lives, it was for good reason and who am I to judge them because they are young? In many ways they are saved from the horrors of growing up in a hidoeous world.

While I would never support it, I don't condemn it. My first attempt was at 14.

Yes hanging is the most popular method, but jumping works too.


Aug 16, 2019
My opinion is that bulling is often a result of poor parental bond

Interesting, care to elaborate? Do you mean in the sense of them not being able to get help from their parents for getting bullied?


Too p*ssy to end it, too suicidal to leave
Aug 17, 2018
Interesting, care to elaborate? Do you mean in the sense of them not being able to get help from their parents for getting bullied?
Yes, I think it's an reinforcing circle. Say you have a protective, caring, confident mother: you will then go to school with your back straight, in a good mood, etc. You are indirectly signaling that you are protected. If someone still picks on you, you are confident enough to fight back, at least verbally.Even if you don't fight back, you will trust going home and complaining to your parents, who will immediately take action "who is the kid that picked on you? Do I know his parents? I will go speak to the teacher, I will protect you", etc.
Now let's say your parents abuse you at home, beat you up or ignore you, gaslight you and are never interested in what you do. You go to school with your shoulders down, maybe your appearance is a little bit neglected because your mother doesn't take care of you. Maybe you occasionally sit silent and alone thinking about what your father said last night while he was yelling at you. You are signaling that you are unprotected. Other kids most probably will pick on you, because human nature is shit and statistically speaking there will be some bully/asshole around. What do you? Fight back? Alone? Can you go home and tell your parents? Will they care? .. And the cycle goes on.
I think it also has something to do with intelligence. If you are smart, not only will others envy you and want to bully you, but you will also think twice about fighting back, because you think about the risks. The stupid don't think, they get in fights, get hurt, injured, scarred etc. The ones who are more self aware are less interested to take risks, IMO.
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Aug 16, 2019
Yes, I think it's an reinforcing circle. Say you have a protective, caring, confident mother: you will then go to school with your back straight, in a good mood, etc. You are indirectly signaling that you are protected. If someone still picks on you, you are confident enough to fight back, at least verbally.Even if you don't fight back, you will trust going home and complaining to your parents, who will immediately take action "who is the kid that picked on you? Do I know his parents? I will go speak to the teacher, I will protect you", etc.
Now let's say your parents abuse you at home, beat you up or ignore you, gaslight you and are never interested in what you do. You go to school with your shoulders down, maybe your appearance is a little bit neglected because your mother doesn't take care of you. Maybe you occasionally sit silent and alone thinking about what your father said last night while he was yelling at you. You are signaling that you are unprotected. Other kids most probably will pick on you, because human nature is shit and statistically speaking there will be some bully/asshole around. What do you? Fight back? Alone? Can you go home and tell your parents? Will they care? .. And the cycle goes on.
I think it also has something to do with intelligence. If you are smart, not only will others envy you and want to bully you, but you will also think twice about fighting back, because you think about the risks. The stupid don't think, they get in fights, get hurt, injured, scarred etc. The ones who are more self aware are less interested to take risks, IMO.
I was bullied a lot in school, but I'd say I had the most loving parents that anyone could have, so this is interesting to me. As a kid, I was really shy, so I was afraid of conflict. I wouldn't say bullying was a cause of a poor parental bond for me. I do think that maybe parents can care too much for their kids, so they form a bubble around them, making them feel unsafe away from home, therefore resulting in me being too unconfident around others.
I don't think I was "intelligent" and therefore not fighting back, that seems a little weird to me.
Anyways, thanks for sharing your opinion, it was really interesting to me!
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Too p*ssy to end it, too suicidal to leave
Aug 17, 2018
I was bullied a lot in school, but I'd say I had the most loving parents that anyone could have, so this is interesting to me. As a kid, I was really shy, so I was afraid of conflict. I wouldn't say bullying was a cause of a poor parental bond for me. I do think that maybe parents can care too much for their kids, so they form a bubble around them, making them feel unsafe away from home, therefore resulting in me being too unconfident around others.
I don't think I was "intelligent" and therefore not fighting back, that seems a little weird to me.
Anyways, thanks for sharing your opinion, it was really interesting to me!
That also makes sense. If a child grows up in a bubble, he will not be used to interacting with other kids and he might become an outsider. School in itself is such a horrifying concept. You spend so many years in a small circle as a child and out of the sudden you are forced to be in school, be around so many different kids from different backgrounds and to obey so many rules. Introverts and extroverts, good and bad, loud or quiet, quarrelsome or kind, different skills, different backgrounds, all smashed together and expected to get along, to be obedient and yet autonomous. It's an evil, cruel construct and yet another reason not to bring children into this world.
Edit: Bullying is probably a mix of all these factors or maybe just a subset, depending on the situation.
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