I do. I resent them for bringing me into existence. I'm an antinatalist because I take the position that suffering is inherently bad and life contains suffering, therefore to inflict suffering on someone without their consent (i.e. giving birth) is wrong, because I also believe there is no inherent goodness is in creating human life so there's no justification for subjecting someone to a potentially miserable life and then not letting them have the option of opting out. If you find yourself not liking it here, tough shit because you're essentially condemned to a life of suffering.
I resent my parents because I know if I tried to ctb and fail they'd frame it as me being selfish, how could I do that to them, etc. It doesn't matter how miserable I am, I can't end my life because it would hurt them. They think they have a right to my existence. Idc if I sound like a horrible, ungrateful person for this: parental love doesn't mean shit to me. Maybe people without loving parents might object and say they'd love to have what I have, but I'm essentially not viewed as a person by them. Being unable to make friends or form relationships feels worse when your parents love you because they're biologically wired to, if they don't it means there's something wrong with them. It just emphasises how unlikable you are when nobody can love you conditionally because of the person you are.
I don't think anyone has a right to have children. I feel especially repulsed by rich people who go through multiple rounds of ivf and complain about it not being fair they can't conceive, or exploit a poor woman as a surrogate, rather than adopt (I am pro-adoption because it alleviates suffering rather than creating it.). I think it's disgusting how they think the have a right to pass on their genes. I don't believe anybody has that right.