
Nov 8, 2018
Has anyone been driven to feel the way they do because they have left or been made to leave their religion? I left mine a few months ago and immediately lost all my friends (friends I've had for 15+ years), my marriage, my job - everything! I literally have no friends and my family has disowned me. I have no one to live for and no desire to carry on. I'm stuck in a psychiatric hospital which just adds to my misery. I want to abscond when i have escorted leave this week - if I have no money or phone what would be the best way to CBT before getting caught?
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Nov 1, 2018
I haven't any idea where you are, or what your limitations are for ctb. Jumping is often an option; how do you feel about heights? Do you own a gun? Some people (like me) just are not able to consider hanging...

Every time I hear a tale like yours I thank fortune that I grew up in a house without religion. And you aren't the first person I've heard that tale from. Not by a long shot. You still have my sympathy, though.
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Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
Really sorry to hear about that. People who disown and unfriend others based on religion or other differences aren't really real friends but just people of a cult of some kind. As far as ctb'ing with no money or phone, if there is a high enough place to jump, then maybe that could work, or jump in front of a moving vehicle, and the worst option of all (I don't recommend it at all -- maybe only in the most absolute desperate of all situations and that's a big maybe) suicide by cop. As far as doing that, well pretty much do anything that can be construed as threatening (carrying a sharp pointy object like a knife or something or a large piece of wood, etc. while running towards the cop) and also resist and do not follow orders. In the US, there are a lot of stories of police brutality such as killing unarmed suspects and what not. Once again, I really don't recommend involving others if it can be helped, but I don't know your situation so I can't get anymore specific.
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Sep 17, 2018
Are you Muslim? Or Christian? There are actually good organizations that can help you find new friends. In my country we have an organization for Ex Muslims and Ex Jehovah's Witnesses.
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Sep 19, 2018
I am so sorry. Stories like this boil me to the bone! I hear stuff like this happening all the time. Shows you how much religious people REALLY care. I don't know what the best way would be. What happened to you is not your fault. We live in one crazy fuck world my friend.
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Apr 27, 2018
Has anyone been driven to feel the way they do because they have left or been made to leave their religion? I left mine a few months ago and immediately lost all my friends (friends I've had for 15+ years), my marriage, my job - everything! I literally have no friends and my family has disowned me. I have no one to live for and no desire to carry on. I'm stuck in a psychiatric hospital which just adds to my misery. I want to abscond when i have escorted leave this week - if I have no money or phone what would be the best way to CBT before getting caught?

This is my story .... I've been dealing with this fall out all my life .

Freedom of mind , Steve Hasaans web site ... cult mind control ... there may be counsellors that can help with it .

I was a Jehovahs Witness born in . got out 'physically' at seventeen , but , spiritually crippled for life .
Same deal .... community gone in a moment.
It's been a long alcoholic inauthentic journey ....

I had no help early on at all ....
Just winged it and fell into soft drugs and 'it'll do' behaviors ( lousy job / career choices .)

I think you can turn it around if you connect with a therapist that understands the issues .

The stuff I've read online helped a bit ... and the last 'counsellor' at least had some personal experience of it themselves .

r/exitors on reddit ... as well as specific ex-whatever are on reddit , as an information / others with the same troubles online resource .

All that said , it's the foundation for my suicidal ideations for sure .
To be shunned by your primary community is kind of a death sentence .

I only want to thrive and be happy to say 'fuck you' to those pricks.

In fact , it's so long ago that I'd forgotten that feeling , because even though the scars remain , it's so long ago I just don't care about the group anymore.

In memory ... individuals I wonder about and kind of care , historically , but the cult itself is just a jones town cluster fuck.

In the big picture , painful shunned freedom is still freedom .

It's a huge issue with culturalization and brain washing and one's own personal narrative ... life goals , belonging .

It's like being a refugee etc etc .

It's a hell of a thing . Rant on here if it helps.
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Nov 8, 2018
This is my story .... I've been dealing with this fall out all my life .

Freedom of mind , Steve Hasaans web site ... cult mind control ... there may be counsellors that can help with it .

I was a Jehovahs Witness born in . got out 'physically' at seventeen , but , spiritually crippled for life .
Same deal .... community gone in a moment.
It's been a long alcoholic inauthentic journey ....

I had no help early on at all ....
Just winged it and fell into soft drugs and 'it'll do' behaviors ( lousy job / career choices .)

I think you can turn it around if you connect with a therapist that understands the issues .

The stuff I've read online helped a bit ... and the last 'counsellor' at least had some personal experience of it themselves .

r/exitors on reddit ... as well as specific ex-whatever are on reddit , as an information / others with the same troubles online resource .

All that said , it's the foundation for my suicidal ideations for sure .
To be shunned by your primary community is kind of a death sentence .

I only want to thrive and be happy to say 'fuck you' to those pricks.

In fact , it's so long ago that I'd forgotten that feeling , because even though the scars remain , it's so long ago I just don't care about the group anymore.

In memory ... individuals I wonder about and kind of care , historically , but the cult itself is just a jones town cluster fuck.

In the big picture , painful shunned freedom is still freedom .

It's a huge issue with culturalization and brain washing and one's own personal narrative ... life goals , belonging .

It's like being a refugee etc etc .

It's a hell of a thing . Rant on here if it helps.

Similar experience, I was a Jehovah's Witness too. When you lose everyone and everything, your life just falls apart. But I prefer to be shunned than live a lie where you are indoctrinated and controlled so closely. I've stayed away from ex witness forums and things because I just don't want it to be part of my life in any way. I'm stuck in hospital and have never had a visitor. I'm on my own and I'm so depressed about what my life has become that I just don't want to live anymore.im broken.
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