
I don't like life
Oct 15, 2020
I'm probably preaching to the choir here, but I still wanted to share my thoughts on this topic. They've been on my mind for a while, but now that I've found this forum I finally have an outlet to share them. I would love to read other people's thoughts as well.

Most people understand that abstinence-only education is a bad idea. This is because, teenagers being teenagers, they will most likely wind up having sex anyway, and if they don't know anything about contraception and reproductive biology, the result is going to be unwanted pregnancies and STDs. This is why sex education is so important. Not because we want to encourage teenagers to have sex, but because they will anyway.

Now, suicide. We, as a society, would prefer if people didn't kill themselves. However, we should understand that some people are going to do so no matter what. And for those who are going to do it, we don't want them jumping in front of a moving train and traumatizing the driver, or blowing their own brains out and traumatizing whoever walks into the room afterward, etc. We want them to be able to have a peaceful suicide that inflicts the least amount of trauma possible on other people. Not because we want to encourage people to kill themselves, but because they will anyway.

Why are we able to understand this when the topic is sex education, and not when the topic is suicide?

And I haven't even broached the subject of body autonomy and human dignity yet. But I will, right now.

Some people will say "we should keep people from committing suicide because so many people who have attempted it and failed are glad they're alive now".

Let's think about a hypothetical scenario. What if a grown adult had wanted to go on a boat ride one day, but their friend had locked them in a room against their consent all day, thus keeping them from going on said boat ride. And what if the next day they both found out that the boat this person had wanted to go on had accidentally sunk and all the passengers aboard were now dead? Well, the person might then be glad their friend kept them locked in a room that day, but the friend was still wrong to do so.

Same thing with suicide. It could be that the person would have appreciated having been saved many years down the line. Doesn't matter. Forcefully "saving" someone who is obviously attempting to die seems highly immoral to me. And in many cases, the person will wind up alive and with permanent damage that will make their life even worse than it already was (and if they live in the US, medical bills). We aren't in their head. We don't know what they're going through. Who are we to judge? We cannot. We generally let adults make their own decisions, and being suicidal is not in itself a sign that someone is unable to make their own decisions. There is no need to patronize suicidal people, or "save" them.

But if you really want to save suicidal people, here is what you gotta do:

Make their life not suck. Address the root cause of the issue.


But you know what people do instead? They neglect you, they treat you like shit, they put you on waiting lists and you have to wait years and years to get significant help of any kind. You get exploited, you get trapped in a job you hate, you get trapped doing things you hate in the one life you have. And if you don't like it, they call you lazy, a burden, a drain on the system.

You know what would make me not suicidal? Being able to live in an apartment that doesn't suck without having to work at a shitty job to be able to afford it, having better access to mental health services, receiving support from my family instead of "you're lazy, your problems aren't real", being able to see a good psychiatrist regularly so I could get my meds figured out, and on, and on…

Because otherwise, what's the point? You save someone from suicide. Ok, cool. They're alive for two more weeks. Their life situation doesn't change. They attempt suicide again pretty soon after. You haven't saved them. You've merely prolonged their suffering for absolutely no reason.

It fucking kills me (pun intended) that there is a drug out there that exists that is capable of letting people die peacefully and without pain, but that access to it is highly restricted.


Because then the rate of suicide will increase? Well, if that's the case, the solution isn't to take away the drug. The solution is to address the root causes that are making people suicidal in the first place.

Again, people will kill themselves. That is a thing that will happen. Would you rather they do it in a way that is highly painful and traumatizing to potential bystanders, or would you rather they be able to easily obtain a drug that helps them have a peaceful suicide without traumatizing any train drivers?
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Sep 4, 2020
What you are saying is also why I don't understand why euthanasia is illegal in so many countries and frowned upon. So you'd rather someone with a terminal illness suffer needlessly and for a prolonged time when there is no hope of recovery? Does that not sound cruel? People wouldn't let their animals suffer like that so why people? Drugs that could ease their passing are illegal to administer and you are committed for homicide if you help someone. I have heard of people with terminal illnesses taking their own lives because really there is no other choice. If euthanasia was legal then they could spend a bit more time with their families and then pass peacefully before the illness got too unbearable. But no, fucking society would rather we all suffer for a century right to the bitter end. We're all gonna die eventually so what is the fucking difference between dying now or when you're 100? It makes zero difference in the grand scheme of things so just make drugs to end lives peacefully legal.
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Oct 14, 2020
I understand and respect where u are coming from. Definitely in society people only grieve suicide due to the negative effect or image society has put on it. I always think if I moved away right now who would still call me out of the blue even if I didn't call first and those are the people who would really miss you not all that bs community saying the wish they saw signs. People only take suicide seriously once ur dead, before that u r being "dramatic." I think their are pros and cons to your argument. I 100% agree that people will do it no mater what, like everyone knows suicide is bad but that doesn't matter. I think it would be important to teach someone the proper way to end ur life (like u said not a morbid or traumatizing way more like an overdose or use of drugs or jump off a bridge) but as long as they do not promote it. They should say that if that is your last resort to not make it any more traumatizing than it will be, but do not tell them how to do it. Simply stop at saying all the ways not to ctb. I feel like the people who are more severe in emotion intake (bipolar or other disorders) might not even think about suicide until someone brings it up so it is definitley something they would be very cautious for and have a good teacher not someone who is just there for a paycheck. I also think schools NEED to incorporate more self love and mental health related courses that should be personal and genuine in school not just a health class where the baseball coach reads from a teaxtbook and says "to no stress and just be happy." Much love xoxox


Jul 14, 2020
That was a really good post.
Why are we able to understand this when the topic is sex education, and not when the topic is suicide?
I think it comes down to two reasons: what ernest becker called the denial of death, and money.

Human civilization can be viewed as an elaborate defense mechanism against death; all the institutions, norms, symbols, codes of behavior, myths, work together to suppress and dissimulate our knowledge and awareness of death and annihilation.
The topic of sex, although seen by some as taboo and embarrassing, is not fundamentally subversive of the the social order in the way death and suicide are.
This transforms into the economic reason.
Sex is seen as 'appropriate' as a subject of education and civic indoctrination because it functions to sustain the economic foundations of the social hierarchy, i.e. by providing the mass of workers.

Suicide is the opposite, it deprives the economic substructure of valuable units of labor power, therefore it is not in the interests of the owners and managers to turn it into an acceptable mode of behavior via a normalizing educational discourse.

Make their life not suck. Address the root cause of the issue.
I agree.
I think the way the economy functions, by concentrating wealth in the hands of a few, incentivizing profit and self-interest, atomizing individuals etc, in conjunction with the huge size of modern societies which has the effect of undermining the sense of civic belonging and community, means that many will be left behind and neglected.

It's infuriating, because while some individuals own billions of dollars (the top 1% own over half the world's wealth), many others are unable to pay basic medical expenses, by no fault of their own but by contingent dint of the social milieu into which they were born.
I'm not advocating some communist revolution where all wealth is taken from the very rich and is distributed exactly evenly among everyone.

Even a small wealth redistribution via high taxation for the very rich, corporations, multinationals etc, and more robust welfare states, so that everyone can have access to free, quick healthcare, free higher education, decent benefits if needed etc.
If people live in societies in which they are cared for, in which they feel secure and looked after and like they belong and have existential (as opposed to just economic) value (instead of just dispensable nobodies whose only meaningful social trace is as a statistical insignificance on a line graph or on economic flowcharts), then they feel more reciprocally inclined to contribute to it, to have a sense of civic duty and responsibility. Otherwise they just feel oppressed, marginalized, alienated and de trop.

Something like the economic and social policies of the nordic/scandinavian model, with its integrative welfare state and highly unionized workforce, is the right direction to be going in.

I mean, does jeff bezos really need $175,000,000,000?
I'm sure he would be just fine with only half of that, and meanwhile some poor souls can get treated for some conditions they have.

Obviously, I also think that the suicide taboo and denial of death in modern societies I mentioned at the beginning is absurd and should be remedied.
If we lived in decent, humane, compassionate societies, then legalizing euthanasia and making suicide a free, painless option for those who wish it would not harm the social order, because it would remain a marginal phenomenon, since the large percentage of any human population in relatively normal conditions will want to continue to live and not be suicidal, as a biological fact.
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the stars will aid my escape
Dec 18, 2019
My brain is really fried rn so this is going to be short and dumb, but, here's the importance-o-meter:

Highest - one's perception of their own life
High - human life in general
Low - others' perceptions of their own lives

You don't like your life. Too bad. Preservation of human life in general is more important (and even more important than that is our own selfish desires, hence why we still take human lives for gain).

This is a generalization so only take it personally if it applies to you
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Oct 8, 2020
I want to do a slow clap to OP since the post is so comprehensive and true. Ironically I just listened to an anti suicide ad saying suicide is bad and we need to save people. That ad can fuck right off.
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Apr 5, 2020
My brain is really fried rn so this is going to be short and dumb, but, here's the importance-o-meter:

Highest - one's perception of their own life
High - human life in general
Low - others' perceptions of their own lives

You don't like your life. Too bad. Preservation of human life in general is more important (and even more important than that is our own selfish desires, hence why we still take human lives for gain).

This is a generalization so only take it personally if it applies to you
I'm not sure what point you're making?


the stars will aid my escape
Dec 18, 2019
I'm not sure what point you're making?
People value their own lives over others and value the preservation of human life over the quality of human life


Oct 12, 2020
All of your posts are spot on.
I remember when I had my first ideations where I fantasized about going to one of those countries where it was legal and plopping myself down in the chair and give them the word to do it and make it quick.

Imagine me with my naive little dreams squashed. I am not good enough to live a fully functioning life even with therapy and medication. I'm fucked at this point and I wish there was an easy way out.
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The Arsonist
Apr 7, 2019
Im strung out on many drugs and I think I lack the words to make a point right now, but what you say is very true.

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