
Global Mod
Oct 12, 2020
It's not subliminal if you notice it
middle finger GIF by TheMacnabs
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Jan 6, 2021
Insults over the Internet, jheeze, you must be a courageous being.
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Global Mod
Oct 12, 2020
Your corrections over my comments isn't needed. Thank you very much.
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Jul 3, 2019
I looked at Wikipedia on Suicide Methods the other day and was pleased to see it held a good range of them. In fact, the Wikipedia article contains my method! (carbon monoxide).

I honestly think with climate change, rising inequality, possible food shortages, that in future more and more people will be hoping for a way to exit if life gets too hot.

In the meantime, I just wish that people would know that committing suicide due to depression is because of immense suffering that is unbearable caused by (from my recent reading) neurodegeneration, neuroinflammation and mitochondrial deficits - as well as both genetics and life trauma and more.

I like to show the brain images of the depressed brain vs the healthy brain - as there are clear differences. Also, in successful suicides they have found that they have less white matter and hippocampal volume.

You can't see the suffering, but my brain is a ruined city and it physically aches with depression. It's aching right now.

Why would anyone want someone they love to suffer like that on a daily basis?

When I read this article, because I am so ill at the moment and in general, my first response to reading of a suicide I'm afraid is always jealousy. Their suffering is over. I am still enduring mine. If my brain was working better, I could feel some compassion for the mother of course, but at the same time where is her compassion for the suffering her son has been through for so long.

Also, where is her compassion for the suffering on this forum. Does she think we really have a choice, when for example I am obsessively on this forum, because I am just in so much pain that nothing else is drawing me. What does she think if I was alone with constant suicidal thoughts and misery all day and nowhere to talk about them?
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Global Mod
Oct 12, 2020
Also, where is her compassion for the suffering on this forum. Does she think we really have a choice, when for example I am obsessively on this forum, because I am just in so much pain that nothing else is drawing me. What does she think if I was alone with constant suicidal thoughts and misery all day and nowhere to talk about them?

There is none. She wholly blames the existence of the forum and the users within on the cause of her son's death, knowing that he had depression for a very long time. When she said that her son would be on his phone, checking his phone, every day for hours at a time in his room, did she even bother to openly talk and listen to her son? She looks like she has a very busy life, she's a nurse at the local hospital. Where's the other family in the picture? The father? Sis or brothers? They never mentioned that Mikael was possibly looking for ways to end his own life, he may have came across many groups, reddits, and forums, before finding us.
Fuck you Kieren, you ugly pathetic fuck

Ah I'm the third person you accused of being Kieren. Please project some more accusations, better yet, hit the ignore button moron.
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Global Mod
Oct 12, 2020
Because you are him, using his little AI-botnet because he didn't get his way.

You know it and I know it.

So fuck you, you ugly, pathetic, fuck.
Man, this obsession with Kieren has really gotten to you. I am definitely not Kieren, because A. I'm in the USA. B. I've been on here before you registered.
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Jan 6, 2021
A and B mean fuck all, can manipulate any of that shit.


Nov 30, 2020
Have I missed something?
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Jan 6, 2021
There's a shit load of bots on this platform Mick, and infact the whole Internet now with AI.

But don't believe me, I don't care, I'm right and I know it.
There's a reason males and females are the natural mothers and fathers.
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May 8, 2020
There's a shit load of bots on this platform Mick, and infact the whole Internet now with AI.

But don't believe me, I don't care, I'm right and I know it.
There's a reason males and females are the natural mothers and fathers.
Your days here are numbered, pal.
Possibly hours.
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Global Mod
Oct 12, 2020
Because you are him, using his little AI-botnet because he didn't get his way.

You know it and I know it.

So fuck you, you ugly, pathetic, fuck.
The chance of you stalking all of my posts to know I've called out multiple bots on here also tells me you're not a real person, because let's face it, you wouldn't be paying that much attention.
Hold on, lemme replace my emotional chip.....

Ah there we go, this chip has no fucks to give. Sorry.
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Death to the World
Feb 24, 2021
It's so bizarre to me that regular people just don't get it.
The death of a family member is always sad, but you have to understand we're living in a nightmare world. The current society we're being born into is destructive to the human mind, body, and soul. Tribal societies experience almost no depression, even though their lives are much harder than our's. The modern world just isn't meant to be, and I think it's a courageous thing to decide to take yourself out of it.
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Do what's best for you 🕯️ Sometimes I'm stressed
Jul 1, 2020
@Symbiote wow again with the wrongful accusations. i cant wait for it to stop. i understand paranoia, really i do. but i try my best to not let it make me look like an idiot. :hug:

if they are that paranoid they should seriously be getting help not doing this.
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Dec 29, 2020
Probably unpopular opinion here, but a lot of these arguments are exactly the same as the 'guns don't kill people, people kill people' line. I'm a gun owner myself but don't buy that for a second. Providing knowledge about SN _for sure_ increases the suicide rate for people on here. There is post after post of I have SI I can't jump / drown / hang, etc. However there isn't much built in evolutionary aversion to just drinking something and it's so easy to get so people just do it.

The question for me is not whether this site causes people who otherwise might stay alive to kill themselves (for me answer is a resounding yes). The real question is whether or not that's actually a bad thing. Should people live in constant pain and misery just because of SI?

I truly feel for this mother losing her only child. I also question whether depression is a valid reason. I see too many posts on here of young people who are like barely out of high school and are like FML I can't get a gf I'm going to kill myself. I was seriously depressed in HS was on meds and then it just went away in my 20s. Chronically ill now and that's my reason, but is it truly valid? I know people who have soldiered on with miserable diseases for decades and decades.

None of this stuff is cut and dry to me, I think free speech is important and should be allowed but it comes at a cost.
I'm chronically ill too and everyday it's a struggle...I don't know if I want to live my life this way. It's so aggravating but I don't think I have a choice.

I find myself almost dissociating to the past rather than the present moment.
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Life was a mistake
Sep 12, 2020


"Mikael was a gentle soul," grieving mother Ruth Scott says.

In his last photo ever taken, Mikael Scott is looking ahead pensively. He battled depression for years. Around Christmas, his mother says his mood took a turn.

"He stopped talking as much," Ruth remembers. "He would cry a little bit more. I noticed he was always on his phone - and he did not have social media - so it was like he was always checking in or something."

She's a nurse from Schertz. She had just worked a long overnight shift when she got home, checked on Mikael and made the worst discovery a mother could ever make. Mikael, just 27, had taken his own life.

"My only son just died," Ruth says while sobbing. "He was my life. I lived and died by that child."

The next few hours were a blur: paramedics, police and a pursuit for answers.

"I see that bottle right there," Ruth says while pointing to a large white bottle.

The mysterious bottle by the bed took Ruth on a dark journey to a dark corner of the web.

"I did not know that websites existed out there that promote - desperate people, even children - they promote it and they glorify killing yourself," Ruth says through tears.

Her son was a member of Sanctioned Suicide. We're naming it so parents know what to look for on their children's devices.

The website describes itself as a "pro-choice" forum to talk about mental illness and suicide where you can "ask questions you can't ask anywhere else."

Since the Trouble Shooters started looking into the site, it's hopscotched around the web - but still available, if you know where to look. A welcome note says: "Pro-choice means that we do not encourage you to do anything.

The site's administrators did not return our request for an interview or statement.

While there are recovery threads like one saying the site saved someone's life, the post from people contemplating suicide are chilling.

We found one called, "Best way to hang yourself?" A commenter gave advice, then wrote: "That is how you succeed."

A popular topic is SN, or sodium nitrite. It's a preservative for deli meat, turned suicide cocktail.

And it's what was inside the bottle Ruth found by Mikael's bed.

"Minute by minute, his symptoms as he was dying," Ruth reads from a sodium nitrite thread.

She holds the website directly responsible for Mikael's death.

"That was the gun and sodium nitrite was the bullets," Ruth says.

Kelli Wilson from Houston found the website open on her 18-year-old son's phone.

"After he had taken his own life," Wilson remembers. "People are dying on this every single day. The question that I have is, why aren't they removing it?"

She now leads a coalition of families across the world impacted by the website who all want it shut down.

That's easier said than done, because of a law called Section 230.

"I think Section 230 is, in some ways, more powerful than the First Amendment," Wilson says.

It was written in 1996 when the internet was in its infancy. It means websites don't have to meet the same standards as traditional publishers like newspaper or television.

"The theory was, the internet was going to serve as like a bulletin board where people could post things. You don't have the right to sue somebody who creates the bulletin board for the things that other people post that are offensive," explains Professor Bill Piatt from St. Mary's University School of Law.

The once-obscure law is now a political flashpoint. Former President Donald Trump wanted Section 230 repealed when websites like Twitter posted editorial warnings about, or removed, his content instead of leaving the messages unfiltered.

"So there is concern that if, well look if they are exercising some editorial control taking things down, why can't they be held liable as if they were an editor?" Prof. Piatt says.

The 26 words of Section 230 are considered the 26 words that created the internet. That's why Wilson is calling her movement Fix The 26, to hold websites like Sanctioned Suicide accountable in court.

"Because it's virtual, I feel like somehow crime has become legal," Wilson says.

While both sides of the aisle find the law problematic, there's not much appetite in Congress to rewrite it.

"I can tell you that I've spoken with many Senators about this and I get a lot of interest at first. I've had very long and lengthy conversations with them. And really nothing happens," Wilson says.

Back in Schertz, Ruth is still raw with grief. She sees names on the website crossed out: a signal sent out in cyberspace the deed was done. Someone else is now dead.

"Unless the laws are changed, this is going to keep going," Ruth says. "There has to be a line, okay? There has to be a line that you don't cross. I do not want anybody else to lose their child to this nonsense."
I don't even know why "children" are being brought up in this case. He was 27, far from a child in any sense. Such slander.
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Jun 12, 2018
I've seen the story on live TV. It's just frustrating that these reporters don't know how to do investigative journalism and completely fail to verify claims made by these grieving parents. For example they say that we teach "children" how to commit suicide. But the person mentioned in this report is 27 years old - therefore old enough to make conscious decisions regarding their right to die. How does that make sense? I'm not aware of any minors that committed suicide with the guidance of this website - because they don't exist. That's why in every single news report about SS - it doesn't matter if it's Joe, Shawn or Mikael - they always refer to autonomous adults that were capable of making consenting decisions for themselves. There is no evidence that supports the narrative that children roam this website freely. If we find out that someone is underage, we ban them on sight. Once again: Joe Nihill was 23 years old. Shawn was 25 years old. Mikael was 27 years old. Where are all the minors? They're so desperate to take this site down and because they can't name minors, they have to use cases of autonomous adults that made clear and carefully thought-out decisions to portray us in some bad light. Pathetic.

They're once again smearing a community of struggling adults. And instead of focusing on our stories, they chose to attack us, once again. The stories are all out there. They could have done something positive and shed some light on some threads that discuss systemic issues that cause suicidal behavior. Many of us are marginalized people, some of us face legal or social discrimination. Plenty of members suffer from poverty and lack of proper health care. Some others suffer from severe mental conditions or chronic physical pain. They're all valid, every single member has a reason to be here. And that information is all out there, so many members talked about their struggles. Why don't you focus on these issues? Of course not all of those problems offer solutions - it's why we have to aknowledge the right to die - but we're suffering, we're victims of terrible and painful circumstances. But of course that doesn't fit the narrative and that's why it's left out. Instead of addressing some of those issues and push for a positive change in society, they decided to slander us. These reporters accepted the idea that a 27 years old adult can't make a conscious decision regarding their right to die and was somehow convinced by an evil cult to take their own life. Disgusting. This narrative is an insult to Mikael and his dignity. They didn't make him look like he was an emancipated individual that was capable of making his own decisions. They made him look like a child that lacks any rational thought process, causually tricked into suicide. It's outright insulting, it takes away his autonomy he had as an adult and it completely erases the struggles he experienced in his life.
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Aug 17, 2020
She wholly blames the existence of the forum and the users within on the cause of her son's death...
You can't reach people like her - regardless of how much logical statements you throw at them. Imagine if someone said "it's not my fault I'm overweight - it's the cake-makers fault for making cakes so tasty", you'd just have to roll your eyes, and move on.

She looks like she has a very busy life, she's a nurse at the local hospital.
This probably made her son's suicide much harder for her and explains some of the statements (she could heal others but not her own son)
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Aug 12, 2018
"The theory was, the internet was going to serve as like a bulletin board where people could post things. You don't have the right to sue somebody who creates the bulletin board for the things that other people post that are offensive," explains Professor Bill Piatt from St. Mary's University School of Law.

Except when you make a forum to post about topics like drug trading, child pornography, ...

On the other hand, there's no way various government agencies (eg: FBI, European Cybercrime Task Force, ...) don't know this website exists. I think if they want to take this website down, they would have taken them down long time ago.

But the content of this website serves "as is", there're information all over others various websites anyways: Quora, Reddit, LostAllHope, Google Groups, ... No one is forcing anyone to commit any action.
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In the kingdom of th blind; the one-eyed are kings
Jan 24, 2021
oh wow have you read the fixthe26? know your enemy! - so frustrating. when families can't see beyond their ego's and need someone else to 'blame'.
we are all free-thinking individuals dealing with an array of personal / emotional / addictive / spiritual / psychological issues - that cannot be comfortably communicated with families / therapists & councillors / religious advisors etc. I AM SO GRATEFUL FOR THIS FORUM: I FEEL UNDERSTOOD; WITHOUT JUDGEMENT OR FEAR OF SANCTIMONIOUS REPRISAL: may this site outlive all of its members! nyeh! nyeh!
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Apr 30, 2019
It makes me throw up in my mouth when people direct ire toward the site instead of looking at the whole thing as their own failure. I am pretty sure I know exactly who this was, and the mother doing the bitching about the site actually, by not being supportive of the person was the mother who did the pushing through her hate and inability to accept, support or even try to understand. Then it happens and they blame a website instead of themselves.
What was Mikael's username?

Final Escape

I’ve been here too long
Jul 8, 2018
People who really want to die will find a way regardless of this site. It might take more attempts or they may fail more but it wouldn't stop suicide or reduce people from trying. I think this site actually stops many people from suicide in equal amounts. Make the world a more amazing place so nobody wants to escape it. Unfortunately we don't have a system that is fair, honest, moral. So people will feel they have to exit prematurely otherwise they have to continue to suffer in our messed up world.
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Jan 17, 2021


"Mikael was a gentle soul," grieving mother Ruth Scott says.

In his last photo ever taken, Mikael Scott is looking ahead pensively. He battled depression for years. Around Christmas, his mother says his mood took a turn.

"He stopped talking as much," Ruth remembers. "He would cry a little bit more. I noticed he was always on his phone - and he did not have social media - so it was like he was always checking in or something."

She's a nurse from Schertz. She had just worked a long overnight shift when she got home, checked on Mikael and made the worst discovery a mother could ever make. Mikael, just 27, had taken his own life.

"My only son just died," Ruth says while sobbing. "He was my life. I lived and died by that child."

The next few hours were a blur: paramedics, police and a pursuit for answers.

"I see that bottle right there," Ruth says while pointing to a large white bottle.

The mysterious bottle by the bed took Ruth on a dark journey to a dark corner of the web.

"I did not know that websites existed out there that promote - desperate people, even children - they promote it and they glorify killing yourself," Ruth says through tears.

Her son was a member of Sanctioned Suicide. We're naming it so parents know what to look for on their children's devices.

The website describes itself as a "pro-choice" forum to talk about mental illness and suicide where you can "ask questions you can't ask anywhere else."

Since the Trouble Shooters started looking into the site, it's hopscotched around the web - but still available, if you know where to look. A welcome note says: "Pro-choice means that we do not encourage you to do anything.

The site's administrators did not return our request for an interview or statement.

While there are recovery threads like one saying the site saved someone's life, the post from people contemplating suicide are chilling.

We found one called, "Best way to hang yourself?" A commenter gave advice, then wrote: "That is how you succeed."

A popular topic is SN, or sodium nitrite. It's a preservative for deli meat, turned suicide cocktail.

And it's what was inside the bottle Ruth found by Mikael's bed.

"Minute by minute, his symptoms as he was dying," Ruth reads from a sodium nitrite thread.

She holds the website directly responsible for Mikael's death.

"That was the gun and sodium nitrite was the bullets," Ruth says.

Kelli Wilson from Houston found the website open on her 18-year-old son's phone.

"After he had taken his own life," Wilson remembers. "People are dying on this every single day. The question that I have is, why aren't they removing it?"

She now leads a coalition of families across the world impacted by the website who all want it shut down.

That's easier said than done, because of a law called Section 230.

"I think Section 230 is, in some ways, more powerful than the First Amendment," Wilson says.

It was written in 1996 when the internet was in its infancy. It means websites don't have to meet the same standards as traditional publishers like newspaper or television.

"The theory was, the internet was going to serve as like a bulletin board where people could post things. You don't have the right to sue somebody who creates the bulletin board for the things that other people post that are offensive," explains Professor Bill Piatt from St. Mary's University School of Law.

The once-obscure law is now a political flashpoint. Former President Donald Trump wanted Section 230 repealed when websites like Twitter posted editorial warnings about, or removed, his content instead of leaving the messages unfiltered.

"So there is concern that if, well look if they are exercising some editorial control taking things down, why can't they be held liable as if they were an editor?" Prof. Piatt says.

The 26 words of Section 230 are considered the 26 words that created the internet. That's why Wilson is calling her movement Fix The 26, to hold websites like Sanctioned Suicide accountable in court.

"Because it's virtual, I feel like somehow crime has become legal," Wilson says.

While both sides of the aisle find the law problematic, there's not much appetite in Congress to rewrite it.

"I can tell you that I've spoken with many Senators about this and I get a lot of interest at first. I've had very long and lengthy conversations with them. And really nothing happens," Wilson says.

Back in Schertz, Ruth is still raw with grief. She sees names on the website crossed out: a signal sent out in cyberspace the deed was done. Someone else is now dead.

"Unless the laws are changed, this is going to keep going," Ruth says. "There has to be a line, okay? There has to be a line that you don't cross. I do not want anybody else to lose their child to this nonsense."
Never seen a post here encouraging or glorifying suicide. I guess the mother would have preferred her adult son live in absolute intolerable misery or attempt suicide ill informed so he developed brain damage...
This quote already triggers me to no end. The nerve of these egoistical parents. He was your life??? He was his own person. Its not about YOU. HE has the right to make any decision he wants to and HE was the protagonist in his own story. He was not living to fulfill his duty as your son.
If you wanted to have him around so badly you could have tried to listen to him better and offer to help him as much as he wanted you to and that´s it.
Well said
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Dec 28, 2018
Another smothering parent who refuses to see their "child" as their own person who makes their own decisions. "If it wasn't for this website giving him the tools to peacefully end his life, my son would still be alive and severely depressed like he had been for most of his life!" Unlike her, I am happy for Mikael that his pain is over and he is at peace now.
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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
The so called child is 27 lmao. Fuck off parents, that's basically an adult at that point. You can literally do everything at that age. Also I thought the whole point of the 2nd amendment was that guns don't kill people, people kill people. If this guy had used a gun the parents probably wouldn't go after gun manufacturers or the NRA because that would be fucking stupid. I wish I hadn't seen this propaganda piece today.
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Mar 5, 2021
Ok sure they're sad and grieving, but they shouldn't just offload that onto this website. They just blame SS because they can't accept that they might have had a part in his death, or the wider societal problems
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Feb 2, 2020
These people are so fucking annoying. I obvs sympathize with the loss, but her attitude drives me crazy. Perhaps she should have looked into why he was depressed, and maybe fucking helped the guy? Or in a wider sense why so many people are depressed, is it because of this site (no) or the profoundly sick society we've created. Such fucking bullshit. It's satanic panic/backwards lyrics in songs/ecstasy will kill you instantly and all other moral panics.

I remember when Leah betts died, it was a big thing in the UK. It was framed as her dying from one pill. The reality was she had taken them many times before and had taken other stuff that night. Her parents did all sorts of anti drug talks after iirc
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