

Jun 29, 2018
Does anyone have the link to his thread detailing his symptoms?
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Everything Must Cease.
Sep 30, 2019
Someone's mask was not on correctly,is there reason for anything?
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Mar 31, 2020
It's like these parents don't realize that SN is NOT the only way people kill themselves. Without the SN, he very likely would have just used a different method like hanging or jumping. This point is never mentioned by the parents or anyone else against the existence of this forum.

People dying via SN doesn't mean that the site itself made them die that way... it just means that they most likely changed methods from hanging, jumping, etc to SN once they found out about it.

I'm sympathetic to the family's loss, but the site isn't responsible for people's actions at the end of the day.
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Feb 20, 2020
"After he had taken his own life," Wilson remembers. "People are dying on this every single day. The question that I have is, why aren't they removing it?"
Because they're not sick, insensitive people that would prefer to have people dying by jumping off buildings and risking spending another 20 years existing as a vegetable?
"Because it's virtual, I feel like somehow crime has become legal," Wilson says.
Isn't that a contradiction? If it's legal, it isn't a crime is it?
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Apr 22, 2019
In my opinion SS has kept me alive, if this site got shut down I would be lost as would many others:aw:
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Oct 8, 2020
Probably unpopular opinion here, but a lot of these arguments are exactly the same as the 'guns don't kill people, people kill people' line. I'm a gun owner myself but don't buy that for a second. Providing knowledge about SN _for sure_ increases the suicide rate for people on here. There is post after post of I have SI I can't jump / drown / hang, etc. However there isn't much built in evolutionary aversion to just drinking something and it's so easy to get so people just do it.

The question for me is not whether this site causes people who otherwise might stay alive to kill themselves (for me answer is a resounding yes). The real question is whether or not that's actually a bad thing. Should people live in constant pain and misery just because of SI?

I truly feel for this mother losing her only child. I also question whether depression is a valid reason. I see too many posts on here of young people who are like barely out of high school and are like FML I can't get a gf I'm going to kill myself. I was seriously depressed in HS was on meds and then it just went away in my 20s. Chronically ill now and that's my reason, but is it truly valid? I know people who have soldiered on with miserable diseases for decades and decades.

None of this stuff is cut and dry to me, I think free speech is important and should be allowed but it comes at a cost.
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Feb 22, 2021
Its sad yeah, but the real matters that was never mentioned once is WHY??? Why did he came to this conclusion, the site has NOTHING to do with his intent to come on this site in the first place, looks like yall only think selfishly once again, y'all care for YOUR sadness, y'all don't even care about whatever Mikael was going through to end up doing that. Can you guys be compasionate for once jesus.
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Do what's best for you 🕯️ Sometimes I'm stressed
Jul 1, 2020
Ever hear of the whale challenge or something like that? Now THAT is cohercing children into suicide.
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low-wage worker
Oct 29, 2020
"My only son just died," Ruth says while sobbing. "He was my life. I lived and died by that child."
This quote already triggers me to no end. The nerve of these egoistical parents. He was your life??? He was his own person. Its not about YOU. HE has the right to make any decision he wants to and HE was the protagonist in his own story. He was not living to fulfill his duty as your son.
If you wanted to have him around so badly you could have tried to listen to him better and offer to help him as much as he wanted you to and that´s it.
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Nov 30, 2020
Ever hear of the whale challenge or something like that? Now THAT is cohercing children into suicide.
Whale challenge? What, like challenging a whale to a fight or something? Speaking as someone who got into a fight with a whale it didn't end well for me.
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I remember...death in the afternoon...
Nov 7, 2020
The question for me is not whether this site causes people who otherwise might stay alive to kill themselves (for me answer is a resounding yes). The real question is whether or not that's actually a bad thing. Should people live in constant pain and misery just because of SI?

No, it's not a bad thing. People had no choice to be born, so they should be allowed to die. It's that simple.
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Oct 13, 2020
It's like these parents don't realize that SN is NOT the only way people kill themselves. Without the SN, he very likely would have just used a different method like hanging or jumping. This point is never mentioned by the parents or anyone else against the existence of this forum.

People dying via SN doesn't mean that the site itself made them die that way... it just means that they most likely changed methods from hanging, jumping, etc to SN once they found out about it.

I'm sympathetic to the family's loss, but the site isn't responsible for people's actions at the end of the day.
Absolutely agree with this! Suicidal people who don't find ss most likely end up with organ failure after a paracetamol overdose, or brain dead from a hanging attempt gone wrong. Before I came to ss, as a prolific self harmer I thought cutting was a good method for suicide, and it was coming on here and reading the facts I realised how bad an idea that actually is.
Maybe needing someone to blame is the natural process of grief, but is the question asked by these people, wouldn't they have committed suicide anyway just by a different method? And probably one involving more suffering and potentially survival with long lasting organ damage or something?
People coming here and ctb with SN or whatever are using their own autonomy and free will to make their choice about their own body as is their right.. that's what pro-choice means.
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Do what's best for you 🕯️ Sometimes I'm stressed
Jul 1, 2020
Hmmm, interesting.
I looked into it as maybe a way for me to go but you need someone to tell you to do stuff and I have a feeling I'm not getting anyone on board for that lol
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Mar 31, 2020
Probably unpopular opinion here, but a lot of these arguments are exactly the same as the 'guns don't kill people, people kill people' line. I'm a gun owner myself but don't buy that for a second. Providing knowledge about SN _for sure_ increases the suicide rate for people on here. There is post after post of I have SI I can't jump / drown / hang, etc. However there isn't much built in evolutionary aversion to just drinking something and it's so easy to get so people just do it.

Does it really, though? I'm not entirely sure if that's true. The information makes it easier for people to die using SN as a method without a doubt, but how can we say with certainty that those same people wouldn't have used a different method to achieve the same outcome? I imagine that the people who are most determined to go will find a way, regardless of whether it's SN or jumping.

I also disagree that there's no built in evolutionary aversion to drinking poison. We're definitely built to avoid consuming potentially toxic substances, unless they're pleasantly intoxicating in some way (e.g alcohol). The person drinking it knows that they're about to consume a lethal poison.

I don't think SN is easy by any means, either. I just think that people who are determined to end their lives will do it regardless of the method of choice.

Not only that, after almost a year of being a member of SS, I've come to notice that goodbye posts are actually relatively rare in comparison to the number of posts and posters. The vast majority of posts in suicide discussion are about methods, SI/fear of dying, and general questions about suicide, the implications, and the backstories that have led people to experience suicidal thoughts. I see far more posts on here discussing suicide as an act than I do of people actually posting goodbyes. I respect your unpopular opinion- I'm just not sure if I agree with your thinking.

Talking about suicide, being a member of a suicide forum, and even purchasing SN don't necessarily mean that people will end up killing themselves.
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Feb 19, 2021
this high key scares me that they want to take this site down. i feel really bad that her one and only child is gone. that must be awful in so many unspeakable ways.

as someone who was regularly googling and searching through quora for the least painful, least traumatic to discover, and quickest way to ctb until i found this website, i think i would have gone a long time ago and in a much more messy way.
i'm really glad i found this website and its information has talked me down so many times each time i thought i was ready to ctb. talked me down because it's made me realize that i truly want a peaceful way to go without traumatizing those i'll leave behind and many other things that i'm sure the article writers an this mother would see as negatives.

it may be delaying the inevitable, but honestly since i've found this site i think it's given me so much to think about and so much to look forward to. i usually visit the website when i'm on my lowest days lately and it's a helpful reminder to myself that i don't want a messy and painful exit, so for now, i'll bide my time and hopefully by the time i'm able to actually try anything i'll realize i don't want to go or life will be better or more hopeful.
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Feb 22, 2021
Okay, so I'm sorry for your loss grieving parent(s) but if you wanted something that doesn't have their own feelings, will obediently do everything you want them to do without question, be by your side 24/7, or anything else, I think you'd have better chances obtaining that by getting yourself a robotic doll not a sentient being in human form. Please think of your reasons and motivations before you bring a human being into this life. I'd argue that all of them are based on a sense of lack somewhere deep within you. Using a living sentient being to fill that void for you in any way and for any reason, is not right, it is wrong. Especially because a conscious consentual agreement was not and could not be established. This bond between parent and child is completely one-sided. Akin to kidnapping and other atrocities. The very concept of parenting is just a made-pretty, made-honorable, made-admirable, made-praise-worthy looking guise, very well-kept by society to be able to continue fulfilling its morbid cravings. "To nurture", "to love", "to protect", none of that is true when the very reason why you brought or bring a sentient being into life is based on self-delusion and lies.
Therefore, the sentient being is free to break away anytime they want. They didn't ask nor agree to be here to begin with. Or am I wrong? Who knows. Only the sentient being knows. The sentient being must be respected as a sentient being first and foremost. The sentient being is no one's possession. The sentient being only belongs to themselves, no one and nothing else. And therefore, their decision must be respected. Whatever it may be. Because ultimately, only they know what is truly good for them as a sentient being.

Side note: You should take a look and work on yourself on a deep level before even thinking of obtaining anything wether living, sentient or not, to fill the void for you. I'd feel bad for those robot dolls regardless of wether they're sentient or not, who knows if they are or not? Only they know. Thanks for coming to my TEDtalk. I'll be signing your books (screenshots) later.
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Global Mod
Oct 12, 2020
San Antonio News just did a 30 minute segment on this site:

Key talking points was that even though the mother knew her son was depressed, didn't do anything to stop him or get him help away from this site since she knew about in the first place. She believes the site led her to kill her son when we all know that information can be gleaned off the net that will allow CTB.

They also make sure to post the suicide hotline if you're feeling suicidal. Yes talk to a stranger that will tell you that life is worth living, that you're beautiful, and that we'll put you on hold for 40 minutes while we go talk to someone else more interesting.

After the 6 minute mark, the segment ends and the reporter ends up talking to two mental health professionals on numbers that people can call to get help which will lead to the above platitudes.
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Brick In The Wall

Brick In The Wall

2M Or Not 2B.
Oct 30, 2019
I hate when they assume all crossed out members are dead. Most of them leave to recover. Also tired of the "but, but, the children" bullshit.
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Nov 17, 2020
San Antonio News just did a 30 minute segment on this site:

Key talking points was that even though the mother knew her son was depressed, didn't do anything to stop him or get him help away from this site since she knew about in the first place. She believes the site led her to kill her son when we all know that information can be gleaned off the net that will allow CTB.

They also make sure to post the suicide hotline if you're feeling suicidal. Yes talk to a stranger that will tell you that life is worth living, that you're beautiful, and that we'll put you on hold for 40 minutes while we go talk to someone else more interesting.

After the 6 minute mark, the segment ends and the reporter ends up talking to two mental health professionals on numbers that people can call to get help which will lead to the above platitudes.
Thanks for sharing that.

Listening to their justification about why this site should be taken down is maddening.
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Part Time NEET - Full Time Suicidal
Mar 29, 2020
Probably unpopular opinion here, but a lot of these arguments are exactly the same as the 'guns don't kill people, people kill people' line. I'm a gun owner myself but don't buy that for a second. Providing knowledge about SN _for sure_ increases the suicide rate for people on here. There is post after post of I have SI I can't jump / drown / hang, etc. However there isn't much built in evolutionary aversion to just drinking something and it's so easy to get so people just do it.

I'm sure that providing knowledge to commit suicide can increase the suicide rate but without it there would be people resigned to a lifetime of suffering because they wouldn't be able to go through with painful methods that could leave them disabled. Simply being alive doesn't mean you have quality of life and taking away widely available peaceful methods might stop suicide for some while prolonging a miserable existence for others.

The question for me is not whether this site causes people who otherwise might stay alive to kill themselves (for me answer is a resounding yes). The real question is whether or not that's actually a bad thing. Should people live in constant pain and misery just because of SI?

I truly feel for this mother losing her only child. I also question whether depression is a valid reason. I see too many posts on here of young people who are like barely out of high school and are like FML I can't get a gf I'm going to kill myself. I was seriously depressed in HS was on meds and then it just went away in my 20s. Chronically ill now and that's my reason, but is it truly valid? I know people who have soldiered on with miserable diseases for decades and decades.

None of this stuff is cut and dry to me, I think free speech is important and should be allowed but it comes at a cost.

It's not other peoples place to decide for someone whether they get to end their life or if their reasons are valid. Your version of depression and mental suffering is not the same as everyone else's and some people here have spent decades full of misery for all kinds of horrific reasons. Having situational & temporary sadness/depression is very different from having the ingrained kind due to years of trauma, abuse, poverty, social isolation, etc. There are people here who live with chronic mental suffering that isn't just situational, doesn't go away, and is as bad if not worse than chronic physical ailments(some people obviously have both). Popping a handful of pills doesn't fix perpetual poverty, it doesn't fix flashbacks, it doesn't change people's abusive living conditions, and it doesn't change the fact that our society is a shitshow.

Only the person experiencing their own situation knows when they've had enough and other people should not be able to deny them a peaceful way out because of impulsive suicides. Neither the war on drugs or alcohol prohibition accomplished any good and the suicide rate rising exponentially means that the suicide prohibition has not addressed anything either. Forcing people to live by withholding methods or imprisoning them does not mean their problems are fixed; it just sweeps things under the rug and it does not mean that their lives are worth living simply because they are alive.
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I remember...death in the afternoon...
Nov 7, 2020
It's not other peoples place to decide for someone whether they get to end their life or if their reasons are valid.
Preach it, bro. So sick of people telling me & others that we're not allowed to end our own lives because we don't have a terminal illness, other people have it worse, etc. If you don't own your own body, what DO you own?
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Part Time NEET - Full Time Suicidal
Mar 29, 2020
Preach it, bro. So sick of people telling me & others that we're not allowed to end our own lives because we don't have a terminal illness, other people have it worse, etc. If you don't own your own body, what DO you own?

His comment kind of rubbed me the wrong way even though it probably wasn't his intention but it reminded me of a family member giving me all of these scenarios of people recovering or making their lives manageable as if I'm some kind of imbecile. Not everyone has the same situations, ailments, or resources and not everyone's problems are fixable.

San Antonio News just did a 30 minute segment on this site:

Key talking points was that even though the mother knew her son was depressed, didn't do anything to stop him or get him help away from this site since she knew about in the first place. She believes the site led her to kill her son when we all know that information can be gleaned off the net that will allow CTB.

They also make sure to post the suicide hotline if you're feeling suicidal. Yes talk to a stranger that will tell you that life is worth living, that you're beautiful, and that we'll put you on hold for 40 minutes while we go talk to someone else more interesting.

After the 6 minute mark, the segment ends and the reporter ends up talking to two mental health professionals on numbers that people can call to get help which will lead to the above platitudes.

From a user on here after the documentary on Callie:

"I'm so sick of this narrative from mainstream media and society. Suicide is a product of mental illness...which can all be resolved if you get help. Call this support line. Where you'll hear the same mindless platitudes and if you do admit you're thinking of killing yourself, get thrown in hospital in an involuntary mental health hold. Stripped of your dignity, your belongings searched, your appearance and belongings analysed, medicated, watched, having to pretend you're okay to be let out.

Tell me how this is supposed to help? And when you are let out, you're given a prescription and a number to call.

Whatever happened in your life to make you want to end it...abuse, trauma, poverty, homelessness, homophobia, racism, disability, parental expectations, broken relationships....whatever, none of that matters. If you just talk it out, access the "support", you'll be fine. No one ever talks about addressing the issues that put you there in the first place.

No one who wasn't already thinking about suicide - as an issue at least, if not an option for them personally - seeks out sites like this. And it's the only place where people like us can talk openly. (I'm new here but was on ASH back in the early 00s, I just wish I'd paid more attention to methods).

It's natural for those who've lost a loved one to look for answers and lash out at those they believe are to blame. It's lazy and irresponsible for the media to join in. Look at a society with appalling mental health support, few resources for the disadvantaged, and a societal discourse that forces open conversation about suicide into trite notions of support and people who can't even be honest for fear they'll wind up in a mental health unit, not allowed to leave."
-Suicidal stranger from the internet
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Jan 23, 2021
Key talking points was that even though the mother knew her son was depressed, didn't do anything to stop him or get him help away from this site since she knew about in the first place. She believes the site led her to kill her son when we all know that information can be gleaned off the net that will allow CTB.
Yeah, there's so much bull in those kinds of responses, it's hard to know who's sincere vs. lying or projecting. I was always told no one knew why my father killed himself, that it was out of the blue, but found out later that people DID know, that he was reaching out for help, and was betrayed. Those same people act all concerned and caring, but as someone here recently quoted, people don't care until the line goes flat. Then they get to play the victim, the widow, the concerned parent, etc...Put on their sanctimonious song and dance.
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May 27, 2019
I live in San Antonio. I saw this on the local news.

One thing I wonder about is the stages of grief. Two of the stages are anger and guilt. I wonder if some of these people blaming our website are doing it because they cannot handle their guilty feelings. So they blame us instead.
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Nov 25, 2018
"The theory was, the internet was going to serve as like a bulletin board where people could post things. You don't have the right to sue somebody who creates the bulletin board for the things that other people post that are offensive," explains Professor Bill Piatt from St. Mary's University School of Law.

"So there is concern that if, well look if they are exercising some editorial control taking things down, why can't they be held liable as if they were an editor?" Prof. Piatt says.
A quick internet search suggests the professor is Catholic.


Jan 6, 2021
A website made me do it.

What a crock of shit.
I dunno, plenty of people kill themselves due to cyber-bullying. More intact than 'traditional' bullying. That's essentially death by website
Probably unpopular opinion here, but a lot of these arguments are exactly the same as the 'guns don't kill people, people kill people' line. I'm a gun owner myself but don't buy that for a second. Providing knowledge about SN _for sure_ increases the suicide rate for people on here. There is post after post of I have SI I can't jump / drown / hang, etc. However there isn't much built in evolutionary aversion to just drinking something and it's so easy to get so people just do it.

The question for me is not whether this site causes people who otherwise might stay alive to kill themselves (for me answer is a resounding yes). The real question is whether or not that's actually a bad thing. Should people live in constant pain and misery just because of SI?

I truly feel for this mother losing her only child. I also question whether depression is a valid reason. I see too many posts on here of young people who are like barely out of high school and are like FML I can't get a gf I'm going to kill myself. I was seriously depressed in HS was on meds and then it just went away in my 20s. Chronically ill now and that's my reason, but is it truly valid? I know people who have soldiered on with miserable diseases for decades and decades.

None of this stuff is cut and dry to me, I think free speech is important and should be allowed but it comes at a cost.
For me, it's about reviewing quality of life and making a realistic judgement based on that.

My problem is a knew how I was before I was being bullied, and I was wayyyyyyy happier, way less anxious and felt I could actually make something of myself.

Now I'm like, nope.

And even in psych ward the other day, this guard told me about how he was bullied as a kid and it would start everytime he got on the bus. He said he still can't use buses to this day, which filled me with loads of hope. *sarcasm*
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Sep 28, 2020
Here we go again... attacking us. If you are pro life and reading this, THIS WEBSITE SAVED my life in a way no doctor could do. Just by interacting with people who are sensitive and struggle depression like me. Its easier to blame us, than to blame the medical industry. Everyone has a choice, this website is not the trigger. Sometimes the pain is just too much to bear. RIP Mikael.
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Global Mod
Oct 12, 2020
I still haven't heard the subliminal messages in my head yet from Marquis asking me to go kill myself to appease the SS gods that these Fixthe26 whackjobs always talk about.
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