

Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
As far back as I can remember, I always hated the people who were "concerned" for me (except maybe parents and family since they are well meaning and supported me when I was growing up due to unconditional love - even though not always in the best relations or best interests, but that's another topic altogether so I won't go on that tangent). This always annoyed me simply because these people would meddle into my affairs, my business, my life, and then decide what is best for me even if they don't know the situation. It vexes me even more because these people are simply just virtue signaling and stroking their egos. They don't "really" care about my real problems, let alone offer any concrete solution to them (or if there is none, then respect my decision, even if they don't like it.).

This brings me to a second point, the other point is that they feel like this gives them "permission" and the right to do so. Using that same logic against them, then it would be ok to stalk someone under the pretense that one is "concerned", but oh no, if someone does that, it is suddenly viewed as criminal, and socially unacceptable (creepy behavior). Talk about double standards and hypocrisy. It's basically like saying when someone thinks about suicide or is disturbed, suddenly society has all the right and ability to intervene, to violate that person's agency, privacy, freedom, and even peace of mind, whether out of genuine concern or not (most likely not out of genuine concern as their actions speak otherwise). Being "concerned" isn't a license to bypass the other person's agency, privacy, and rights. It is really disgusting how people can just claim to do that and get away with it.

So in conclusion, I resent the people who are concerned for me (especially when they feign it and are doing it just to appear to be a "good" person) because not only does it violate my privacy, freedom, rights, peace of mind; it also inconveniences me. It is very hypocritical that just because someone has the wrong think, doesn't maintain or agree or keep up with the status quo (what society deems ok), then suddenly their privacy, freedom, rights, and what not are irrelevant and that others are justified in doing what that do. No, fuck that, I won't accept this clown standard.
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Mar 23, 2018
Good topic. Laws need to change. We are outcasts and deemed mentally unfit to make our own decisions. We are prisoners to life and society
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Oct 2, 2019
Being "concerned" isn't a license to bypass the other person's agency, privacy, and rights. It is really disgusting how people can just claim to do that and get away with it.

It is disappointing to know that so many people gladly act as double agents for the government and its control. But it's not surprising they get away with it. They preach the correct narrative. Why personal autonomy is so rarely talked about makes me angry on a bi-daily basis. It should not be a distant dream to make decisions affecting only yourself.
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Aug 19, 2019
I don't deal with concerned people. It's either friends close enough that they know exactly what is going to happen and respect it, or friends not close enough for that, see what's happened to me, and have not the wits to wonder why I am so calm.

It's really funny when your entire life is fucked and the latter kind of friends keep telling you to 'take care of yourself' and do your chores. Yeah, sure, tell me that as if I were a child. Sure, I will slink away and be good and not bother anybody, never be a burden to anybody. Because I'm not burdened unbearably, right? Just sort of switch my needs, especially the need for dignity off. Ship me off to a shrink and drug me if going for walks does not do the trick.

Fuckers, MY LIFE HAS BEEN FUCKED. I AM MURDERED. All in quiet slow motion as you keep telling me to do my chores.

It's sickening.
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Sep 30, 2019
I'm actually glad strangers show concern for my life and don't want me to die. However it should be illegal to physically stop someone from taking their own life.

And I'm furious when anyone tries to scare someone away by telling them they could go to hell, or when they lie to give someone false hope.. "Your problems are temporary." How the hell do you know that?!
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Oct 5, 2019
Everytime others intervened things always became much worse. In the past when I road it out and was allowed to be depressed or a lil crazy I always got back up and continued on okay. My biggest regret was not keeping things to myself this time.. people got too involved trying to help recently and now I'm lost for good.
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Extreme Pain is much worse than people know
Aug 12, 2019
I'm in pain, in hell . No one knows what torture I'm suffering. The anti-suicide people can't even admit that some people may have terrible lives. To end my pain I would like to be able to legally buy fentanyl,nembutal or pure carbon monoxide gas for personal suicide . But i can't because every government has banned these and other ways to commit painless suicide.I would like to hire someone like Dr. Kervorkian to help me die . But they banned that too. They even banned me talking about killing myself. I'm scared to talk about suicide to anyone (except on this site) because they'll fire you and lock you up in a mental hospital. The ultimate freedom is to be able to choose the manner you die and when you die. I would like to die painlessly soon. And i know after I die I won't ever have any problems, nor pain, nor have to work nor kiss up to anyone nor do anything. I didn't have any problems nor pain for 13 billion years when i was dead. Everyone will die anyway ... And that is the one truth.
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Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
I don't deal with concerned people. It's either friends close enough that they know exactly what is going to happen and respect it, or friends not close enough for that, see what's happened to me, and have not the wits to wonder why I am so calm.

It's really funny when your entire life is fucked and the latter kind of friends keep telling you to 'take care of yourself' and do your chores. Yeah, sure, tell me that as if I were a child. Sure, I will slink away and be good and not bother anybody, never be a burden to anybody. Because I'm not burdened unbearably, right? Just sort of switch my needs, especially the need for dignity off. Ship me off to a shrink and drug me if going for walks does not do the trick.

Fuckers, MY LIFE HAS BEEN FUCKED. I AM MURDERED. All in quiet slow motion as you keep telling me to do my chores.

It's sickening.
Good point and yes, those people are a big nuisance and only serve to complicate things. I do believe most people are hypocritical, some intentionally and some unintentionally. I despise the ones that do it deliberately because they know it's wrong but they still decide to do so just because they 'can'.
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rapid cycling gay guy
Sep 13, 2019
As far back as I can remember, I always hated the people who were "concerned" for me (except maybe parents and family since they are well meaning and supported me when I was growing up due to unconditional love - even though not always in the best relations or best interests, but that's another topic altogether so I won't go on that tangent). This always annoyed me simply because these people would meddle into my affairs, my business, my life, and then decide what is best for me even if they don't know the situation. It vexes me even more because these people are simply just virtue signaling and stroking their egos. They don't "really" care about my real problems, let alone offer any concrete solution to them (or if there is none, then respect my decision, even if they don't like it.).

This brings me to a second point, the other point is that they feel like this gives them "permission" and the right to do so. Using that same logic against them, then it would be ok to stalk someone under the pretense that one is "concerned", but oh no, if someone does that, it is suddenly viewed as criminal, and socially unacceptable (creepy behavior). Talk about double standards and hypocrisy. It's basically like saying when someone thinks about suicide or is disturbed, suddenly society has all the right and ability to intervene, to violate that person's agency, privacy, freedom, and even peace of mind, whether out of genuine concern or not (most likely not out of genuine concern as their actions speak otherwise). Being "concerned" isn't a license to bypass the other person's agency, privacy, and rights. It is really disgusting how people can just claim to do that and get away with it.

So in conclusion, I resent the people who are concerned for me (especially when they feign it and are doing it just to appear to be a "good" person) because not only does it violate my privacy, freedom, rights, peace of mind; it also inconveniences me. It is very hypocritical that just because someone has the wrong think, doesn't maintain or agree or keep up with the status quo (what society deems ok), then suddenly their privacy, freedom, rights, and what not are irrelevant and that others are justified in doing what that do. No, fuck that, I won't accept this clown standard.
I feel the same way. This post is perfect.
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Oct 9, 2019
I think there are people who genuinly do care - not just to seem like a good person. I just wish that people could understand not everyone is able to live with quality of life, I think it is cruel to make it so horribly difficult for those who are suffering to be at peace. I hope the middle ground to this topic is found one day when people are not so frightened of it. It is difficult for others to understand a lot of the time.
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