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salt shaker, rule breaker
Jan 29, 2021
Every day I tell myself i'm going to have a day off it and I end up buying more. Feels like the world is ending without it. Most days i'm left hungover, my feet ache all the time too.

If you don't have a drinking problem yet I wouldn't recommend starting. Anybody else have trouble with the hooch?
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Final Escape

I’ve been here too long
Jul 8, 2018
For me it was not alcohol but weed and ADD medication. Im currently about two weeks sober omg it's terrible. I feel like I cannot cope. I can't concentrate at all hardly so I'm falling behind on tasks and shit that needs to be done. It's extremely hard to remain sober because of something called protracted withdrawal syndrome. Basically your brain goes to work trying to readjust after longterm use of substances and this can take months till u are through the worst of it. The brain does not heal fast so it can take over a year and depends on the substance. I currently have difficulty concentrating on anything complex. I'm lazier and feels like I'm in a fog a lot. Lethargy and no interest in things.
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Do what's best for you 🕯️
Jul 1, 2020
drunk and high on weed, wondering why im even bothering. i wouldnt call the booze a problem but i do smoke up everyday
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salt shaker, rule breaker
Jan 29, 2021
I stopped smoking weed like a year ago, strangely it seemed really hard to quit until one day i just kind of snapped and stopped buying it.
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Dec 15, 2020
I'm on Day 14 of sobriety (not for the first time) and yes it's incredibly hard. With underlying depression I really miss my main outlet, though know it only brings trouble.
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Autistic loser
Jan 26, 2021
Well, no addiction but I've gotten blackout drunk two or three times. I think it's good for emotional catharsis. Right now I'm focusing on nutrition for the gym so at the most I can get a beer in during the weekend or something.
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Sep 28, 2020
Becoming an alcoholic is much harder to quit, cause it's so available everywhere.
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Out of order
Feb 21, 2021
I've went almost two years without drinking until I was over at one of my peers' home about a month ago. He didn't pressure me drink but I didn't want to seem lame, so I had a beer. Basically, I went from a borderline alcoholic to a social drinker. Not sure if I'd be able to quit drinking completely but I managed to at least only do it to fit in. Keep in mind, I'm not very social so that's once in the blue moon. However, it was hard to even get to that point. Alcohol was a cope for me when even minor inconveniences got to me. Failed a test? Rum. Someone I care about didn't respond to my text? Coolers. Got into an argument? Sake. Was forced to stop as a family member found the various alcohol bottles scattered across my room, though. They threatened to have me admitted if I didn't at least slow down, if not quit entirely.
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Jan 17, 2021
I only ever drink alcohol on mandatory social outings. Now that social outings aren't a thing due to restrictions, I haven't had any alcohol at all in about a year. Don't miss it at all, strangely.
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Soulless Angel

Soulless Angel

Did someone say Rum?
Jul 6, 2020
I could stop drinking tomorrow, but I won't as it's the only time in my life I feel relaxed, and safe, I am not addicted to it, I do drink loads, I don't get hang overs, I don't feel ill, no matter how much I drink, I am luck in some way's but unlucky in others, If I had a hangover maybe then I may just go fuck it! Until that day, meh
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salt shaker, rule breaker
Jan 29, 2021
I'm on Day 14 of sobriety (not for the first time) and yes it's incredibly hard. With underlying depression I really miss my main outlet, though know it only brings trouble.
What's your secret? Is it any easier around day 14?


Dec 15, 2020
What's your secret? Is it any easier around day 14?
After the first few days it does get a little easier. I guess for me it's about getting used to living sober, having sober routines, and knowing you're an addict. I've been trying to quit for years and have got plenty of abstinence periods in. The depression always gets me though.
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Dec 13, 2019
I always used to tell myself that I have no issues with drinking, only because i was not physically dependent on it- I had no "natural" craving. But I am aware that I am at least mentally dependent on it. though..if i have an issue I always feel like i need to have a drink. to get a little buzzed..
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Nov 16, 2019
8th year of sobriety from booze. I switched to adderall for a bit and that ruined my life. (Went crazy/ psycho)
AA helped me alot actually.
Now I'm just a depressed worthless soul with no hope for the future as my past mistakes haunt me
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signifying nothing

signifying nothing

Sep 13, 2020
Alcohol doesn't like me at the moment. I wish it would, I need something to dull this existence.
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Soulless Angel

Soulless Angel

Did someone say Rum?
Jul 6, 2020
change my post!! I am stopping this week, gonna get this bottle out the way, then its over for me :( Be interested to see how my body adapts and if I have any cravings etc
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Feb 27, 2021
I'm addicted to cigs and alcohol. I been drinking a full bottle and smoking a pack a day. Like a fiend, if i run out of either one i don't hesitate to go to the store within minutes
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bad luck

bad luck

Memento mori
Mar 2, 2021
Me. The last time I started drinking at 1:00 p.m. and finished at 10:00 p.m. In total 8 liters of beer. The next day he was a shit with a huge hangover.
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and now we rise and we are everywhere
Apr 19, 2020
I've spent years on and off alcohol. Luckily today I'm off but I feel for you. I've gone through withdrawals so many times I've lost count. Shakes, sweats, hallucinations, all that. It's utter misery. I drank just to quiet my thoughts.
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Mar 14, 2021
It's an ongoing battle which I don't believe I'll ever win I heard that only 5% of alcoholics actually stop for good bit scary
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Mar 14, 2021
i dont care about life anymore im here to find out how to die
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Dec 5, 2020
I have found that it's relatively easy to not drink now that I'm off SSRIs.

When I was on them, alcohol was a way to feel. Now I feel quite a lot – too much. But I don't want the haziness of being drunk, and I don't want the added anxiety and depression I get with the hangover.

I've thought about quitting for years, but it felt like a big sacrifice. Now it doesn't.

Last weekend, I was in a social situation where it was tempting to drink like a lot of the others present, but I didn't have the sense of being deprived a pleasure. It felt ok to abstain for myself.

One of the guys there made a conscious decision to go teetotal in his early 20s, and has been so for 11 years. No adverse event prompted him, just discomfort with how/why he was using alcohol. Said it was easily the best decision he's made.


Mar 4, 2021
I have found that it's relatively easy to not drink now that I'm off SSRIs.

When I was on them, alcohol was a way to feel. Now I feel quite a lot – too much. But I don't want the haziness of being drunk, and I don't want the added anxiety and depression I get with the hangover.

I've thought about quitting for years, but it felt like a big sacrifice. Now it doesn't.

Last weekend, I was in a social situation where it was tempting to drink like a lot of the others present, but I didn't have the sense of being deprived a pleasure. It felt ok to abstain for myself.

One of the guys there made a conscious decision to go teetotal in his early 20s, and has been so for 11 years. No adverse event prompted him, just discomfort with how/why he was using alcohol. Said it was easily the best decision he's made.
Alcohol is much better than SSRIs. I know what I'm talking about. If you want to lose your libido and never get it back, SSRIs are your way. If you never want to have an orgasm again, SSRIs are your way. SSRIs have so many side effects that it's better to drink alcohol every day. It is easier for women to accept SSRIs. Men - never!


Semi-Professional Disappointment
Jan 16, 2020
Every day I tell myself i'm going to have a day off it and I end up buying more.

The worst thing about alcohol is you feel you like you're in control and it's only when you're sober you realise how little control you have over it.
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Mar 22, 2020
Tell ME about it!
I've been sober for 2 months but I every time I tried to quit booze, I ended up drinking lots of it the following day.

The best advice I can give you is that before drinking, think of the next day.
You'll be more depressed, suicidal, with no energy and probably won't do anything productive that day.

Alcohol is an illusion. You think you're happy but once sober, problems come back again.
Of course, drinking occasionally is okay. That's my goal.
The problem is drinking every day. You even get fatter! Damn alcohol!

Once you understand that there's no point in drinking and being wasted, you'll be able to quit it.

At least this has been working for me. Almost 60 days sober. I can even save money now! You can't imagine how much I used to spend on booze!
Soulless Angel

Soulless Angel

Did someone say Rum?
Jul 6, 2020
Nearly 10 days and no ill side effects, not craving it, alls good
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Sep 30, 2020
Boy does this hit home. I just finished a 4pack then went and bought another bottle of rum. I think we should consider the fact it's availability plays a part.

Old habits die hard, I said I'd quite smoking too but just went and got another pouch of tobacco.

We all die anyway, these habits just help quicken the process but it feels nice to be a happy , chilled out dunk.

Either way there are support networks but you have to consider it an issue and want to stop if you want to get help. As for me I won't quit because I don't see that much of a problem with it.


Jun 29, 2018
While I was working I would drink about a case one night during my weekends off. When I got sick I would drink here and there, but it was always binge drinking. Be careful because you have to be detoxed in a hospital for alcohol addiction as the withdrawal can kill you.


Mar 14, 2021
8th year of sobriety from booze. I switched to adderall for a bit and that ruined my life. (Went crazy/ psycho)
AA helped me alot actually.
Now I'm just a depressed worthless soul with no hope for the future as my past mistakes haunt me
I'm exactly like that bt haven't had the strength to stop like you I seem to spend most of my days drinking too much in order to block out the massive mistakes I've made because of drinking too much it's a vicious circle and it's getting boring
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