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Apr 6, 2019
I recently went to see a psychiatrist, for the first time after a traumatizing experience a few years prior. I was putting it off for so long.
I felt scared and cornered, feeling stupid and edgy for talking all about my problems, so I just... Told only what was on the edge of the iceberg. Even less. I started crying and just wanted to get it over with.
I was diagnosed with neurosis, which I think is true, but I feel like my problems may be coming from bipolar disorder. I have done many tests online, and did my research long ago. The thing is, I feel stupid talking about it to the doctor. I just... hate being seen as weak and exposing myself like this. How do I do this? Do I just walk in and say 'hey, I think I'm bipolar instead!'? I feel like the doc will just think I'm faking or won't treat me seriously.
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The stranger
Feb 21, 2019
I think you should accept all the information that the psychiatrist told to to you that YOU find that make sense or is interesting ... and the rest just forget
The problem starts when the therapist want obligate you to do things without a reasonable explanation or objective like take medicine.
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Nov 6, 2018
Discuss your symptoms and ask if the bipolar diagnosis makes sense too.

I know I'm neurotic. I also go through major mood shifts, but never to the full-blown manic delusions.


Mar 20, 2019
It's totally normal to feel uncomfortable with showing weakness. Especially when it's someone you're not entirely comfortable with.

One thing I like to remind myself of is that this is their job, they're paid to listen and discuss your symptoms. They see so many patients throughout their career that there's really nothing you can say that's going to shock them. Keeping that in mind usually helps reduce my anxiety when seeing my psychiatrist.
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Mar 16, 2019
I fully agree with everything @intheweeds just said.

In addition, don't feel pressured to discuss everything in the first few sessions. Take the time to get to know your therapist, and once you feel comfortable with them and have confidence in their ability, then you can open up more.

Personally, I wouldn't recommend trying to self-diagnose. By all means feel free to ask if it's possible that you may be bipolar, but don't say "I think I am bipolar". If your therapist is competent, then he should be able to provide an accurate diagnosis.


Apr 5, 2019
I have a meeting with a psychiatrists in few weeks
I had an appointment with her which i didn't show up to after the release from involuntary commitment i didn't go cause i still had delusions
Also didn't take the treatment cause they upped my dose and it was scary (still is) big injection
My aunt told me she heard of a good private psychiatrist who could prescribe less agressive treatment after some time he turned out he retired and talked about finding another one
Dunno why didn't found myself one already i'ts my business to take care of
Anyway in the meantime i was advised by my uncle (who was the one who dealt with my ilneass since my first episode) to make an appoitment with my appointed public health care psychiatric dr
Only to tell her that i've been taking pills so it will say so on my record since it's an issue with social security if i don't take treatment he even has those pills coincidentally from a buddy of his
I am too ashamed cause the last time i was at their house i told my beloved old grandma she is going to die even though it wasn't mentally responsible i can't excuse myself
I was only taking sleeping pills since my release which is like 5 months
Now i feel incrdibly redicilous to suddenly drop in on her
I'm supertense around ppl cant settle on a face expression plus she is very attractive (relatively young)
Has witnessed me being full baloney in twice seperate occasions without even an appoitment
Once i went to her on my initative to "inform" her about smoething don't remember i'm not very luicd when i'm manic the other time it was taken there by family to get a prescription to injection she suggested to take me to mental hospital (it wasn't a nice moment a bloody scence out of the office) i think i attacked her verbally (like shut up or you usless) after tried to convince her to call the police on my uncle and brother
Besides that i had an appointment before with her
First time (few years back) she was nice i didn't wanna corporate
Second time was 2 years later i went on my own accord but for depression
Though with years of rich exprience of it
Where it gotten to the point that i could not function in social enviroment
Because by that time my abilty to communicate had gotten to the degree
Of not being able to sell cold refreshing water to thirsty human on a desert
She told me not to quit etc.. and gave me anti depressant from that i got the inspartion to commit suicide
Which i bailed in the last minute
So to summraize i am anxious about how to present my intrest for suddenly showing up
She will not like it that i didn't take the treatment (which actually i'm not trying to avoid anymore)
There is this thing that my dr in my first commitmet to mental hospital suggested i need
A bit more than a year ago then in the discharge conference on the second time (few month ago)
They also mentioned it that i refused and that i got to go through rehabiltaion program or process or something

Jean Améry

Mar 17, 2019
I recently went to see a psychiatrist, for the first time after a traumatizing experience a few years prior. I was putting it off for so long.
I felt scared and cornered, feeling stupid and edgy for talking all about my problems, so I just... Told only what was on the edge of the iceberg. Even less. I started crying and just wanted to get it over with.
I was diagnosed with neurosis, which I think is true, but I feel like my problems may be coming from bipolar disorder. I have done many tests online, and did my research long ago. The thing is, I feel stupid talking about it to the doctor. I just... hate being seen as weak and exposing myself like this. How do I do this? Do I just walk in and say 'hey, I think I'm bipolar instead!'? I feel like the doc will just think I'm faking or won't treat me seriously.

This person is getting paid to listen to your problems so I wouldn't feel embarassed about it. This is about you, not him or her.
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Apr 6, 2019
I thought i would update this. I got admitted to a hospital, and in the end they diagnosed me woth borderline pd. Guess i was pretty close with my self diagnosis.
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"i hope the leaving is joyful, & never to return"
May 30, 2019
I recently went to see a psychiatrist, for the first time after a traumatizing experience a few years prior. I was putting it off for so long.
I felt scared and cornered, feeling stupid and edgy for talking all about my problems, so I just... Told only what was on the edge of the iceberg. Even less. I started crying and just wanted to get it over with.
I was diagnosed with neurosis, which I think is true, but I feel like my problems may be coming from bipolar disorder. I have done many tests online, and did my research long ago. The thing is, I feel stupid talking about it to the doctor. I just... hate being seen as weak and exposing myself like this. How do I do this? Do I just walk in and say 'hey, I think I'm bipolar instead!'? I feel like the doc will just think I'm faking or won't treat me seriously.
Nope. All so-called mental health workers think they are psychics who magically understand everything about your life experiences and your mind, just by whether or not they enjoy your tone of voice. They probably never heard a word you said. They snap off a "diagnosis" within minutes of meeting you and nothing you say or do contradictory to that diagnosis will ever matter because they aren't paying attention anyway.
They only have the intellect of small dogs, really. Just throw a ball for them to chase around the office and read a book during your sessions, the result will be the same as if you spill your guts for an hour. "Arf. arf, arf, arf."
All their words are just animal noises, meaningless.
I thought i would update this. I got admitted to a hospital, and in the end they diagnosed me woth borderline pd. Guess i was pretty close with my self diagnosis.
Oh you found one of the few with half a brain! Congratulations!
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Jun 3, 2019
I recently went to see a psychiatrist, for the first time after a traumatizing experience a few years prior. I was putting it off for so long.
I felt scared and cornered, feeling stupid and edgy for talking all about my problems, so I just... Told only what was on the edge of the iceberg. Even less. I started crying and just wanted to get it over with.
I was diagnosed with neurosis, which I think is true, but I feel like my problems may be coming from bipolar disorder. I have done many tests online, and did my research long ago. The thing is, I feel stupid talking about it to the doctor. I just... hate being seen as weak and exposing myself like this. How do I do this? Do I just walk in and say 'hey, I think I'm bipolar instead!'? I feel like the doc will just think I'm faking or won't treat me seriously.
It's so hard to see a psychiatrist for the first time... I feel your pain. It's hard to be able to tell your deepest darkest secrets to someone you've just met.

I'm like you, I always like to do my research before I go to the doctor.

For me, it took a while to find someone who I was comfortable telling my past to. But I decided to talk to a psychologist or something alike. That way, they couldn't prescribe meds but tell me what they thought was wrong with me.

You could go to your doctor next time and say " hey I've been feeling this.... and because of these feelings I think I may be bipolar as well as neurotic. That way he can help you to figure it all out. Don't worry about feeling "weak". You are not. Just remember, doctors have seen it all before, just with different circumstances. Most drs are truly there to help.... but just be aware that some are truly awful!

Jean Améry

Mar 17, 2019
Anyone who's halfway intelligent can 'diagnose' themselves based on the DSM. I knew perfectly well they were going to say 'major depressive episode' before I got to hear the 'diagnosis' based on nothing but a casual internet search.

I find it quite disturbing and telling that laypeople can make psychiatric diagnosis' just as well as the so called professionals: that's because it's purely symptom-based and there is no science to since it doesn't require labtests or any other measure commonly used in actual medicine to diagnose actual diseases based on biomarkers. Psychiatry is opinion-based medicine: your subjective opinion about yourself + the subjective opinion of the professional = a completely subjective diagnosis that is heavily dependent on the social and cultural standards of the society you happen to live in. Plus it's likely that if you go to another professional with the same story you'll get a different 'diagnosis' which proves yet again how completey inaccurate and subjective it is.

The only useful role a psychiatrist can play is to ensure (in sofar as he can still remember his actual medical training before his specialization in complete and utter nonsense) there isn't an actual physical cause for the symptoms. Certain illnesses can and do produces psychiatric symptoms. E.g. a thyriod disorder.

Congratulations with your diagnosis: this will likely haunt you for the rest of your life. The result will likely be a shitload of 'medication' and little to no time spent analyzing your personal problems. Unless you're rich enough to be able to afford a private therapist of course. In your case a therapist would problably be better suited: last I checked talking does not produce adverse physical side-effects nor actual neurotransmitter deficiencies.

Psychiatric diagnosis' reduce those they are applied to to the status of children unable to take care of themselves and decide for themselves. If you'll ever have an actual physical problem it's likely you will not be taken seriously because of your 'mental illness' which makes you a priori irrational and untrustworthy. At least in the eyes of the medical establishment and society at large.

I do hope I'm wrong and you'll get actual help that will be useful to you.

PS: 'neurosis' is no longer a valid psychiatric diagnosis. In so far as it ever was of course.


Feb 24, 2019
Nope. All so-called mental health workers think they are psychics who magically understand everything about your life experiences and your mind, just by whether or not they enjoy your tone of voice. They probably never heard a word you said. They snap off a "diagnosis" within minutes of meeting you and nothing you say or do contradictory to that diagnosis will ever matter because they aren't paying attention anyway.
They only have the intellect of small dogs, really. Just throw a ball for them to chase around the office and read a book during your sessions, the result will be the same as if you spill your guts for an hour. "Arf. arf, arf, arf."
All their words are just animal noises, meaningless.

Oh you found one of the few with half a brain! Congratulations!
Soooooo true !!
Nope. All so-called mental health workers think they are psychics who magically understand everything about your life experiences and your mind, just by whether or not they enjoy your tone of voice. They probably never heard a word you said. They snap off a "diagnosis" within minutes of meeting you and nothing you say or do contradictory to that diagnosis will ever matter because they aren't paying attention anyway.
They only have the intellect of small dogs, really. Just throw a ball for them to chase around the office and read a book during your sessions, the result will be the same as if you spill your guts for an hour. "Arf. arf, arf, arf."
All their words are just animal noises, meaningless.

Oh you found one of the few with half a brain! Congratulations!

Honestly I lost faith in my psychiatrist seeing all his dead house plants in his office, ha

I cannot stand them. Met around 11 in my lifetime and never liked any. Their attitudes are pathetic , they really don't care about their patients

Answer to everything is sarcasm, blaming the patient, blaming the patients family, looking down on those who are not working , psych meds which sedate people all day are the cure all, and if you don't take them they love locking people up and injecting them

I have a few horror stories to tell. God I can't stand them one bit

If you ever meet a decent one who listens you're very very lucky trust me
OP I'm sorry for all you have been through, I think you are brave for talking with them and agreeing to go inpatient for a while. Sorry about your diagnosis but I am glad you have come away with answers you were seeking
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"i hope the leaving is joyful, & never to return"
May 30, 2019
Soooooo true !!
I know my hatred of shrinks may seem extreme but the negative impact of their incompetence on my life has been extreme so my hatred is perfectly proportionate.
I swear to fucking god if I ever go into a shrink's office again I'm gonna toss a ball and tell them to fetch while I read my library book. If they speak I'll tell them stop barking. They are useless.
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Feb 24, 2019
I know my hatred of shrinks may seem extreme but the negative impact of their incompetence on my life has been extreme so my hatred is perfectly proportionate.
I swear to fucking god if I ever go into a shrink's office again I'm gonna toss a ball and tell them to fetch while I read my library book. If they speak I'll tell them stop barking. They are useless.
I understand and I'm feeling your passion , I feel it too, they messed up mine and friends lives. Still I giggle at the dogs ball comment that's funny but honestly yes my dog understands more than they do, you are right.

I don't think it sounds extreme

Sad thing is everyone will believe a psych over a client who complains about any wrongdoings. I hope I never see one again too. Had an appointment with one last month and I cancelled it as soon as i opened the letter
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Jean Améry

Mar 17, 2019
I know my hatred of shrinks may seem extreme but the negative impact of their incompetence on my life has been extreme so my hatred is perfectly proportionate.
I swear to fucking god if I ever go into a shrink's office again I'm gonna toss a ball and tell them to fetch while I read my library book. If they speak I'll tell them stop barking. They are useless.

It's natural to feel this way when you've been seriously harmed and mistreated. I happened to me too: these people are the scum of the earth and nothing short of intellectual and medical frauds. They haven't got a clue about what they're pretending to treat and as a consequence they harm many people.

'Primum non nocere': first of all do no harm. That is the first principle of medicine except in psychiatry: if this principle would be enforced almost no psychiatric treatment could be undertaken as they nearly all carry far greater risks than benefits.

I'm very much pro medicine and pro science and that's just the problem: psychiatry is neither medicine nor science(based).

Just how jaded, cold and irresponsible does one have to be to willingly participate in this fraudulent business that harms people just as much as the tobacco, alcohol or gun industry?
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