

Most likely dissociating
May 5, 2023
So I've tried to ctb with pills under the impulse and now I'm laying in the hospital. I already know that I'll be sent to the ward and that the best for me is to try get help there but I'm anxious af. I never been there before and I'm scared of people there, doctors and basically everything (anxiety disorders slay). If anyone was there then what was your experience? Any tips to not be so stressed out about? What are some universal rules there? I'd love to hear anything that could help me.
  • Hugs
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"and if this is the end, i am glad i met you."
May 27, 2023
Try to make some connections with the staff/patients. I can't predict what the people will be like where you go but I found that generally the staff were quite nice, be kind to them and they will be kind in return. The patients were a little different, some I was able to talk to and befriend, some i stayed clear of, you should be able to tell which is which.


Nov 24, 2022
Basically czeka cię krótkoterminowe więzienie i szprycowanie sertraliną, ale co szpital to obyczaj. Zaopatrz się w powerbank i słuchawki oraz cierpliwość. Rozmawiaj z doktorkami szczerze, bo w sumie jak już do tego doszło, że tam jesteś, to czemu nie? A, no i podkreślaj, jak bardzo żałujesz tego haniebnego czynu (nie ważne, czy tak jest. chyba, że chcesz siedzieć dłużej, ale wątpie xd)

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