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Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
It's a forum. People ask questions and people answer questions. I get that.

However, people see a question and often just fart out answers without knowing wtf they're talking about. It's what people do. Sometimes they're not even farting, they're genuinely in error. That includes new members who have been here for a minute, read a handful of posts, and start answering questions like they know what they're talking about, particularly about SN. That includes people who have been here a long time.

Use your critical thinking skills. If someone says, "I read somewhere" or "I think," ask them to provide a source. Notice how long they've been on the forum, check their previous posts and see if they seem like they know what they're talking about, look at the reacts on those posts and the responses from others that agreed or disagreed. Don't just put your life and well-being in the hands of random strangers. To be blunt, it's a dumbass move with potentially extreme repercussions.

Every day, someone asserts to be true an unfounded "fact" or opinion about SN, like that it leads to brain or kidney damage, or that the method only takes 10-20 minutes, or that it is either utterly painless or excruciatingly painful. It gets exhausting to constantly correct these things, is disheartening to see them day in and day out, and no matter how many conscientious members try to keep up, sometimes farts still slip through because the mods don't keep up with it so it's the members who have to, and we don't have to. It's your responsibility. If you're new, you might not yet be able to discern the odor of farts, and remember, everyone likes the smell of their own aroma, it doesn't usually stink to them, even if they're told it stinks.

This is a forum in which answers are literally of life or death importance. If you're considering using SN or any other method, inform yourself. Get to know the Resources Compilation stickied thread for ALL methods. Read Stan's Guide to SN, which is an easy to read and comprehensive guide about SN, how it works, and how to do the method; it's not perfect, but it's reliable. For many methods including SN, read the PPeH if you can get an untampered copy, and then follow up with other resources to be sure you got good information. Research online the short- and long-term effects of any method. Read the SN successes and failures thread and read what people experienced when they took SN and how some fucked up so you won't make the same mistakes. Consider testing your SN for purity with the aquarium test kit strips and/or the blood test.

The forum is not a drive-thru where you can request the quickest, cheapest painless method and go to it -- would that it were, but suicide is not that easy. Otherwise, there wouldn't be so many threads and active members.

It's your death. Only you can make the choice to do it (or take the choice, if that's what they say where you're from). Only you can decide how to do it, though by all means, talk it out if that helps you decide on a method. No one can plan your suicide for you (though Stan's Guide comes as close as it gets). No one can suicide for you. If you've researched a method and have questions, ask them, but it's still on you to research and discern if the answers you get are accurate or not. When it comes to actually doing it, if you make an error in your method or want to bail out, no one can go to the hospital for you, go to the psych ward for you, or deal with all the shit afterward like physical and emotional recovery, losing a job, or people becoming hypervigilant.

Own your shit, because whether you can or not, no one else can. If you take bad advice because you didn't research, it's on you, not the person who farted out false information.
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Deleted member 17949

Deleted member 17949

May 9, 2020
True, especially with the more popular methods where there are so many random bits of speculation floating about it is so important for people to do their own research. We have not mastered any methods here. We have not gotten so used to anything that we know exactly the right way to make it work. This is serious.
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Mar 31, 2020
Thank you for posting this. I notice a lot of new members popping into the forum expecting to be spoon-fed information and guidance. I'm sure most posters here are happy to give support, but at the end of the day, people need to take responsibility for their own death. If you're not capable of doing your own independent research on something as serious as your own suicide, then I don't know what to say..
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Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
Thank you for posting this. I notice a lot of new members popping into the forum expecting to be spoon-fed information and guidance. I'm sure most posters here are happy to give support, but at the end of the day, people need to take responsibility for their own death. If you're not capable of doing your own independent research on something as serious as your own suicide, then I don't know what to say..

I get that some people may be in distress when they join and just want quick answers, and I recognize that some people have a more difficult time learning, researching, and processing, but as you said, the topic here is something as serious as one's own suicide. It doesn't get more serious. If they're not capable of using the resources here to figure it out, then they've got some pretty big issues that no one here is capable of fixing for them. If anything, they're vulnerable to predators by relying on others to figure it out for them.

I don't mean to be an ass here, I sometimes work out my frustration with humor, so I recently made this meme because the site really does feel like this sometimes:


This person is going to get in an ugly wreck, and not a fatal one.
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Jan 14, 2020
We need to be careful dishing out anything that could be misconstrued as advice/tips too because there is that Facebook group that's been targeting this site and taking screenshots of what people are posting, so please be mindful of this and sharing ANY personal information with people expecting to be spoon fed.
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Apr 8, 2020
I think the resource compilation needs to stick out more. It blends to easily to my eye with suicide discussion.
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May 12, 2020
Well said. Whilst I completely agree that doing your research is on YOU, I know full well that some people will be likely to believe misinformation that they read. And I think it's a real shame people make bold claims which could potentially deter others away from a method unduly, which can be especially damaging if it leads someone reading towards a more dangerous method instead.

Having said that, I do think that it's almost always comes from a non-malicious place, and people have made false assumptions. We as humans problem solve and try to join dots, so saying something like 'SN can cause brain damage' is a conclusion which, whilst completely incorrect, you can see why someone has made that assumption.

I guess the most we can do is bust the myths and correct false facts and assumptions like these.
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Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
Well said. Whilst I completely agree that doing your research is on YOU, I know full well that some people will be likely to believe misinformation that they read. And I think it's a real shame people make bold claims which could potentially deter others away from a method unduly, which can be especially damaging if it leads someone reading towards a more dangerous method instead.

Having said that, I do think that it's almost always comes from a non-malicious place, and people have made false assumptions. We as humans problem solve and try to join dots, so saying something like 'SN can cause brain damage' is a conclusion which, whilst completely incorrect, you can see why someone has made that assumption.

I guess the most we can do is bust the myths and correct false facts and assumptions like these.

Well said.

I would add that while most of the time such statements are not made with malicious intent, there are people who come on the site to deter, and dropping bits of misinformation is easy to do. So folks need to take responsibility for following up to see if what they're told is accurate.

It gets tiring to bust myths and correct facts. For a while, it was going around that one HAD to have meto for SN to work. It's always something. I know that it's not all on me, others correct misinfo as well, and some of them get burned out, too. Part of that is due to what I mentioned in the OP, humans are going to fart out answers without thinking, but anyone who intentionally spreads misinformation also wants people to get worn out. They can also create a fake account and then have a sensational suicide. I'm not encouraging paranoia here, but ffs, don't trust anyone on the internet! There have been plenty of predators and scammers on this site, as well as pro-lifers, all of this is known. One scammer was highly trusted, one can read the pinned scams thread if they want to know more. This is exactly why I don't develop real friendships here, because I'm aware of all the bullshit that goes on on the internet and I'm not cool with being a victim. So people need to be responsible for doing their research and making the most informed decisions they can because this is not a fast food/fast suicide drive-thru. The stakes are very high.
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Aug 11, 2020
random question- how do we make a new post?


Aug 11, 2020
See the Rules and FAQ for instructions.
yeah i checked, I've already hit the qualifications (I believe?) so I'm confused why no option is popping up. And since I can't PM I cant PM the moderators, not that I would know how to anyway ahh


Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
yeah i checked, I've already hit the qualifications (I believe?) so I'm confused why no option is popping up. And since I can't PM I cant PM the moderators, not that I would know how to anyway ahh

The bottom of the Rules and FAQ says how to make a new thread. You don't need a certain number of posts like you do for a PM.


Apr 8, 2020
Look for something near the top of the website that says POST THREAD. It will be the colour RED.
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May 12, 2020
It gets tiring to bust myths and correct facts. For a while, it was going around that one HAD to have meto for SN to work.
Funny you say this, as I'm guessing you wont remember but I think my very first comment was that you needed an anti-emetic for SN to work and it was you who corrected me! Haha.

I was just naive and new to the forum and hadn't read Stan's guide as clearly as I thought I had.
random question- how do we make a new post?
Oh the irony, after the meme just shared by @GoodPersonEffed :D
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Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
Seeing/smelling a lot of farting today on the forum about SN, bumping.
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Apr 8, 2020
It would be nice to see a published paper. Instead of member's fighting. Or hearsay. No matter which side you choose. We should cite sorces more often.
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Apr 5, 2018
There are lots of things I consider worth doing that I'm not planning to do. Testing my SN is one of them. I don't know why I'm not able/willing to do it, I only know for sure that I'm not doing it. @GoodPersonEffed You sound to me like a very smart and resourceful individual who's willing to put quite an effort when you think it's necessary, and (correct me if I'm wrong) I'm getting an impression that you expect the same from others.

If you're not capable of doing your own independent research on something as serious as your own suicide, then I don't know what to say..

This is one of those rare occasions where I know what to say. "The responsibility is entirely yours, whether you're capable or not."
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May 12, 2020
@GoodPersonEffed You sound to me like a very smart and resourceful individual who's willing to put quite an effort when you think it's necessary, and (correct me if I'm wrong) I'm getting an impression that you expect the same from others.
Personally what annoys me far more than people not doing research is not doing research and then speaking with authority on a topic as if they know what they're talking about, and then influencing other's opinions by spreading misinformation. Sorry to hijack a comment that was directed at you, @GoodPersonEffed - I hope you don't mind, I just felt compelled to chip in.

Over the past few days I've seen heavy phrases like 'brain damage' being thrown around like it's nothing. As if people are in a bar chatting about football.
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Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
There are lots of things I consider worth doing that I'm not planning to do. Testing my SN is one of them. I don't know why I'm not able/willing to do it, I only know for sure that I'm not doing it.

You don't have to, no one does. I only said to consider doing that, and I make the suggestion because the first SN I ordered was supposed to be 99% pure and didn't pass the blood test.

@GoodPersonEffed You sound to me like a very smart and resourceful individual who's willing to put quite an effort when you think it's necessary, and (correct me if I'm wrong) I'm getting an impression that you expect the same from others.

You'll need to clarify what it is you think I expect from others before I can agree or disagree that your impression is correct.
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Apr 5, 2018
You'll need to clarify what it is you think I expect from others before I can agree or disagree that your impression is correct.

Right... I don't know what I expected when I was leaving an unrefined message. I think my impression at that time was that you expect form others the same... readiness to do personal research. OK, it would be easier for me to start over. I felt offended while reading your post, and left an emotional response... I have difficulties concentrating, and I don't know why I bother... You might get an impression that I'm applying selective attention, one of those manipulative tactics that was covered in a book you talked about several times. I don't know why I'm trying to justify myself in front of you, but at least I'm aware of it, and that's already something new. Maybe because I have made unreasonable conclusions (you expect others to do the same effort you do), when you could as well just remind others of the possible unwanted consequences of not doing personal research. Sorry, I feel very tired for a coherent response, more than usual. But feel free to ask questions if you care. It's okay for me if you don't.
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Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
Right... I don't know what I expected when I was leaving an unrefined message. I think my impression at that time was that you expect form others the same... readiness to do personal research. OK, it would be easier for me to start over. I felt offended while reading your post, and left an emotional response... I have difficulties concentrating, and I don't know why I bother... You might get an impression that I'm applying selective attention, one of those manipulative tactics that was covered in a book you talked about several times. I don't know why I'm trying to justify myself in front of you, but at least I'm aware of it, and that's already something new. Maybe because I have made unreasonable conclusions (you expect others to do the same effort you do), when you could as well just remind others of the possible unwanted consequences of not doing personal research. Sorry, I feel very tired for a coherent response, more than usual. But feel free to ask questions if you care. It's okay for me if you don't.

I really appreciate and respect your response. I had a feeling I was being poked at and wasn't certain. Turns out, you felt poked at first.

I definitely was reminding others of the consequences of not doing personal research, especially since there is so much bad information that gets posted and the stakes are so high.

I want to clarify that I don't have a problem with people asking questions. It's a forum, and that's what forums are for. And I get that not everyone is capable of reading all the information and assimilating it, and it's good to be able to have conversations to figure things out and get support.

There was one member a while back who would post threads to ask very basic questions about SN. When asked what was up, why was he asking about what was in the basic resources, he said that he had autism and had a difficult time reading and learning, so his way was to ask a lot of questions, including obvious ones. As a result, he got answers as well as gentle support. I really respected him for vulnerably admitting his problem so that he could get his needs met. He took ownership of his problems and his choice, and he used the forum in a way that would help him be able to make the most informed decisions for himself.

My bottom line was at the end of the OP, to own one's choice to suicide and all that goes along with it, because no one else can, even if one can't. Behind that, I was saying, "Watch out. Not everyone has your best interests at the forefront of their minds, so it's up to you to have them at the forefront of yours."

I also recognize as a writer and communicator that there is no perfect way to get through to people: there is the intention, there is the message, and then there is how it is received and interpreted. I remember reading in a self-defense book a comment about PTSD that was really insensitive and demeaning, and yet...damn if there wasn't truth in that message that I needed to hear! I still strongly dislike the person who said it and I dislike their lack of respect or empathy for victims, but I can't deny that when I felt slapped, it woke me up and I got something from it. I don't thank abusive people for being abusive, and in all of his writings I sense an undertone of abuse, but it was a moment where he was saying to toughen up if you're going to play in this arena, and he was right. And now I'm having the lightbulb moment that I was saying something quite similar, and I wasn't saying it from a place of empathy, but empathy overshadowed by defensiveness, and was likely fighting both for and against some people at the same time.

So to you and anyone else who felt slapped, I apologize for my ignorance in how I presented my arguments and intentions such that you felt wounded rather than supported. I don't think anyone is less than me and I don't expect anyone to be like me. I want to support as well as be supported in this space. I sincerely don't want to be abusive. I recognize I was fighting, not being soft and understanding, with a goal of saying, "Wake up! This is serious!" If anyone felt small, please know that I don't see you as small. If in trying to wake someone up I slapped too hard out of my frustration and exhortation and left a mark, I apologize. If anyone feels wary of me as a result, I respect that and I respect you, and I don't take offense.
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Apr 5, 2018
@GoodPersonEffed Alright, thanks for an extensive response. I think that covered all questions I had. I also want to clarify that I didn't say I felt offended because I was expecting an apology or a similar form of recompense. I did it because I wanted to explain why I left a response that I left, probably because I want to preserve an image of a self-aware person...
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Jul 19, 2020
We need to be careful dishing out anything that could be misconstrued as advice/tips too because there is that Facebook group that's been targeting this site and taking screenshots of what people are posting, so please be mindful of this and sharing ANY personal information with people expecting to be spoon fed.
I've been off FB for a year so am not aware of this. It troubles me. Any more information? Is it a closed group?


Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
@GoodPersonEffed Alright, thanks for an extensive response. I think that covered all questions I had. I also want to clarify that I didn't say I felt offended because I was expecting an apology or a similar form of recompense. I did it because I wanted to explain why I left a response that I left, probably because I want to preserve an image of a self-aware person...

I loved how you were being self-aware and honest/open about it!

The apology was genuine. I rarely apologize. When I do, it's generated from inside and is authentic. It comes from my heart.

I've been off FB for a year so am not aware of this. It troubles me. Any more information? Is it a closed group?

See this thread:

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Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
Excellent thread and I cannot stress this enough. Oftenly, I see many threads asking for the same question, albeit in a different way. Depending on what I have to do for the day and the time I have, I try to address them individually as well as linking them to the megathread. However, some questions are so common that a quick search on the method's megathread would yield an answer that the person is looking for. If not, then the person can post under the megathread or start their own topic to discuss specific cases and someone on this forum would do their best to answer them. All in all, I think it boils down to laziness and wanting a working method quickly, part of human nature.
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Oct 1, 2018
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I'd like to shut down
Mar 13, 2024
I think this thread should be stickied
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Deleted member 65988

What GPE said above, particularly about sn still holds true now, I learnt a lot from their posts.
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