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Jul 24, 2020
Just adding my thanks for your diligent research. Time and Money both in short supply so can't afford to miss my bus.
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Jul 15, 2020
Serial Killer Geo, :devil:

I have reduced the amount of pills in my regime so I can get it down to a minimum amount and reduce the chances of me vomiting, I have been hitting my head against the wall for ages as the PPeH said to mix 2g then 1g then 800mg with the SN and I studied these meds and it takes a minimum 30 minutes to start working so your not going to get the full benefits, I even done my own testing above, I thought it was strange but after reading the PPeH again and again I somehow thought it would help with the absorption of SN but as this goodbye thread has proved Protonanolol did not help but he may have vomited it all up.


The PPeH has recorded times of 3 and 12 minutes to lose consciousness but they don't display the regime they followed so that's bad taste, lucky we also have Faust who documented his SN experience and he done a predose of 80mg and he was unconscious in minutes.


I am fairly confident if I take a dose of 200mg 60 minutes before dissolved in water and take another 200mg dissolved with the SN it will be the best method for me and I should lose consciousness quickly, I will dissolve all the meds in a little bit of water for fast action.

1, It prevents tachycardia, the heart racing and beating fast.
2, When the brain receives a message there is insufficient oxygen, a message is sent to the heart to increase blood flow which is blocked.
3, Reduces your heart rate and has a calming effect,

Updated regime

11:00hrs 02 X Big Macs and Fries with Vanilla Milkshake
15:00hrs 02 X KFC Chicken Burgers, Chips and Coke
16:00hrs 01 X Begin 8 Hour FAST
22.00hrs 01 X Begin 2 Hour Water FAST
22:45hrs 03 X 10mg Metoclopramide (30mg)
23:45hrs 04 X 75mg Ranitidine (300mg)
23:00hrs 05 X 40mg Propranolol (200mg)
23:00hrs 02 X 500mg of Paracetamol (1,000mg)
23:50hrs 01 X Last roll up of Golden Virginia tobacco
24:00hrs 05 X 40mg Propranolol (200mg)
24:00hrs 01 X 30grams SN (30,000mg)
24:00hrs 01 X Swallow SN and Propranolol in 50/100ml Water, Rizla Bomb or Yum Yum Chocolate Bomb (Not Decided Yet
01.00hrs 01 X CBT Woohoo :halo::halo::halo:



Pro Lifer Geo. :halo:

I would just like to mention I have been suffering from the side effects from Risperidone for nearly two years I have told my medical coordinator my side effects and he never explained sod all to me just kept saying it's depression and for over a year kept saying we have to find the right AD to give you, I have no energy and motivation, low sex drive can't even be bothered to wash or clean my teeth, had to give up my job I get out of bed lay on the settee and watch TV and surf the internet and drink copious amounts of tea, well I am British you know, :smiling: but I feel the same mentally as I was before going on risperidone so I have been reading about what the effects are and it seems everything seems to be tied into the D2 receptor which produces and releases dopamine the neurotransmitter where all your pleasure in life comes from if the flow is interrupted you suffer from lack of energy and motivation and sexual performance there is a very long list of side effects.

Like everything this comes with WARNINGS producing to much dopamines leads to some serious side effects and addictions, can cause psychosis and you can develop OCD tendencies and sexual addiction, gambling addictions and so on, best to discuss with your doctor or search the internet and research the Good and Bad effects of dopamine I will put a couple of links below so please read them very carefully.

After my finding I decided to go with a natural solution multi vitamins I had two types I bought for my mother a while ago and this was part of what I wanted to order so I have highlighted them below what I have been taking for a couple of days and the effects I am feeling today.

I have ordered multi vitamins to see if my symptoms improve, I don't know if its the placebo effect but I am feeling better I have had a shave and brushed my teeth and just got out of the bath, :smiling: which I really struggled to do, I am only taking the highlighted vitamins below so far but if the other ones are good I will let you know, I won't take any additional vitamins if the effects from these two are good and last.

Turmeric 95% Curcumin, tested on mice and was shown to increase dopamine but no human trials as of yet.
Vitamin D D3 50UG, 2000 IU
Pure 1000mg Pure Cod Liver Oil
L-Tyrosine, Capsule 500mg is a good for producing dopamines, google the benefits
Very strong Probiotic 50 Billion CFU Bio Cultures with Prebiotics
Red Korean Ginseng minimum strength, 8000mg daily

If all these fail there is a drug used for Parkinson disease called Selegiline on prescription but I read for the USA it may not be covered by insurance if you haven't got Parkinson disease and may need to pay for it yourself but please be aware of to much dopamine it causes some serious side effect. if you are producing to much dopamine you may need, MAO-B which is an enzyme that hangs around the membranes of your mitochondria (your cells' battery packs) in the brain. MAO-B eats up neurotransmitters, including dopamine.

Honestly it could be a placebo effect but this is the best I have been in about 2 years, I have managed to wash and clean myself, done a few choirs around the house it feels like a fog has lifted and I seem to have regained some energy and motivation I actually felt rather happy sitting here watching TV and I haven't had that feeling in a long time.

I am actually sitting here thinking of things I can do I feel really good I've not even had a stella artois, lol anyway before you rush out or buy any vitamins lets give it a week or two to see if my unmotivated self returns like I said it could just be a placebo effect and I turn back into a zombie. Please GOD I hope it doesn't.

But I thought I would share this good news with you even if it does turn out to be temporary but I am even thinking of cycling again as I must have put on over 2 stone sat at home doing nothing, eating junk food.

My next step is trying to go to sleep at a normal time and get up early and see if I can get a routine going.

My old girlfriend used to say I send mixed messages, I suppose she could have been right as on the first message I am helping you to kill yourself and the second message trying to save you, :smiling::smiling::smiling: .

Anyway I will end it here and I will give an update in a month to see if my life has changed, that's if I'm not banned for being a pro lifer, :smiling: but this was all down to SS as I started to read and send messages and something in my brain switched on as I couldn't be bothered to do anything.

Thanks everyone I still might need my SN regime, haha. Just remember to read and research anything yourself any member suggests, this way you are aware of any dangerous side effects and it's easy to find with a simple google search.



I had similar symptoms to how you feel. did you get tested for low testosterone? I have been prescribed TRT it took along time on the NHS and was really hard work to get them, to give it me.1st appointment took a long time but i was assured if test results come back bad i would be given it.....didnt happen.It took like an extra year till finally someone listened. they took that long to diagnose and stressed me out etc made me 10X worse. I can't comment on effectiveness as i haven't even tried the meds and am not planning on it either.
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Jumper Geo

Jumper Geo

Life's a bitch and then you die.
Feb 23, 2020
I had similar symptoms to how you feel. did you get tested for low testosterone? I have been prescribed TRT it took along time on the NHS and was really hard work to get them, to give it me.1st appointment took a long time but i was assured if test results come back bad i would be given it.....didnt happen.It took like an extra year till finally someone listened. they took that long to diagnose and stressed me out etc made me 10X worse. I can't comment on effectiveness as i haven't even tried the meds and am not planning on it either.

Thanks I grow a beard is 3 days but I will have it tested I can arrange a blood test with my doctor they tried to send me for one about a year ago but I never went but I am still feeling OK so fingers x thanks for the advice.


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Jul 15, 2020
Thanks I grow a beard is 3 days but I will have it tested I can arrange a blood test with my doctor they tried to send me for one about a year ago but I never went but I am still feeling OK so fingers x thanks for the advice.



I have no problem growing a beard but what you said "I have no energy and motivation, low sex drive can't even be bothered to wash or clean my teeth, had to give up my job I get out of bed lay on the settee and watch TV and surf the internet" i have exactly the same.

the problem with low T it is often misdiagnosed as depression and so i imagine visa versa. In fact one nurse taking bloods said symptoms sound like manic depression, i thought its probably both amount i got fucked about and ended up out of work etc. my sister thinks I'm bipolar aswell, she's a nurse!
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Jumper Geo

Jumper Geo

Life's a bitch and then you die.
Feb 23, 2020
I have no problem growing a beard but what you said "I have no energy and motivation, low sex drive can't even be bothered to wash or clean my teeth, had to give up my job I get out of bed lay on the settee and watch TV and surf the internet" i have exactly the same.

the problem with low T it is often misdiagnosed as depression and so i imagine visa versa. In fact one nurse taking bloods said symptoms sound like manic depression, i thought its probably both amount i got fucked about and ended up out of work etc. my sister thinks I'm bipolar aswell, she's a nurse!

Thanks I have taken Turmeric and Vitamin D and I feel a lot better I seem to have more energy and motivation but if anything changes I will check my T level in fact I am due to meet with the doctor soon so I will ask if they can check for that as well. If they mess me around I will get the super drug test which is very quick and costs £50.00.


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Jul 15, 2020
Thanks I have taken Turmeric and Vitamin D and I feel a lot better I seem to have more energy and motivation but if anything changes I will check my T level in fact I am due to meet with the doctor soon so I will ask if they can check for that as well. If they mess me around I will get the super drug test which is very quick and costs £50.00.



well its good your feeling better, so glad its working for you. yeah you just have to keep on at the doctors,took me over a year....by then i lost my business contract.....but they couldn't care less. its not a nice thing low T and a lot don't realise how it affects you. then they blaming everything on depression....well if you can't get any1 to listen to you and get help,what do they expect! i was tested numerous occasions 1st test came back... got referred...2nd he said just do another test even though i could give you treatment now! then a woman said no he can't have it he's too young! then i had 2 more tests and was finally given it after a proper face to face about it. each appointment takes like 4 months to get!!! i had already researched it and NHS are rubbish at the whole process. I wish i had gone private, i probably would have never been here if i had!
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Jumper Geo

Jumper Geo

Life's a bitch and then you die.
Feb 23, 2020
This doctors should be hung there first port of call should be a blood test to check things like T I am curious of my T level now although I had my vitamin d and turmeric I added 1000mg of pure cod liver oil today and I feel fine so it's looking good I had water trapped in my ear and it gave me continuous tinnitus but I was having a shave and I found a tub of cotton buds so I cleaned my ear with that and flushed it with water and it cleared it so I feel a lot better now.


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Jumper Geo

Jumper Geo

Life's a bitch and then you die.
Feb 23, 2020
I had similar symptoms to how you feel. did you get tested for low testosterone? I have been prescribed TRT it took along time on the NHS and was really hard work to get them, to give it me.1st appointment took a long time but i was assured if test results come back bad i would be given it.....didnt happen.It took like an extra year till finally someone listened. they took that long to diagnose and stressed me out etc made me 10X worse. I can't comment on effectiveness as i haven't even tried the meds and am not planning on it either.


It was a great idea I overlooked and low Testosterone does lead to all the symptoms I was suffering, I got my test results back this morning and the doctor said my Testosterome level is very healthy from 6.68 - 25.7 mine was 20.1

9 Aug 2020
20.1 nmol/L 6.68 - 25.7 R

I have been taking the highlighted vitamins below my energy and motivation started to return from just taking Turmeric 95% Curcumin and Vitamin D D3 50UG, 2000 IU but I added Probiotic 50 Billion CFU Bio Cultures with Prebiotics and Red Korean Ginseng minimum strength, 8000mg daily.

Well my energy and motivation seem to be ok and I have decided while I can to buy a new bike and do some cycling to increase my fitness, so hopefully I can get out early and do some serious riding to aid my fitness and lose the 2 or 3 stone or 28/42lbs I put on doing sod all with no energy and motivation.

One of my challenges was to get my sleep routine back to normal I bought a complete vitamin sleep pill which was packed with the B vitamins, but this had the opposite effect so I stopped but I started going to bed at 1am and getting up around 10.00 but I am starting to wake up earlier now but the weather in London is hot and humid and my mini air con unit may be keeping me awake longer but it's looking good.

Taking L-Tyrosine, Capsule 500mg seems to have quite a few side effects and they say people with schizophrenia shouldn't take them but I can get these benefits from food so I prefer the natural source. Please do your own research before taking anything.

Turmeric 95% Curcumin, tested on mice and was shown to increase dopamine but no human trials as of yet.
Vitamin D D3 50UG, 2000 IU
Pure 1000mg Pure Cod Liver Oil
Very strong Probiotic 50 Billion CFU Bio Cultures with Prebiotics
Red Korean Ginseng minimum strength, 8000mg daily

I am happy with the vitamins and supplements I take, I won't take anymore and I will rely on my diet to get any I am lacking.


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Rad maker
Jul 30, 2020
If mentally ill, looks like L-Theanine may be worth a try. It's reported an ability to lessen the positive symptoms of the schizoaffective disorder and schizophrenia, plus the manic episodes of bipolar. It can be found as green tea, if you drink enough loads of it ! (several liters per day). Or 400mg - could apparently cut down a few mental episodes. Globally, it improves stress, anxiety, sleep quality, depression, the immune system, protects brain cells (antioxydant) and finally can help to burn fat. On this latter field (weight loss) Berberine or Yohimbine are about the best available (watch out for the counter-indications of Yohimbine though)
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Jumper Geo

Jumper Geo

Life's a bitch and then you die.
Feb 23, 2020
If mentally ill, looks like L-Theanine may be worth a try. It's reported an ability to lessen the positive symptoms of the schizoaffective disorder and schizophrenia, plus the manic episodes of bipolar. It can be found as green tea, if you drink enough loads of it ! (several liters per day). Or 400mg - could apparently cut down a few mental episodes. Globally, it improves stress, anxiety, sleep quality, depression, the immune system, protects brain cells (antioxydant) and finally can help to burn fat. On this latter field (weight loss) Berberine or Yohimbine are about the best available (watch out for the counter-indications of Yohimbine though)

Thanks for your advice, it has some excellent benefits all tea's contain L-Theanine and like I said in message #20 I get out of bed lay on the settee and watch TV and surf the internet and drink copious amounts of tea, well I am British you know, :smiling: I must drink 12 big mugs of tea a day easy, my mum's was born in Ireland so we drink it like water, lol I mean I just made us a round of tea for everyone and 50 minutes later she's brought in another mug of tea haha. I think if I have it in supplement form I will OD on it.


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Jul 15, 2020
Thanks for your advice, it has some excellent benefits all tea's contain L-Theanine and like I said in message #20 I get out of bed lay on the settee and watch TV and surf the internet and drink copious amounts of tea, well I am British you know, :smiling: I must drink 12 big mugs of tea a day easy, my mum's was born in Ireland so we drink it like water, lol I mean I just made us a round of tea for everyone and 50 minutes later she's brought in another mug of tea haha. I think if I have it in supplement form I will OD on it.



I bet you piss like a race horse:pfff:
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Jumper Geo

Jumper Geo

Life's a bitch and then you die.
Feb 23, 2020
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Jumper Geo

Jumper Geo

Life's a bitch and then you die.
Feb 23, 2020
When people CTB with SN there are stories of some people becoming unconscious in minutes, well stop communicating in minutes, it seems to act faster for some people who get immediate effects and others it takes a while for the effects to start working, I wonder if this could be linked to the SN whether its Lab Grade or Food Grade, can it be possible one gives you a faster more peaceful experience.

I have no proof and I'm not a prof but I will take a wild stab in the dark and say if possible aim to purchase food grade as there is a good possibility you have eaten it before, well I certainly have.

Any thoughts


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Jul 15, 2020
When people CTB with SN there are stories of some people becoming unconscious in minutes, well stop communicating in minutes, it seems to act faster for some people who get immediate effects and others it takes a while for the effects to start working, I wonder if this could be linked to the SN whether its Lab Grade or Food Grade, can it be possible one gives you a faster more peaceful experience.

I have no proof and I'm not a prof but I will take a wild stab in the dark and say if possible aim to purchase food grade as there is a good possibility you have eaten it before, well I certainly have.

Any thoughts



I thought the same thing about people being sick, perhaps the anti emetics are fake etc??. I suppose there are a lot of factors that we can't be sure about, in different peoples circumstances
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Jumper Geo

Jumper Geo

Life's a bitch and then you die.
Feb 23, 2020
I thought the same thing about people being sick, perhaps the anti emetics are fake etc??. I suppose there are a lot of factors that we can't be sure about, in different peoples circumstances

There's a real possibility they could be fakes as many of us have bought them from the famous auction websites not online chemists I have checked the box and tablets inside and they look legit, I'm not sure there is a way to test them, I know i will need to quit smoking for a month as I almost choke and vomit after brushing my teeth, lol.


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May 24, 2020
I still have problem with the timing of propranolol
Now I think using 800mg propranolol (20×40mg) 1hr befor SN and 20min befor tagment. is this ok?
I'm sure propranolol and SN in same time doesn't work. And enhance risk of vomiting
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Jul 15, 2020
There's a real possibility they could be fakes as many of us have bought them from the famous auction websites not online chemists I have checked the box and tablets inside and they look legit, I'm not sure there is a way to test them, I know i will need to quit smoking for a month as I almost choke and vomit after brushing my teeth, lol.



I don't want to scare people etc but i used to buy steroids, medication online. the fakes are near perfect and they fake everything they possibly can. luckily i found a legit source for things i bought, they were eventually busted :'(. but i have seen some places mentioned on here, that i used to use years ago for certain things. problem you have is there are places that become scammers, or selective scammers. you never know, thats why you need get as much info as possible. some sites or forums etc might 'push' certain sources(in turn probably get legit stuff themselves). That is in no way aimed at this site by the way i would like to point out!!!!!!
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Jumper Geo

Jumper Geo

Life's a bitch and then you die.
Feb 23, 2020
I still have problem with the timing of propranolol
Now I think using 800mg propranolol (20×40mg) 1hr befor SN and 20min befor tagment. is this ok?
I'm sure propranolol and SN in same time doesn't work. And enhance risk of vomiting

I wouldn't like to say, 800mg of Protanolol is a lot to take but I agree I don't think mixing SN with it is wise as I would probably puke my guts up but just in case PN knows something he's not explaining to the outside World that it will in some way aid the abortion of SN I have decided to take 200mg one hour before and 200mg mixed with the SN to hopefully minimize vomiting.



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emptiness —> nothingness
Sep 15, 2020
Does it matter if the propranolol is the long acting version? I can only find that in 40mg tabs and would rather not crush up 80 x 10mg tabs
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Aug 14, 2020
Does it matter if the propranolol is the long acting version? I can only find that in 40mg tabs and would rather not crush up 80 x 10mg tabs
You should get the immediate release 40mg instead of "long acting" or XR (Extended Release) 80mg Propranolol.
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The 21st century is when everything changes
Aug 8, 2020
Thanks for this information @Jumper Geo , I was searching the forum for why such a high dose of propranolol is needed, and I think I found the answer in your thread :)
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Jumper Geo

Jumper Geo

Life's a bitch and then you die.
Feb 23, 2020
Thanks for this information @Jumper Geo , I was searching the forum for why such a high dose of propranolol is needed, and I think I found the answer in your thread :)

I'm really surprised Philip Nitschke and the PPeH have never mentioned this as I'm quite sure it would reduce the chances of vomiting and maybe a large enough does may make you CTB before the SN has chance to take effect,


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Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
Propranolol is used for things like stage fright. It acts as a tranquilizer since it slows down the heart rate. I can't imagine taking such a high dose. It would knock me out.
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Jumper Geo

Jumper Geo

Life's a bitch and then you die.
Feb 23, 2020
Propranolol is used for things like stage fright. It acts as a tranquilizer since it slows down the heart rate. I can't imagine taking such a high dose. It would knock me out.

I firrst heard of protanolol when the UK professional snooker players were using it and it got banned in 1988, but the PPeH originaly said take 2g mixed with SN and then lowered it to 1g and now 800mg if you read my first message there was a link to a girl who took an OD of 2.8g and was still conscience.


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Jumper Geo

Jumper Geo

Life's a bitch and then you die.
Feb 23, 2020
It's incredibly hard to OD on. The massive quantity needed is huge. I don't see how anyone can swallow that amount of a drug without vomiting. I've taken it in the past as a prescription and it had no effect on me at all.

There are a few people who just use protanolol to CTB, link below


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Oct 11, 2020
Thank you so much. I think I have finally found my method. Thank you for perfecting or helping me perfect things. You are awesome.
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Jumper Geo

Jumper Geo

Life's a bitch and then you die.
Feb 23, 2020
Thank you so much. I think I have finally found my method. Thank you for perfecting or helping me perfect things. You are awesome.

Please remember it's only for research purposes to see if it would benefit me taking two doses rather than one large dose.

Best of luck


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Jumper Geo

Jumper Geo

Life's a bitch and then you die.
Feb 23, 2020
Updated schedule, I will dissolve all the pills in water for a peaceful exit, a total of 600mg of Propranolol.

12:00hrs 02 X Big Macs and Fries with Vanilla Milkshake
14:00hrs 01 X Begin 10 Hour FAST
22.00hrs 01 X Begin 2 Hour Water FAST
22:30hrs 03 X 10mg Metoclopramide (30mg)
23:45hrs 04 X 75mg Ranitidine (300mg)
23:00hrs 08 X 40mg Propranolol (320mg)
23:00hrs 02 X 500mg of Paracetamol (1,000mg)
23:50hrs 01 X Last roll up of Golden Virginia tobacco
24:00hrs 07 X 40mg Propranolol (280mg)
24:00hrs 01 X 30grams SN (30,000mg)
24:00hrs 01 X Swallow SN and Propranolol in 50/100ml Water, Rizla Bomb or Yum Yum Chocolate Bomb (Not Decided Yet
01.00hrs 01 X CBT Woohoo :halo::halo::halo:


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Nov 5, 2020
Are you not worried that the 320mg of Propranolol could knock you out in less than an hour?
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