Imagine you're weighed down by life, you've been mistreated by the hands of those who were supposed to care about and protect you; your mental illness, that you are unable to receive treatment for, is constantly reminding you of all the reasons you don't deserve happiness; no one cares to listen to you, they just want to be happy, and you're just being a downer raining on everyone else's parade. There's no escape from your life. You're forced to drudge through every second, every minute, every hour of every day hoping that some miracle will end it all.
And yet, there's no one to help you except yourself, so you take it into your own hands.
You can't get a peaceful and efficient death as the government has prohibited any method of doing so. You settle on the next best thing that is accessible to you: a tall building of a workplace that constantly grinds on your soul, a car that you were barely able to afford, a road full of busy traffic due to frenzied individuals having to make it to their 2nd or 3rd job just to pay the bills, a simple gun that you had on you for protection, etc.
And you jump, crash, leap, pull the trigger, etc.
But you don't die.
No, you're alive, and you're severely injured for life. And everyone knows what you did.
Now, you're a selfish, inconsiderate coward who was too much of a pussy to "suck it up." Anything you say will be dismissed because you're obviously unable to make your own decisions. Anything you do will be heavily scrutinized because you're not trustworthy anymore. Anything you feel will be invalidated because anything that can push you to take your life again is a huge no-no.
If you feel any sympathy for those who had to go through this because of tight regulations, please provide them with at least one reliable method that'll allow them to pass on respectfully and painlessly. It won't hurt you, nor will it hurt anyone else.
(Deepest apologies if this is mega cringe. I believe that people who do have that power to change laws are those who block out facts if they go against their biases, so I decided to create an argument that focuses on them since they're usually self-absorbed. Although, I doubt that my subpar "speech" will get anything done.)