To overcome your anger :: WHAT YOU NEED IS THE ALL SEEING VAG-EYE-NA!
:: I have a similar photograph on my fridge (that gets so many confused, then surprised, then horrified looks!) It may be a Cindy Sherman, I'm not sure....
Moderate moderators may ban this. Its art not porn, ok. You know how I like to share :: The original is owned by the agency /gallery used to freelance for [Saatchi]
I think its fkn beautiful.
How I feel... (but in recovery and in magick, we are taught feeings are illusion; they distort our perception. Maybe the Buddhists are right, we require detachment in order to understand truth and beauty. But my thinking is that without emotions (as deviousv/ dangerous as they are) truth and beauty (and attatchment to..) are worthless.
If everything is preordained, what of free will, and moral culpability?!
Are we nothing more than the (emotionally dysfunctional ) choices we make, are those choices even ours?