
Jan 7, 2022
This might be long winded so I apologize in advance. I haven't posted in a while and just curious about everyone's opinions. Nobody is obligated to believe me. You can claim mental illness on my part or whatever you want.

I have recently been targeted by a police stingray in the last few months. I live in the US. I'm not sure if it's the police or a private investigator. Whoever it is knows where I work and where I live. It's possible this stingray has been in use against my phones for a long time and I just didn't notice until recently. I have a work phone and personal phone with the same phone carrier. They are 4G/LTE phones but apparently this stingray can downgrade the phones signal to 3G since 3G has weak encryption. I'm not going to explain everything a stingray can do (just google it) but it's obviously a spy tool that can look at stuff on your phone. I have screen shots of my phones being connected to the stingray but I'm not going to post them.

The stingray appears to be mostly targeting my work phone which leads me to believe there is some type of work investigation taking place that I am somehow involved in. I have knowledge about sabotage taking place at my job and my employer either thinks I'm behind it or they think someone else is and just using me as bait to catch them. I am also the victim of naked pictures/videos being sent out for the last several years (search for Weird Situation thread for details). It's also important to note that when my work phone is in airplane mode the stingray attempts to connect to my personal phone. I come home from work around the same time everyday and my car is parked a decent ways from my apartment door. I have noticed on several occasions that when I walk inside my apartment and take my phones out that the stingray attempts to connect to my work phone almost right away and I put the phone in airplane mode.

For those that aren't familiar with the medication I take...I am on risperdal and klonopin. I have been cheating/changing my risperdal doses on several occasions for the last several years. I always take the klonopin as prescribed. In June of last year my psychiatrist refilled my risperdal and when I picked it up at the pharmacy I noticed it said no refills on the 1 MG pill bottle. My psychiatrist always provides several refills. I thought it was odd but I had a lot of old scripts that I figured the pharmacy was trying to use up so I didn't question it. To be more specific, I get 1.5 MG of risperdal. The pharmacy provides 60 tablets of 1 MG of ripserdal and 60 tablets of 0.5 MG of risperdal and there are two separate pill bottles. Sometimes the pill bottle is from the manufacturer and sometimes it's a pharmacy type pill bottle. In September of last year my psychiatrist filled my risperdal again. I went to the pharmacy to pick it up and noticed I got 90 tablets of 1 MG of ripserdal. If I was taking the 1.5 MG dose I would simply have to cut the pills. I asked my psychiatrist about it and she said it had something to do with the insurance company. I guess someone at the insurance company decided it was cheaper to give me 90 1 MG tablets of risperdal instead of 60 tablets of 1 MG of risperdal and 60 tablets of 0.5 MG of risperdal. It seemed plausible so I went along with it. Fast forward to a few days ago. I picked up my medication and noticed I got two bottles of 1 MG of risperdal. Each bottle is 90 tablets. One bottle is from the manufacturer and the other is a pharmacy type pill bottle. The copay was the same as normal and my psychiatrist didn't change my dose.

My theory is that my psychiatrist knows or thinks that I'm not taking the risperdal as prescribed and thinks I'm selling the extra medication. It just never sat right with me when I ended up with 90 1 MG tablets. Now I have two bottles of 1 MG tablets of risperdal (each 90 tablets) that I suppose I could sell. Although the change that was made last year is plausible from an insurance perspective...it's important to note that 1 MG tablets have a higher street value compared to 0.5 MG tablets. I did some searching and apparently 30 1 MG tablets of ripserdal is worth approximately $442. Not sure if that is really accurate and if a street drug dealer would pay that price. The bottom line is that I am not selling my medication. The extra medication is stored in my apartment. The DEA could raid my apartment and they would find all of the medication unless someone robs me.

So the million dollar question is what the hell do I do? I'm not a drug dealer or criminal and I have these multiple situations going on. By the way...I visited family yesterday in another state and got home late at night and the stingray was waiting for me and connected to my work phone. Whoever is operating the stingray isn't willing to cross state lines or just doesn't feel like it. Are private investigators licensed in particular states and can't cross state lines? Should I call out my psychiatrist about the extra medication or just let things play out?


trying to save ourself
May 23, 2021
How exactly can you tell your phone is connected to a stingray? I don't think they do what you think they do.

I don't think there's much of a market for risperdal, I would consider its street value $0...
having prescription sizes change happens, if you got 180 total tablets with no refills instead of 60, your doctor/pharmacy gave you a 90 day supply. Insurance companies like to push this to reduce costs


Jan 31, 2021
What is it with LE and impressionable SS members doing their bidding - repeating stuff online that they've heard offline.

I wonder if anything I discuss with someone else, will become the topic of a thread soon.


Jan 7, 2022
How exactly can you tell your phone is connected to a stingray? I don't think they do what you think they do.

I don't think there's much of a market for risperdal, I would consider its street value $0...
having prescription sizes change happens, if you got 180 total tablets with no refills instead of 60, your doctor/pharmacy gave you a 90 day supply. Insurance companies like to push this to reduce costs

I know my phones are connected to a stingray because my phone carrier isn't exactly broadcasting a 3G signal. Years ago phones would use 3G when 4G was crowded but now phone carriers in the US are phasing out their 3G networks. I have done enough research about stingrays to know that my phones are connecting to them. I was at work one day a few weeks ago and my work phone rang. It was a coworker so I picked up the call. He needed my help with something and as I started talking to him I asked him to send a picture of what he was looking at it so I could better help him. The coworker sent a picture text message and after a minute went by I still had not received it. He sent it again and I still didn't receive it. I told him I would call back in 2 minutes. I hung up the phone and noticed that my phone was connected to 3G. I put the phone in airplane mode for 10 seconds and then turned it off and my phone connected back to LTE. All of a sudden the two picture text messages came through and I called my coworker back. The point I'm making here is that stingrays can pass through phone calls and listen in but they do not let text messages through.

I don't truly know if there is a market for risperdal and you do make a good point. However, there is probably a market for just about any prescription drug. If it isn't popular the price is probably low. Also, you may have misunderstood the dosing that I explained. For the last 10 months or so I have been receiving 90 1 MG tablets of risperdal. My dose is 1.5 MG twice a day so 90 1 MG tablets covers that dose if you cut the pills. This dose supposedly saves the insurance company money. My psychiatrist doesn't prescribe a 90 day supply of risperdal. It's always been a one month supply with multiple refills. It doesn't make sense to all of a sudden this month receive a 2 month supply of the drug (two bottles of 90 1 MG tablets). I guess I will see if I get another two bottles next month.
What is it with LE and impressionable SS members doing their bidding - repeating stuff online that they've heard offline.

I wonder if anything I discuss with someone else, will become the topic of a thread soon.

I'm not sure I understand your post and if it's directed at me or not.


trying to save ourself
May 23, 2021
Sounds like VoLTE isn't working on your phone tbh. Are you on Verizon or T-Mobile? In a rural area? What device? I had that kind of problem with messaging / data when roaming in a different country, calls dropped to 3G.


Jan 7, 2022
Sounds like VoLTE isn't working on your phone tbh. Are you on Verizon or T-Mobile? In a rural area? What device? I had that kind of problem with messaging / data when roaming in a different country, calls dropped to 3G.

Both phones are on Verizon. Both phones are iPhones. Both phones basically have the same settings. I'm not in a rural area. Cell service is very good in terms of LTE. There is no longer an option to disable 3G in iOS 15.5.

Verizon is retiring their 3G network at the end of this year. It should be interesting to see if this continues in January. I'm not sure if a stingray can still downgrade a phone to 3G even if the nearest tower isn't broadcasting 3G.

It's clear you don't believe that a stingray is connecting to my phones which is fine. Also, it would make more sense if both of my phones downgraded to 3G in a certain area instead of just one phone since their both configured the same.


Jan 7, 2022
My personal phone had cell bars of service with 1X next to it instead of LTE a few hours ago. 1x is the equivalent of 2G. The google results show Verizon 2G was retired at the end of 2020. However, I found a wikipedia article that makes it sound like Verizon 2G and 3G end on 12-31-22.

I have lived in my current area for a while and I have never seen my personal phone downgrade to 2G. Also, my work phone had LTE service while the personal phone downgraded to 2G.