

Leap of Faith
Sep 4, 2019
A backstory before my rant: When I was a kid, I used to be very active and social. I hangout with friends everyday, had excellent grades and played on the basketball team. However, things drastically changed once I'm in high school. Puberty wasn't very nice to me. I went from average looking to a creepy looking midget. I got bullied relentlessly because of my looks. Almost all my classmates and even teachers all ridiculed me simply because of how I look, including people I thought were my "best" friends all joined in on the fun. They out casted me, made fun of me on a daily basis, giving me nicknames. I was NEVER called by my real name during all my years in high school since people always called me by a demeaning nickname that still haunts me. They laughed and mocked me right in front of my face and I was too much of a pussy to do anything about it since I'm afraid I'll get in trouble. As a result, I completely isolated myself, I become severely depressed, my grades dropped and I put on A LOT of weight. I didn't talk AT ALL in school for the next 2 years. I went from a hyperactive happy social kid to an overweight socially inept creepy looking midget simply because of how I look.

Fast forward to today: I'm now 21 and after dropping out of college twice, acquiring zero acquaintance or any life experience (beside getting shit on by random strangers), never once went out with friends, never invited to any birthday party or event, never had any romantic relationship (or any relationship for that matter) and almost jumped off a bridge (SI kicks in at the last moment), I am back living with my parents who were absent for most part of my life. Now after back being the punching bag and black sheep of my family for another couple of months, my dad decided to give me a surprise gift out of the blue! Plastic surgery. Yaay! My self-righteous religious (coincidence? I think not) parent who always told me that looks aren't everything and it's the inside that counts decided it's a good idea to give me a plastic surgery after I pretty much lost all hope and will to live, planning to CTB very soon. Instead of feeling grateful, I'm very pissed off. You see, despite how ugly I look, I never had an issue about it personally. The problem is how it affects others around me. My parents doesn't seem to understand that changing my look now won't mean anything, all it does is make me realize that even my own parents think I'm ugly as sin. The reason I want a permanent solution like CTB is not because of some temporary problem like looks, but because I'm living in pain every single day of my life and the inside of my head is so fucked up now that changing the outside part of it won't matter anymore.
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Reactions: Journeytoletgo, Élégie, Idorus and 4 others


Aug 27, 2018
looks are everything never let anyone tell you otherwise, people treat you according to your looks you never see that 9/10 looking guy sitting alone in school without any friends because good looks attracts people.
You see, despite how ugly I look, I never had an issue about it personally.
I really relate to this not the ugly part but because I am very small I think it looks adorable but girls hate it they reject me because and I quote "you are too small" which I guess I am compared to other men or even teenagers my wrists are even only 5.3inches/13.5 the point is it´s frustrating that other people hate something about you that you don´t find a problem with although I have a very big problem with my wrists but I never used to care about my height in grade school even at 16 I was like 167cm and I found it cute but now I rather be 185+cm because I know how important it is to girls and also in order to be respected by other people including other men.
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Sep 7, 2019
Maybe your dad thinks doing this for you will make you feel better. At the end of the day changing your looks wont solve anything as you are still you inside.
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Dec 3, 2018
DONT GET PLASTIC SURGERY! YOU WILL REGRET IT. It destroyed my eyes face and life. I am CBT now because I am deformed. Please leave your face alone. Focus on something else omg I wish someone told me this before I let someone butcher me. :( Please dont do this to yourself.
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Sep 28, 2019
OP, other than playing basketball and my parents paying for my surgery, I share your story. High school was painful for me because of the way I looked. I got plastic surgery and it changed my life. I was no longer the ugly duckling and high school reunions have been quite fun to attend. People didn't remember going to school with me b/c I looked so different. I'm in no way advocating for you to make this choice. Plastic surgery is a personal decision and it's permanent. You don't even have to take action right now. Punt the decision into the future. My guess is that your parents are trying to make you happy, not hurt you. Perhaps talk to a licensed professional about what's on the inside first.
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Feb 24, 2019
DONT GET PLASTIC SURGERY! YOU WILL REGRET IT. It destroyed my eyes face and life. I am CBT now because I am deformed. Please leave your face alone. Focus on something else omg I wish someone told me this before I let someone butcher me. :( Please dont do this to yourself.

Im sorry this happened to you- truly am, but there are also plenty of successful plastic surgery cases out there. Also...i dont think OP is considering it anyway..

I understand what you mean- theres a misconception with some ppl that think that beautifying themselves will lead to a better life. (Prob what ur parents are thinking) Not true. At all. It comes with a diff set of problems.

They are trying to help you but doing it the wrong way. What you need is to talk to a professional and invest your time and money in that.

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