Would you trust other people in the internet to place an order for you at the restaurant, if you had to pay for eat it? If you wouldn't, why the heck trust them with deciding on ctb method? Learn about the methods that may be available to you, and then feel free to reach out if you don't understand something particular. Or just set a vent topic if you need to vent about the reasons. Unfortunately no method is perfect (N is a "gold standard", but there still can be some inconveniences related to, well, dying, and minor things like the awful taste etc.). N is impossible to get to most people, even if they have tons of money. It's also a narcotic, and people can get imprisoned for ordering it.
Other methods have more serious drawbacks, and whoever tells you that something is perfect, lies. You need to learn and understand those drawbacks and make an informed choice. Good luck and take care!