

Carrot juice pimp.
Dec 14, 2021
A couple of years ago, I was in perfect health, both mentally, and physically. Then, I was tricked into drinking something that immediately caused numerous health problems.

These health issues gradually became worse and worse, and I went through a period of desperately trying to receive help from doctors and medical professionals. Mostly dismissed and ignored, or even ridiculed and attacked, this extensive interaction has yielded no beneficial results whatsoever. After being psychopathologised, drained of liters of blood, injected with radioactive dyes, fed erroneous antibiotics, and blasted with CAT scan radiation until I felt sick and weak, I gave up as the only "help" and treatments I received only made matters much worse.

I decided to try being my own doctor, while also accepting possible death and obtaining the means for suicide, rather than resign myself to the hopelessness and desperation of being forced to place my life in the hands of incompetent and abusive practitioners. The way things were going, I didn't expect to still be alive by January this year.

Without help or advice from doctors or anyone at all, using only natural treatments; I have managed to heal chemical burns on my skin completely when hardcore prescription steroids did nothing but make matters worse. I have reduced my crushing headaches from a constant problem into a once or twice per week problem. My bowels are almost back to working normally. My abdominal pain is significantly reduced. My severe fatigue and weakness is almost gone except for the first 30 mins upon waking. Energy is way up. The whites of my eyes are much less bloodshot red and dry. Joint and muscle pain is under control. Nausea is under control. Brain fog is only occasional rather than constant, and depression has lifted significantly.

Granted, it has not been easy or cheap, I am still in pain and unable to ignore the various dysfunction with my physical health, and the measures I am taking just to function better each day are rather drastic, but I have to say it's all worth it to now be in a circle of Hell that is less intense than the previous one.

A bit of valuable life advice for anybody reading, something I wish I was taught. Never, and I mean NEVER, accept any food or drink, or take anything into your body, without making the person who is offering it to you partake first. In Swazi African culture, it is custom to always drink or eat first when offering to others. They will serve you up a bowl and take the first bite, or drink the first sip before handing it to you for this very reason. Don't be a fool. Trust is for fools.
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Smart No More

May 5, 2021
Hope you don't mind me asking, was the substance you drank given by a doctor/medical worker or a person with bad intentions? I'm guessing the latter but can't tell if I'm reading it right.

This is interesting to me as I am in a similar situation. Accidental poisoning. Obviously the type of poison one ingests will impact/influence the type of symptoms someone has so our respective ability to heal would vary but I identify with a lot of the symptoms you mention.
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Carrot juice pimp.
Dec 14, 2021
Hope you don't mind me asking, was the substance you drank given by a doctor/medical worker or a person with bad intentions? I'm guessing the latter but can't tell if I'm reading it right.

This is interesting to me as I am in a similar situation. Accidental poisoning. Obviously the type of poison one ingests will impact influence the type of symptoms someone has so our respective ability to heal would vary but I identify with a lot of the symptoms you mention.
100% without a doubt, the substance I drank was given to me by the older brother of my ex best mate, with the deliberate intention of causing harm. He built trust with me by offering home made food, jams, breads, etc until I let my guard down enough to drink the beverage which nearly killed me and has destroyed my health. I'm a fairly sharp person, obviously not sharp enough to see it coming, but sharp enough to figure out what happened.

I was almost smart enough to avoid harm, I repeatedly asked him to share some of his home made beverage and have a drink together with me, but he ardently refused, over and over. Alarm bells were kind of ringing, but I let myself trust this person who I have known for years. I should have seen it coming and been more careful, but It was only about 1/3 of a cup, and it didn't smell weird, I thought the worst that could happen was maybe I got an upset stomach for a few days.

But it's looking more and more like I'm going to keep suffering severe long term health problems and probably die an untimely death. They fucking got me. Doctors aren't going to help. How long I can hold out for is up to me and whatever medicine and healing I can secure for myself.

There's some really serious shit going on behind the curtain of our every day life, here in this fucking new world. There are powerful people who run shit, and being a metaphorical thorn in their wing is not a good position for anyone to be in. I only have a few things to say, don't stick your nose into places you don't belong, curiosity killed the cat, if you know something you probably shouldnt talk about, STFU and be very careful, and don't trust ANYBODY not even your best friend. If you can learn to do that and still have good relationships with people, which is hard but can be done, you'll go far.

I always said I'd rather live free and die free, now I'm putting my money where my mouth is, so to speak. 🤷‍♂️
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Smart No More

May 5, 2021
That sounds nuts. People do weird shit and can be super cruel so I can see it happening for sure. My first instinct though (and please don't take it the wrong way) is to instantly question it. Truth is though, being in the position I'm in and knowing how hard it has been to get taken seriously over it I know what's it's like to be disbelieved. I seem to have actually won over my doctor now and am being referred to relevant specialists based on this rather than being treated like it's a mental health thing or that I'm suddenly a hypochondriac. It's been a tough road to finally get to this point so I know what you've been through with the tests but little progress. They did find some stuff but it took time for them to agree to attribute it to what I was claiming. It really sucks to be treated like you're mad when you're so sick you can fight your corner and every time you try it just reinforces their misconceptions. Scary too. Very lonely place to be as well. So yes, if I'm asking questions out of seeming disbelief it's like that as I am objective in my questions and opinion and have put any instinct to assume anything to one side. So with that said, I'm wondering....Was there some motive (you mentioned keeping tight lipped) so I'm guessing you knew something the ex mates brother didn't trudt you with or maybe you spoke about and it could be revenge motivated.

Do you remember your sequence and timeline of the onset of symptoms?

Were the chemical burns related to this too?
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Carrot juice pimp.
Dec 14, 2021
I like you @Smart No More so I'll answer your question, but I will state that I am not here to debate the legitimacy of what I say, and what I know has happened to me, with people on the internet.

It was allegedly a home-made alcoholic beverage, I was told it was 'mead' which is a beer/wine made from fermenting honey.

Some mild symptoms were immediate, a rash in my mouth and on my gums and tongue, tiny red itchy spots- followed by some abdominal discomfort starting the next day.

Within a few days I started feeling weak all the time, constant abdo pain, pale and sweaty, and within a few months I started having pain in my flanks/kidneys and constant low levels of certain things such as iron and K (potassium) despite more than adequate dietary intake and supplements.

The worst of it has been slower to appear, taking over 1 & 1/2 years to eventually manifest, gastrointestinal failure, and cancer markers indicating malignancy in the gastrointestinal tract, with latest scan showing possible metastasis now to liver and other parts of the body, unable to be confirmed as cancer until I agree to biopsies, which I refuse to do.

Also concurrent and diverse autoimmune disease, currently presenting as keratoconjunctivitis sicca, polyarthritis, and inflammation of the heart.

The day before that drink, I was the definition of healthy and hearty, with never a single health issue.

And to answer your other question, yes I also know why he did this to me. Tbh I was even warned, but I threw caution to the wind, didn't expect this particular person I trusted to do it, and the way my inevitable punishment came about was well done, the set up was very crafty and I definitely didn't see it coming.

I would have sooner expected a cold blooded murder, not some baffling and unfortunate medical mystery caused by a moment of carelessness that leads to years of suffering. But it makes sense, after all the whole thing is about secrets and mysteries, and so the punishment for supposedly doing the wrong thing must also be somewhat of a mystery and kept secret. A murder is not exactly an easy thing to keep a secret, unless you die in hospital from unfortunate medical complications.
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Smart No More

May 5, 2021
No, that's what I was saying, I'm not going try to debate the legitimacy of your story. I offer you more respect than that having faced a similar uphill battle through the medical system as yourself. It is a crazy story but that doesn't make it untrue. Much like my own predicament. Crazy things do happen so any instincts to question in disbelief are cast aside. My questions are purely out of interest and wanting to fully understand. I will of course reserve some rights to apply common sense but this is truly a safe space as far as I'm concerned. Though obviously others are watching so I understand and respect your apprehension. I guess I'm just more interested because we have respectively similar issues and it's not like that comes along often for these kinds of cases.

I too was healthy and happy before this. Living a really nice life. I knew I was happy but didn't quite realise just how happy until I lost it. Being essentially gaslit in the face of it added to the perfect storm of what's been the worst experience of my life.

It's interesting that you mention the pain in your flanks and the timescale has some similarities to me too. It took some time for me to put it together and realise what had happened and caused what I was dealing with. But yeah started out with flank discomfort (but spiralled fast and violently) and even now I have really bad discomfort around my kidneys and liver. It feels stiff as though its been rubberised. I can't rotate my torso normally at all. I suspect its due to damage to my liver but my scans done at the start were clear. It's taken time to become stiff like this though and I can't help wondering it they'd show a different picture now. They did find some things of relevance wrong though. Hopefully a clearer picture will emerge in upcoming treatment.

I'm glad your tests and scans have shown something at least. It's horrible to know something's wrong but not be able to back it up with any kind of test results. Is there a reason you don't want the biopsies? I know they can be pretty invasive for the liver ones.

You mentioned keratatoconjunctivitis. I've been complaining of dry eyes too. It's not just dry eyes though, it's all moisture production. My mouth is pretty much always on the verge of cotton mouth and drinking liquids doesn't help, it has a weird reverse effect of creating more dryness. As though my body isn't processing fluids normally. Its the weirdest sensation and can be so frustrating when explaining it to doctors who instinctively keep telling me to have a drink. Like I'm an idiot. Obviously I want to drink and do drink. It's just that this is the reaction I have. I explain that and then get the reply "oh, do you want a drink?". 🙄 But we're getting somewhere now like I said. I seem to have gained some credibility.

I was always health conscious/aware with food and drink and understand what a good diet does for a person. It seems the majority aren't because I get the most generic advice from doctors sometimes as though they assume I'm entirely ignorant to these things. I can either take it personally or assume its because they just see so many people that are actually ignorant to these things. It is really patronising though! :))
I'm someone who drinks water rather than soft drinks for example. Have done for years and drinking a can of soda is such an unpleasant syrupy sugar hit for me now that I don't miss it at all. I really only drank stuff like that before I reached a certain age and having become so used to being health oriented with food and drink I forget that it's not necessarily 'normal' these days. I kind of just expect to be credited with the stance I have as its second nature in my world.

I hope you can somehow get ahead of this and find your way to fully healing. It's clear you're making an effort. I"m always for natures cures over pharmaceutical intervention. Humans have become so complacent on that front and will take pills first and foremost. My mother pops various otc pills all day and won't hear me when I explain that legal doesn't mean healthy and safe. Just seems nuts to me. Treat the problem not the symptoms, right!?
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May 11, 2022
What on Earth was it that you drank?
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Mar 13, 2020
I think I remember a post from you about this a little while back...

This whole thing just kinda blows my mind honestly. Don't have anything of real value to say other than I'm sorry you are having to deal with this horrid situation. Fuck that dude for doing this to ya, what a Punk ass Bitch.

Wish you the best in whatever may happen,. Take care.
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Carrot juice pimp.
Dec 14, 2021
I too was healthy and happy before this. Living a really nice life. I knew I was happy but didn't quite realise just how happy until I lost it. Being essentially gaslit in the face of it added to the perfect storm of what's been the worst experience of my life.
100%. I could never have pictured how horrible losing my good health would really be until it happened. Ignorance is bliss in that way I guess. You've got all my support.
It's interesting that you mention the pain in your flanks and the timescale has some similarities to me too. It took some time for me to put it together and realise what had happened and caused what I was dealing with.
I'm lucky in the sense that I was apprehensive about drinking it right from the beginning, and therefore was watching closely for signs of a possible issue. So I was able to know the cause straight away for the issues that developed, and could keep a track of everything right from the start, and understand how it's all interrelated.

That's something the attackers wouldn't have anticipated. They think they're really smart, and admittedly they are, but not smart enough to do this shit without me knowing what has really happened. They would have expected me to be clueless until years later when the serious problems start, and by that point so much time would have passed I should have forgotten something so insidious as a little drink from years ago, and scratching my head in the midst of severe health issues. But from day one I know what he did, and in that way he has not gotten away with it yet, at least until I'm dead.
Is there a reason you don't want the biopsies?
So, multiple reasons. Here's a couple.

First, I watched my grandfather die a horrible and slow death from cancer. The treatments are actually what ultimately killed him. I promised myself I would never go through chemotherapy, radiation etc if I ever had cancer after witnessing that. And if I get a biopsy that confirms it, chemo and radiation etc will be the only line of treatment offered. And I won't agree to that anyway.

Also, biopsies very often create an issue where cancerous growths are damaged, and cancer cells then spread all through the body, called 'seeding'. The act of a biopsy runs the high risk of further spreading cancer. Much like the treatments for cancer run the risk of further causing and spreading cancer.

The only benefits would be to rule out cancer, or possibly identify an unrelated pathogen such as a fungus or bacteria etc. I've weighed the pro's and cons and decided against it, after many bad experiences with doctors.

If there was any fungi or bacteria etc, the current pharmaceutical solutions for those are pretty dismal too, especially antifungal treatments, and equal/better results can be achieved with natural approaches.

Many of the current things I am using also coincidentally have antifungal, antiviral, and antibacterial qualities, but they are often superior to pharmaceutical drugs because they are safer, and unlike regular prescribed drugs, pathogens have a harder time developing immunity to natural products that have a wider spectrum of action / many combined active constituents.

This is why things like goldenseal, oregano oil, clove extracts, rosemary, garlic, etc are now proving more effective in the fight against certain modern MRSA strains than pharmaceutical antibiotics. A pharmaceutical antibiotic is a single thing, natural products can contain dozens if not hundreds of active ingredients, that when combined in unison the pathogens cannot easily outsmart.
You mentioned keratatoconjunctivitis. I've been complaining of dry eyes too. It's not just dry eyes though, it's all moisture production. My mouth is pretty much always on the verge of cotton mouth and drinking liquids doesn't help, it has a weird reverse effect of creating more dryness
Oh I'm sorry to hear that, it absolutely sucks. I can barely ride my bike anymore because the eye dryness is unbearable. It might interest you to know that the sicca conditions commonly affect eyes, nose, mouth, throat, and all the mucus membranes including the vagina for girls.

My throat is always dry and sore, and fluids don't help. But sodium Bicarbonate does, coincidentally its also alkaline and a powerful antifungal. I make a drink out of it and gargle before I swallow.

There is a pubmed study of a 79 year old male with widely metastatic renal cancer who failed conventional treatment, and has kept his cancer stable for around 10 months by that time with nothing but 60g bicarb a day. That's up to 14 teaspoons a day! He has had no hypernatremiea or other adverse effects, so says to me it's pretty safe. I cant find it but it's mentioned briefly in this other one:

If you read it carefully, In that study, they clearly state that bicarb alone is a more effective cancer treatment than ifluximab and all other conventional chemotherapy drugs, due to the effect it has on systemic pH, unless the cancer is an extremely aggressive phenotype. Quite incredible actually.
I hope you can somehow get ahead of this and find your way to fully healing. It's clear you're making an effort. I"m always for natures cures over pharmaceutical intervention. Humans have become so complacent on that front and will take pills first and foremost. My mother pops various otc pills all day and won't hear me when I explain that legal doesn't mean healthy and safe. Just seems nuts to me. Treat the problem not the symptoms, right!?
Thank you. Yes exactly, that's another issue I have with the doctors. They want to throw a whole bunch of pills and useless medications to treat symptoms, without getting to the underlying causes, and this somehow qualifies as modern healthcare. I've been offered laxatives as a permanent solution to help bowel movements, never mind why the bowels stopped working. Reflux medication to counteract the insane amount of lactic acid build up I get from the GI malignancy, never mind why there is too much acid in the first place. Asthma puffers for breathing difficulty, never mind why there is breathing difficulty. Steroids to tame inflammation, never mind why there is inflammation. Panadol (acetaminophen for you yankees) for headaches, who cares why there are constant headaches. Aspirin for joint pain, just because....

I caught on to what they were doing pretty quickly though. I am taking care of all my issues myself, naturally, and much more safely and effectively too I might add.
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Angst Filled Fuck Up

Angst Filled Fuck Up

Sep 9, 2018
That is so fucked, man. I am sorry you went through all that, but glad you've made so much progress. I can't find anything that helps my fatigue, weakness and brain fog. But I am happy you've come as far as you have.
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Carrot juice pimp.
Dec 14, 2021
That is so fucked, man. I am sorry you went through all that, but glad you've made so much progress. I can't find anything that helps my fatigue, weakness and brain fog. But I am happy you've come as far as you have.
Thanks heaps, man! It's funny when things are so fucked, even a small improvement feels like a lot. I hope you can find some relief from your own fatigue and brain fog. It messes with everything.

It's probably a mix of many things I'm doing, but I can't recommend green tea and B vitamins enough. I make a triple strength pot in the morning and drink it with 2 ultra high strength 'one a day' green tea tablets, and a Mega B. Before I started with the heavy green tea use, I could barely think clearly enough to even go shopping for food, or stand up long enough to cook dinner.

Unlike coffee, it seems to really help with mental focus and leaves me feeling refreshed and calm, rather than burned out and jittery. And the B vitamins seem to give me a bit more legs to get through the day. At any rate it doesn't hurt, and there's other cool health benefits from them. The loose leaf stuff seems to be a lot more effective than the tea bags I've noticed, and you can brew a super strong pot that way.
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Lost in a Dream

Lost in a Dream

He/him - Metal head
Feb 22, 2020
I'm happy to hear that you're doing as well as you are, after everything you've gone through. It's sad that the worst part of all this, is the way the doctors treated you. Most of them only care about profit anyway, and they act like they can do no wrong merely because they have a degree and a license to practice medicine, but having those things puts them in a much easier position to take advantage of their patients' health issues for the money (and the more money they have, the easier it is to get away with medical malpractice).

It's amazing to me how effective natural treatments are for health problems. I have a cousin who has experienced heart attacks and strokes in the past, as well as cancer, and he was on a huge list of prescribed meds that were killing him, rather than helping like they were supposed to. Going all natural seems to have made a huge difference with his health, just as it has for yours, but he had to have surgery again recently and now the docs are trying to push the meds on him again. They're absolutely parasitic like that.
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Carrot juice pimp.
Dec 14, 2021
I'm happy to hear that you're doing as well as you are, after everything you've gone through. It's sad that the worst part of all this, is the way the doctors treated you. Most of them only care about profit anyway, and they act like they can do no wrong merely because they have a degree and a license to practice medicine, but having those things puts them in a much easier position to take advantage of their patients' health issues for the money (and the more money they have, the easier it is to get away with medical malpractice).

It's amazing to me how effective natural treatments are for health problems. I have a cousin who has experienced heart attacks and strokes in the past, as well as cancer, and he was on a huge list of prescribed meds that were killing him, rather than helping like they were supposed to. Going all natural seems to have made a huge difference with his health, just as it has for yours, but he had to have surgery again recently and now the docs are trying to push the meds on him again. They're absolutely parasitic like that.
Thank you for the kind words. Yes it's hard to completely trust anybody that does something for money, when money is the incentive and the driving force. In that way, many doctors are much worse than they even realise, because they let people die unless they get money. Even if they could help. Obviously the problem is beyond just doctors, and they aren't always solely responsible for having to operate within this kind of system, one that forces people without money to suffer and die, when the medicine, means and the knowledge to save them exists. Bottom line is, out of the dozens of different doctors I've seen, only one was actually an altruistic and extremely caring person, but she is still limited in what she can do, and has a job and a career to look after. She was ostracized and bullied by many of the other doctors and had to keep moving clinics.

I really hope your cousin can escape the clutches of the medical mafia and live a free life. There is so much potential in natural and alternative medicines. The further he can stay away from the medical industry, the medications, the doctors, the hospitals, the better his life will be.
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Mining for copium in the weirdest places.
Jan 15, 2022
I like you @Smart No More so I'll answer your question, but I will state that I am not here to debate the legitimacy of what I say, and what I know has happened to me, with people on the internet.

It was allegedly a home-made alcoholic beverage, I was told it was 'mead' which is a beer/wine made from fermenting honey.

Some mild symptoms were immediate, a rash in my mouth and on my gums and tongue, tiny red itchy spots- followed by some abdominal discomfort starting the next day.

Within a few days I started feeling weak all the time, constant abdo pain, pale and sweaty, and within a few months I started having pain in my flanks/kidneys and constant low levels of certain things such as iron and K (potassium) despite more than adequate dietary intake and supplements.

The worst of it has been slower to appear, taking over 1 & 1/2 years to eventually manifest, gastrointestinal failure, and cancer markers indicating malignancy in the gastrointestinal tract, with latest scan showing possible metastasis now to liver and other parts of the body, unable to be confirmed as cancer until I agree to biopsies, which I refuse to do.

Also concurrent and diverse autoimmune disease, currently presenting as keratoconjunctivitis sicca, polyarthritis, and inflammation of the heart.

The day before that drink, I was the definition of healthy and hearty, with never a single health issue.

And to answer your other question, yes I also know why he did this to me. Tbh I was even warned, but I threw caution to the wind, didn't expect this particular person I trusted to do it, and the way my inevitable punishment came about was well done, the set up was very crafty and I definitely didn't see it coming.

I would have sooner expected a cold blooded murder, not some baffling and unfortunate medical mystery caused by a moment of carelessness that leads to years of suffering. But it makes sense, after all the whole thing is about secrets and mysteries, and so the punishment for supposedly doing the wrong thing must also be somewhat of a mystery and kept secret. A murder is not exactly an easy thing to keep a secret, unless you die in hospital from unfortunate medical complications.
Damn this tragic story of yours is very intriguing and novelesque. Will the poisoner ever face any repercussions?

Congrats on improving your Mystery Illness! I never managed to get a hold of mine, and I tried everything I could for 10 years. Like you, I'm pretty sure it's the result of poisoning, but I did it to myself, I think.

And yeah, the psychopathic part of my brain admires this murder method. You don't need to get your hands dirty, you can make your enemie's downfall and eventual death look like an enigmatic affliction, perhaps even get him to hill himself after losing everything that made life worth living. It's diabolical.
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