I can't do it because I'm in a very loving and healthy relationship. We've been together 10 years now since our mid 20s. We're made for each other. So sounds crazy right? Many people on here would love to be in my shoes in regards to that aspect of my life. But we've had so many terrible things happen to us together in regards to so much else. In terms of my benefit of being alive to her... I've enriched her life greatly, brought joy and happiness to her family, and then to our nieces and nephews on her side. Her family life was very shitty before I showed up, I brought a friendly dynamic to a very verbally abusive parent relationship. Most of that went away after I arrived. While I view all that extended family as just an unfortunate collateral damage if I did CTB... I just can't god damned do it to my wife... and leave her alone with her family life that would no doubt regress from what I know very well about them now.
I'd feel bad for my dad also, but it wouldn't stop me... by having kids you risk them dying. For my mom I wouldn't care since she has gaslighted me for 20 years to protect my sociopath brother. She destroyed our once amazing relationship by blaming me for decades for reacting to his crybully attacks on me and other people.
So now I just feel bad and carry on with life like a robot... so I don't destroy my wife's life. I feel a responsibility, like I made a mistake bringing her into my life, always knowing I had this aspect to me, this willingness to die if things went bad... and then they did. So yeah, I'm like trapped by my conscience to not destroy her life. If she died in an accident I'd be dead within a day. Probably long cable around my neck, tied to tree, and flooring my car.